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Link Posted: 12/17/2014 10:20:57 AM EDT
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Yes, so you have stated, however, have you been able here recently to correct some errors pertaining to your original OP about them?

btw. I am aware now about why such the Catholic fervor concerning, "Mary," the mother of Christ and how these things came about and a general proclamation about her according to a Pope who was pontiff back in the 1800's I think.

My wife has this info and is at work now and is non-transferable to me right now, but I will post it up latter this evening. that is, if this might be alright with you.
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Twire, you've posted this rather lengthy piece of organizational propaganda up before right?

Thank you TWIRE. It is very similar to Scott Hahn's & Steve Ray's story. After researching, they either had to lie to themselves or awaken to the Faith again.

SAE, why do you can this propaganda? Is there any false statements the man in the article made? Thank you.

Are you suggesting that all noncatholics are lieing to themselves?  It's not possible that noncatholics have a genuine disagreement with the doctrines?  
According to the National Catholic Reporter it's not just people that have never been Catholic that disagree.


I don't want to turn this into an argument, I just want to point out that there are more catholics converting to protestant than the other way around.

I am not trying to "convert" anyone. Or that anyone is lying to themselves. I was speaking about the three theologians that converted to Catholicism.

I am VERY aware of Catholics leaving the Faith. My best friend is one of them. I have my own sisters & many friends that have left. But, they left for reasons that many have. Misinterpretations of the Catholic Faith, which to me was just an excuse. But, thankfully I am happy that they still believe in Christ.

Again, this wasn't meant to be an argument about Faith. I am viscerally aware of my brothers & sisters in the Christian faith of ALL denominations including Catholics that don't believe this.

It is not required for you to believe the Locutions because they are personal revelations. I can not dispute with those that only believe in Sola Scriptura. Because this isn't straight from the Bible. But there is plenty of content of personal revelation in the Bible.

I apologize if I offended you.

Yes, so you have stated, however, have you been able here recently to correct some errors pertaining to your original OP about them?

btw. I am aware now about why such the Catholic fervor concerning, "Mary," the mother of Christ and how these things came about and a general proclamation about her according to a Pope who was pontiff back in the 1800's I think.

My wife has this info and is at work now and is non-transferable to me right now, but I will post it up latter this evening. that is, if this might be alright with you.

That would be great! Thanks SAE.

ETA : I apologize, I read that wrong. Which errors? I will try and fix them?
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 10:22:11 AM EDT
Good enough for me about the church testimonial  thing!
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 10:27:53 AM EDT
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For Catholic's:Pope Urban VIII on Private Revelation

His Holiness, Pope Urban VIII stated: "In cases which concern private revelations, it is better to believe than not to believe, for, if you believe, and it is proven true, you will be happy that you have believed, because our Holy Mother asked it. If you believe, and it should be proven false, you will receive all blessings as if it had been true, because you believed it to be true."(Pope Urban VIII, 1623-44)

I may have spoke to soon on the local Bishop, I had it confused with nether set of locutions & visions. But Mosignor Esme, is an exorcist in good standing with the Vatican & as the spiritual director, this is the first step in the process. I will further investigate.

For SAE: I don't believe I can biblically explain the Locutions in the Bible as exact. But they are not against the teachings of scripture. Plenty of occurrences of visions & dreams in the Bible. I don't hold to Sola Spriptura as a Catholic. But thank you for your info.
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Something about this.
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 10:32:09 AM EDT
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Something about this.
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For Catholic's:Pope Urban VIII on Private Revelation

His Holiness, Pope Urban VIII stated: "In cases which concern private revelations, it is better to believe than not to believe, for, if you believe, and it is proven true, you will be happy that you have believed, because our Holy Mother asked it. If you believe, and it should be proven false, you will receive all blessings as if it had been true, because you believed it to be true."(Pope Urban VIII, 1623-44)

I may have spoke to soon on the local Bishop, I had it confused with nether set of locutions & visions. But Mosignor Esme, is an exorcist in good standing with the Vatican & as the spiritual director, this is the first step in the process. I will further investigate.

For SAE: I don't believe I can biblically explain the Locutions in the Bible as exact. But they are not against the teachings of scripture. Plenty of occurrences of visions & dreams in the Bible. I don't hold to Sola Spriptura as a Catholic. But thank you for your info.

Something about this.

The Monsignor' s  name is Esseff. I am wrong about the local Bishop so far. But I doubt the Bishop would disagree with his Monsignor. I think that is what you are speaking of.
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 10:45:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 11:32:34 AM EDT

6. Always Saying “Tomorrow”The Future, Unforeseen Events  


From all of these events, a great gift will come forth.  Mankind will be humbled because the foolishness that seemed like wisdom will be exposed.  As each of the events happen, people will ask, “Why did we build our house on sand?” and “Why did we not walk in truth”?   Debts are postponed as if tomorrow does not come.  Yet, tomorrow is quickly becoming today, and the future is becoming now.

This is today’s theme.  The economic system has been built on a million tomorrows.  Everything will get paid tomorrow and the burden of debt grows.  Prosperity reigns because no one pays for it.  All is postponed.  Credit flows like the flood of an overflowing ocean.

How long until the crash?  It is constantly postponed by measures that will only multiply the problems when they come.  “Not on my watch” say the political leaders, so they pass the debt on to future generations, who are ill-prepared for any acts of saving money.

Now, I must speak from my heart.  The debts grow, not just in one country but in many at once.  They all accumulate.  The weight quickly becomes too much to bear.  The breakthrough happens, small at first.  However, so many economies are weak and all are interconnected, that the small beginnings lead to unforeseeable results.  Suddenly, comes the collapse which no one could have foreseen and for which there are only a few inadequate answers.

Mankind will go on from there, constantly trying to solve its problems by the light of reason, believing that faith has nothing to do with economics.  Yet, it is the lack of faith in God’s ways that has led mankind on these roads in the first place.

At this time, I will still be on the sidelines. Other events will have to occur before I will be fully invoked by the Church.  Yet, that day of consecrating Russia to my Immaculate Heart will take place, although, it will be late.

Comment:  Without making decisions in the light of faith, man inevitably builds false systems.


7. New Light For the DarknessThe Future, Unforeseen Events  


Mankind must be washed, cleansed and purified.  Otherwise, he cannot receive the great graces that are stored in my Immaculate Heart.  If mankind turns to me, a way will open up for this purification to occur quickly and even with a great joy.  Do I not know the ways of good and evil?  Has not the heavenly Father filled me with wisdom?  Am I not trying to pour out this light upon all?

I will not allow anyone who turns to me to be lost.   When the events begin, I will gather them into the secret recesses of my heart.  They will find others also gathered there and together, they will persevere.

So much will change.  The mighty and the strong will find great difficulty in coping but the little ones will enjoy my protection.  Let these words be imbedded in your hearts, “Our mother, filled with wisdom, can guide us through the darkness”.

So much is hidden from your eyes.  That is why you need a heavenly mother to guide your steps.  In the events that lie ahead, many who are powerful and rich will not know what to do.  But, the little ones whom I guide will walk in the greatest light.

All that I ask of you is to walk in truth.  In your life right now, are pockets of darkness, the little lies that allow you to make selfish decisions.  Are you ready for the full light?  Can you walk in perfect light?  Of course you can because I will lead you.  When the events begin, you will be guided by this new light which I give you today.

Comment: Our Lady promises light and asks us to reject any darkness in our lives.


8. These Words Prepare YouThe Future, Unforeseen Events  


When the events take place, people will see that my words are true.  They will have great faith and prepared hearts.  Right now, you have no need for the special words.  The purpose of speaking now is to prepare you to have faith so you will believe my future words.  Right now, your lives continue on as usual and you do not need my special words, which I reserve for the darkness.

These events have no exact timetable because they do not come from God.  They result from evil embedded into human history and into human hearts which can freely choose.  If people choose prayer and repentance, the effects will be less and will come later.  If people choose selfish goals and sins, the effects will be greater and come sooner.  The events will reflect the sins of mankind.  God will not cause them.

By these little locutions, I have prepared all who believe.  A series of events will occur that will change much of human life.  By telling you ahead of time, I give you faith so that, in the middle of the events, you will believe my daily words and I can lead you.  Peace.  Always peace. The Lord is near.

Comment:  Our Lady sums up these teachings and explains that God does not cause evil.
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 11:34:21 AM EDT
The Torch of Faith


1. Retrieving Abandoned LightsThe Torch of Faith  


I would bathe the world in quite different events.  History does not have just one road, a path that leads only into darkness.  That was the only road before Jesus came. Now, a new path lies before mankind.

Unfortunately, that path has been concealed and covered over.  People have set aside their light of faith.  It lies abandoned by the wayside.  They have been captured by all that is new, all the promises of a world built upon science.

I have picked up all these abandoned lights of faith.  They are not lost forever.  I have saved them in my heart, waiting for the moment when the events of darkness shatter the false illusions which have captured so many.

That moment will come.  The great illusions that science can produce a heaven on earth without the help of faith will be broken. Many will submit totally to despair.  Others will seek their lost torch of faith.  They will find it kept safely in my heart.

