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Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:18:50 PM EDT
what about the sex trade in places like amsterdam? I don't think its really fair to compare a place like thailand with a 1st world country like us and say "see? it'd be just like that!"

consensual prostitution should not be illegal.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:19:39 PM EDT
Oh and girls who act, dress, and talk like sluts piss me off.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:21:46 PM EDT

what about the sex trade in places like amsterdam? I don't think its really fair to compare a place like thailand with a 1st world country like us and say "see? it'd be just like that!"

consensual prostitution should not be illegal.

1st-world countries are what keeps Thailand in business.

Ever been there? Ever stood outside of the bars in Bangkok and counted the white males there? Ever met a girl who was rescued out of that filth?

I have.

Take away the 1st-world clients, and the industry would collapse in months.

Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:26:18 PM EDT



They get other human beings hooked on drugs so that they can control them.  They destroy as many lives as it takes to support their lifestyle.


A pimp doesn't put a gun to a girls head, and makes her take drugs. There is no doubt that girls are taken and forced into the sex trade, but most of the time its to get a fix from drug abuse they initiated.

I don't think being a pimp is a cool thing, but the vast majority of hookers got there by their own actions.

I disagree
Often times the pimps will get the girls hooked on drugs like heroin and then that is the key to everything.  Befirend, get the hooked and put them to work

"The first hit is always free"

The fundamental problem with it being the pimp's fault is the future hooker took the crack pipe, or needle therefore sentencing herself to "the life". That is like me blaming Miller Brewing Company for my love of beer because the first beer I drank was an Icehouse. The fact is I am responsible for drinking, just like these hookers are responsible for ending up in "the life".
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:29:18 PM EDT
I can sum up the reason that prostitution is such a big business in two words that will offend most of Arfcom and send this thread into a train wreck. Should I?

Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:29:47 PM EDT


what about the sex trade in places like amsterdam? I don't think its really fair to compare a place like thailand with a 1st world country like us and say "see? it'd be just like that!"

consensual prostitution should not be illegal.

1st-world countries are what keeps Thailand in business.

Ever been there? Ever stood outside of the bars in Bangkok and counted the white males there? Ever met a girl who was rescued out of that filth?

I have.

Take away the 1st-world clients, and the industry would collapse in months.

so you think its fair to compare a women forcible taken into the trade with a woman like Alexandra Dupre (One of Spitzners call girls)?


with an extra serving of
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:29:50 PM EDT
Gimme a break.

Part of the reason why so many of them are taken advantage of by pimps is because they can't ply their trade under the protection of the law.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:31:38 PM EDT

I can sum up the reason that prostitution is such a big business in two words that will offend most of Arfcom and send this thread into a train wreck. Should I?


Don't forget to remind them that the internet is where its at today largely thanks to the porn industry..
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:32:00 PM EDT



In before the "it's a victimless crime, legalize it" crowd

If there are victims it's because it's illegality keeps it shrouded and keeps those trapped into it living in fear.

Prostitution is about sex and free enterprise - which of those are you against?

No - it is about the exploitation of people who are so damaged (from early sexual abuse) that they have absolutely terrible and self-destructive judgment.

The women are victims, because the abuse in their lives crossed wires in their brains during their early development, and makes it very difficult, if not impossible, for them to have real stable relationships or make good choices.

I'm not sure what a "good" solution is (because obviously it's not like you can really "protect" individuals from making poor choices), but letting a "free market" reign when people are predisposed to self-destructive choices is not necessarily a "good" solution.

But there are cases where saying "let the market reign free" may NOT generate the best solutions.  Child labor is an example of this.  Letting people buy and sell human organs is an example of this.  The sex trade MAY be an example of this too.

Perhaps some sort of system in which it was legalized, but involved both mandatory health check-ups (like in the Netherlands) AND made counselling and psychological support available for the prostitutes - then at least it would take the pimps out of the system, and perhaps allow some of the less "damaged" of these unfortunate women find healthier ways to spend their ruined lives.

Wow,  I didn't expect this from you!

The two are totally separate issues.

The girls that you are describing are already screwed up before they turn to prostitution.

If prostitution were legal, it would become a career option for women.  If it became a respectable option, it would be even more so.

