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Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:31:48 AM EDT
You can hear her exact words here.  Starting at 13:37.

She says she hasnt talked to administration officials about re-instituting an assault weapons ban.  Then goes on to say that the Bush administration was not enforcing the law and that should be their first step.

eta: she didnt "thow cold-water", she just doesnt want you to know their plans right now
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:32:37 AM EDT
Holder fucked up and spilled the game plan;Pelosi is pissed and doing damage control.

Absolutely correct. Holder has a rep for shooting his mouth off. He may be trying to push an agenda (his own) too.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:32:59 AM EDT
Pelosi may be a left wing nut, But she is a good Politician,
She Knows right now if Obamanomics fails her party will be very very very lucky to retain power after the Mid terms.  
If an AWB gets passed she reduces her party's chance of retaining power down to near Zero.
Whacked out, Yes
Stupid, NO
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:38:45 AM EDT
Holder fucked up and spilled the game plan;Pelosi is pissed and doing damage control.

In response to one of ArmyInfantryVet's posts I said, it's possible that Holder is doing a David Axlerod (Blagovich) or a Biden gaff moment, so perhaps his emotions got the better of him and he let the cat out of the bag before Pelosi and friends were prepared to ramp up the spoonfeeding of the American public about a new AWB. At the very least this buys us time

Now that the vampire is back in it's coffin we should galvanize and put the stake in it's heart before nightfall comes again.

I'm still going to make calls and write letters just to put the coup de grace on the matter.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:40:31 AM EDT
I think that the danger is in the UN.
Obama and his slimy reptillian freinds will cave into UN requests to de-arm us all.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:41:05 AM EDT
Anyone who believes Pelosi on this is a horses ass.

She damn well knows about it, and when the time is right, she'll acknowledge her support.

Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:41:41 AM EDT
Democrats know that gun control is a long term losing issue for them.

Sure they get the ban and everyone (except gun owners) feel happy for a few weeks but in the end they lose the majority because those gun owners (including democrats) are pissed off.

Even on DU the idealistic democrats that support gun bans are told to STFU by thier more calculating and "important" members.

But in what kind of numbers, evenly split 2 to 1?
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:43:53 AM EDT
For her age, I don't think she looks bad at all.  Quite the opposite.

In my experience, that's one thing Kali gets right –– their wimmenz are pretty fit.

<––––––––––––––––––––-wonders if I'll get fat after I move out of Commiefornia?

I disagree, I always cringe when I see her but I'll take the compliment...
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:44:02 AM EDT

It's a trap


This. I don't believe that two faced cunt for one fucking second.

Yep. Something truely stinks.

Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:45:41 AM EDT


You can hear her exact words here. Starting at 13:37.

She says she hasnt talked to administration officials about re-instituting an assault weapons ban. Then goes on to say that the Bush administration was not enforcing the law and that should be their first step.

eta: she didnt "thow cold-water", she just doesnt want you to know their plans right now

This. Plenty of warm water still going around.

Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:47:52 AM EDT
Don't trust the bitch.  There are rumors of a plan to ban the importation of assault weapon type ammo (.223, 5.56 x 39, .308 etc) through an Exceutive Order.  The gun grabbers wouldn't need an ASB bill then because with ammo at $2-3 a shell nobody could afford to shoot or stockpile ammo.

That cannot legally be done....

File that under 'Alex Jones-type bullshit'

Please explain
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:48:23 AM EDT


Yep, she's just pissed because he didn't talk to her about it first.

No. She's just pissed because he let the cat out of the bag before she could rush it to the floor for a vote.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:48:34 AM EDT


ETA: Okay, finally got the RIGHT image url  (The one being quoted right now was for a post in another thread)

Where did you get a picture of me from?????????
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:49:18 AM EDT
awaiting the other shoe to drop
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:49:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:50:15 AM EDT
Molon Labe.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 10:51:36 AM EDT
She must have read the DU thread that someone here posted a link to in our topic about Lou Dobbs and Eric Holder.

I suggest everyone find that link and check out what DU's response was - it was amazingly against another AWB with many posters even sounding like Arfcommers by defending the US Constitution.