Why not seek it now?  Why wait until the dangers encircle the earth?  That is what I will explain now.  O reader, I offer to you a new torch of faith.  I will place it quickly in your heart.  You will cherish it and will never abandon it again.  Hold on to this light and it will never go out.  You will need it for the darkness.

Comment:  Our Lady invites us to a different path which can be seen only by the torch of faith.


2. What God Did For Our LadyThe Torch of Faith  


I want to reveal every secret in my heart.  Only in this way, will the world enjoy enough light to overcome the darkness.  I will begin with all that God did for me.

I am joined to God’s Son, more than any mother to any child.  This union comes from both nature and grace.  I am joined by maternal love, the greatest love any mother has for a child.  I am also joined to Jesus by my Immaculate Conception.  From the very first instant of my existence, Jesus flooded me with his Holy Spirit.  Not one inch, not one hairs’ breadth separated us.  No other creature is so intimately joined to Jesus.  The Father gave to Jesus’ humanity (which he received from me) all the divine powers.  Jesus shared with me every possible gift.  “I will use you as my instrument” said Jesus.

Can the Father do this?  Can He bring a woman so close to himself through the humanity that the Spirit formed in her, that He makes her an instrument of all his graces?  Who dares to say that God cannot do this while at the same time allowing me to be a creature, infinitely below Him?  Once this is understood, I can reveal all my secrets.

Comment:  Our Lady sets the stage for great inner revelations.


3. The Heavenly Fire’s PowersThe Torch of Faith  


There are two fires.  You see the fires of hell which lead mankind to wars and destruction.  Still hidden are my fires of heaven.  Fire should be fought with fire but until now the fires of heaven burn only in my heart.  How I long to pour out these fires upon the whole earth.

This heavenly fire has three gifts.  What can this heavenly fire do?  Love is its greatest gift and will be so much needed when the events begin.  In those days, people must love one another and care for one another.  People will experience gigantic losses and will need a support that no government can provide.  Only love from others will supply their needs.

This fire also gives light.  So much will be different.  The former wisdom will not suffice.  New lights, new directions and new initiatives will be needed that can only come from my fire.

Finally, my fire will protect.  This is the most important.  As Satan unleashes these events, one by one, the usual walls that protect society will crumble.  Satan will be like an enemy attacking a city which he can enter easily.  I will surround every person who calls on me, with my fire of protection.  Although the walls collapse I will keep them safe, individually and collectively, privately and especially as they gather.

Comment:  Our Lady reveals the three special powers of her fire.
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 12:16:28 PM EDT
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I am not trying to "convert" anyone. Or that anyone is lying to themselves. I was speaking about the three theologians that converted to Catholicism.

I am VERY aware of Catholics leaving the Faith. My best friend is one of them. I have my own sisters & many friends that have left. But, they left for reasons that many have. Misinterpretations of the Catholic Faith, which to me was just an excuse. But, thankfully I am happy that they still believe in Christ.

Again, this wasn't meant to be an argument about Faith. I am viscerally aware of my brothers & sisters in the Christian faith of ALL denominations including Catholics that don't believe this.

It is not required for you to believe the Locutions because they are personal revelations. I can not dispute with those that only believe in Sola Scriptura. Because this isn't straight from the Bible. But there is plenty of content of personal revelation in the Bible.

I apologize if I offended you.
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Twire, you've posted this rather lengthy piece of organizational propaganda up before right?

Thank you TWIRE. It is very similar to Scott Hahn's & Steve Ray's story. After researching, they either had to lie to themselves or awaken to the Faith again.

SAE, why do you can this propaganda? Is there any false statements the man in the article made? Thank you.

Are you suggesting that all noncatholics are lieing to themselves?  It's not possible that noncatholics have a genuine disagreement with the doctrines?  
According to the National Catholic Reporter it's not just people that have never been Catholic that disagree.


I don't want to turn this into an argument, I just want to point out that there are more catholics converting to protestant than the other way around.

I am not trying to "convert" anyone. Or that anyone is lying to themselves. I was speaking about the three theologians that converted to Catholicism.

I am VERY aware of Catholics leaving the Faith. My best friend is one of them. I have my own sisters & many friends that have left. But, they left for reasons that many have. Misinterpretations of the Catholic Faith, which to me was just an excuse. But, thankfully I am happy that they still believe in Christ.

Again, this wasn't meant to be an argument about Faith. I am viscerally aware of my brothers & sisters in the Christian faith of ALL denominations including Catholics that don't believe this.

It is not required for you to believe the Locutions because they are personal revelations. I can not dispute with those that only believe in Sola Scriptura. Because this isn't straight from the Bible. But there is plenty of content of personal revelation in the Bible.

I apologize if I offended you.

No need for apologies brother, no offense was taken. I am not, and this goes for most protestants, anti catholic nor do I say catholics are not Christians. The vast majority of us just disagree with some of the doctrine. Not a big deal really, just people's preferences.

Your attitude is awesome in this thread by the way. Haven't lost your cool yet
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 1:55:41 PM EDT
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No need for apologies brother, no offense was taken. I am not, and this goes for most protestants, anti catholic nor do I say catholics are not Christians. The vast majority of us just disagree with some of the doctrine. Not a big deal really, just people's preferences.

Your attitude is awesome in this thread by the way. Haven't lost your cool yet
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Cool! I wasn't trying to cause any disruptions, but realized this would stir some stuff up. Just thought I should put it out there.

Thanks for posting, this is cool to discuss.
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 7:45:10 PM EDT


So I'm already a quack to most people for being a Christian. I am a quack to many Christians for being Catholic. I am also a quack to many Catholics because I believe in the mysticism of Jesus Christ & the charismatic movement. I have been raised on many of these things that most Catholics used to know, but many don't. I'm speaking of the visions @ Fatima & Garabandal. The many Eucharistic miracles.

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This thread seems to be going along peacefully, and I'm not going to be the one to overturn the apple cart in the regard.  I'll just throw this out there- before I left the Catholic Church in 1997, I read quite a bit of these "visions".  However, it was the push to declare Mary "Co-Redemptrix" that finally drove me away.  I still have my brown scapula, because a lot of other Christians can't believe such a thing exists.  Anyway, doesn't anyone else seem to notice that "Mary" seems to bestow an awful lot of honor upon herself?  It seems to be an awful far cry from the humble Mary we see in the Bible.  Well, that and the fact there's no evidence to support the concept Mary ascended into heaven without dying.  I don't know what, if anything people are seeing when they have these visions.  However, there does not need to be a "purging" of man's sins.  Christ took care of that once and for all on the cross.

Speaking of which...does anyone notice there is little, if ANY mention of Christ in these "visions"?  The Old Testament points to Christ, and in the New Testament, there's no doubt who the star of the show is.  The book begins with Christ coming in as a baby, and it ends with him in heaven, reigning in glory.  In between, there is no doubt who God considers worthy to save.  There is no mention of Mary in any of the letters or Revelation.  She was obviously a woman of great faith, but why did Peter or Paul not consider it worth writing about her?  Why no mention that she would rise up to heaven, and appear hundreds of years later in visions?  

Link Posted: 12/17/2014 7:54:52 PM EDT

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So sins of the world/people are stored up kinda like emails, where you have to delete(purge) them once the mailbox is full? Is this talking about end times when Jesus returns, or is this purge suppose to be before? How exactly, or generally, is this purge suppose to take place? Who will do it, God, or people claiming to do it in God's name?

I think there's something like that going on over seas right now, and possibly will make it over here, but they aren't Christians.
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Google "Great Chastisement" and "Three Days Darkness".
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 8:27:24 PM EDT
My question is this: if a person say for instance a prophet would speak on God's behalf, such as the spiritual experiences of Isaiah of Jeremiah, now this is one thing. And by the way, what they saw has been right on the money, even more so tham most Christians will ever know, even up until this very day as we find ourselves coming to the end of days now!
But, interpreting a vision or revelation from someone who was a mortal such as, "Mary" was is another.
The Catholics do not consider her as such; a one time mortal person at one point as in many who sinned as we all have, isn't this right?

Link Posted: 12/17/2014 9:48:21 PM EDT

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My question is this: if a person say for instance a prophet would speak on God's behalf, such as the spiritual experiences of Isaiah of Jeremiah, now this is one thing. And by the way, what they saw has been right on the money, even more so tham most Christians will ever know, even up until this very day as we find ourselves coming to the end of days now!

But, interpreting a vision or revelation from someone who was a mortal such as, "Mary" was is another.

The Catholics do not consider her as such; a one time mortal person at one point as in many who sinned as we all have, isn't this right?


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Catholic church teaching is that Mary was sinless.  The argument is that when Gabriel greeted her and said she was "Full of grace", it was referring to an inherent quality she possessed.  I've also heard it said that since Jesus is sinless, he must have been born from a sinless vessel.

Link Posted: 12/17/2014 10:31:47 PM EDT

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So what does "The Bible" mean to a Catholic?

