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Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:03:54 AM EDT
Piss on him.

We have a similar situation in Florida wherein the director of marketing for a gunstore chain known as Shoot Straight, appeared on an anti gun television hit piece to oppose open carry in this state while a bill was before the legislature.

Piss on him and his chain of Shoot Straight stores as well.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:05:34 AM EDT
Made a huge mistake, got an education, came around to our side, now thinks favorably of the platform.

I've LONG since forgiven him.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:08:07 AM EDT



Regarding "shooting our wounded:" he proved he is not "one of us" when he made that statement.

Okay, let's say you are correct.

Which is better for the shooting community:

A. Make another enemy

B. Welcome a new supporter of the black rifle

If he wasn't "one of us", then we need to make him one of us, not alienate him.

I sure am glad I've never said/done anything stupid.

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:10:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:10:22 AM EDT
But The Nuge made it all better???  We're supposed to like him now.


I honestly do not understand this attitude.

Zumbo messed up.  He got his lumps, lost his job, etc.  That's fine.

But the Nuge took the high road and decided to "educate" someone that was ignorant.

Now, whether Zumbo was "really" sorry and changed his mind, I guess I don't know.  But he apologized and said that he was wrong and now understood the need and use of the black rifle.

What does the shooting community gain by "shooting our wounded"?

The guy screwed up and changed his mind.  Why don't we welcome him back in the fold?

Other hunters that do not understand Second Amendment issues will be less willing to learn and change their minds if we continue to act this

way.  Our goal ought to be to change people's minds and educate them and then welcome them into the Black Rifle Family.

Just MHO.

We teach the next Quisling to keep his mouth shut in the first place, before he can damage our freedoms; that's what we have to gain.

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:10:50 AM EDT
To this day, if his hunting show comes on or if a commercial comes on with him in it.... I change the channel... never forget!

- Clint

Damn right! Fuck Smith & Wesson too!

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:15:28 AM EDT



What did he say?

A brief summary....

George Bush saying 'internets' on that just makes it perfect

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:17:05 AM EDT
Further, let's suppose that deep in the crevices of his addled mind, he secretly hates the platform and the idea of hunting with them. May I suggest that it doesn't matter?

Publicly, he owned up to his mistake and apologized.

Publicly, he went hunting with Ted God Damned Nugent, and wrote favorably of it.

Publicly, he wrote nice things about black rifles.

Publicly, he has never again written a disparaging remark on either the rifle, or it's owners.

Publicly, he is now indistinguishable from somebody who truly does love the rifle and the idea of hunting with it.

So even if I were to suppose I had the ability to know the man's heart (I don't, and neither do you), and came to the conclusion that he was putting on an act, it doesn't matter. In deed (if not thought), he's now one of us. There was a huge "fire mission" (that actually worked for a change!), and a positive change in public behavior.

If that's not good enough, then what was the point of all this?
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:25:00 AM EDT


Further, let's suppose that deep in the crevices of his addled mind, he secretly hates the platform and the idea of hunting with them. May I suggest that it doesn't matter?

Publicly, he owned up to his mistake and apologized.

Publicly, he went hunting with Ted God Damned Nugent, and wrote favorably of it.

Publicly, he wrote nice things about black rifles.

Publicly, he has never again written a disparaging remark on either the rifle, or it's owners.

Publicly, he is now indistinguishable from somebody who truly does love the rifle and the idea of hunting with it.

So even if I were to suppose I had the ability to know the man's heart (I don't, and neither do you), and came to the conclusion that he was putting on an act, it doesn't matter. In deed (if not thought), he's now one of us. There was a huge "fire mission" (that actually worked for a change!), and a positive change in public behavior.

If that's not good enough, then what was the point of all this?

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:25:33 AM EDT
Zumbo's public beat down should serve to "Educate" other idiots about how much damage their ignorant, drunken babbling can do their career, if it is in the gun/outdoors industry. The beating should stop, but anyone who ever trusts someone that stupid, again, is asking for more. He did what he needed to do after his public flogging by millions. It was self serving, completely, and effective, to a degree.

