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Link Posted: 10/25/2011 10:45:38 AM EDT
Seems like we've had a couple Glock legs, a Glock Elbow and two or three Glock Hands.  Does anyone have a comprehensive total?


Thanks for the PSA OP. It took guts to lay your mistake out there for the world to see.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 10:45:50 AM EDT

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 10:48:38 AM EDT
Damn! Now that is how you make an entrance on your way into GD!!!
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 10:50:27 AM EDT
I am not going to give OP a hard time, glad he is ok. I am just going to learn from this.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 10:51:31 AM EDT
It can happen to anyone.


I know there are perfect people to whom this will never happen .........until it happens.

Hope you get well quickly and have no problems

No need to be embarrassed

ETA: second account (Orwell) is locked.
Slip of post: check
IP match: check
You look familiar: check

He is NOT having a good week.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 10:55:56 AM EDT
It can happen to anyone.


I know there are perfect people to whom this will never happen .........until it happens.

Hope you get well quickly and have no problems

No need to be embarrassed

ETA: second account (Orwell) is locked.
Slip of post: check
IP match: check
You look familiar: check

He is NOT having a good week.

Is he ban hammered or is Sr. adding a little insult to injury ( pun intended )

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 10:55:59 AM EDT
It can happen to anyone.


I know there are perfect people to whom this will never happen .........until it happens.

Hope you get well quickly and have no problems

No need to be embarrassed

ETA: second account (Orwell) is locked.
Slip of post: check
IP match: check
You look familiar: check

No problem, sorry about that and thanks for not banning this account.

Only did that to share this anonymously, obviously I failed.  

Thanks for the well wishes!
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 10:57:49 AM EDT
feel for you. I shot myself in the foot when I was in 8th grade. From that day on gun safety has been my utmost priority and I have never gotten complacent. Shit hurts.

eta - was home in the gun safe with parents gone - wasnt supposed to be in there and it was the first time I ever pulled out my stepdads....you guessed it, GLOCK!
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 10:57:56 AM EDT
did the cops take your pistol and other weapons?

No. After apologizing many times for wasting their time I asked this question.  They told me they didn't see any need to.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 10:59:24 AM EDT
I did pretty much the same thing on Christmas Day with my Sprinfield XD45.  Somehow never hit any bones and it healed up fine other than a little nerve damage in my pinky finger.  Somedays it hurts like hell, others it's fine.  Glad you're ok for the most part, it could have been a lot worse than it was.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:01:44 AM EDT




It can happen to anyone.


I know there are perfect people to whom this will never happen .........until it happens.

Hope you get well quickly and have no problems
No need to be embarrassed
ETA: second account (Orwell) is locked.

Slip of post: check

IP match: check

You look familiar: check

He is NOT having a good week.

Well he's having an Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau-Frank Drebin kind of week, that's for sure.  

Shoots himself with a Glock.  ...Lives.

Gets busted by Ed with a fake screenname..... Lives!!!

OP, Go out and buy a lottery ticket RFN!

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:03:57 AM EDT

It can happen to anyone.


I know there are perfect people to whom this will never happen .........until it happens.

Hope you get well quickly and have no problems

No need to be embarrassed

ETA: second account (Orwell) is locked.
Slip of post: check
IP match: check
You look familiar: check

He is NOT having a good week.

Well he's having an Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau-Frank Drebin kind of week, that's for sure.  

Shoots himself with a Glock.  ...Lives.

Gets busted by Ed with a fake screenname..... Lives!!!

OP, Go out and buy a lottery ticket FRN!

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:05:25 AM EDT
Bet you can't make that same shot on the coke can again.  

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:06:35 AM EDT



what's your regular screen name?

Read the whole thread and this will be even funnier.

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:08:58 AM EDT
Thank you to everyone for the best wishes and kind words.  

It's unfortunate that I won't be the last this happens to, but hopefully someone here reads this, takes the extra time or it sticks in their mind and saves a nasty situation.  You can sit there and think to youself, OP is a dumb ass, this won't happen to me.  I thought the same, I'll never ND, I'm too careful, clearly that wasn't the case.  

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:10:57 AM EDT
I'm glad you're ok now and no one else got hurt.

That said.

You know ARFCOM requires pics as soon as the injury occurs!  What's wrong with you?!

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:11:34 AM EDT


Thank you to everyone for the best wishes and kind words.  

It's unfortunate that I won't be the last this happens to, but hopefully someone here reads this, takes the extra time or it sticks in their mind and saves a nasty situation.  


On the bright side, your luck can't do anything but improve from here.  Go buy some lotto tickets!

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:12:46 AM EDT
Helluva first post.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:13:26 AM EDT




I've been told that I should have feeling back in 12-16 months IIRC. Should have limited use of my hand in another few weeks. Thanks for the well wishes.

Sounds like one-handed fapping for you. Glad it didn't turn out worse for you.

Stop shooting yourself.

