As other's have said, Maxwell is in the hood. They have prettied up Maxwell Boulevard, but one street over is the hood. Lipstick on a pig.
Tell your son not to live in Montgomery. Montgomery has a leftist mayor, and a sleezy District Attorney and crime has gone way up. In 2016, a white MPD officer was charged with the murder of a black man and convicted. Since then, any MPD officer worth a darn has gone to other agencies or the State Trooper. The Chief of Police - the mayor's cousin - resigned recently because he was trying to get a subordinate to have sex with him. The remaining cops have pulled back, to make sure they aren't the next ones charged with the crime of doing their jobs. We really try not to go to Montgomery that often.
I would also not recommend Prattville. I've lived in this area since 1978, and in Prattville itself since 1987 and the city has changed - not for the better. They have a tax and spend city council and mayor. Traffic can also be bad because, with one exception, we have the same road network we did in 1978. If my house wasn't so close to being paid off, I'd move to Wetumpka or rural Elmore or Autauga County. Prattville and Millbrook also has a lot of shoplifting and other property crime from Montgomery thugs going north.
Originally Posted By Bubbatheredneck:
There was an internal push awhile back to close Maxwell because most senior AF officers have passed through Maxwell for PME and found it to be just that bad.
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None of the officers want to come to Maxwell. Enlisted are stuck coming.
The AF has tried to make things better. For example, in the past, if you lived on Maxwell, your kids had to go to the Montgomery school system. They've now worked out agreements with other schools systems so your kids aren't stuck in the schools in the hood.
It would not surprise me if the AF decided to close Maxwell in the future. It would devastate this area if they did.