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Link Posted: 3/25/2024 3:39:24 PM EDT
My GF can track me on the phone though the Toyota app

I dont care
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 3:40:38 PM EDT
If my wife said, out this tracker on your phone, of tell her she doesn't need the tracker to see me headed to the nearest divorce attorney.
If she doesn't trust me, then it's all over.
Any spouse that wants to know your whereabouts all the time is doing it for two reasons. They don't trust you, or they don't want to run into you while they are stepping out on you.
Either option is signs of a bad relationship.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 3:45:34 PM EDT
I've found when a woman doesn't trust a man in a long term relationship...the woman is cheating, which is what she figures her man is doing too...Just an observation..Now both people tracking...I could see that as a just in case something bad happens...type deal..I don't know, hope I am wrong, but over the years always seems to be true in the end...
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 3:49:38 PM EDT
'She's either in the kitchen or the bedroom...

'Sometimes outside cutting the grass.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 3:49:44 PM EDT
Lol absolutely not. If you don't trust me, we don't have a relationship. Leashes are for dogs.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 3:50:07 PM EDT
If your spouse has to track you out of lack of trust, your relationship is broken and needs to be fixed ASAP.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 3:52:42 PM EDT
That would suck for when you stop by the gun store to buy a gun without telling the wife.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 3:54:09 PM EDT
I just shared my location with my wife through Google. This is going to save the every fucking day "did you leave work yet?" texts and calls.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 4:00:04 PM EDT
My gf wants me to share my location via life 360. I don't though.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 4:01:48 PM EDT
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Simple solution, I got rid of my women.

Just beer Xbox and moto at my house now.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2024 4:04:02 PM EDT
Wife has a cell phone, I don't. Guess she could track herself, it would probably help. Lost track of the number of times she's gotten lost in the grocery store parking lot.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 4:04:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 4:09:53 PM EDT
My wife and I do this. We have two younger daughters and this helps me keep track of them all and make sure they are safe. Its getting pretty wacky up here in WA with crime, so we consider it another safety measure.

I take long outdoors trips and this also allows her to see where I am.

We have been together 14 years, we both trust one another so its never been an issue.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 4:13:15 PM EDT
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to each their own, but my wife and I choose not to do any of that tracking shit, including our kids' phones.  The whole decision for us boiled down to: it frames the entire relationship from a place of distrust, and that's not the kind of relationship we want to have with each other or our kids.
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One could argue that it is only people who fear distrust in a relationship that would feel that way.  As others have mentioned it is nothing more than useful tool.  

I've gotten a call before of "I was just in a bad accident.  I turned on XYZ road but I'm not sure where I'm at.".  That road is 20 miles long between towns.  
Child "I can't find my phone and might have left it at school.".  My response "Google Maps shows it is somewhere around the house".  It was found in the vehicle.

Back in August a member here made a post that started with this:  I got one of those calls no parent wants to get at 9:32 a.m. this morning:  (hysterical and screaming) "Dad, HELP!, hurry, hurt bad, can't move" (and then phone dropped)

But whatever not having someone with hurt feelings is better than better than being able to help a spouse or child.  Right?  If there is distrust it is going to be there regardless of if it is acknowledged or not.  Avoiding an issue doesn't make it go away but it might make it so you don't have to talk about it as much.  I wouldn't call that healthy.

Link Posted: 3/25/2024 5:05:18 PM EDT
My wife and I use Apple Family to keep tabs on the each other, the kids, and my FIL.  We also use Verizon family as a backup.  It’s just a precaution in case there’s a medical emergency or God forbid some kind of kidnapping situation.  There’s a lot of human trafficking in my area, especially for women.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 5:32:01 PM EDT
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Fuck all that.  

If you can't trust me and need to track my movements, we have much bigger problems.  

Phone tracks my shit enough as it is.  Don't need any more of it.
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I'm not married and never will be. And I have no desires to be married. But if I was and my wife wanted to put that shit on my phone, that would get a big  "NO!" from me. And I don't care what kind of bullshit you gotta tell yourself about it being convenient for knowing if they're at the store or some other crap, I don't care. If you want to know where I am, text or call and ask.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 5:46:00 PM EDT
We used to be able to see where each of us was located, but somehow his boss was able to see him too... off hours. We turned that shit off.