If prostitution were legal, the sexually abused, the drug addicts, the socially challenged would have no chance in this profession to compete.  Prostitution would be just like any other career option that they currently have.  Drug addicts have a hard time keeping any legitimate job.

If you were a John, would you prefer a cute whole sum young lady with a fresh clean bill of health certificate in her hand or would you want a tripped out  scary looking girl with track marks on her arm who hasn't had a bath in a week.

The answer is obvious.

Since prostitution is illegal, the whole sum young ladies don't apply for the job.

Todays prostitutes are not exploited as you imply.  Most would have no way of surviving without it.  The pimps (many of which are abusive) are the only ones willing to put up with their problems.

But again, the average prostitute was already screwed up before they turned their first trick.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:32:30 PM EDT


I can sum up the reason that prostitution is such a big business in two words that will offend most of Arfcom and send this thread into a train wreck. Should I?


Don't forget to remind them that the internet is where its at today largely thanks to the porn industry..

Ready? Get ready to flame me everyone.
Godless society.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:32:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:34:57 PM EDT
jeeez someone didn't see Pretty Women. All whores have a heart of Gold.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:36:53 PM EDT



what about the sex trade in places like amsterdam? I don't think its really fair to compare a place like thailand with a 1st world country like us and say "see? it'd be just like that!"

consensual prostitution should not be illegal.

1st-world countries are what keeps Thailand in business.

Ever been there? Ever stood outside of the bars in Bangkok and counted the white males there? Ever met a girl who was rescued out of that filth?

I have.

Take away the 1st-world clients, and the industry would collapse in months.

so you think its fair to compare a women forcible taken into the trade with a woman like Alexandra Dupre (One of Spitzners call girls)?


with an extra serving of

PBP was asking specifically about third-world countries - so I'm not really sure that your question is really relevant here as a response to what I said.

As for Alexandra Dupree - let me be honest: I fully understand that the average white-collar prostitute is as wicked morally as anyone else. I understand that she didn't go from being daddy's little angel to being a whore overnight and against her will.


Having said that, though, it is still a morally reprhensible crime (yes, crime) to pay someone for sex. You're essentially saying you value this person - made in God's image - as nothing more than a pincushion to use to gratify yourself. You're saying that this person - no less valueable than yourself - is primarily valueable to society as a tool.

Further, you're foolishly assuming that sex can exist without emotion, and you're exposing her to an emotional rollercoaster that no decent person would ever expose anyone to - especially merely for a selfish moment of pleasure.

In other words, the prostitution industry demonstrates the utter depravity of man.

Further, men generally express a domination over women in societal interaction - meaning that intimidation can and does become a factor in prostitution - and men have a God-given responsibility towards women anyway, and this intimidation violates that. Prostitution utterly destroys this responsibility - and the lives of those involved.

There are few crimes I hate more.

Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:37:56 PM EDT
I once got a handjob from chick in TJ who was a sailor working her second job. that is my contribution to this thread.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:38:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:41:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:42:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:42:58 PM EDT


one of those threads where we see the vast gulf that separates some of us

it saddens me that we have folks here arguing for prostitution

I completely agree.

It depresses me to see what some here are really like.

I would never argue FOR prostitution.  

But I will whole-heartedly argue against giving the government the power to regulate sexual intercourse.  If its done between consenting adults, the details are none of .gov's or anyone else's business, imo.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:44:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:44:23 PM EDT



In before the "it's a victimless crime, legalize it" crowd

If there are victims it's because it's illegality keeps it shrouded and keeps those trapped into it living in fear.

Prostitution is about sex and free enterprise - which of those are you against?

People who support Prostitution are:

1. So unlikeable they are unable to find a mate otherwise known as losers
2. People who prey and profit on others misery
3. Pedos

Which of those are you for ?

Haha you clearly haven't been to Vegas.  The "independent" girls and the ones working the brothels are getting paid $400-1000 for an hour or less of their time.  Many of those girls are making $150k+ a year.  

It depends on the situation.  Vegas hookers and high priced escorts are NOT victims.  Now, its a bit of a different story in 2nd and 3rd world countries and poor neighborhoods in the US.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:44:32 PM EDT
I could never understand what drives women to become prostitutes. I guess it's greed, but why would you let people treat you like a piece of meat? That's really what they are doing. Taking the love out of sex and replacing it with sexual hunger, selfishness, and greed.