Or is that just the book the "fundamentalists" read?
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Popcorn is ready.

OP, be aware of the anti-Catholics posting and positing 'Bible only' authority despite the compilation of the Bible as a function of the pre-existing Church and obtuse that the book itself makes no such claim.

So what does "The Bible" mean to a Catholic?

Or is that just the book the "fundamentalists" read?

Link Posted: 12/17/2014 10:51:56 PM EDT
ROME – In one of the feasts and celebrations marked on the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar leading up to Christmas, Catholics around the world observed the Feast of Immaculate Conception on Monday, a day in which those who follow the religion commemorate their belief that Mary was born without sin.
The pontiff known as Pope Francis led Catholics in the annual observance of the holiday, delivering an Angelus address in St. Peter’s Square.

“Oh Mary, our mother, today the people of God in celebration venerates you, the immaculate, preserved from the contagion of sin from the beginning,” he prayed. “Accept the gift I offer on behalf of the church in Rome and throughout the whole world.”

“In this time that leads us to the feast of the birth of Jesus, teach us to go against the tide,” Francis continued. “The power of God’s love, which has preserved you from original sin, freed all of humanity through your intercession from every spiritual and material slavery and made the designs of God’s salvation victorious within hearts and events.”

According to the National Catholic Register, he also declared to the crowds gathered that in Mary “there was no room for sin,” because “God had chosen her to be the mother of Jesus,” which resulted in her being preserved from “original sin.”

The pontiff later venerated the Statue of the Immaculate Conception in Rome’s Piazza di Spagna and invited others to join him. The statue was created in 1857 as a mark of the Roman Catholic belief that Mary was conceived without sin.

“I ask you to spiritually unite yourselves to me in this pilgrimage, which expresses filial devotion to our heavenly mother,” he said.

Christian News Network
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 11:14:45 PM EDT
So did ,"Mary's," parents have no sin either?
If not, then what about their parents to the third and fourth generations?
What about  marriages through any of their offspring into other bloodlines which were not of the linage of Mary's father; which if only by her to Jesus Christ, would have been contrary to Jewish laws as it still is today.
And in this, if achieved, then God would legally have to break covenant with His people Israel, even in one instance, would immediately nullify the law and thus separate the covenant through a breach of the law.
And at this, the word of God would be broken and of non-effect forever!
There is only One!
This is the law.
There was no such prophesy as in Christ; a safeguard concerning no other impregnated by the Holy Spirit of God but Mary, the mother/carrier of Jesus Christ, forthcoming to ratify these claims of a sinless human carrier of the Messiah, which had no sin.
Link Posted: 12/17/2014 11:41:09 PM EDT
I'm just trying to follow along and get educated on the whole 'locution' concept. I did find the dates in the OP, now knowing what to look for.

Now are these suppose to be specific prophetic utterances or just general guidelines of trends that are going to happen?
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 12:01:52 AM EDT

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So did ,"Mary's," parents have no sin either?

If not, then what about their parents to the third and fourth generations?

What about  marriages through any of their offspring into other bloodlines which were not of the linage of Mary's father; which if only by her to Jesus Christ, would have been contrary to Jewish laws as it still is today.

And in this, if achieved, then God would legally have to break covenant with His people Israel, even in one instance, would immediately nullify the law and thus separate the covenant through a breach of the law.

And at this, the word of God would be broken and of non-effect forever!

There is only One!

This is the law.

There was no such prophesy as in Christ; a safeguard concerning no other impregnated by the Holy Spirit of God but Mary, the mother/carrier of Jesus Christ, forthcoming to ratify these claims of a sinless human carrier of the Messiah, which had no sin.

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My brother SAE.  Catholics believe that ONLY the PURE can be in the presence of God. The New Covenant and fulfillment of the old testament is Jesus the Christ.

Mary through her pure life and conception was the tabernacle of the Son of Man. The original ark of the covenant contained the Tablets, Aron's Staff that had budded and manna.

Mary as the Ark of the covenant brought forth that completion.

Ann and Joachim though very holy were not conceived without sin. Only Mary could be  born without original sin and that was to completely fulfill all that was promised through the the old testament.

In every single way Christ honored His mother.

Link Posted: 12/18/2014 12:06:56 AM EDT
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This thread seems to be going along peacefully, and I'm not going to be the one to overturn the apple cart in the regard.  I'll just throw this out there- before I left the Catholic Church in 1997, I read quite a bit of these "visions".  However, it was the push to declare Mary "Co-Redemptrix" that finally drove me away.  I still have my brown scapula, because a lot of other Christians can't believe such a thing exists.  Anyway, doesn't anyone else seem to notice that "Mary" seems to bestow an awful lot of honor upon herself?  It seems to be an awful far cry from the humble Mary we see in the Bible.  Well, that and the fact there's no evidence to support the concept Mary ascended into heaven without dying.  I don't know what, if anything people are seeing when they have these visions.  However, there does not need to be a "purging" of man's sins.  Christ took care of that once and for all on the cross.

Speaking of which...does anyone notice there is little, if ANY mention of Christ in these "visions"?  The Old Testament points to Christ, and in the New Testament, there's no doubt who the star of the show is.  The book begins with Christ coming in as a baby, and it ends with him in heaven, reigning in glory.  In between, there is no doubt who God considers worthy to save.  There is no mention of Mary in any of the letters or Revelation.  She was obviously a woman of great faith, but why did Peter or Paul not consider it worth writing about her?  Why no mention that she would rise up to heaven, and appear hundreds of years later in visions?  

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So I'm already a quack to most people for being a Christian. I am a quack to many Christians for being Catholic. I am also a quack to many Catholics because I believe in the mysticism of Jesus Christ & the charismatic movement. I have been raised on many of these things that most Catholics used to know, but many don't. I'm speaking of the visions @ Fatima & Garabandal. The many Eucharistic miracles.

This thread seems to be going along peacefully, and I'm not going to be the one to overturn the apple cart in the regard.  I'll just throw this out there- before I left the Catholic Church in 1997, I read quite a bit of these "visions".  However, it was the push to declare Mary "Co-Redemptrix" that finally drove me away.  I still have my brown scapula, because a lot of other Christians can't believe such a thing exists.  Anyway, doesn't anyone else seem to notice that "Mary" seems to bestow an awful lot of honor upon herself?  It seems to be an awful far cry from the humble Mary we see in the Bible.  Well, that and the fact there's no evidence to support the concept Mary ascended into heaven without dying.  I don't know what, if anything people are seeing when they have these visions.  However, there does not need to be a "purging" of man's sins.  Christ took care of that once and for all on the cross.

Speaking of which...does anyone notice there is little, if ANY mention of Christ in these "visions"?  The Old Testament points to Christ, and in the New Testament, there's no doubt who the star of the show is.  The book begins with Christ coming in as a baby, and it ends with him in heaven, reigning in glory.  In between, there is no doubt who God considers worthy to save.  There is no mention of Mary in any of the letters or Revelation.  She was obviously a woman of great faith, but why did Peter or Paul not consider it worth writing about her?  Why no mention that she would rise up to heaven, and appear hundreds of years later in visions?  

I am sorry you left the Church. I cannot speak on Co-Redemtrix or Mediatrix. I have heard of it but do not know enough or understand.

Christ is the "Star" of the show. But Mary is important to promoting His role in our life. If that makes sense.

From EWTN, is an explanation of Mary in Revelations:

"The book of Revelation records a vision of a woman clothed with the sun:

12:1 And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; 12:2 she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery. 12:3 And another portent appeared in heaven; behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems upon his heads. 12:4 His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bear a child, that he might devour her child when she brought it forth; 12:5 she brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne, 12:6 and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which to be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

There is a long-standing tradition of interpretation in the Church which views this woman from two perspectives: as representative of God’s People and as the Mother of our Lord. We note that it is common to find a feminine image for the People of God, in the OT and the NT. In this case, we see that the Savior (male child) is born of the Jewish People with the pains of birth (symbolically often used to represent a new age dawning, certainly the case with the coming of the Messiah) and Satan attempts to destroy our Lord, not just as an infant but he continually attempted to thwart his saving mission. But having failed to do this and now that our Lord has ascended to heaven, Satan continues to wage war upon the Church (the Woman). She is given protection by our Lord, as the Church is protected, through a period of persecution. The reference to a period of three and a half years, in various fractions, seems to represent a period of persecution, no matter how long it may be, in fact. This three and a half period may find a past reference in the persecution of Antiochus IV of Syria upon the Jewish people in the 2nd century BC and may find an initial fulfillment in the siege of Jerusalem from 66-70 AD, more specifically, for precisely a three and a half year period.

At the primary level of symbolism, we can see this woman as representative of our Blessed Mother, who gave birth to our Lord. But in making this association, we do not apply every aspect or detail to her directly without qualification. For the suffering need not be a matter of physically giving birth, but of the sufferings the Mother of our Lord endured which reach a height as she stood beneath the cross upon which her Son died. Remember, the prophet Simeon had foretold that a sword of sorrow would pierce her heart. This allusion was not a matter of a physical sword but of spiritual and emotional suffering of a Mother, which is also physical. But many non Catholics will not accept deeper levels of symbols, which is often at the spiritual level of interpretation and in light of Tradition and sometimes special revelations, such as Marian apparitions, some of which have been officially approved.

