LOL from the City of New Haven by phone and text:
Citywide | April 5, 2024 | New Haven Alerts
Hi, this is Mayor Justin Elicker with a message for New Haven residents about the earthquake tremor
we experienced earlier this morning. Por favor, espere para poder escuchar este mensaje en español.
A bit after 10:20 am, the City of New Haven experienced an earthquake tremor that was felt by
residents across the city. According to the United States Geological Survey, the epicenter of this was a
4.8 magnitude earthquake in New Jersey.
At this time, we have no reports of any notable damage to any homes, buildings, or structures in New
Haven. We are continuing to monitor the situation, but based on what we know, there is no need for
any evacuations nor cause for further alarm. However, should you smell gas and suspect a gas leak,
please do call 9-1-1 to report it, so that our first responders can act accordingly.
While it was a scary moment for many, thankfully everyone and everything appears to be okay. Thanks
everyone for your cooperation and stay safe!