It was especially convenient for when we were meeting up somewhere.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 5:49:44 PM EDT
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I've found when a woman doesn't trust a man in a long term relationship...the woman is cheating, which is what she figures her man is doing too...
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No one more worried about getting ripped off than a thief. If you're tracking your spouse's movements, your relationship is obviously over. Just get the fucking divorce already.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 5:53:04 PM EDT
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Idk. My wife says for safety reasons but I know she'll just use it to see where I'm at on my way home and ask me to stop at various places( like for Italian ice) because she'll know I haven't passed it yet. Or just start complaining about the route I took home from the store isn't the fastest route or not the way she would go.

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So you would blame technology for your poor communication skills or lack of a spine in your relationship?  How hard is it to say "I'm tired and just want to get home today" or "when drive you can decide what route to take".  Or for the other people "Yes, I went to the gun store and I bought XYZ.".  I'm not sure how people here manage to keep their relationships is these simple questions/answers are too hard and should be avoided.  
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 5:54:24 PM EDT
I was in Massachusetts for work with two coworkers. Having dinner at a sports bar, one of the guys phone rang. It was his wife wanting to know what he was doing in a bar. He told us she tracks him via his phone.

Fuck that.

Here's a woman with no job that does nothing but sit at home, tracking her husband?

Fuck that.

If my old lady did that I'd kick her to the curb.

Link Posted: 3/25/2024 5:55:50 PM EDT
I track the wife to make sure she's in the kitchen where she belongs.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 5:57:57 PM EDT
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It should go both ways.  We use Google Maps here for everyone in the family, kids included.  I only reference it if someone is over due from the expected time but my wife uses it to stalk my movements.  Whatever, I've never ran out on her or been to questionable places so there is no reason to track me but I also don't care if she does since I don't things like that.
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It should only go ONE way imo. The man should have location of his wife and kids, not the other way around.

Men are expected to protect and die for their wife...that comes with certain responsibilities and a need-to-know.

No woman needs to know where her man is.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:13:40 PM EDT
If my wife wanted to I'd let her. I have the ability to track her cell. It's just for safety reasons only. I trust her 100% have for 35 years. To be honest though. I have all that tracking crap turned off on my phone. I tell her where I'm going and if I decide to go somewhere else I call her and let her know where I'm at.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:19:09 PM EDT
Jokes on them.
Gotta have the phone with you to see where you’re at.

I often leave it in the truck.
Go to work without it.
Leave it at work and go home.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:19:24 PM EDT
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We have the whole family on 'find my iphone'.   It's not for snooping, it's for security in case there is a serious problem we can get to them to help.
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I've even occasionally given my dad a heads up and said that if I don't call back within X time or I don't answer his call, then call an ambulance to my location.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:24:07 PM EDT
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That would suck for when you stop by the gun store to buy a gun without telling the wife.
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What would really suck is thinking that I had to first tell someone that I was gonna buy something.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:42:23 PM EDT
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It should go both ways.  We have it, but only reference it if someone is over due from the expected time
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Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:45:38 PM EDT
My wife knows where I am because I tell her, tracking or not. We share locations. *shrug* different strokes for different folks.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:46:20 PM EDT
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I track the wife to make sure she's in the kitchen where she belongs.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:46:30 PM EDT
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Why waste the call when it's easy enough to convey that information without having to actually do anything?
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We have shared location on for everyone in the family that has a phone.

Plan for the worst and all that.

Any of us can get on maps and see where anyone else is at.

Why would anyone be worried about their spouse being able to see where they are?

If my wife said that she wants to track me then we would end up having a discussion.

That said, our family shares location data with each other.  I agreed to become one with her for the rest of my life.  I don't really care if she knows where I am via my phone.

I don't understand the guys saying it's a big deal to share location. It's a security thing, if someone doesn't show up when they are supposed to you can check on them. If we are both away from home doing our own thing and we can't get ahold of the other one, it's nice to know we can at least check to see where they are.