And they do it voluntarily.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:45:00 PM EDT
I'm not sticking my pee pee in anything that is a public dumping ground, if you know what I mean.....

Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:47:32 PM EDT




what about the sex trade in places like amsterdam? I don't think its really fair to compare a place like thailand with a 1st world country like us and say "see? it'd be just like that!"

consensual prostitution should not be illegal.

1st-world countries are what keeps Thailand in business.

Ever been there? Ever stood outside of the bars in Bangkok and counted the white males there? Ever met a girl who was rescued out of that filth?

I have.

Take away the 1st-world clients, and the industry would collapse in months.

so you think its fair to compare a women forcible taken into the trade with a woman like Alexandra Dupre (One of Spitzners call girls)?


with an extra serving of

PBP was asking specifically about third-world countries - so I'm not really sure that your question is really relevant here as a response to what I said.

As for Alexandra Dupree - let me be honest: I fully understand that the average white-collar prostitute is as wicked morally as anyone else. I understand that she didn't go from being daddy's little angel to being a whore overnight and against her will.


Having said that, though, it is still a morally reprhensible crime (yes, crime) to pay someone for sex. You're essentially saying you value this person - made in God's image - as nothing more than a pincushion to use to gratify yourself. You're saying that this person - no less valueable than yourself - is primarily valueable to society as a tool.

Further, you're foolishly assuming that sex can exist without emotion, and you're exposing her to an emotional rollercoaster that no decent person would ever expose anyone to - especially merely for a selfish moment of pleasure.

In other words, the prostitution industry demonstrates the utter depravity of man.

Further, men generally express a domination over women in societal interaction - meaning that intimidation can and does become a factor in prostitution - and men have a God-given responsibility towards women anyway, and this intimidation violates that. Prostitution utterly destroys this responsibility - and the lives of those involved.

There are few crimes I hate more.

PBP was posting in favor of constentual prostitution, to which you simply responded to the business in places such as Thailand.  You didn't touch on the issue of consentual prostitution so I figured you were putting them in the same light.

As for the rest, I prefer to just let consenting adults do their thing so long as they don't harm anyone.  People should be worried about their own souls instead of everyone elses.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:48:43 PM EDT



You christians on your high horse are just as bad as the libtards soetimes.  

That didn't take long.

(And, note who brought up religion first. )

Yeah that was uncalled for.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:50:17 PM EDT



In before the "it's a victimless crime, legalize it" crowd

If there are victims it's because it's illegality keeps it shrouded and keeps those trapped into it living in fear.

Prostitution is about sex and free enterprise - which of those are you against?

No - it is about the exploitation of people who are so damaged (from early sexual abuse) that they have absolutely terrible and self-destructive judgment.

The women are victims, because the abuse in their lives crossed wires in their brains during their early development, and makes it very difficult, if not impossible, for them to have real stable relationships or make good choices.

I'm not sure what a "good" solution is (because obviously it's not like you can really "protect" individuals from making poor choices), but letting a "free market" reign when people are predisposed to self-destructive choices is not necessarily a "good" solution.

But there are cases where saying "let the market reign free" may NOT generate the best solutions.  Child labor is an example of this.  Letting people buy and sell human organs is an example of this.  The sex trade MAY be an example of this too.

Perhaps some sort of system in which it was legalized, but involved both mandatory health check-ups (like in the Netherlands) AND made counselling and psychological support available for the prostitutes - then at least it would take the pimps out of the system, and perhaps allow some of the less "damaged" of these unfortunate women find healthier ways to spend their ruined lives.

As far as I can tell, prostitution has existed for more than 2000 years. Are you implying that all prostitutes across different ethnic and cultural groups, spanning two millenia in all sorts of different societies were victims of sexual abuse early on in their lives?

When a condition exists for such long periods of time across such diverse strata, wouldn't it be fair to say it's basically endemic to human nature? Women have something and men want it. Simple as that.

I do agree with you that having doctors and counselors available for prostitutes is a good idea, and that pimping is despicable and should be done away with, perhaps using a system like the one in Nevada, but the idea that prostitution is almost entirely driven by sexual abuse doesn't add up.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:52:28 PM EDT


one of those threads where we see the vast gulf that separates some of us

it saddens me that we have folks here arguing for prostitution

I completely agree.

It depresses me to see what some here are really like.