And while maintaining both the symbol of Mary and of the People of God for this Woman, I now regard the primary meaning as Mary, as the other figures of this chapter refer first of all to single referents and secondarily to other realities: the Dragon is Satan, St. Michael is the Archangel, and the Male Child is, of course, Jesus Christ. The apparent connection between the appearance of the ark of the covenant in chapter eleven and the appearance of this woman in chapter twelve further confirm the association of the Woman with Mary, for she is regarded by the Church as the new Ark of the Covenant, as the first dwelling place of the Incarnate Lord.

We should also note that the Church has chosen the text of the Woman Clothed with the Sun as the first reading for the vigil Mass of the feast of the Assumption. The implication is obvious: this text is to be associated with the Blessed Mother, now in her heavenly splendor.

Finally, we have the words of two popes who comment upon this Woman as an image of the Blessed Mother.

In his encyclical letter “Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum” Pope Pius X wrote:

“A great sign,” thus the Apostle St. John describes a vision divinely sent him, appears in the heavens: “A woman clothed with the sun, and with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars upon her head.” Everyone knows that this woman signified the Virgin Mary, the stainless one who brought forth our head…John therefore saw the Most Holy Mother of God already in eternal happiness, yet travailing in a mysterious childbirth. What birth was it? Surely it was the birth of us who, still in exile, are yet to be generated to the perfect charity of God, and to eternal happiness. And the birth pains show the love and desire with which the Virgin from heaven above watches over us, and strives with unwearying prayer to bring about the fulfillment of the number of the elect.

In his encyclical letter, "The Great Sign," Pope Paul VI wrote:

The great sign which the Apostle John saw in heaven, "a woman clothed with the sun,"(1) is interpreted by the sacred Liturgy,(2) not without foundation, as referring to the most blessed Mary, the mother of all men by the grace of Christ the Redeemer.

In his encyclical letter “Redemptoris Mater” Pope John Paul II wrote:

47. Thanks to this special bond linking the Mother of Christ with the Church, there is further clarified the mystery of that "woman" who, from the first chapters of the Book of Genesis until the Book of Revelation, accompanies the revelation of God's salvific plan for humanity. For Mary, present in the Church as the Mother of the Redeemer, takes part, as a mother, in that monumental struggle; against the powers of darkness"(138) which continues throughout human history. And by her ecclesial identification as the "woman clothed with the sun" (Rev. 12:1),(139) it can be said that "in the Most Holy Virgin the Church has already reached that perfection whereby she exists without spot or wrinkle." Hence, as Christians raise their eyes with faith to Mary in the course of their earthly pilgrimage, they "strive to increase in holiness."(140) Mary, the exalted Daughter of Sion, helps all her children, wherever they may be and whatever their condition, to find in Christ the path to the Father's house.

Thanks, Ed

Father Echert"
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 12:15:07 AM EDT
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My question is this: if a person say for instance a prophet would speak on God's behalf, such as the spiritual experiences of Isaiah of Jeremiah, now this is one thing. And by the way, what they saw has been right on the money, even more so tham most Christians will ever know, even up until this very day as we find ourselves coming to the end of days now!
But, interpreting a vision or revelation from someone who was a mortal such as, "Mary" was is another.
The Catholics do not consider her as such; a one time mortal person at one point as in many who sinned as we all have, isn't this right?

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I can not believe that God would utilize this blessed woman Mary & have no further use for her. Meaning giving birth to our Lord isn't all He needed from her.

Also, as Christians our souls are not mortal. We are immortal in God.

As,  Catholics we also believe in the communion of Saints. So we have constant communication with Souls after earthly death.
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 12:26:39 AM EDT
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I'm just trying to follow along and get educated on the whole 'locution' concept. I did find the dates in the OP, now knowing what to look for.

Now are these suppose to be specific prophetic utterances or just general guidelines of trends that are going to happen?
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Most of these certain locutions show guidance in general. But there are certain exact occurrences that are coming this year.
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 8:11:24 AM EDT
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My brother SAE.  Catholics believe that ONLY the PURE can be in the presence of God. The New Covenant and fulfillment of the old testament is Jesus the Christ.
Mary through her pure life and conception was the tabernacle of the Son of Man. The original ark of the covenant contained the Tablets, Aron's Staff that had budded and manna.
Mary as the Ark of the covenant brought forth that completion.
Ann and Joachim though very holy were not conceived without sin. Only Mary could be  born without original sin and that was to completely fulfill all that was promised through the the old testament.
In every single way Christ honored His mother.
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So did ,"Mary's," parents have no sin either?
If not, then what about their parents to the third and fourth generations?
What about  marriages through any of their offspring into other bloodlines which were not of the linage of Mary's father; which if only by her to Jesus Christ, would have been contrary to Jewish laws as it still is today.
And in this, if achieved, then God would legally have to break covenant with His people Israel, even in one instance, would immediately nullify the law and thus separate the covenant through a breach of the law.
And at this, the word of God would be broken and of non-effect forever!
There is only One!
This is the law.
There was no such prophesy as in Christ; a safeguard concerning no other impregnated by the Holy Spirit of God but Mary, the mother/carrier of Jesus Christ, forthcoming to ratify these claims of a sinless human carrier of the Messiah, which had no sin.
My brother SAE.  Catholics believe that ONLY the PURE can be in the presence of God. The New Covenant and fulfillment of the old testament is Jesus the Christ.
Mary through her pure life and conception was the tabernacle of the Son of Man. The original ark of the covenant contained the Tablets, Aron's Staff that had budded and manna.
Mary as the Ark of the covenant brought forth that completion.
Ann and Joachim though very holy were not conceived without sin. Only Mary could be  born without original sin and that was to completely fulfill all that was promised through the the old testament.
In every single way Christ honored His mother.

I'm sorry, your claim is not Scripturally or Biblically valid.
Do you have any other information or writings to back up your claim?
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 8:25:35 AM EDT
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I can not believe that God would utilize this blessed woman Mary & have no further use for her. Meaning giving birth to our Lord isn't all He needed from her.

Also, as Christians our souls are not mortal. We are immortal in God.

As,  Catholics we also believe in the communion of Saints. So we have constant communication with Souls after earthly death.
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My question is this: if a person say for instance a prophet would speak on God's behalf, such as the spiritual experiences of Isaiah of Jeremiah, now this is one thing. And by the way, what they saw has been right on the money, even more so tham most Christians will ever know, even up until this very day as we find ourselves coming to the end of days now!
But, interpreting a vision or revelation from someone who was a mortal such as, "Mary" was is another.
The Catholics do not consider her as such; a one time mortal person at one point as in many who sinned as we all have, isn't this right?


I can not believe that God would utilize this blessed woman Mary & have no further use for her. Meaning giving birth to our Lord isn't all He needed from her.

Also, as Christians our souls are not mortal. We are immortal in God.

As,  Catholics we also believe in the communion of Saints. So we have constant communication with Souls after earthly death.

So what is your Biblically Scriptural authority here?
I see none to prosecute your claim in that same Biblically Scriptural way as Jesus Christ living His whole earthly life and ministry to the world as the only Savior of it, and without any sin!
Even here if Mary had no sin; then why is this sinless state about here only generally known to Catholics or the Catholic church?
It seems like to me also, the more you use her name, the less you use Jesus Christ's Name, or if at all now or only in a referral sort of way.
I guess I'm missing something here?
And yes, the spirit of man, or the one who the Apostle Paul called our, "inner man,'' the one he said that is in total agreement with the precepts of God is immortal indeed.
But now our outer man, or the man of flesh consisting of our physical bodies and our physical minds, wills, and emotions are quite another matter indeed, are they not?
The Bible says that only One came forth without sin.
And the Bible clearly states that, that Name was not and any way Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ!
So therefore you must show your claim to be valid by some other means, correct?

I see and cannot valid any claim or reconcile the same to the word of God, or the Holy Bible of God as to a process of a sinless nature concerning anyone other than the one utilized expressly by God and through the Holy Spirit of God, except in the instance of when the Messiah, or that physical man of Jesus Christ was conceived in Mary's womb, and through a process and authority of the Holy Spirit in which the Bible has never made mention of any other.


Link Posted: 12/18/2014 8:56:55 AM EDT

So this interior locution happens to someone the Monsignor knows and he believes it to be a true locution, and he transmits it to us via writing? Or is he experiencing the locution?
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 9:03:50 AM EDT
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I am sorry you left the Church. I cannot speak on Co-Redemtrix or Mediatrix. I have heard of it but do not know enough or understand.

Christ is the "Star" of the show. But Mary is important to promoting His role in our life. If that makes sense.