Go over DU and take a look.  Holder is going to be pissed, and we can see nancy pelosi is the one really running this country, and based on DU feedback.

You will also see many DU posters very pissed at obama - and the fun has just started.  Buyers remorse has set in, and DU is poking obama with pointy sticks.

Go look here...


I find it hard to believe they would be pissed at Obama, I'll check out the link but Fox news poll says Obama is at 59% whereas in New York State he stands at 72%, which would imply many if not most of his supports are more than happy with him and no buyer's remorse (yet)
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:02:27 AM EDT


I would find it surprising that Holder made a comment like that without having some idea that Obama was interested in reinstating the ban.  Or he could just be a complete idiot.
In keeping with the arfcom tradition, I say it's BOTH.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:03:31 AM EDT
Democrats know that gun control is a long term losing issue for them.

Sure they get the ban and everyone (except gun owners) feel happy for a few weeks but in the end they lose the majority because those gun owners (including democrats) are pissed off.

Even on DU the idealistic democrats that support gun bans are told to STFU by thier more calculating and "important" members.

But in what kind of numbers, evenly split 2 to 1?

Go to the links in this thread to DU and read the threads.

Its about 10 anti-AWB to 1 pro-AWB in the gun portion of the site, in thier GD its usually 5 anti-AWB to 1 pro-AWB.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:08:41 AM EDT

May'be we listening to the wrong government, has anyone asked the Mexican government about an AWB? I mean, the US government has been taking their side on illegal immigration for 20 years now.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:12:20 AM EDT

It's a trap


This. I don't believe that two faced cunt for one fucking second.

This, but it shows fragmentation in the party.

We can hope.

Hope is not a plan
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:14:31 AM EDT


Yep, she's just pissed because he didn't talk to her about it first.

Well, good for us.

We all know what happens when you piss off a cunt like pelosi. Maybe if she does not get her way, she might try to torpedo the plan.

Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:19:44 AM EDT
what existing gun laws was Bush not supporting?  I can only assume she means the import ban that allowed parts to come through?  Is ammo now considered a firearm - is she complaining about an import ban not being enforced on ammo?
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:23:24 AM EDT
Don't trust the bitch.  There are rumors of a plan to ban the importation of assault weapon type ammo (.223, 5.56 x 39, .308 etc) through an Exceutive Order.  The gun grabbers wouldn't need an ASB bill then because with ammo at $2-3 a shell nobody could afford to shoot or stockpile ammo.

That cannot legally be done....

File that under 'Alex Jones-type bullshit'

I'll file it with my Norinco SKS* which can't be imported anymore because of an Executive Order.

*Note: that would be at the bottom of a lake, the boating accident still haunts me to this day.

I think Dave is right. FOPA prevents the EO banning ammo import. There is sufficient room in GCA '68 to ban import of your SKS, and the AP pistol ammo ban allowed the banning of steel core 7.62x39 and 7.62x51 via EO.


There never was a 1989 EO banning AKs, FALs, ETC.  It was all about the 1968 GCA and the "Sporting Purpose Clause."  I posted a thread about that last summer in which I challenged anyone to post the EO from 1989 that banned the import of assault weapons.  No one could deliver.  The truth is the ATF was asked to revisit their interpretation of the Sporting Purposes clause and they changed their view.  

FOPA protects ammo.  If FOPA was to go away buying ammo would be like buying a gun but we could build new MGs.  Yeah!  New MGs with no ammo!  

Obama cannot realistically ban the import of ammunition via EO.  ATF can make it tough but it can't do it without new legislation.

I've been trying to buy a tantal barrel for a year now and every place I call or e-mail says the ATF banned them. How does that work? Also, why would 53 lawmakers petition Obama last week to EO "AW" imports if he can't do it?
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:26:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:28:15 AM EDT
Harry Reid, the Senate Majority leader, is against an AWB.


Wrong.and BTW "Burris will not be seated!"-Harry Reid

No, you are wrong.

He voted against it in 1994, did not support reinstating it in 2004 and still opposes it.