Bringing up his name occasionally is good. It serves to warn other fucktards to shut their fucking whiskey hole. Kinda like the Dixie Chicks..
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:29:20 AM EDT
Yep, it takes me about .223 seconds to change the fucking channel when that jackass is on.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:30:40 AM EDT
Moment of teaching here. All you young pups would do well to listen to Old Painless. He is old (as stated!) and wise. He is a ARFcom Sage.  That means he has learned a lot in his long years. Things that you might not even realize at your young age.  I am not a Sage. Just a old shit that recognizes a Sage.  WJ

ETA- has anyone seen any of his recent work? I wonder if he has wondered off the reservation. Old habits die hard sometimes. WJ

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:31:45 AM EDT
What did he say?

Some fudd comment about how EBRs are evil. He was subsequently boycotted, so he changed his tune.

As far as I'm concerned, he's learned his lesson.

people do not change.
he has learned to keep his true beliefs to himself though.

fuck Zumbo.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:41:32 AM EDT
What did he say?

Some fudd comment about how EBRs are evil. He was subsequently boycotted, so he changed his tune.

As far as I'm concerned, he's learned his lesson.

people do not change.
he has learned to keep his true beliefs to himself though.

fuck Zumbo.

Good, that was the point of that firemission. To shut him up.

For the life of me, I'll never understand why "big names" feel the need to preach their thinking to me. Shut your fucking man-pleaser and let me handle me and mine. I could give a fuck less what Zumbo, Hollywood, or that dickbage from Shoot Straight has to say, nor do I want to hear their opinion.

If they are stupid enough to use their name in association with their business when promoting an agenda, all the better. Now we know how to fuck their lives up finacially.

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:43:51 AM EDT
Dude made a mistake......

thats not a mistake.
its a red flag that he is not on "our side"
united we stand, divided we fall...
ring any bells?
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:58:01 AM EDT
Mark 3:25
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 6:59:35 AM EDT


78,000 Beekeeper?

You're almost as without a life as Aimless.

I spent my weekend shooting and chasing beaver. I even have pics.  

A  penguin mating with beaver?  It's the end of the world!


Would that make a new species? The penguin billed beaverpuss.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 7:01:28 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 7:02:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 7:09:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 7:11:26 AM EDT
But The Nuge made it all better???  We're supposed to like him now.


I honestly do not understand this attitude.

Zumbo messed up.  He got his lumps, lost his job, etc.  That's fine.

But the Nuge took the high road and decided to "educate" someone that was ignorant.

Now, whether Zumbo was "really" sorry and changed his mind, I guess I don't know.  But he apologized and said that he was wrong and now understood the need and use of the black rifle.

What does the shooting community gain by "shooting our wounded"?

The guy screwed up and changed his mind.  Why don't we welcome him back in the fold?

Other hunters that do not understand Second Amendment issues will be less willing to learn and change their minds if we continue to act this way.  Our goal ought to be to change people's minds and educate them and then welcome them into the Black Rifle Family.

Just MHO.


Well said..
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 7:34:37 AM EDT
While Zumbo made amends and should be given "props" for doing so, the result of being "Zumboed" should live on as a warning.

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 7:41:17 AM EDT

May Fuck Be Upon Him... Ass

And his boy friend Cooper.  

We need a whole list of anti-freedom gun people and companies, here is a few

Zumbo (writer) - anti AR-15
Cooper rifles - supported Obama
H.S. precision stocks - Lon Horiuchi fan club
Robinson Armament  - Romney backer
Smith & Wesson - sell out agreement with feds

Ruger Firearms - Bill Ruger is dead, current company even producing 10/22 high caps

Add petzal to that list.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 7:47:25 AM EDT



Regarding "shooting our wounded:" he proved he is not "one of us" when he made that statement.

Okay, let's say you are correct.

Which is better for the shooting community:

A. Make another enemy

B. Welcome a new supporter of the black rifle

If he wasn't "one of us", then we need to make him one of us, not alienate him.

He is not a supporter, unless you consider a crotchless jock support.

He is tolerant, because it cost him so much.

People like him are the enemy among us, and he needs to be crucified.

betrayel from within is worse than a attack from the outside

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 7:54:56 AM EDT

I found him at SHOT last year.  ARFCOM instructed me to find him again and crap in his hat.  
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 7:55:33 AM EDT
I'm not mad at Zumbo any more, there's no reason to hold a grudge.