From EWTN, is an explanation of Mary in Revelations:

"The book of Revelation records a vision of a woman clothed with the sun:

12:1 And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; 12:2 she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery. 12:3 And another portent appeared in heaven; behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems upon his heads. 12:4 His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bear a child, that he might devour her child when she brought it forth; 12:5 she brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne, 12:6 and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which to be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

There is a long-standing tradition of interpretation in the Church which views this woman from two perspectives: as representative of God’s People and as the Mother of our Lord. We note that it is common to find a feminine image for the People of God, in the OT and the NT. In this case, we see that the Savior (male child) is born of the Jewish People with the pains of birth (symbolically often used to represent a new age dawning, certainly the case with the coming of the Messiah) and Satan attempts to destroy our Lord, not just as an infant but he continually attempted to thwart his saving mission. But having failed to do this and now that our Lord has ascended to heaven, Satan continues to wage war upon the Church (the Woman). She is given protection by our Lord, as the Church is protected, through a period of persecution. The reference to a period of three and a half years, in various fractions, seems to represent a period of persecution, no matter how long it may be, in fact. This three and a half period may find a past reference in the persecution of Antiochus IV of Syria upon the Jewish people in the 2nd century BC and may find an initial fulfillment in the siege of Jerusalem from 66-70 AD, more specifically, for precisely a three and a half year period.

At the primary level of symbolism, we can see this woman as representative of our Blessed Mother, who gave birth to our Lord. But in making this association, we do not apply every aspect or detail to her directly without qualification. For the suffering need not be a matter of physically giving birth, but of the sufferings the Mother of our Lord endured which reach a height as she stood beneath the cross upon which her Son died. Remember, the prophet Simeon had foretold that a sword of sorrow would pierce her heart. This allusion was not a matter of a physical sword but of spiritual and emotional suffering of a Mother, which is also physical. But many non Catholics will not accept deeper levels of symbols, which is often at the spiritual level of interpretation and in light of Tradition and sometimes special revelations, such as Marian apparitions, some of which have been officially approved.

And while maintaining both the symbol of Mary and of the People of God for this Woman, I now regard the primary meaning as Mary, as the other figures of this chapter refer first of all to single referents and secondarily to other realities: the Dragon is Satan, St. Michael is the Archangel, and the Male Child is, of course, Jesus Christ. The apparent connection between the appearance of the ark of the covenant in chapter eleven and the appearance of this woman in chapter twelve further confirm the association of the Woman with Mary, for she is regarded by the Church as the new Ark of the Covenant, as the first dwelling place of the Incarnate Lord.

We should also note that the Church has chosen the text of the Woman Clothed with the Sun as the first reading for the vigil Mass of the feast of the Assumption. The implication is obvious: this text is to be associated with the Blessed Mother, now in her heavenly splendor.

Finally, we have the words of two popes who comment upon this Woman as an image of the Blessed Mother.

In his encyclical letter “Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum” Pope Pius X wrote:

“A great sign,” thus the Apostle St. John describes a vision divinely sent him, appears in the heavens: “A woman clothed with the sun, and with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars upon her head.” Everyone knows that this woman signified the Virgin Mary, the stainless one who brought forth our head…John therefore saw the Most Holy Mother of God already in eternal happiness, yet travailing in a mysterious childbirth. What birth was it? Surely it was the birth of us who, still in exile, are yet to be generated to the perfect charity of God, and to eternal happiness. And the birth pains show the love and desire with which the Virgin from heaven above watches over us, and strives with unwearying prayer to bring about the fulfillment of the number of the elect.

In his encyclical letter, "The Great Sign," Pope Paul VI wrote:

The great sign which the Apostle John saw in heaven, "a woman clothed with the sun,"(1) is interpreted by the sacred Liturgy,(2) not without foundation, as referring to the most blessed Mary, the mother of all men by the grace of Christ the Redeemer.

In his encyclical letter “Redemptoris Mater” Pope John Paul II wrote:

47. Thanks to this special bond linking the Mother of Christ with the Church, there is further clarified the mystery of that "woman" who, from the first chapters of the Book of Genesis until the Book of Revelation, accompanies the revelation of God's salvific plan for humanity. For Mary, present in the Church as the Mother of the Redeemer, takes part, as a mother, in that monumental struggle; against the powers of darkness"(138) which continues throughout human history. And by her ecclesial identification as the "woman clothed with the sun" (Rev. 12:1),(139) it can be said that "in the Most Holy Virgin the Church has already reached that perfection whereby she exists without spot or wrinkle." Hence, as Christians raise their eyes with faith to Mary in the course of their earthly pilgrimage, they "strive to increase in holiness."(140) Mary, the exalted Daughter of Sion, helps all her children, wherever they may be and whatever their condition, to find in Christ the path to the Father's house.

Thanks, Ed

Father Echert"
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So I'm already a quack to most people for being a Christian. I am a quack to many Christians for being Catholic. I am also a quack to many Catholics because I believe in the mysticism of Jesus Christ & the charismatic movement. I have been raised on many of these things that most Catholics used to know, but many don't. I'm speaking of the visions @ Fatima & Garabandal. The many Eucharistic miracles.

This thread seems to be going along peacefully, and I'm not going to be the one to overturn the apple cart in the regard.  I'll just throw this out there- before I left the Catholic Church in 1997, I read quite a bit of these "visions".  However, it was the push to declare Mary "Co-Redemptrix" that finally drove me away.  I still have my brown scapula, because a lot of other Christians can't believe such a thing exists.  Anyway, doesn't anyone else seem to notice that "Mary" seems to bestow an awful lot of honor upon herself?  It seems to be an awful far cry from the humble Mary we see in the Bible.  Well, that and the fact there's no evidence to support the concept Mary ascended into heaven without dying.  I don't know what, if anything people are seeing when they have these visions.  However, there does not need to be a "purging" of man's sins.  Christ took care of that once and for all on the cross.

Speaking of which...does anyone notice there is little, if ANY mention of Christ in these "visions"?  The Old Testament points to Christ, and in the New Testament, there's no doubt who the star of the show is.  The book begins with Christ coming in as a baby, and it ends with him in heaven, reigning in glory.  In between, there is no doubt who God considers worthy to save.  There is no mention of Mary in any of the letters or Revelation.  She was obviously a woman of great faith, but why did Peter or Paul not consider it worth writing about her?  Why no mention that she would rise up to heaven, and appear hundreds of years later in visions?  

I am sorry you left the Church. I cannot speak on Co-Redemtrix or Mediatrix. I have heard of it but do not know enough or understand.

Christ is the "Star" of the show. But Mary is important to promoting His role in our life. If that makes sense.

From EWTN, is an explanation of Mary in Revelations:

"The book of Revelation records a vision of a woman clothed with the sun:

12:1 And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; 12:2 she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery. 12:3 And another portent appeared in heaven; behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems upon his heads. 12:4 His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bear a child, that he might devour her child when she brought it forth; 12:5 she brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne, 12:6 and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which to be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

There is a long-standing tradition of interpretation in the Church which views this woman from two perspectives: as representative of God’s People and as the Mother of our Lord. We note that it is common to find a feminine image for the People of God, in the OT and the NT. In this case, we see that the Savior (male child) is born of the Jewish People with the pains of birth (symbolically often used to represent a new age dawning, certainly the case with the coming of the Messiah) and Satan attempts to destroy our Lord, not just as an infant but he continually attempted to thwart his saving mission. But having failed to do this and now that our Lord has ascended to heaven, Satan continues to wage war upon the Church (the Woman). She is given protection by our Lord, as the Church is protected, through a period of persecution. The reference to a period of three and a half years, in various fractions, seems to represent a period of persecution, no matter how long it may be, in fact. This three and a half period may find a past reference in the persecution of Antiochus IV of Syria upon the Jewish people in the 2nd century BC and may find an initial fulfillment in the siege of Jerusalem from 66-70 AD, more specifically, for precisely a three and a half year period.

At the primary level of symbolism, we can see this woman as representative of our Blessed Mother, who gave birth to our Lord. But in making this association, we do not apply every aspect or detail to her directly without qualification. For the suffering need not be a matter of physically giving birth, but of the sufferings the Mother of our Lord endured which reach a height as she stood beneath the cross upon which her Son died. Remember, the prophet Simeon had foretold that a sword of sorrow would pierce her heart. This allusion was not a matter of a physical sword but of spiritual and emotional suffering of a Mother, which is also physical. But many non Catholics will not accept deeper levels of symbols, which is often at the spiritual level of interpretation and in light of Tradition and sometimes special revelations, such as Marian apparitions, some of which have been officially approved.

And while maintaining both the symbol of Mary and of the People of God for this Woman, I now regard the primary meaning as Mary, as the other figures of this chapter refer first of all to single referents and secondarily to other realities: the Dragon is Satan, St. Michael is the Archangel, and the Male Child is, of course, Jesus Christ. The apparent connection between the appearance of the ark of the covenant in chapter eleven and the appearance of this woman in chapter twelve further confirm the association of the Woman with Mary, for she is regarded by the Church as the new Ark of the Covenant, as the first dwelling place of the Incarnate Lord.