They say it is all about freedom.  
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:54:31 PM EDT



one of those threads where we see the vast gulf that separates some of us

it saddens me that we have folks here arguing for prostitution

I completely agree.

It depresses me to see what some here are really like.

They say it is all about freedom.  

Letting consenting adults make their own decisions? Even bad ones?

Shit be crazy, yo!
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 2:55:48 PM EDT

one of those threads where we see the vast gulf that separates some of us

it saddens me that we have folks here arguing for prostitution

It is one of those topics that i really don't care about. I don't use hookers. Sorta like Weed. I've never used it and probably never will. I really do not see a good reason for it to be illegal when Tobacco is perfectly legal.

I don't see the harm is legalizing prostitution like in Nevada, where its controlled.

If it is against your moral to use hookers, then don't.

Slavery and exploitation of children is an entirely different topic itself.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:05:34 PM EDT

I once got a handjob from chick in TJ who was a sailor working her second job. that is my contribution to this thread.
Damn just a hand job.  Go to a country like Croatia with a combat battalion on R&R. The word harem gets thrown around a lot these days.......................

Prostitution man I have some stories.  Learned about the smile game in the Army.

Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:05:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:07:12 PM EDT




one of those threads where we see the vast gulf that separates some of us

it saddens me that we have folks here arguing for prostitution

I completely agree.

It depresses me to see what some here are really like.

They say it is all about freedom.  


That's what the members of NAMBLA say too.

Are you comparing the hookers to an organization that advocates pedophilia or the johns?  Or both?

Or are you comparing everyone who doesn't think it should be illegal to pedophiles?

Any way you slice it, that is one fucked up analogy.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:09:27 PM EDT





one of those threads where we see the vast gulf that separates some of us

it saddens me that we have folks here arguing for prostitution

I completely agree.

It depresses me to see what some here are really like.

They say it is all about freedom.  


That's what the members of NAMBLA say too.

Are you comparing the hookers to an organization that advocates pedophilia or the johns?  Or both?

Or are you comparing everyone who doesn't think it should be illegal to pedophiles?

Any way you slice it, that is one fucked up analogy.

I think what he is saying (correct me if I'm wrong O_P) is that claiming to have freedom doesn't excuse you from doing something that is blatantly immoral.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:09:35 PM EDT

I could never understand what drives women to become prostitutes. I guess it's greed, but why would you let people treat you like a piece of meat? That's really what they are doing. Taking the love out of sex and replacing it with sexual hunger, selfishness, and greed.

And they do it voluntarily.

There are plenty of films, documentaries, and tv shows on just that subject. They interview real prostitutes and ask why.   A quick google search and i'm sure you'll find them.

These links ARE NOT Work SAFE and are not made hot for a reason.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBmbZmrsz6U Part 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCWSY5nYZAI Part 2

Part 3 is missing, probably removed by youtube.

Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:09:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:10:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:11:17 PM EDT






one of those threads where we see the vast gulf that separates some of us

it saddens me that we have folks here arguing for prostitution

I completely agree.

It depresses me to see what some here are really like.

They say it is all about freedom.  


That's what the members of NAMBLA say too.

Are you comparing the hookers to an organization that advocates pedophilia or the johns?  Or both?

Or are you comparing everyone who doesn't think it should be illegal to pedophiles?

Any way you slice it, that is one fucked up analogy.

He noted, "They say it is all about freedom."

I only noted that the members of NAMBLA use that same argument to justify what they do.

The point (which you obviously missed) is that just saying "It's about freedom" means nothing.

Good, I was right. I agree with that statement too.

(I guessed that a few posts up)
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:15:54 PM EDT



In before the "it's a victimless crime, legalize it" crowd

If there are victims it's because it's illegality keeps it shrouded and keeps those trapped into it living in fear.

Prostitution is about sex and free enterprise - which of those are you against?

No - it is about the exploitation of people who are so damaged (from early sexual abuse) that they have absolutely terrible and self-destructive judgment.

The women are victims, because the abuse in their lives crossed wires in their brains during their early development, and makes it very difficult, if not impossible, for them to have real stable relationships or make good choices.

I'm not sure what a "good" solution is (because obviously it's not like you can really "protect" individuals from making poor choices), but letting a "free market" reign when people are predisposed to self-destructive choices is not necessarily a "good" solution.