The nastygram he sent to the Senate helped quite a bit as far as I was concerned. Meaningless gesture, perhaps, but he knew it was probably meaningless and did it anyway.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:00:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:02:48 AM EDT
The problem wasn't just that he called AR15 owners terrorists, when confronted on his webpage by Arfcoms "Gunwritr" (David Fortier i think ) He basically told him to fuck off, then he told all the other people to "go to hell" or some shit.
The very next day he started saying he was "posting drunk" or some back peddling crap.
He totally underestimated the popularity of our MILITARYS' RIFLE with anyone under the age of 90.
Fucking Fudd douche...................Oh but don't worry, The motor city madman "converted him" to our way of thinking so now it's all good.

He just got kicked in the balls and the wallet, that's why he was so repentant.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:14:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:18:17 AM EDT
Yeah, I guess I forgive him, reluctantly.

But, GOD DA**(!!)..........he had a stupid attitude back then.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:19:20 AM EDT
I'll forgive him when I hear him publicly admit that he was 100% wrong and issue an apology, and is shown deer hunting on TV with a .308 AR.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:25:23 AM EDT
What did he say?

The blog entry that started it all:

I must be living in a vacuum. The guides on our hunt tell me that the use of AR and AK rifles have a rapidly growing following among hunters, especially prairie dog hunters. I had no clue. Only once in my life have I ever seen anyone using one of these firearms. I call them "assault" rifles, which may upset some people. Excuse me, maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity. I'll go so far as to call them "terrorist" rifles. They tell me that some companies are producing assault rifles that are "tackdrivers." Sorry, folks, in my humble opinion, these things have no place in hunting. We don't need to be lumped into the group of people who terrorize the world with them, which is an obvious concern. I've always been comfortable with the statement that hunters don't use assault rifles. We've always been proud of our "sporting firearms." This really has me concerned. As hunters, we don't need the image of walking around the woods carrying one of these weapons. To most of the public, an assault rifle is a terrifying thing. Let's divorce ourselves from them. I say game departments should ban them from the praries [sic] and woods.

The most ironic part is that he probably owned/owns several mauser-based rifles.  What an idiot.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:31:29 AM EDT

But The Nuge made it all better??? We're supposed to like him now.


You do realize that your signature is a direct quote from Ted Nugent.

Yeah I know, but Ted didn't say all the stupid shit, he just tried to help a dumb friend. We all have dumb friends so I will let him slide

I knew about Zumbo, but I guess I missed that part about Ted
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:35:14 AM EDT
But The Nuge made it all better???  We're supposed to like him now.


I honestly do not understand this attitude.

Zumbo messed up.  He got his lumps, lost his job, etc.  That's fine.

But the Nuge took the high road and decided to "educate" someone that was ignorant.

Now, whether Zumbo was "really" sorry and changed his mind, I guess I don't know.  But he apologized and said that he was wrong and now understood the need and use of the black rifle.

What does the shooting community gain by "shooting our wounded"?

The guy screwed up and changed his mind.  Why don't we welcome him back in the fold?

Other hunters that do not understand Second Amendment issues will be less willing to learn and change their minds if we continue to act this way.  Our goal ought to be to change people's minds and educate them and then welcome them into the Black Rifle Family.

Just MHO.

I understand your point O_P and respect your opinion. On the other hand I think that sometimes, someone has to be made an example of.
Zumbo crashed and burned spectacularly and makes a fine example. We are all in this together, throwing each other under the bus is stupid and needs to stop.
Hopefully people will remember Zumbos clusterfuck and keep their stupid thoughts to themselves.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:35:36 AM EDT
I have a hard time forgiving a person that's supposed to be such a prolific hunting writer and shooting enthusiast could be so completely ignorant of the AR platform in the hunting realm.  He mentioned all these hunters telling him how versatile the AR platform is, and that's when he should've looked into it rather than professing he seen no sporting use for it.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:36:45 AM EDT

78,000 Beekeeper?

You're almost as without a life as Aimless.

I spent my weekend shooting and chasing beaver. I even have pics.  


Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:48:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:49:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 8:52:30 AM EDT


I have a hard time forgiving a person that's supposed to be such a prolific hunting writer and shooting enthusiast could be so completely ignorant of the AR platform in the hunting realm.  He mentioned all these hunters telling him how versatile the AR platform is, and that's when he should've looked into it rather than professing he seen no sporting use for it.