We should also note that the Church has chosen the text of the Woman Clothed with the Sun as the first reading for the vigil Mass of the feast of the Assumption. The implication is obvious: this text is to be associated with the Blessed Mother, now in her heavenly splendor.

Finally, we have the words of two popes who comment upon this Woman as an image of the Blessed Mother.

In his encyclical letter “Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum” Pope Pius X wrote:

“A great sign,” thus the Apostle St. John describes a vision divinely sent him, appears in the heavens: “A woman clothed with the sun, and with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars upon her head.” Everyone knows that this woman signified the Virgin Mary, the stainless one who brought forth our head…John therefore saw the Most Holy Mother of God already in eternal happiness, yet travailing in a mysterious childbirth. What birth was it? Surely it was the birth of us who, still in exile, are yet to be generated to the perfect charity of God, and to eternal happiness. And the birth pains show the love and desire with which the Virgin from heaven above watches over us, and strives with unwearying prayer to bring about the fulfillment of the number of the elect.

In his encyclical letter, "The Great Sign," Pope Paul VI wrote:

The great sign which the Apostle John saw in heaven, "a woman clothed with the sun,"(1) is interpreted by the sacred Liturgy,(2) not without foundation, as referring to the most blessed Mary, the mother of all men by the grace of Christ the Redeemer.

In his encyclical letter “Redemptoris Mater” Pope John Paul II wrote:

47. Thanks to this special bond linking the Mother of Christ with the Church, there is further clarified the mystery of that "woman" who, from the first chapters of the Book of Genesis until the Book of Revelation, accompanies the revelation of God's salvific plan for humanity. For Mary, present in the Church as the Mother of the Redeemer, takes part, as a mother, in that monumental struggle; against the powers of darkness"(138) which continues throughout human history. And by her ecclesial identification as the "woman clothed with the sun" (Rev. 12:1),(139) it can be said that "in the Most Holy Virgin the Church has already reached that perfection whereby she exists without spot or wrinkle." Hence, as Christians raise their eyes with faith to Mary in the course of their earthly pilgrimage, they "strive to increase in holiness."(140) Mary, the exalted Daughter of Sion, helps all her children, wherever they may be and whatever their condition, to find in Christ the path to the Father's house.

Thanks, Ed

Father Echert"

Sorry, I'm not seeing the correlation between the Scripture that you have listed here, and the claim of a sinless Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.
However, I do see a metaphorically spiritual example of Satan desiring to kill the Christ child at birth or shortly thereafter using the Jewish King Herod to accomplish this feat for him because the Messiah had then indeed come in the flesh!

Also if I am reading your church logic through its own dogma correctly, then the Catholic church believes that the spirit of a man or woman is one which is eternal correct?

Brother Jim
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 9:53:44 AM EDT

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I'm sorry, your claim is nor Scripturally valid.

Do you have any other information or writings to back up your claim?

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So did ,"Mary's," parents have no sin either?

If not, then what about their parents to the third and fourth generations?

What about  marriages through any of their offspring into other bloodlines which were not of the linage of Mary's father; which if only by her to Jesus Christ, would have been contrary to Jewish laws as it still is today.

And in this, if achieved, then God would legally have to break covenant with His people Israel, even in one instance, would immediately nullify the law and thus separate the covenant through a breach of the law.

And at this, the word of God would be broken and of non-effect forever!

There is only One!

This is the law.

There was no such prophesy as in Christ; a safeguard concerning no other impregnated by the Holy Spirit of God but Mary, the mother/carrier of Jesus Christ, forthcoming to ratify these claims of a sinless human carrier of the Messiah, which had no sin.

My brother SAE.  Catholics believe that ONLY the PURE can be in the presence of God. The New Covenant and fulfillment of the old testament is Jesus the Christ.

Mary through her pure life and conception was the tabernacle of the Son of Man. The original ark of the covenant contained the Tablets, Aron's Staff that had budded and manna.

Mary as the Ark of the covenant brought forth that completion.

Ann and Joachim though very holy were not conceived without sin. Only Mary could be  born without original sin and that was to completely fulfill all that was promised through the the old testament.

In every single way Christ honored His mother.


I'm sorry, your claim is nor Scripturally valid.

Do you have any other information or writings to back up your claim?

Why do you care SAE? There is thread after thread after thread of this same thing.  I have never understood the intent. I don't know why you enter a Catholic thread to begin with. We know how you feel.

I could  put it a thousand ways and you do the same thing over and over again.

What is it you really seek? If your faith is as it should be you do not need to be validated in any other way. There is a contentment in the Spirit of the Lord. Think of the safest place you know where you feel the greatest joy and peace in your life. That is this contentment and you don't need to do anything else.

There are two passages in Scripture which point us to this truth about the "Grace" of Mary. We look first at
   Genesis 3.15, in which we see the parallel between Mary and Eve of which the early Church
   Fathers already spoke: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your
   seed and her seed: he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." The
   Jews saw this passage as referring to the struggle between Christ and Satan, and so the
   Church see in "the woman" a prophetic foreshadowing of the Virgin Mary (Vatican
   II, Lumen gentium, # 55).

If there is to be complete enmity between the woman and the serpent, then she never
   should have been in any way subject to him even briefly. This implies an Immaculate

We can also reason from the text of Lk 1:28, in which the angel calls her "full of
   grace". If we can validate the translation--we can, and will do so, shortly--then in
   this verse we can see even more strongly the complete enmity with the serpent--for God's
   grace is complete opposed to Satan's reign. But if Mary was "full of grace," it
   seems that she must have been conceived immaculate.

Another source was from Pope Pius IX

Overflowing grace: Pius IX, in the document, Ineffabilis Deus, defining the
   Immaculate Conception in 1854 wrote: "He [God] attended her with such great love,
   more than all other creatures, that in her alone He took singular pleasure. Wherefore He
   so wonderfully filled her, more than all angelic spirits and all the Saints, with an
   abundance of all heavenly gifts taken from the treasury of the divinity, that she, always
   free from absolutely every stain of sin, and completely beautiful and perfect, presented
   such a fullness of innocence and holiness that none greater under God can be thought of,
   and no one but God can comprehend it."

What about the words of Jesus in Lk 11:27-28 (cf. Mt. 12:46-50 and Mk 3:35)? A woman in
   the crowd exclaimed: "Blessed is the womb that bore you...." He replied:
   "Rather blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it."

The dignity of being Mother of God is a quasi infinite dignity, as we just saw from the
   words of Pius XI. Yet here, our Lord is teaching us that the holiness coming from hearing
   the word of God and keeping it is something greater still. Her holiness must indeed be
   great--so great that "none greater under God can be thought of, and no one but God
   can comprehend it." If she had not been born without original sin she would never have been able to excel to the level of perfection and faith it would require to bare the Son of God.

Once again... we have discussed this as well. You can be in the midst of a saint and and someone near you can just as easily chose to not believe. Free will.  You can pray and fast and try to live what we are called to do but your son or daughter may chose another path. Again keep in mind that only the pure can be in the presence of God. Only someone free from all sin and obedient to the will of God could possibly have been chosen to bear the son of God.

All of this was promised in the old testament and fulfilled through the Virgin Mary. Would you believe if it had been any different? And why would we not honor Mary the Mother of God as a result. There is a difference between worship and honor.

The mother of God knew uniquely WHO she was responsible. for. She watched us murder the Son of God and knew that it had to be that way to save others.

We know even from the Cross Jesus himself honored his mother.

SAE there are amazing things you post that are enriching. But I am at a loss as to why it is so important to you to dispute every Catholic teaching and Dogma that exists.

And if this message comes to fruition?  We are quick to blame God and ignore that there has continues to be a spiritual war raging over us.

Is it ever a bad thing to ask us to be repent and be closer to God?

While I see you have solidarity with the Christians in Iraq who are being murdered... do you understand that many are Catholic? Do you still feel the same?

Link Posted: 12/18/2014 10:01:50 AM EDT
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Speaking of which...does anyone notice there is little, if ANY mention of Christ in these "visions"?  The Old Testament points to Christ, and in the New Testament, there's no doubt who the star of the show is.  
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Not going to hash out all of this, but this particular point is nonsense.

Everything about the Blessed Mother's existence points towards Christ.  To think otherwise is being (probably willfully) obtuse.
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 10:11:52 AM EDT
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Why do you care SAE? There is thread after thread after thread of this same thing.  I have never understood the intent. I don't know why you enter a Catholic thread to begin with. We know how you feel.
I could  put it a thousand ways and you do the same thing over and over again.
What is it you really seek? If your faith is as it should be you do not need to be validated in any other way. There is a contentment in the Spirit of the Lord. Think of the safest place you know where you feel the greatest joy and peace in your life. That is this contentment and you don't need to do anything else.
There are two passages in Scripture which point us to this truth about the "Grace" of Mary. We look first at    Genesis 3.15, in which we see the parallel between Mary and Eve of which the early Church    Fathers already spoke: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your    seed and her seed: he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." The    Jews saw this passage as referring to the struggle between Christ and Satan, and so the    Church see in "the woman" a prophetic foreshadowing of the Virgin Mary (Vatican    II, Lumen gentium, # 55).

