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Link Posted: 2/5/2013 4:52:56 AM EDT
Can't happen here.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:01:27 AM EDT

(1)  No, just no.  Unless you want to start offing journalists.  As a US citizen, you are judged by your actions, not your associations or what someone assumes you may do.  What and who legally defines a senior AQ leader?  I notice that you keep avoiding this issue.

Yes, just yes.  And if journalists are with senior Al Quaeda leaders in a foreign country then they too are taking their chances and deserve what they get.  I am not avoiding an issue, I am avoiding wasting my time on your sophistry.

(2) Absolutely not.  Allow me to spell it out again, US citizens should be tried in a court of law.

And that is absolutely unfeasible in many cases.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:02:26 AM EDT
So due process isn't worth defending but the 2A is?

So hyperbolic bullshit is your only argument?
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:03:26 AM EDT
Can't happen here.

Well in point of fact it ISN'T happening "here."  It's happening on foreign soil when US citizens turn traitor and work with Al Quaeda.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:05:42 AM EDT
Don't worry, they will only kill terrorists.

The modern definition is very broad. Veterans can be considered terrorists.  

Let's not get too hyperbolic just yet, all right?

It's not me who does that.  It's Heimat Sicherheit Dienst.  
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:16:10 AM EDT
Being on Arfcom qualifies you for the drone list.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:20:45 AM EDT
Being on Arfcom qualifies you for the drone list.

Wrong.  It means that you've got a bunk at Camp Fema.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:21:48 AM EDT
So due process isn't worth defending but the 2A is?

So hyperbolic bullshit is your only argument?

No exaggeration here. Apparently they need less evidence to blow someone away with a drone then they would if they were to prosecute them. You're okay with that?
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:23:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:25:48 AM EDT
Dave_A works for the DOJ
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:27:26 AM EDT

(1)  No, just no.  Unless you want to start offing journalists.  As a US citizen, you are judged by your actions, not your associations or what someone assumes you may do.  What and who legally defines a senior AQ leader?  I notice that you keep avoiding this issue.

Yes, just yes.  And if journalists are with senior Al Quaeda leaders in a foreign country then they too are taking their chances and deserve what they get.  I am not avoiding an issue, I am avoiding wasting my time on your sophistry.

(2) Absolutely not.  Allow me to spell it out again, US citizens should be tried in a court of law.

And that is absolutely unfeasible in many cases.

(1)  al Qaeda leaders don't spend 100% of their day attacking Americans.  They spend it being doctors, lawyers, taxi drivers, ordering pizza, going out with friends (who just so happen not to be all AQ or even associated with AQ), attempting to recruit patriotic Americans who may look like them, etc.  If you can identify and positively stay away from all of these individuals you will be a huge asset for the US Government, please apply.

There is nothing misleading about asking how Senior AQ leadership is defined.  If you don't know the answer, I'd suggest attempting to figure this out before citing it in an argument.  You are stating that being in proximity to an individual of this group is a reason to kill American citizens.  That is dangerous and at a bare minimum, should require everyone knowing who qualifies as a member of AQ leadership.  

(2) Agreed, please continue to read the rest of that sentence.  A court of law can take many forms if need be, hence the qualifications I made later in that sentence which you have edited out.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:30:41 AM EDT
So due process isn't worth defending but the 2A is?

So hyperbolic bullshit is your only argument?

No exaggeration here. Apparently they need less evidence to blow someone away with a drone then they would if they were to prosecute them. You're okay with that?

Where are you getting this.  That paper, in its own words, did not attempt to determine the minimum requirements necessary render such an operation lawful."

Somehow though, people are claiming it does just that, and pretty much allows such operations to be done on a whim, with no oversight of any sort.

My standing GD rule of thumb still stands - if you have to misrepresent an opposing argument in order to make yours sound better, yours probably sucks.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:31:48 AM EDT




And the libs keep acting like we're crazy for being concerned about government tyranny.

It's not whether it will come.  It's already here.  It just hasn't finished escalating yet.

True. I think it will need to start hitting closer to home for it to really sink in for most people. By then things will be real bad….

It wont be long at all. Once people finish selling off their means to defend themselves, they'll get a wake up call when someone is hit with a drone strike, or arrested for some shit, and the proof provided is an aerial snapshot from a drone.
They are already doing this.   Some farmers in Iowa, IIRC, have been fined for breaking the Clean Water Act after being filmed by drones.

Not busted yet, the EPA is still trying.   http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/06/epa-drones-spy-on-farmers-in-nebraska-and-iowa/
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:34:34 AM EDT
Not surprised one bit.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:37:02 AM EDT
So due process isn't worth defending but the 2A is?

So hyperbolic bullshit is your only argument?

No exaggeration here. Apparently they need less evidence to blow someone away with a drone then they would if they were to prosecute them. You're okay with that?

If you are in a foreign country, sitting in a building or a car with a bunch of Al Quaeda terrorists, then yes, I am okay with you getting killed in the same strike that takes them out.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:41:07 AM EDT
(1)  al Qaeda leaders don't spend 100% of their day attacking Americans.  They spend it being doctors, lawyers, taxi drivers, ordering pizza, going out with friends (who just so happen not to be all AQ or even associated with AQ), attempting to recruit patriotic Americans who may look like them, etc.  If you can identify and positively stay away from all of these individuals you will be a huge asset for the US Government, please apply.