It's not like I'm going to get scolded if she looks at it and sees me at the movies or something.

Wanna know where I am? Fucking call and ask. If I'm late getting home from work I'm probably either at a gun shop or checking one of the eagle nests I watch.

During fall I might have pulled off on public hunting land.

Why waste the call when it's easy enough to convey that information without having to actually do anything?

Because there are very, very few situations where anybody NEEDS to know where I am, NOW.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:47:23 PM EDT
Not no, but hell no! I see the way my wife tracks the kids, why the hell would I want that BS.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:48:04 PM EDT
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So you get hen pecked in real time about the routes you drive? Not even the cheating aspect just complaining about every day mundanity? Again we don’t need to be this connected. Lordy.
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I don’t hen pecked in real time because we aren’t doing the tracking thing but I could definitely see it going that way.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:49:12 PM EDT
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I'm leaning towards this.

My parents and all of my siblings all track each other and all of their friends and roommates on their group plan. They're always looking at how fast my brothers are going on their motorcycles, snooping and gossipping over which sister is hanging out with who, etc. Drives me nuts.

My wife travels out of state constantly with the kids and I've never once tried to look up their location. If I needed to I could log into my wife's icloud and maybe use find my iphone to find her if it was an emergency or if I couldn't get ahold of her all day or something. But it's just as likely that she's camping somewhere with no service. I needed to reach her to tell her a family member had passed away because it would affect her return date one time and I just sent a text to her phone and her friends phones with a different carrier and they eventually went on a tall enough hike that they could get service and return my text.

This isn't "Taken." I don't need to know where everybody is at all the time. If you kidnap my wife or children I will find you regardless of whether or not they had their tracking turned on.
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to each their own, but my wife and I choose not to do any of that tracking shit, including our kids' phones.  The whole decision for us boiled down to: it frames the entire relationship from a place of distrust, and that's not the kind of relationship we want to have with each other or our kids.

I'm leaning towards this.

My parents and all of my siblings all track each other and all of their friends and roommates on their group plan. They're always looking at how fast my brothers are going on their motorcycles, snooping and gossipping over which sister is hanging out with who, etc. Drives me nuts.

My wife travels out of state constantly with the kids and I've never once tried to look up their location. If I needed to I could log into my wife's icloud and maybe use find my iphone to find her if it was an emergency or if I couldn't get ahold of her all day or something. But it's just as likely that she's camping somewhere with no service. I needed to reach her to tell her a family member had passed away because it would affect her return date one time and I just sent a text to her phone and her friends phones with a different carrier and they eventually went on a tall enough hike that they could get service and return my text.

This isn't "Taken." I don't need to know where everybody is at all the time. If you kidnap my wife or children I will find you regardless of whether or not they had their tracking turned on.

"In case of kidnapping" is one of the scenarios my wife uses to justify it. I see it as the tracking program is just going to lead us to the storm drain the kidnapper threw the phone into. No kidnapper is going to let his victim keep their phone.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:50:58 PM EDT
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I'm the past I would have said no way!

But my thinking has changed in the last year or so. I think Mutual sharing of location, passwords, etc is a good way to foster trust in a marriage.
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No, the idea that you don't need to be able to know each other's exact location with a click, shows that there IS trust in the relationship.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:53:41 PM EDT
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So you would blame technology for your poor communication skills or lack of a spine in your relationship?  How hard is it to say "I'm tired and just want to get home today" or "when drive you can decide what route to take".  Or for the other people "Yes, I went to the gun store and I bought XYZ.".  I'm not sure how people here manage to keep their relationships is these simple questions/answers are too hard and should be avoided.  
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You seem triggered
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:55:32 PM EDT
People that insist on this type of stuff are the ones you can't trust.

Now if someone cheated, the other person accepted the apology, and they offered to be track to gain that person's trust again? That's fine.

Feel like it's projection. If you've done nothing wrong to give your partner trust issues, they're own insecurities and likely thoughts of cheating themselves are being projected upon you.