This wording is the red flag.  "Sporting purpose" is a combination of words specifically offered by anti-gunners as a lever to ban some groups of guns.  

Beware any individual, especially those who purport to being Second Amendment supporters, who spout this nonsense.

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 9:17:18 AM EDT
Yep, fuck him.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 9:26:01 AM EDT
What did he say?

The blog entry that started it all:

I must be living in a vacuum. The guides on our hunt tell me that the use of AR and AK rifles have a rapidly growing following among hunters, especially prairie dog hunters. I had no clue. Only once in my life have I ever seen anyone using one of these firearms. I call them "assault" rifles, which may upset some people. Excuse me, maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity. I'll go so far as to call them "terrorist" rifles. They tell me that some companies are producing assault rifles that are "tackdrivers." Sorry, folks, in my humble opinion, these things have no place in hunting. We don't need to be lumped into the group of people who terrorize the world with them, which is an obvious concern. I've always been comfortable with the statement that hunters don't use assault rifles. We've always been proud of our "sporting firearms." This really has me concerned. As hunters, we don't need the image of walking around the woods carrying one of these weapons. To most of the public, an assault rifle is a terrifying thing. Let's divorce ourselves from them. I say game departments should ban them from the praries [sic] and woods.

This was the only thing Zumbo got right.  I remember at the time being blown away that a guy in his position was so disconnected with the trends in the shooting world that he would not only label such an increasingly popular gun a "terrorist rifle", but actually call for it to be banned from hunting areas.  And the thought it "may upset" some people?  That's one hell of a vacuum.    

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 9:26:39 AM EDT
I wasn't a member of this site at the time... But I remember learning about what happened...

A positive outcome was that I remember Field and Stream publishing a bit on it, and soon after that they started having more articles on AR's in "hunting" applications.

I think more folks got the message than just Zumbo...

As far as trying to make a guy an enemy who has offered an appology, I am not so sure that is *wise*.

When I was in college, I became friends with a girl, and spent some time with her and her family. Her parents were near retirement age, and her dad, when he got upset with his wife, would mention her boyfriends, and youthful indescretions with said boyfrieds, from *before* they were married. At first, I thought she must have cheated on him, from his (in front of other people) anger and resentment. Nope. From before they had even met. Now there was a guy who couldn't let things go.

Sometimes, you got to let things go.

And in this particular case, we have a guy who has obviously been punished. We have a guy who offered an apology, and for all intents and purposes hasn't made the same mistake again...

Is there "real" angst for the AR among FUDD's? Absolutely. I have seen it at my local range. Mouthy comments from guys sighting in their hunting rifles. The first time I thought they were trying to be funny. Then when I realized they were serious, my knees almost buckeled. I know how to talk to liberal douche's about gun rights, and the 2nd Amd. but how do you respectfully talk to a guy sighting in his hunting rifle about the 2nd Amd. and the need for more than "five rounds in a rifle." I said something stupid, like "well, what if more than five guys try to break into my house..." And I said it, trying to be respectful, but also defending my position. He said, "If more than five guys are trying to kill you, they are going to win, no matter how many rounds you have." I said, "Yeah, but I will give it my best shot, you have a nice day, mister." I was absolutely floored. I am telling you that my knees almost buckled. It was like somebody kneed me in my stomach. I was out of breath, and stammering. I couldn't believe it...

But in this particular case, we have a guy who made an apology, changed his stance, and publicly stated that the AR has a place.

I can accept that.

Forgive your enemies, but don't forget their names.

You should then challenge them.

I hear that crap at the club I'm in here in MN, but only during the runup to deer hunting. I was shooting my NM M1A which is a tackdriver when I heard some dude who was poorly attempting to sight in his deer rifle that my M14 had no place because it was aweapon of war and wouldn't be anywhere near as accurate as the venerable deer rifle in his hands.

I pointed out that all guns were at one time weapons of war, especially the BAR he was shooting, and challenged him to see who would do better, he with his scoped rifle off the bench, or my prone, unsupported with only the sling. Five rounds, group size. He stupidly accepted even after seeing that I was significantly more proficient with my rifle than he with his.

He lost, bad. My M1a is capable of an inch five round group at 100. His gun was too, but he was not and I knew that looking at his patterns. Afterwards, he actually man'd up and we talked about it. I asked him how long he thought he could expect to keep his high powered, scoped, sniper rifle if my "Assault Rifle" were banned? How about his "Indescriminate Scattergun?" I left him with hte statement that we're all in this together.

