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Link Posted: 1/8/2006 6:34:07 PM EDT

I occassionally get ingrown toe nails.  I try to manage mine by growing my out straight and cutting them straight across the top, not rounded.  

You might try soaking your foot in epsom salts before working with your nail.  

My ingrown nails started at the base (in the corner) and not on the outer edge where you normally cut - the ingrown nail (which is very soft until cured by air I guess) had grown down and back from the starting point!  every time it was about 1/2 x 1/4" in size (but really soft and flexible)  the only reason why I knew it was there was the pain - one time I could not wait for the doc, so i softened it up in the bath tub and then massaged it out!  there was a huge flap dangling there (and some white puss)....I then cleaned it all up and SNIPPED it - that hurt, but all was well....never had it again...(phenol never prevented this one)
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 6:34:50 PM EDT

Blagga, you got some funky toes y0!

My small toes are rotated 90 degrees clockwise so that the nail faces outward.  

They are also shaped very strangely.

Good luck with the ingrown nail, I reccomend you do something about it immediately.  I had an infection from a torn cuticle and when it got painful to walk I had to dig out the dead flesh with a sterilized knife and a toothpick (macgyver style).   It went away after a few days of removing skin, but there was a small crater left for some time.  

Link Posted: 1/8/2006 6:36:40 PM EDT


Blagga, you got some funky toes y0!

My small toes are rotated 90 degrees clockwise so that the nail faces outward.  

They are also shaped very strangely.

Good luck with the ingrown nail, I reccomend you do something about it immediately.  I had an infection from a torn cuticle and when it got painful to walk I had to dig out the dead flesh with a sterilized knife and a toothpick (macgyver style).   It went away after a few days of removing skin, but there was a small crater left for some time.  

Mine are the same way,  and my second toes WERE longer than my big toes, but my work boots didn't like that so they kinda angled to the side a little to lol.  My feet would gag a maggot if he saw them

Oh yeah and I had an ingrown nail, got it cut out, and it's trying to go back so I have a toe nail on my big to just slightly smaller than a nickel.  Still trying to grow in on the side.
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 6:37:07 PM EDT
Do I have to go to a podiatrist or ortho to do it? Couldn't I just go to a regular MD to do it?
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 6:38:00 PM EDT
Md could do it.  But a podiatrist would be better,  
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 6:44:02 PM EDT

Md could do it.  But a podiatrist would be better,  


It hurts off and on though, probably no biggie right guys?
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 7:04:47 PM EDT


Md could do it.  But a podiatrist would be better,  


It hurts off and on though, probably no biggie right guys?

Ingrown toenails can become an issue that haunts you for a VERY long time.  I'd go.
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 7:06:52 PM EDT
If you are not prone to infection and can handle the pain dig it out yourself.  You can soak your toe in Chloroseptic throat spray for a few minutes before you operate. this will help numb it some. take a clean pointed tool and dig it out . up and over the side of the toe. Then take an exacto knife and cut  just the ingrown portion (Just cut on the nail, not too deep)  down to the root area as far as possible then yank out the ingrown piece. It will probably bleed some. this is good.  soak it in some listerine or the Chloroseptice again for a few minutes. Now, dry the area with sterile gause and cover the area with a liberal amount of Neosporin (too much is just right) then cover with a loose bandage. reapply Neosporin twice daily. keep it dry. Take showers with your foot outside the shower door or put a plastic garbage on it to keep it dry. If you start seeing any redness or swelling or if it feels hot or radiating, You'll need some anti-biotics. Don't screw around with it at that point. Go to a walk-in clinic or see your family practice doc....asap
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 7:08:07 PM EDT



Md could do it.  But a podiatrist would be better,  


It hurts off and on though, probably no biggie right guys?

Ingrown toenails can become an issue that haunts you for a VERY long time.  I'd go.

I'll go as soon as a chance comes up to go to an MD.

Thanks Dusty.  
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 7:18:13 PM EDT
Just fish the in grown edge out with your pocket knife and let the nail grow out.  Then trim them so it won't happen again.
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 7:19:28 PM EDT
I bet a peoditrist wouldn't be much more than an General Prac, but I would still go to the poditrist.  Your feet, your back, your heart, lungs and brain just can't be ignored.  Pretty important stuff.
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 7:32:14 PM EDT
I can tell you from my horrible experience with home surgery that A PODIATRIST IS WORTH EVERY PENNY!

Go the podiatrist, have hime/her take care of it and you are done for good.
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 7:36:55 PM EDT

I bet a peoditrist wouldn't be much more than an General Prac, but I would still go to the poditrist.  Your feet, your back, your heart, lungs and brain just can't be ignored.  Pretty important stuff.