Who faps with two hands?

what do you use to control the mouse?

Don't forget to cup the balls.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:17:27 AM EDT
In before "If it was a .45 1911 we would be calling you stumpy"

Such an idiotic statement––shows what YOU know.  If it had been a .45, the OP would no longer be with us.

If it was a .45 1911 we would be calling you stumpy.  
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:21:04 AM EDT
When I put a hole in my hand the first thing my dad said "Well, at least it wasn't your jackin hand"  Hope you're not a lefty
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:22:19 AM EDT
am i to understand that the story was posted under the OPs original account, and the OP edited/deleted the story, then made a new account, and posted the story?  And that in the space of time of posting the story in the original account, and deleting the story, that another user read it, rememberd the OP's screenname, then found this thread and spilled the beans?

this place is a riot
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:26:20 AM EDT


am i to understand that the story was posted under the OPs original account, and the OP edited/deleted the story, then made a new account, and posted the story? And that in the space of time of posting the story in the original account, and deleting the story, that another user read it, rememberd the OP's screenname, then found this thread and spilled the beans?

this place is a riot

I wish I had 5 tanks...

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:30:33 AM EDT
am i to understand that the story was posted under the OPs original account, and the OP edited/deleted the story, then made a new account, and posted the story?  And that in the space of time of posting the story in the original account, and deleting the story, that another user read it, rememberd the OP's screenname, then found this thread and spilled the beans?

this place is a riot

No.  I posted this story as you see it.  Under a second account (now locked).  Made the dumb mistake of replying to a quote through this account.  Edited that response but not before I was caught.  Another member outed me, I fessed up, Ed Sr. locked the 2nd account (Orwell) and here we are.  

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:31:53 AM EDT
When I put a hole in my hand the first thing my dad said "Well, at least it wasn't your jackin hand"  Hope you're not a lefty


But how do I use the mouse?!
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:32:09 AM EDT
Damn.  Way to man up.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:32:29 AM EDT
Good thing it wasn't a .45 it woulda knocked you off your chair and you'd probally be unconcious.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:32:39 AM EDT
It took guts for you to post that.

I am glad you did because it is a reminder to all of us that our firearms are dangerous.  Us gun nuts tend to get complacent from time to time. You posting that will cause many of us to think more and may result in somebody else not getting hurt.

You did the right thing by posting it.  

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:34:44 AM EDT
Thanks guys.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:35:19 AM EDT
It took guts for you to post that.

I am glad you did because it is a reminder to all of us that our firearms are dangerous.  Us gun nuts tend to get complacent from time to time. You posting that will cause many of us to think more and may result in somebody else not getting hurt.

You did the right thing by posting it.  

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:35:20 AM EDT

OP,one question,....... did you flinch???
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:36:20 AM EDT



In before "If it was a .45 1911 we would be calling you stumpy"

Such an idiotic statement––shows what YOU know.  If it had been a .45, the OP would no longer be with us.

Glad it wasn't an M193! It would have hit his hand, traveled up the inside of his arm (tumbling the whole way), and come out his lung!

On a serious note: Take care of yourself, Orwell/maximillian.  I hope it heals 100%. Glad it wasn't worse.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:37:50 AM EDT

OP,one question,....... did you flinch???

Technically wasn't really a first post.  

I think I must've or ...?

When I got home from the hospital I found the casing from the discharged round wedged in between the frame and slide.  I must've llimp wristed pretty quick?
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:38:31 AM EDT
Sweet Jesus man. Fuck that looks like it hurts.
Glad you are okay but damn.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:39:32 AM EDT
Thanks all!  Off to physical therapy!
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:42:20 AM EDT
Good luck healing up, OP. A friend of mine shot me in the elbow point blank in November 2009 and landed me in the hospital from Saturday night to Tuesday night. The aftermath:

As you said, you already learned your lesson the hard way. I did too, yet some people still had to put more than their 2 cents in. If that happens, don't worry about it.  Hopefully you won't have any long-lasting effects that limit your use of your hand, but you WILL feel the effects of that forever. Sometimes when the weather changes (big storms coming in) I want to lay around and not move because my arm hurts so damn bad. Other times it doesn't hurt at all. The surgeons said I would never be able to do push-ups or re-enter the police academy and I'm nine weeks back in it now after taking two years to heal up and get back up to speed.

Make sure you do all your therapy too... I could have done more on my own.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:44:08 AM EDT
what's your regular screen name?

My first thoght too
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:44:17 AM EDT

Whoops. Not trolling though, just embarrassed.

I guess we'll let you slide...

No shame in an accident my friend.

It can happen to anyone, At any time!!!..Don't YOU think it couldn't !

Even the most Hard-Ass, Special Operator, Space-Shuttle Door Gunners are susceptible to making an error once in their lives...

Take it as a lesson learned and to be honest, If one such post as this awakens ONE shooter out of complacence, you have taken a negative experience and turned it into positive training
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:50:32 AM EDT
Glad you are ok. Guess you're lucky it was only a 9mm.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:52:59 AM EDT


That looks painful.