   If there is to be complete enmity between the woman and the serpent, then she never    should have been in any way subject to him even briefly. This implies an Immaculate    conception.

   We can also reason from the text of Lk 1:28, in which the angel calls her "full of    grace". If we can validate the translation--we can, and will do so, shortly--then in    this verse we can see even more strongly the complete enmity with the serpent--for God's    grace is complete opposed to Satan's reign. But if Mary was "full of grace," it    seems that she must have been conceived immaculate.

Another source was from Pope Pius IX
Overflowing grace: Pius IX, in the document, Ineffabilis Deus, defining the    Immaculate Conception in 1854 wrote: "He [God] attended her with such great love,    more than all other creatures, that in her alone He took singular pleasure. Wherefore He    so wonderfully filled her, more than all angelic spirits and all the Saints, with an    abundance of all heavenly gifts taken from the treasury of the divinity, that she, always    free from absolutely every stain of sin, and completely beautiful and perfect, presented    such a fullness of innocence and holiness that none greater under God can be thought of,    and no one but God can comprehend it."

   What about the words of Jesus in Lk 11:27-28 (cf. Mt. 12:46-50 and Mk 3:35)? A woman in    the crowd exclaimed: "Blessed is the womb that bore you...." He replied:    "Rather blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it."

   The dignity of being Mother of God is a quasi infinite dignity, as we just saw from the    words of Pius XI. Yet here, our Lord is teaching us that the holiness coming from hearing    the word of God and keeping it is something greater still. Her holiness must indeed be    great--so great that "none greater under God can be thought of, and no one but God    can comprehend it." If she had not been born without original sin she would never have been able to excel to the level of perfection and faith it would require to bare the Son of God.

Once again... we have discussed this as well. You can be in the midst of a saint and and someone near you can just as easily chose to not believe. Free will.  You can pray and fast and try to live what we are called to do but your son or daughter may chose another path. Again keep in mind that only the pure can be in the presence of God. Only someone free from all sin and obedient to the will of God could possibly have been chosen to bear the son of God.

All of this was promised in the old testament and fulfilled through the Virgin Mary. Would you believe if it had been any different? And why would we not honor Mary the Mother of God as a result. There is a difference between worship and honor.
The mother of God knew uniquely WHO she was responsible. for. She watched us murder the Son of God and knew that it had to be that way to save others.
We know even from the Cross Jesus himself honored his mother.

SAE there are amazing things you post that are enriching. But I am at a loss as to why it is so important to you to dispute every Catholic teaching and Dogma that exists.

And if this message comes to fruition?  We are quick to blame God and ignore that there has continues to be a spiritual war raging over us.

Is it ever a bad thing to ask us to be repent and be closer to God?

While I see you have solidarity with the Christians in Iraq who are being murdered... do you understand that many are Catholic? Do you still feel the same?

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So did ,"Mary's," parents have no sin either?
If not, then what about their parents to the third and fourth generations?
What about  marriages through any of their offspring into other bloodlines which were not of the linage of Mary's father; which if only by her to Jesus Christ, would have been contrary to Jewish laws as it still is today.
And in this, if achieved, then God would legally have to break covenant with His people Israel, even in one instance, would immediately nullify the law and thus separate the covenant through a breach of the law.
And at this, the word of God would be broken and of non-effect forever!
There is only One!
This is the law.
There was no such prophesy as in Christ; a safeguard concerning no other impregnated by the Holy Spirit of God but Mary, the mother/carrier of Jesus Christ, forthcoming to ratify these claims of a sinless human carrier of the Messiah, which had no sin.
My brother SAE.  Catholics believe that ONLY the PURE can be in the presence of God. The New Covenant and fulfillment of the old testament is Jesus the Christ.
Mary through her pure life and conception was the tabernacle of the Son of Man. The original ark of the covenant contained the Tablets, Aron's Staff that had budded and manna.
Mary as the Ark of the covenant brought forth that completion.
Ann and Joachim though very holy were not conceived without sin. Only Mary could be  born without original sin and that was to completely fulfill all that was promised through the the old testament.
In every single way Christ honored His mother.

I'm sorry, your claim is nor Scripturally valid.
Do you have any other information or writings to back up your claim?
Why do you care SAE? There is thread after thread after thread of this same thing.  I have never understood the intent. I don't know why you enter a Catholic thread to begin with. We know how you feel.
I could  put it a thousand ways and you do the same thing over and over again.
What is it you really seek? If your faith is as it should be you do not need to be validated in any other way. There is a contentment in the Spirit of the Lord. Think of the safest place you know where you feel the greatest joy and peace in your life. That is this contentment and you don't need to do anything else.
There are two passages in Scripture which point us to this truth about the "Grace" of Mary. We look first at    Genesis 3.15, in which we see the parallel between Mary and Eve of which the early Church    Fathers already spoke: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your    seed and her seed: he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." The    Jews saw this passage as referring to the struggle between Christ and Satan, and so the    Church see in "the woman" a prophetic foreshadowing of the Virgin Mary (Vatican    II, Lumen gentium, # 55).

   If there is to be complete enmity between the woman and the serpent, then she never    should have been in any way subject to him even briefly. This implies an Immaculate    conception.

   We can also reason from the text of Lk 1:28, in which the angel calls her "full of    grace". If we can validate the translation--we can, and will do so, shortly--then in    this verse we can see even more strongly the complete enmity with the serpent--for God's    grace is complete opposed to Satan's reign. But if Mary was "full of grace," it    seems that she must have been conceived immaculate.

Another source was from Pope Pius IX
Overflowing grace: Pius IX, in the document, Ineffabilis Deus, defining the    Immaculate Conception in 1854 wrote: "He [God] attended her with such great love,    more than all other creatures, that in her alone He took singular pleasure. Wherefore He    so wonderfully filled her, more than all angelic spirits and all the Saints, with an    abundance of all heavenly gifts taken from the treasury of the divinity, that she, always    free from absolutely every stain of sin, and completely beautiful and perfect, presented    such a fullness of innocence and holiness that none greater under God can be thought of,    and no one but God can comprehend it."

   What about the words of Jesus in Lk 11:27-28 (cf. Mt. 12:46-50 and Mk 3:35)? A woman in    the crowd exclaimed: "Blessed is the womb that bore you...." He replied:    "Rather blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it."

   The dignity of being Mother of God is a quasi infinite dignity, as we just saw from the    words of Pius XI. Yet here, our Lord is teaching us that the holiness coming from hearing    the word of God and keeping it is something greater still. Her holiness must indeed be    great--so great that "none greater under God can be thought of, and no one but God    can comprehend it." If she had not been born without original sin she would never have been able to excel to the level of perfection and faith it would require to bare the Son of God.

Once again... we have discussed this as well. You can be in the midst of a saint and and someone near you can just as easily chose to not believe. Free will.  You can pray and fast and try to live what we are called to do but your son or daughter may chose another path. Again keep in mind that only the pure can be in the presence of God. Only someone free from all sin and obedient to the will of God could possibly have been chosen to bear the son of God.

All of this was promised in the old testament and fulfilled through the Virgin Mary. Would you believe if it had been any different? And why would we not honor Mary the Mother of God as a result. There is a difference between worship and honor.
The mother of God knew uniquely WHO she was responsible. for. She watched us murder the Son of God and knew that it had to be that way to save others.
We know even from the Cross Jesus himself honored his mother.

SAE there are amazing things you post that are enriching. But I am at a loss as to why it is so important to you to dispute every Catholic teaching and Dogma that exists.

And if this message comes to fruition?  We are quick to blame God and ignore that there has continues to be a spiritual war raging over us.

Is it ever a bad thing to ask us to be repent and be closer to God?

While I see you have solidarity with the Christians in Iraq who are being murdered... do you understand that many are Catholic? Do you still feel the same?

I'm sorry.
Even though you may list many different articles of faith according solely to the Catholic world organization, and exhaustive reasoning which obviously at this point you whole-heartedly ascribe to and believe in for whatever reason, the fact of the matter still quite remains, is that you do not have any Biblical Scripturally sound references to back up your claims which you, and apparently that the Catholic church at large is making or authorizing to be made here at this time also.

Your claims are not backed up nor verified by the word of God, or the Holy Christian Bible according to any point that you have attempted to make so far.
Can you produce these now?

Link Posted: 12/18/2014 10:59:59 AM EDT
That's because the Church and Sacred tradition predate the Bible (2 Thess 2:15) The tradition of the Theotokos and her assumption predate the compilation, and likely the composition, of scripture.

Do you believe that Mary is the Mother of God, the Theotokos?

Do you believe that it is possible for a mortal being to be 'assumed?
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 11:18:37 AM EDT
But we must always thank God for you, brothers loved by the LORD, because from the beginning God has chosen you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit (or by the Holy Spirit of God) and through belief in the truth.
He called you to this through our gospel, so that you might obtain the glory of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.