Thanks for trying, though.

Also, Harry Reid has never tried to push any gun control legislation in Nevada.

What the hell does Burris have to do with it?

He's speaking to Reid's crediblity.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:29:08 AM EDT
Democrats know that gun control is a long term losing issue for them.

Sure they get the ban and everyone (except gun owners) feel happy for a few weeks but in the end they lose the majority because those gun owners (including democrats) are pissed off.

Even on DU the idealistic democrats that support gun bans are told to STFU by thier more calculating and "important" members.

Plus I think the buying frenzy showed them that maybe everyone isn't in favor of a Gun Ban of any type.
There are people buying guns that never gave a shit one way or the other, well by them buying a gun, it turns them into a gun supporter because they don't want Obamalosi taking what they just paid money for.
They can lose their ass in 2 years if they upset the applecart.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:30:23 AM EDT
She's too busy trying to figure out how to spend more of our money than about a ban right now.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:31:10 AM EDT


Oh, okay I feel much better now.

Glad I'm not alone.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:31:51 AM EDT
I give Pelosi one banana sticker.   It's nice to hear that perhaps she has a brain and perhaps it has awoken out of its democratically-induced stupor, at least for one moment.

And, yes, according to unverified photos of Ms. Pelosi taken when she was much younger, she was indeed quite the hottie.   They can be seen if you choose to Google search for them.

So if she was so hot back then....WHAT HAPPENED?


liberalism happened

Have you seen the college girls at UC Berkeley or college age girls in San Francisco and Portland? They look 40 when they're 20.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:34:29 AM EDT
I think maybe Nancy's got her sights set on something a little bigger than your flash hiders and bayo lugs, and is afraid of using up her one good chance to stick it to the gun guys.

Either that or she remembers the grief they caught from this shit the last time, but my money's on the former.

Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:37:04 AM EDT
Here are, IMHO, some important thoughts in this thread that everyone needs to focus on:

In order of appearance:
philinmedford -
    "...she's just pissed because he didn't talk to her about it first."
    "Holder fucked up and spilled the game plan"
    "Never underestimate the desire of powerful people to retain their power."
    "I would find it surprising that Holder made a comment like that without having some idea that Obama was interested..."
    "Nancy's got her sights set on something a little bigger..., and is afraid of using up her one good chance..."
    "Holder tossed up a "test balloon..."
    "she's trying to keep us from getting organized until the fix is in."
    "First and foremost, they will pass this immediately as soon as they ascertain that it's politically expedient to do so - and not before. They don't operate in a vacuum - they're politicians. They want to be re-elected, and if they think certain actions will jeopardize that, they won't do them"
    "Most members of congress and most members of the Obama administration would personally love to ban "assault weapons"
    "There aren't many principled politicians in Washington. Sometimes, this works in our favor".

IOW, there IS interest from our overlords to create a new version of an AWB, where this time, the A probably stands for "all".  But, they may have been tripped up by yet another overdeveloped political ego that likes to hear itself speak.  We need to be all over this, no matter what Pelosi says regarding its possibility.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:39:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:40:28 AM EDT
Don't trust the dems
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:46:00 AM EDT
Democrats know that gun control is a long term losing issue for them.

Sure they get the ban and everyone (except gun owners) feel happy for a few weeks but in the end they lose the majority because those gun owners (including democrats) are pissed off.

Even on DU the idealistic democrats that support gun bans are told to STFU by thier more calculating and "important" members.

But in what kind of numbers, evenly split 2 to 1?

Go to the links in this thread to DU and read the threads.

Its about 10 anti-AWB to 1 pro-AWB in the gun portion of the site, in thier GD its usually 5 anti-AWB to 1 pro-AWB.

Thanks, wow, I read a thread on DU after the VT massacre and was surprised to see pro-2A support there, so I didn't doubt there was some anti-AWB, just not sure how much. That's positive news, thanks

Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:47:02 AM EDT
Politicians speak in near code, like diplomats. If The Hill thinks her statements amount to "cold water" I would tend to agree.