Are you supposed to get full function back?

I was wondering that as well. Seems a very costly and painful way to learn a lesson.

I'm glad no one else was hurt and that your wound wasn't more severe.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 11:55:17 AM EDT
Glad you're in good enough shape to acknowledge your mistake and learn from it.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 12:14:49 PM EDT






In before "If it was a .45 1911 we would be calling you stumpy"

Such an idiotic statement––shows what YOU know.  If it had been a .45, the OP would no longer be with us.

And the Coroner would still be trying to identify the remains.

You've both obviously never killed anyone with a .45. There's nothing left.

If it was 10mm all we would have left is a smoking hole in the ground.

If it was a Taurus Judge the would neighborhood would be burning to the ground.


Good luck with your healing process.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 12:16:50 PM EDT
So was your gunshot like mine? as in BOOOOOOM, then tingle, then awwwwww shit, and then a fast race to the hospital before the adrenaline kicks off. unfortunately i only made it halfway to the hospital before it started hurting like a sum beech, and when i got to the hospital i was begging for them to numb it
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 12:39:37 PM EDT
So... Assuming that'll buff out, what does it cost to get treated for such a wound?
Do you have insurance or..???

'See, here in Canada you can shoot yourself as much as you want and all the medical stuff is free...
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 12:40:31 PM EDT
You seem familiar.

Good thing it was only a 9mm. If it were a .45 you'd have AIDS.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 12:56:06 PM EDT
Here's where I piss everyone off again.

I like the Glocks, but I don't own one.  

Nor any other gun that requires me to establish a pull of the trigger other than at condition zero "go time" just to strip the fucking weapon.  

I know there's plenty of guys who do dry fire practice and all that, but I do not fire put my finger on the triggers of my weapons other than during life fire training.    One of the reasons is that when I pull the trigger and get a click instead of a recoil, I reflexively go to a fail/clear the weapon type of mode.

Nothing else against the Glocks and the Springfields, but we seem to see statistically a lot more of these incidents with these guns.  I think one of the reasons is muscle memory and establishing a mindset, habbit, and comfort level with having one's finger on the bang-switch every time you take the gun down.

All of us are going to rack a round into the chamber or fail to clear one from time to time.   Whether that round gets fired is simply a function of the habits and training you provide yourself.   A gun that by its design requires you to finger fuck the trigger at times when the gun is not pointed at a target with lethal intent is what results in these incidents, in my opinion.

Link Posted: 10/25/2011 12:57:49 PM EDT


Here's where I piss everyone off again.

I like the Glocks, but I don't own one.  

Nor any other gun that requires me to establish a pull of the trigger other than at condition zero "go time" just to strip the fucking weapon.  

I know there's plenty of guys who do dry fire practice and all that, but I do not fire put my finger on the triggers of my weapons other than during life fire training.    One of the reasons is that when I pull the trigger and get a click instead of a recoil, I reflexively go to a fail/clear the weapon type of mode.

Nothing else against the Glocks and the Springfields, but we seem to see statistically a lot more of these incidents with these guns.  I think one of the reasons is muscle memory and establishing a mindset, habbit, and comfort level with having one's finger on the bang-switch every time you take the gun down.

All of us are going to rack a round into the chamber or fail to clear one from time to time.   Whether that round gets fired is simply a function of the habits and training you provide yourself.   A gun that by its design requires you to finger fuck the trigger at times when the gun is not pointed at a target with lethal intent is what results in these incidents, in my opinion.

That easy. There are a magnitude more of them being carried for CCW and duty than any other weapon design.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 1:04:54 PM EDT
Here's where I piss everyone off again.

I like the Glocks, but I don't own one.  

Nor any other gun that requires me to establish a pull of the trigger other than at condition zero "go time" just to strip the fucking weapon.  
I know there's plenty of guys who do dry fire practice and all that, but I do not fire put my finger on the triggers of my weapons other than during life fire training.    One of the reasons is that when I pull the trigger and get a click instead of a recoil, I reflexively go to a fail/clear the weapon type of mode.

Nothing else against the Glocks and the Springfields, but we seem to see statistically a lot more of these incidents with these guns.  I think one of the reasons is muscle memory and establishing a mindset, habbit, and comfort level with having one's finger on the bang-switch every time you take the gun down.

All of us are going to rack a round into the chamber or fail to clear one from time to time.   Whether that round gets fired is simply a function of the habits and training you provide yourself.   A gun that by its design requires you to finger fuck the trigger at times when the gun is not pointed at a target with lethal intent is what results in these incidents, in my opinion.

Can't check the chamber?
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 1:05:16 PM EDT
Well, at least its not your dick.

As you can see, Dan is a "glass is half-full" kind of guy.
Link Posted: 10/25/2011 1:06:59 PM EDT
Glock hand is becoming more and more common.
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