Therefore brothers, stand firm and hold on to the traditions you were taught, either by OUR MESSAGE OR BY OUR LETTER.

May our Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF and God our FATHER, who has loved us and given us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace (or by that grace which is found only through the blood atonement of Jesus Christ), encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word.

The Letter of the Apostle Paul Though Holy Spirit of God to the Church in Thessalonica
The Holy Bible of God: 2nd Thessalonians 2: 13-17
Stand Firm
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 11:43:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 11:53:57 AM EDT
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That's because the Church and Sacred tradition predate the Bible (2 Thess 2:15) The tradition of the Theotokos and her assumption predate the compilation, and likely the composition, of scripture.

Do you believe that Mary is the Mother of God, the Theotokos?

Do you believe that it is possible for a mortal being to be 'assumed?
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If sacred tradition predates the bible, wouldn't it make since that it would be included in the bible?  I can't see why it would have been left out. Paul's letters, for the most part, were instructions to the various churchs. Shouldn't the sacred traditions have been included with basic instructions to the new Christians?
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 12:07:08 PM EDT

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Not going to hash out all of this, but this particular point is nonsense.

Everything about the Blessed Mother's existence points towards Christ.  To think otherwise is being (probably willfully) obtuse.
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Speaking of which...does anyone notice there is little, if ANY mention of Christ in these "visions"?  The Old Testament points to Christ, and in the New Testament, there's no doubt who the star of the show is.  

Not going to hash out all of this, but this particular point is nonsense.

Everything about the Blessed Mother's existence points towards Christ.  To think otherwise is being (probably willfully) obtuse.

When I read the words in those "visions", I don't see much of anything pointing to Christ.  I see someone who claims the right and authority granted to Christ.

Let me ask you something- Do you believe whoever dies wearing a scapula is guaranteed to go to heaven
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 12:19:44 PM EDT
Are you going to pull them pistols and go to work, or are you just going to stand there and bleed brother?
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 12:31:40 PM EDT
2 Thess 2:15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

John 21:
24 This
is that disciple who giveth testimony of these things, and hath written
these things; and we know that his testimony is true.
25 But
there are also many other things which Jesus did; which, if they were
written every one, the world itself, I think, would not be able to
contain the books that should be written.

Clearly the Bible itself does not define itself as a sole record or sole authority. First and second Thessalonians was probably the earliest New Testament composition around 52 AD. Some 30-40 years later the gospel of John also says that the teachings of Jesus were not written down in their entirety. The oral passage of tradition existed from the beginning. Fast forward some 300 years and The Church vetted, assembled and compiled the 72 books of the Bible which reflected these teachings and the beliefs of The Church that Jesus Christ founded. Moving ahead another 1100 years, the Prtestant 'reformers' decide that The Church had it wrong from the beginning or, to put it in context, The Church founded by Jesus Christ and carried forth by the Apostles with
scripturally delineated authority and guided by the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus, was simply wrong. Out of this rebellion taking place 1500 years after the origin of The Church, we now enjoy 30,000 churches and the completely non-scriptural and non-traditional doctrines of sola scriptura and sola fide.

You are welcome.

Link Posted: 12/18/2014 12:38:05 PM EDT
This Scripture that you have listed; John 21: 24-25 has nothing to do with the claims that you and others have made here concerning alleged, "locutions," or concerning the deity of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ in any form or fashion as it stands by the word of God today.
In fact, this particular passage of Scripture has to do with the correcting of another false report as it turns out.

Do you have any other Scripture at this juncture to add?

Thanks again.
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 12:40:30 PM EDT
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  When I read the words in those "visions", I don't see much of anything pointing to Christ.  I see someone who claims the right and authority granted to Christ.

Let me ask you something- Do you believe whoever dies wearing a scapula is guaranteed to go to heaven
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Speaking of which...does anyone notice there is little, if ANY mention of Christ in these "visions"?  The Old Testament points to Christ, and in the New Testament, there's no doubt who the star of the show is.  

Not going to hash out all of this, but this particular point is nonsense.

Everything about the Blessed Mother's existence points towards Christ.  To think otherwise is being (probably willfully) obtuse.

  When I read the words in those "visions", I don't see much of anything pointing to Christ.  I see someone who claims the right and authority granted to Christ.

Let me ask you something- Do you believe whoever dies wearing a scapula is guaranteed to go to heaven

Where has the Church claimed that 'whoever dies wearing a scapula is guaranteed to go to heaven'?

Have a link for that?
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 12:57:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 1:03:41 PM EDT
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What is a "scapula," paris?
It seems as if it's literal meaning has to do with the triangular back shoulder bones.
Does this have something to do with a component of the human anatomy or not?
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Link Posted: 12/18/2014 1:14:10 PM EDT

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What is a "scapula," paris?

It seems as if it's literal meaning has to do with the triangular back shoulder bones.

Does this have something to do with a component of the human anatomy or not?


Why do you care?

If you don't believe as we believe why does this matter so much. It is persecution Saul.

Link Posted: 12/18/2014 1:15:08 PM EDT
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Why do you care?
If you don't believe as we believe why does this matter so much. It is persecution Saul.

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What is a "scapula," paris?
It seems as if it's literal meaning has to do with the triangular back shoulder bones.
Does this have something to do with a component of the human anatomy or not?

Why do you care?
If you don't believe as we believe why does this matter so much. It is persecution Saul.


We will see about that.
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 1:27:48 PM EDT

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We will see about that.

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What is a "scapula," paris?

It seems as if it's literal meaning has to do with the triangular back shoulder bones.

Does this have something to do with a component of the human anatomy or not?


Why do you care?

If you don't believe as we believe why does this matter so much. It is persecution Saul.


We will see about that.

You know SAE I pray every day for you.

I don't attack you. We have a right to worship in this country. You aren't asking for any other reason than to pilfer some tidbit to lend some misguided validity to some hard core argument you feel you have to make.

Have you declared your own jihad on Catholics?

Where does it say ANYWHERE in your faith that if it isn't EXACTLY as it's written the bible ... it ain't so. It's not a code book. It's not a competition. Aren't you supposed to bring souls to the Lord? Or is it the fundamentalist job to destroy faith?

Listen.. the OLD testament the TORAH was handed down carefully generation after generation after generation by word of mouth and tradition. There was no technology back then to attest to all this.

We CATHOLICS wrote it down.

We wrote the witness of the life death and resurrection of Christ.

What IS the end game for you? What is your point? What will you would you personally gain from any of us explaining something you do not want to understand?

It is persecution SAE. Its the worst kind.
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 1:29:58 PM EDT
Sister, may I offer you a Band-Aid or a beverage perhaps?
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 1:30:34 PM EDT
in for more
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 1:55:12 PM EDT
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Did you read your link?  It contradicts the premise you and the other Prot Funds are trying to make:

As with any sacramental, a scapular does not offer magical protection. But it can be spiritually powerful, due to the blessings bestowed on it through the Church’s intercession. Sacramentals, which both symbolize holiness and actually become holy through the blessing they receive, dispose us to receive graces.

Wearing a blessed scapular indicates, first and foremost, the conscious effort of one who is motivated to live as a true disciple of Christ. In this way, a scapular offers many occasions of grace. It acts as a reminder to pray regularly, to ask the intercession of the Blessed Mother, and to live a faith-filled life. What it cannot offer is an unconditional guarantee of salvation.

What, then, do a scapular’s promises mean? The Brown Scapular, for example, carries with it the promise (traditionally believed to have been made by Mary in an apparition to St. Simon Stock) that “he who dies in this will be saved.” It also offers us the Sabbatine Privilege, or the assurance that a properly disposed wearer will benefit from the Holy Virgin’s intercession, especially on the Saturday (thus “Sabbatine”) following one’s death.

“Properly disposed” is a key phrase here. Regarding sacramentals, the Church has always taught that one must be properly disposed for them to be effective.

While it’s true that a sacramental is made objectively holy by its transformed nature (having become a blessed object), it’s also true that blessings don’t operate in a vacuum. God uses them, in cooperation with our will, to impart grace. But if we’re unwilling, they can become meaningless.

Link Posted: 12/18/2014 1:58:25 PM EDT
Thanks Led.
Us "Prot Funds," appreciate it.
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 2:01:51 PM EDT

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Sister, may I offer you a Band-Aid or a beverage perhaps?
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Avoidance and condescension? No answer?

At one point SAE the discussion was informative and educational. That is not what this anymore.
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 2:02:21 PM EDT
What, then, do a scapular’s promises mean? The Brown Scapular, for example, carries with it the promise (traditionally believed to have been made by Mary in an apparition to St. Simon Stock) that “he who dies in this will be saved.” It also offers us the Sabbatine Privilege, or the assurance that a properly disposed wearer will benefit from the Holy Virgin’s intercession, especially on the Saturday (thus “Sabbatine”) following one’s death.

“Properly disposed” is a key phrase here. Regarding sacramentals, the Church has always taught that one must be properly disposed for them to be effective.
Link Posted: 12/18/2014 2:05:30 PM EDT
Is this why we may eat fish on Saturday?
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