But there are cases where saying "let the market reign free" may NOT generate the best solutions.  Child labor is an example of this.  Letting people buy and sell human organs is an example of this. The sex trade MAY be an example of this too.

Perhaps some sort of system in which it was legalized, but involved both mandatory health check-ups (like in the Netherlands) AND made counselling and psychological support available for the prostitutes - then at least it would take the pimps out of the system, and perhaps allow some of the less "damaged" of these unfortunate women find healthier ways to spend their ruined lives.

The issue is consent and those examples you gave (organ selling and child labor) have consent issues that prostitution by consenting adults does not.

The victimization of women who are prostitutes is increased tenfold by its illegality. She has no recourse when she is beaten, robbed, or raped.

That said, I agree with your last paragraph.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:19:00 PM EDT



I can sum up the reason that prostitution is such a big business in two words that will offend most of Arfcom and send this thread into a train wreck. Should I?


Don't forget to remind them that the internet is where its at today largely thanks to the porn industry..

Ready? Get ready to flame me everyone.

Godless society.

1st Book of Fail
Chapter 1
Verse 1

Prostitutes were making their living while God lived on Earth and walked among us, which would hardly qualify as a "Godless society"
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:20:35 PM EDT


If you were a John, would you prefer a cute whole sum young lady with a fresh clean bill of health certificate in her hand .....

Such comments are so silly that it is amazing that a modern day man would utter it.

A "health certificate"?????

And if the very next customer has a STD?

What does that "health certificate" mean then?

This silly argument is always brought up and never makes any sense.

Now you are being ridiculous.

Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:20:51 PM EDT




I can sum up the reason that prostitution is such a big business in two words that will offend most of Arfcom and send this thread into a train wreck. Should I?


Don't forget to remind them that the internet is where its at today largely thanks to the porn industry..

Ready? Get ready to flame me everyone.

Godless society.

1st Book of Fail
Chapter 1
Verse 1

Prostitutes were making their living while God lived on Earth and walked among us, which would hardly qualify as a "Godless society"

If you mean when Jesus lived, that was one of the most Godless societies that there has been.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:23:29 PM EDT
It sounds like a  lot of people are saying that an adult woman cannot make a choice on her own and is basically a child.  There are a lot of sluts out their that enjoy sex and basically prostitute themselves out with out calling themselves prostitutes.  Trophy wives, those who marry for money and many that are basically prositutes.  Not for drugs or slavery but for love of sex and money.  How many sluts are out there getting many boyfriends for the money and sex.  Women can love sex and money they are out there.  An Adult women has every right to make a choice about her morals. There are sex slaves out there but not every sex slave is a prostitute and not every prostitute is a sex slave.
For all you folks who have a problem with prostitutes why don't you all get on a bus and go protest the legal brothels in nevada and since you are at it you should start a campagin to stop militasry personel from being able to visit those legal brothels to get their discount.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:23:40 PM EDT




one of those threads where we see the vast gulf that separates some of us

it saddens me that we have folks here arguing for prostitution

I completely agree.

It depresses me to see what some here are really like.

They say it is all about freedom.  


That's what the members of NAMBLA say too.

Are you saying that a woman making a decision about being a prostitute is the same as a man having sex with a minor?

Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:23:50 PM EDT


He noted, "They say it is all about freedom."

I only noted that the members of NAMBLA use that same argument to justify what they do.

The point (which you obviously missed) is that just saying "It's about freedom" means nothing.

You're still being misleading. People that force their kids to handle snakes believing Jesus Christ will protect them say it's about freedom, too.
Would you use this as prima facie evidence that Christianity is immoral and wrong? No, because you're intelligent and realize that stance is stupid and seizes on a tiny percentage to try to paint them as the whole.


I think what he is saying (correct me if I'm wrong O_P) is that claiming to have freedom doesn't excuse you from doing something that is blatantly immoral.

Absolutely correct.

Blatantly immoral according to whom? To you, maybe. There were plenty of people that thought drinking alcohol was "blatantly immoral" and the Taliban thought women being outside was "blatantly immoral."

If you disagree with prostitution you are free to not visit one. If you disagree with eating beef on Friday you are free to have a fish sandwich.