My uncles and cousins out in the country of Western MN subscribe to that idiot thinking too.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 9:29:22 AM EDT
What did he say?

The blog entry that started it all:

I must be living in a vacuum. The guides on our hunt tell me that the use of AR and AK rifles have a rapidly growing following among hunters, especially prairie dog hunters. I had no clue. Only once in my life have I ever seen anyone using one of these firearms. I call them "assault" rifles, which may upset some people. Excuse me, maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity. I'll go so far as to call them "terrorist" rifles. They tell me that some companies are producing assault rifles that are "tackdrivers." Sorry, folks, in my humble opinion, these things have no place in hunting. We don't need to be lumped into the group of people who terrorize the world with them, which is an obvious concern. I've always been comfortable with the statement that hunters don't use assault rifles. We've always been proud of our "sporting firearms." This really has me concerned. As hunters, we don't need the image of walking around the woods carrying one of these weapons. To most of the public, an assault rifle is a terrifying thing. Let's divorce ourselves from them. I say game departments should ban them from the praries [sic] and woods.

The most ironic part is that he probably owned/owns several mauser-based rifles.  What an idiot.

He did.........I remember a show, LONG AGO, where he was carrying a custom made rifle with a WWII or WWI Mauser large ring receiver.

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 9:32:05 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Aimless
I'm skeptical of his reformation, but geez the guy certainly was made an example of. I'm surprised he didn't have a heart attack. I don't think the guy deserves to never work again, have a stroke, starve to death etc.  

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 9:36:13 AM EDT
Zumbo never convinced me that he gave up on being a tremendous douchebag.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 9:37:36 AM EDT

May Fuck Be Upon Him... Ass

And his boy friend Cooper.  

We need a whole list of anti-freedom gun people and companies, here is a few

Zumbo (writer) - anti AR-15
Cooper rifles - supported Obama
H.S. precision stocks - Lon Horiuchi fan club
Robinson Armament  - Romney backer
Smith & Wesson - sell out agreement with feds

Ruger Firearms - Bill Ruger is dead, current company even producing 10/22 high caps

I believe Smith & Wesson has new owners since the Fed sell out.
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 9:39:29 AM EDT
i gice a lot of credit to Gunwritr he mentioned severl anti Ar fudd gun writers when that blew up. i guess there is more anti/fudd bullshit among the hunting writers than i thought


True, those "sports writers" who were exposed by Gunwritr were, and are, entitled to express their opinion; that right is guaranteed.  

And, it was and is our right to expose them (and Zumbo) for their hipocrasy.  It is also our right to boycott them to the fullest extent.  I hope it costs every one of them their jobs & makes them change their mind on what the 2nd Amendment ACTUALLY means.  Zumbo certainly has tried to convince everyone he sees things in a different light.  Hope he is telling the truth now.

To those who claim that Arfcom or others "went crazy" or over-reacted to Zumbo, keep in mind that Zumbo's (and other's) actions were blatently used against the cause of firearms freedom by the Brady Campaign and other anti-gun groups.  

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 9:40:20 AM EDT
H.S. precision stocks - Lon Horiuchi fan club
That's fucking absurd.

Link Posted: 5/23/2011 9:42:30 AM EDT
Dude made a mistake......

"if you break something, you have to pay for it."

Dude did a LOT of damage with his, um, "mistake."
Link Posted: 5/23/2011 9:44:08 AM EDT
But The Nuge made it all better???  We're supposed to like him now.


I honestly do not understand this attitude.

Zumbo messed up.  He got his lumps, lost his job, etc.  That's fine.

But the Nuge took the high road and decided to "educate" someone that was ignorant.

Now, whether Zumbo was "really" sorry and changed his mind, I guess I don't know.  But he apologized and said that he was wrong and now understood the need and use of the black rifle.

What does the shooting community gain by "shooting our wounded"?

The guy screwed up and changed his mind.  Why don't we welcome him back in the fold?

Other hunters that do not understand Second Amendment issues will be less willing to learn and change their minds if we continue to act this way.  Our goal ought to be to change people's minds and educate them and then welcome them into the Black Rifle Family.

Just MHO.

As usual, that is a thoughtful response on your part.

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