That reminds me.  A painful toe can change the way you walk.  Not walking right can throw your hips out of alignment.  If your hips are out of alignment, then your spine is, and it'll hurt like hell eventually.  You gotta baby ur feet.
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 7:37:06 PM EDT
When I was a teenager I had ingrown toe nails... I tried some of the rememdies suggested here... problem is that feet are coated in bacteria....   I eventually got an infection (red itchy streaks) running up my foot and into my calf.

I went to a pediatrist.   He cleaned/ and sanatized the areas & numbed me up,   took some clippers that looked a lot like little sharp 'dikes' and cut me to the quick, yanked the edge of the nail out that was the offender,  then took a q-tip with some sort of acid on it and stuck it in the wound to kill the root....    a perscription of anti-biotics and I was set.

no more ingrown toe nails.  

I do get these little slivers that grow where he 'killed' he root (I know I've just got some tough nails, but they are easy to maintain and never ingrow unless I don't keep them trimmed right and pushed out of my skin.

My toes ached for a few days, and I couldn't swim for a few weeks, but it was worth it as I rarely have trouble 15+ years later.

I'd recommend a pediatrist for anyone with serious ingrown nails.


www.epodiatry.com/ingrown_nails.htm Seems to have some good info.   I have very curved nails.

FYI the site above says that cutting the v notch in the toe is bunk....    
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 7:54:45 PM EDT
Well, I thank everyone for the advice...It never really got to be too bad and is mostly gone now...never had to perform surgery beyong poping it in a few places with a small needle...

I guess what I am most suprised at it that this thread made it to 3 pages....I guess you can never underestimate arcommers.

Thanks fellas, and gals.
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 7:57:14 PM EDT

Well, I thank everyone for the advice...It never really got to be too bad and is mostly gone now...never had to perform surgery beyong poping it in a few places with a small needle...

I guess what I am most suprised at it that this thread made it to 3 pages....I guess you can never underestimate arcommers.

Thanks fellas, and gals.

Yeah, toenail thread makes it to 3 pages and this one this one doesn't get one damn reply.
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 8:03:02 PM EDT


Well, I thank everyone for the advice...It never really got to be too bad and is mostly gone now...never had to perform surgery beyong poping it in a few places with a small needle...

I guess what I am most suprised at it that this thread made it to 3 pages....I guess you can never underestimate arcommers.

Thanks fellas, and gals.

Yeah, toenail thread makes it to 3 pages and this one this one doesn't get one damn reply.

Well you got a reply now Dusty my friend.  

Edit-you must wait 11 seconds my ass!
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 8:16:34 PM EDT

Where are you in IL?

I can probably recommend a Pod. in the area.

Link Posted: 1/8/2006 8:43:28 PM EDT
I saw a great way to fix one in the movie Hostel!
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 8:51:06 PM EDT
soak that puppy in some warm salt water then when it gets all soft go in for the cut, trust me i know. No matter how bad it gets do not go to the ER got to a specialist or you will wish you were dead. Only if it gets bad go to the doctor.
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 8:52:07 PM EDT

Blagga, you got some funky toes y0!

I posted some pics of my hand holding a 1911 and a Glock (for grip angle) and someone said I had hands like an ape... now you rag on my feet. Maybe I should post some full-frontal shots to really gross you all out (or would this be a CoC violation ?).
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 9:07:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 10:19:19 PM EDT
I've had trouble off and on for years with my big toes.   Got a well-meaning doctor to work on one, but the results werent that spectacular.  I have like half a nail on my left foot's big toe.  I survived the operation to remove the toenail, twice by that particular doctor, so I can  can live with the ugly toenail.  When my right foot started acting up, went to a podiatrist, and the fix he did was like night and day compared to my family doctor.

This does remind me about an ingrown nail on a smaller toe  I have currently.  Must take care of that soon.
Link Posted: 1/8/2006 10:28:01 PM EDT

I had ingrown toenail in both toes, once when I was 13 and the other 19.

I went to doctor for both and it worked. I'd suggest doctor's handy work for this problem. It doesn't hurt to get surgery. Local anesthesic and it won't hurt even a bit.

As someone said above, cutting toenails in straight line is better.

You think Yossarian has got funky toes?  this poor guys only has 2.  Wonder if they are both on the smae foot?
Link Posted: 1/9/2006 6:41:05 AM EDT


Blagga, you got some funky toes y0!

I posted some pics of my hand holding a 1911 and a Glock (for grip angle) and someone said I had hands like an ape... now you rag on my feet. Maybe I should post some full-frontal shots to really gross you all out (or would this be a CoC violation ?).

My full frontal would freak you out a LOT more than yours would freak me out
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