You are FREE to control YOUR actions. It is when you start to control the consensual actions of OTHERS that FREE leaves the equation.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:25:01 PM EDT





I can sum up the reason that prostitution is such a big business in two words that will offend most of Arfcom and send this thread into a train wreck. Should I?


Don't forget to remind them that the internet is where its at today largely thanks to the porn industry..

Ready? Get ready to flame me everyone.

Godless society.

1st Book of Fail
Chapter 1
Verse 1

Prostitutes were making their living while God lived on Earth and walked among us, which would hardly qualify as a "Godless society"

If you mean when Jesus lived, that was one of the most Godless societies that there has been.

Well, please point out some point in Earth's history containing human life that was not a "Godless Society" (since God being a part of society doesn't count for some reason) and I'll show that prostitution existed in that society.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:25:02 PM EDT





one of those threads where we see the vast gulf that separates some of us

it saddens me that we have folks here arguing for prostitution

I completely agree.

It depresses me to see what some here are really like.

They say it is all about freedom.  


That's what the members of NAMBLA say too.

Are you saying that a woman making a decision about being a prostitute is the same as a man having sex with a minor?

No, read where he answered that question.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:25:51 PM EDT
I find it ironic that the ones who seem to feel they are the most morally superior about this issue cast around judgment and condemnation.

Does anyone remember Mary Magdalene, the Sermon on the Mount, or the Book of Matthew?

Crack the book.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:27:32 PM EDT



He noted, "They say it is all about freedom."

I only noted that the members of NAMBLA use that same argument to justify what they do.

The point (which you obviously missed) is that just saying "It's about freedom" means nothing.

You're still being misleading. People that force their kids to handle snakes believing Jesus Christ will protect them say it's about freedom, too.
Would you use this as prima facie evidence that Christianity is immoral and wrong? No, because you're intelligent and realize that stance is stupid and seizes on a tiny percentage to try to paint them as the whole.


I think what he is saying (correct me if I'm wrong O_P) is that claiming to have freedom doesn't excuse you from doing something that is blatantly immoral.

Absolutely correct.

Blatantly immoral according to whom? To you, maybe. There were plenty of people that thought drinking alcohol was "blatantly immoral" and the Taliban thought women being outside was "blatantly immoral."

If you disagree with prostitution you are free to not visit one. If you disagree with eating beef on Friday you are free to have a fish sandwich.

You are FREE to control YOUR actions. It is when you start to control the consensual actions of OTHERS that FREE leaves the equation.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:29:43 PM EDT






I can sum up the reason that prostitution is such a big business in two words that will offend most of Arfcom and send this thread into a train wreck. Should I?


Don't forget to remind them that the internet is where its at today largely thanks to the porn industry..

Ready? Get ready to flame me everyone.

Godless society.

1st Book of Fail
Chapter 1
Verse 1

Prostitutes were making their living while God lived on Earth and walked among us, which would hardly qualify as a "Godless society"

If you mean when Jesus lived, that was one of the most Godless societies that there has been.

Well, please point out some point in Earth's history containing human life that was not a "Godless Society" (since God being a part of society doesn't count for some reason) and I'll show that prostitution existed in that society.

Godless society means that the majority of the population of the earth has no belief in Him. Whether this is because of outright rejection or ignorance, it really doesn't matter. That's what I meant.

I also never said that there was no prostitution at all in a good society, I said that that was the reason prostitution is such a big business. Of course it existed, but it has never  been as large as it is now. Also, never has the world rejected God more than it has now.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:29:53 PM EDT






one of those threads where we see the vast gulf that separates some of us

it saddens me that we have folks here arguing for prostitution

I completely agree.

It depresses me to see what some here are really like.

They say it is all about freedom.  


That's what the members of NAMBLA say too.

Are you saying that a woman making a decision about being a prostitute is the same as a man having sex with a minor?

No, read where he answered that question.

OK now it is even worse,

It appears that he is saying that a man having sex with a minor is the same degree of immorality as two consenting adults having sex.
Link Posted: 6/25/2008 3:31:30 PM EDT

I find it ironic that the ones who seem to feel they are the most morally superior about this issue cast around judgment and condemnation.

Does anyone remember Mary Magdalene, the Sermon on the Mount, or the Book of Matthew?

Crack the book.

Have I condemned or judged anyone? Did I say that I was morally superior?

Then don't condemn me for saying something that I didn't.
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