Indeed I can.  I can not go to a place like Yemen and get into a car with a bunch of Arabs about whom I know nothing at all.

There is nothing misleading about asking how Senior AQ leadership is defined.

Yes there is, as you already know the answer and are trying to cloud the issue.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:41:07 AM EDT

And the libs keep acting like we're crazy for being concerned about government tyranny.

It's not whether it will come.  It's already here.  It just hasn't finished escalating yet.

True. I think it will need to start hitting closer to home for it to really sink in for most people. By then things will be real bad….

It wont be long at all. Once people finish selling off their means to defend themselves, they'll get a wake up call when someone is hit with a drone strike, or arrested for some shit, and the proof provided is an aerial snapshot from a drone.
They are already doing this.   Some farmers in Iowa, IIRC, have been fined for breaking the after being filmed by drones.


Wait... wut?  Quit reading infowars or what not.

Every version of that story gets more and more ridiculous.  This is the first time I've heard the bit about people getting fined.  Funny how what they may have been doing is not relevent to the types who spread these stories.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:43:14 AM EDT

Ahh well, this old World wasn't meant to last forever. I'm actually tired of wondering if something is going to happen, or when, so I'm just going to go sit over there and wait for it.

Smoke a cigar, have a glass of Jack Daniels and raise a toast to the good old days.

Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:46:03 AM EDT
When a citizen leaves the US and actively takes up arms and incites violence against this Country as part of an organization we are actively at war with, then to me they are fair game on foreign soil. The act of taking up arms against this country on foreign soil I would say counts as denouncing their citizenship. Somehow I don't think the Founding Fathers would have a problem with us putting a Hellfire Missile up some American Born Jihad Johnny's ass either.

I realize it's a slippery slope and I have serious concerns about the use of drones on American Soil. That is a whole other issue though than killing jihadists on foreign soil who happen to have been born in this Country.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:51:20 AM EDT
American citizens fighting for a foreign entity, overseas? Or American citizens on American soil?

There is a difference.

We're all 'enemy combatants' and 'enemies of the state'

F#&k em

The memo is very narrow in scope and only says that it's legal to kill an American citizen overseas who is working specifically for Al Quaida.
In other words, it's much ado about nothing.

Feels like "mission creep" to me.  Starts over there, ends over here.

This  is  EXACTLY  what  this  is .
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:52:27 AM EDT
When a citizen leaves the US and actively takes up arms and incites violence against this Country as part of an organization we are actively at war with, then to me they are fair game on foreign soil. The act of taking up arms against this country on foreign soil I would say counts as denouncing their citizenship. Somehow I don't think the Founding Fathers would have a problem with us putting a Hellfire Missile up some American Born Jihad Johnny's ass either.

I realize it's a slippery slope and I have serious concerns about the use of drones on American Soil. That is a whole other issue though than killing jihadists on foreign soil who happen to have been born in this Country.

I would be very very concerned about the use of ARMED drones on US soil.  As for unarmed drones...well, what's the difference between a cop in an airplane or helicopter patrolling the interstate or a remotely controlled drone doing the same thing?
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 5:58:24 AM EDT
I'm sure they will test this in the inner city, to slow down the murder rates in Chitcago right?????
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:03:32 AM EDT
When a citizen leaves the US and actively takes up arms and incites violence against this Country as part of an organization we are actively at war with, then to me they are fair game on foreign soil. The act of taking up arms against this country on foreign soil I would say counts as denouncing their citizenship. Somehow I don't think the Founding Fathers would have a problem with us putting a Hellfire Missile up some American Born Jihad Johnny's ass either.

I realize it's a slippery slope and I have serious concerns about the use of drones on American Soil. That is a whole other issue though than killing jihadists on foreign soil who happen to have been born in this Country.

I would be very very concerned about the use of ARMED drones on US soil.  As for unarmed drones...well, what's the difference between a cop in an airplane or helicopter patrolling the interstate or a remotely controlled drone doing the same thing?

Once  the  cost  of  surveilance  is  reduced  to  pennies on  the  dollar , keeping  law  enforcement  from  abusing  it  will  be  like  keeping  whores  from  crack .
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:07:39 AM EDT
When a citizen leaves the US and actively takes up arms and incites violence against this Country as part of an organization we are actively at war with, then to me they are fair game on foreign soil. The act of taking up arms against this country on foreign soil I would say counts as denouncing their citizenship. Somehow I don't think the Founding Fathers would have a problem with us putting a Hellfire Missile up some American Born Jihad Johnny's ass either.

I realize it's a slippery slope and I have serious concerns about the use of drones on American Soil. That is a whole other issue though than killing jihadists on foreign soil who happen to have been born in this Country.

I would be very very concerned about the use of ARMED drones on US soil.  As for unarmed drones...well, what's the difference between a cop in an airplane or helicopter patrolling the interstate or a remotely controlled drone doing the same thing?