If some male Hollywood star said he puts trackers on all his girlfriends, he would be called an insecure creep.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 6:58:11 PM EDT
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Hard pass on opting into another level of the dystopian surveillance state.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:04:56 PM EDT
My wife and I can track each other.

It’s saved me a ton of missed phone calls and - where are you at.

When I’m working she will check and see where I’m at before calling to make sure I’m not out on a call Fire/EMS - at that moment.

I’ve got nothing to hide from her and could really care less. I do use it with her at times when I need to. It’s really not w big deal I’d you are in a solid marriage.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:06:54 PM EDT
Remember when we were kids and would leave the house in the morning and not come home "til the street lights came on"?

How did we ever survive without being tracked?
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:10:28 PM EDT
My wife tracks me when I'm coming home so dinner is hot.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:13:19 PM EDT
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It should only go ONE way imo. The man should have location of his wife and kids, not the other way around.

Men are expected to protect and die for their wife...that comes with certain responsibilities and a need-to-know.

No woman needs to know where her man is.
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lol, what the shit?  That’s not a partnership.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:15:36 PM EDT
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It should go both ways.  We use Google Maps here for everyone in the family, kids included.  I only reference it if someone is over due from the expected time but my wife uses it to stalk my movements.  Whatever, I've never ran out on her or been to questionable places so there is no reason to track me but I also don't care if she does since I don't things like that.
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This right here, who cares? I don't go anywhere I wouldn't tell her about, and I assume the same for her, I usually only look to estimate the time she might get some where. It comes in handy to see how far away we are from meeting up in real time. 8yr old is lojacked with a couple of trackers in each bag she uses and gets a phone if she is going to be gone a long time unsupervised (camp, theater class, grandparents, etc.). Got the grandparents on there as well, since at any given time they could kick the bucket with my kid.

Same way I can't imagine not having a video doorbell and garage camera despite "MAH PRIVACY!!!!". We both know when we leave/return to the house and no strange would get in the house without the other knowing.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:19:26 PM EDT
I have a pussy whipped friend who’s wife tracks his phone. He is only allowed to golf once a month barely play hockey anymore. Great guy but don’t understand the dynamic of his marriage. We have a weekend bachelor party/golf trip next month and he said he needs to leave his phone at the rental if we go to the titty bar.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:22:12 PM EDT
We have Life 360 and have added the wife's parents. Need to add mine, mom has Alzheimer's so as long as she has her phone we can track her.

Keeping track of boomer parents is going to be a growth industry.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:24:56 PM EDT
Wife can track my phone, I can track hers.  Has nothing to do with trust or anything else, it's a safety measure and it simplifies communications.  No need to call or text to find out where one or the other is at the moment.  

I can turn it off if I really care to for some reason, but I've never had any reason to.  Can't imagine where I would go that she can't know about, she's the same way with me.  

The only thing she really uses it for is to see when I leave work so she can have dinner ready when I get home.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:34:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:37:59 PM EDT
I wouldn't know how to track my wife's phone, and never thought about it.
I wouldn't know if she is tracking my phone, never thought about it, and do not care either way.
I rarely go anywhere without her, and often do not carry my phone anyway.
I do know she added "Love of my life" and some kind of red asterisk as an emergency contact in my phone.

Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:39:13 PM EDT
Annnnnd.....this is why I will never marry.

I come and go when I fucking want and please. No one better fucking be tracking me.

I do kinda track some relatives by looking for their activity on chatting apps. Like if/when they borrow my vehicle and/or they're in a new place - I check to see their last online activity, where if I see they are active, I assume they're not dead, kidnapped, in an accident, etc.
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:40:54 PM EDT
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Nope. I rarely carry a phone.
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How in the world is anyone supposed to be able to find you?
Link Posted: 3/25/2024 7:41:13 PM EDT
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Annnnnd.....this is why I will never marry.

I come and go when I fucking want and please. No one better fucking be tracking me.

I do kinda track some relatives by looking for their activity on chatting apps. Like if/when they borrow my vehicle and/or they're in a new place - I check to see their last online activity, where if I see they are active, I assume they're not dead, kidnapped, in an accident, etc.
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That has nothing to do with tracking.  That has to do with who you marry.
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