Just received. Typical Pathfinder high-quality Stainless steel.
Link to main vendor (Pathfinder) with pix and relevant specs (do shop around)
HERE Many reviews on Youtube; search M-34. Currently "on-sale" for 10% off, as are most other PF site items.
Vendor cautions about Not storing Hot liquids inside the bottle. I suspect that the Silicone cap seal may be a little "sensitive" to heat, but a stouter seal can easily be user-made.
Cap is
untethered; a drawback IMHO. I suspect drilling and tapping a hole in the cap would allow a short stainless steel Pan-head screw to be screwed-in (with epoxy) and maybe some "peening" of the exposed threads on bottom of screw inside the cap and a slender plastic-clad steel cable fishing leader can serve as a tether to the black nylon "bikini strap". Another reason to replace the OEM seal with a less temp-sensitive unit. Replacement caps are cheap and currently available from vendor. I ordered one.
Reasonably useful size, especially if worn under outer garments during the winter to deter freezing of contents.
Original and very similar M-32 Swiss canteen+cup ensemble is still available, but usually with excessive shipping prices. Twine string anchors bottle ,cap, and cup. While presumably lighter (Aluminum used throughout) than the stainless steel PF M-34, the cork cap is a microbe magnet, and can dislodge, allowing contents to leak. Aluminum bottles initially coated with an internal film to prevent deterioration of aluminum. The film must be completely intact to prevent aluminum corrosion from contents. If interested, check vendor return provisions.
Swiss M-84 plastic canteen + aluminum cups are less much expensive, but finding a pouch for it might be problematic.
These Pouches will fit the M-84 Swiss canteen + cup ensemble. M-84 is much larger than the other Swiss canteens. Carriage within outer garments even if a suitable pouch can be found, may be problematic due to bulk of larger canteen.
Obviously, M-84 plastic canteen cannot accept much heat input. Tethered cap, and it (usually) has a gas mask adaptor. Not sure of "types" of gas mask drinking tubes for which the Swiss M-84 cap is compatible. USGI "gas mask" canteen cap will fit onto M-84, but I don't trust it.
Surplus pouch
HERE Fits the PF M-34 ensemble perfectly. DO shop around.
A couple of 1" D-rings, a couple of 1" tri-glide buckles, and some Coyote Brown 1" wide webbing will allow user to rig up an adjustable shoulder strap, if desired.
Small Esbit style stove (won't fit into the pouch linked above) will allow heating of cup and/or bottle without the cap, of course., lol.
If Pathfinder would make a small slip-over stove for the cup (and bottle), a lid for the cup, and provide some sort of decent tether for the cap, this little rig would be almost perfect. Have submitted a suggestion to PF for these improvements. Will respond when answered.
Submitted for consideration.