Armed Drones on our soil, absolutely not.

As for unarmed, yes it is similar to a cop in an airplane or helicopter. The only difference is the drones that most LE Agencies are wanting to use are small and can go places that a plane or helo cannot. Some are so small they can look in windows of a house. This to me is too tempting. I can see agencies expanding their use more and more to areas they should not.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:07:40 AM EDT
What is surprising is, why would they make this public?
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:08:16 AM EDT
When a citizen leaves the US and actively takes up arms and incites violence against this Country as part of an organization we are actively at war with, then to me they are fair game on foreign soil. The act of taking up arms against this country on foreign soil I would say counts as denouncing their citizenship. Somehow I don't think the Founding Fathers would have a problem with us putting a Hellfire Missile up some American Born Jihad Johnny's ass either.

I realize it's a slippery slope and I have serious concerns about the use of drones on American Soil. That is a whole other issue though than killing jihadists on foreign soil who happen to have been born in this Country.

I would be very very concerned about the use of ARMED drones on US soil.  As for unarmed drones...well, what's the difference between a cop in an airplane or helicopter patrolling the interstate or a remotely controlled drone doing the same thing?

Once  the  cost  of  surveillance  is  reduced  to  pennies on  the  dollar , keeping  law  enforcement  from  abusing  it  will  be  like  keeping  whores  from  crack .

Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:13:12 AM EDT
The constitution is very clear, a citizen is to be given a trial and found guilty BEFORE execution. To do otherwise is murder. But we all know that this president has no problem with murder for political gain, after all Fast and Furious was just that and IF Obama did not know about the operation, he put his stamp of approval on it when he claimed executive privilege over information about it. Does anyone really want the Obama admin making decisions about who they can kill and claim they were a terrorist.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:17:43 AM EDT
What is surprising is, why would they make this public?

They didn't. NBC News somehow got a hold of the memo.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:19:40 AM EDT
Do people realize that one of these people killed was actually a 16 year old that was born in America? Also he wasn't actively fighting anyone, he was walking down the street in Yemen.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:30:19 AM EDT
Do people realize that one of these people killed was actually a 16 year old that was born in America? Also he wasn't actively fighting anyone, he was walking down the street in Yemen.

My jihadi didn't do nuthin'...
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:36:30 AM EDT
Can't happen here.

Well in point of fact it ISN'T happening "here."  It's happening on foreign soil when US citizens turn traitor and work with Al Quaeda.

Thanks for proving the point.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:39:04 AM EDT
When a citizen leaves the US and actively takes up arms and incites violence against this Country as part of an organization we are actively at war with, then to me they are fair game on foreign soil. The act of taking up arms against this country on foreign soil I would say counts as denouncing their citizenship. Somehow I don't think the Founding Fathers would have a problem with us putting a Hellfire Missile up some American Born Jihad Johnny's ass either.

I realize it's a slippery slope and I have serious concerns about the use of drones on American Soil. That is a whole other issue though than killing jihadists on foreign soil who happen to have been born in this Country.

I would be very very concerned about the use of ARMED drones on US soil.  As for unarmed drones...well, what's the difference between a cop in an airplane or helicopter patrolling the interstate or a remotely controlled drone doing the same thing?

Mainly because it captures everything it sees and can be viewed at any point in the future. You may not be involved in what they are looking for NOW, but your actions are recorded for all time and may be used against you when they had no probable cause to be looking into your private life. You may not even be aware you were breaking the law. We should have some reasonable expectation of privacy when we are minding our own business. It smacks of Orwellian think.

Beck was commenting on the move toward "singularity". With Google capturing all kinds of data and the profileration of smart devices, it won't be long before we are being listened to and watched by the tech we carry. The technology is great, but the temptation to abuse it is too great.

There is already work under way to build devices as seen in the show "Continuum". We will be walking down the street and our devices will be scanning the environmnet around us. Facial recognition will tell us who we see and information about them we may find useful. Google glasses are already in development. On the surface this is great. Someone with ill intent could use the information for blackmail, patterning or other nefarious purpose.

We are being watched. It is already here.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:40:58 AM EDT
What is surprising is, why would they make this public?

Smoke screen for the gun grab battle.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:48:28 AM EDT
Can't happen here.

Well in point of fact it ISN'T happening "here."  It's happening on foreign soil when US citizens turn traitor and work with Al Quaeda.

Thanks for proving the point.

All I've proven is your inability to carry on a coherent argument.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 6:56:15 AM EDT
Can't happen here.

Well in point of fact it ISN'T happening "here."  It's happening on foreign soil when US citizens turn traitor and work with Al Quaeda.

Thanks for proving the point.

All I've proven is your inability to carry on a coherent argument.

No, you've proven your inability to understand the argument.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 7:26:42 AM EDT
Can't happen here.

Well in point of fact it ISN'T happening "here."  It's happening on foreign soil when US citizens turn traitor and work with Al Quaeda.

Thanks for proving the point.

All I've proven is your inability to carry on a coherent argument.

No, you've proven your inability to understand the argument.

That's your failing for not presenting it in a manner in which it could be understood.
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 8:15:05 AM EDT
Does it look like this?

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