Lots of times these fees vary greatly by whether it's corporate or individual. We often use AirBNB or VRBO for trips where we want to take the dogs, or want a particular experience that can't be had through a hotel, such as riverfront somewhere nearby.
Just booked a place on the coast for a summer trip and the corporation that manages a whole bunch of rentals down there was tacking on something like $425 in fees, while similar places managed by the owners were charging only around $125 for the same fees. Went with the owner-run option.
Typically if we like a place and expect to return, I'll try to swap contact info with the owner and just book direct.
Not sure how y'all are able to find the owner info without booking since most of them provide just a general map of the location prior to booking. I guess maybe with google maps satellite views and the local tax office, but then that becomes a project.