The economy is tanking, people are losing their jobs, and many retirement accounts have lost nearly 50% of their value. If the dems start a political firestorm over gun control in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression (which they so far haven't done one thing to slow, much less "fix"), they will anger even people who aren't interested in guns. It is a waste of time and political capital for them at this point.

If the major auto makers go under while the left loons of the Democrat party go after guns it does not bode well for the dems in places like PA and OH in 2010.

The dems better at least pretend they are prioritizing the economy, rather than catering to the most left wing and politically stupid of their constituencies (the gun banners).
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:47:11 AM EDT
Of course she is saying that now. Just wait until the next mall or school shooting. They banned the possession of Chimps in the US in eight days after one publicized attack. They will do the same with firearms.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:50:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:56:21 AM EDT
Of course she is saying that now. Just wait until the next mall or school shooting. They banned the possession of Chimps in the US in eight days after one publicized attack. They will do the same with firearms.

Did the really do that, the chimp thing ?


Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:57:03 AM EDT
People may just be screaming their heads off at their reps too. The Dem House members may be getting a ton of calls about Holder and ganged up on Pelosi to "say something" to stop the calls.

As other people have pointed out, Pelosi is a politician and I'm sure she is aware of all the gun and ammo buying along with all the "state sovreignty" bills in the state legislatures. She is well aware that right now this is a hyper sensitive subject. She also knows this subject will empower the Republicans to re-take control.

She needs to continue to receive a constant flood of anti-AWB calls. She needs to remain terrified of this issue.

They will not risk a defeat. We need to hammer on this fear.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:57:37 AM EDT



Oh, okay I feel much better now.

Glad I'm not alone.

Pelosi drops a momentary smoke screen on this subject and everyone has a sigh of relief.

As if it wont be brought up again? Man, some here live in a world I am entirely unfamiliar with.

Nancy Pelosi of all people, is todays feel-good news bringer.

Relax, there's nothing to see here. How do I know? Pelosi said so.

Some of you guys make bags of sand look bright.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 11:58:34 AM EDT
Pelosi may be a left wing nut, But she is a good Politician,
She Knows right now if Obamanomics fails her party will be very very very lucky to retain power after the Mid terms.  
If an AWB gets passed she reduces her party's chance of retaining power down to near Zero.
Whacked out, Yes
Stupid, NO

I'll second this post. Well said.

I will also add that Pelosi will jump at any opportunity to restrict firearms rights...... so long as it would not be too costly to her overall agenda.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 12:01:43 PM EDT
Iv'e said it before....

I bet Nacy was a sexy little thang 25 years ago.

I would still T F her.

Link Posted: 2/26/2009 12:02:39 PM EDT
Of course she is saying that now. Just wait until the next mall or school shooting. They banned the possession of Chimps in the US in eight days after one publicized attack. They will do the same with firearms.

Did the really do that, the chimp thing ?



Legislation is introduced to do so. I do not think it has been signed into law.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 12:04:06 PM EDT

Obama is a radical, he is not a politician. He does not understand politics, or Washington.

Pelosi is experienced in Washington and, although it is hard to say it, she is more moderate than Obama, in a way.
She knows that if they pass an assault weapons ban... and especially if they make it permanent... they will lose the Legislature, then lose the White House.

She would rather pass a lot of rather moderate laws, that will not inspire widespread displeasure and backlash... than push through an assault weapons ban, and lose 6 years of opportunity.
I feel it is genuine... it is just good politics on their part... playing the game.

Link Posted: 2/26/2009 12:10:23 PM EDT
What we all need to do is take this as Intel that was slipped by loose lips...EVERYONE KNOWS THEY WANT IT...Not only an AWB but they want TOTAL DISARMAMENT and don't think for a second they wouldn't say.." Turn them ALL in Mr. and Ms. America" given the chance..

It was just not the right time!..I would be more inclined to wake up one morning and find it in GD that a Weapons" ban (Not just EBR's, a total weapons ban)..I know that is reaching..

However, IF they thought it wouldn't bring about mass slayings and anarchy..They would!

We need to be vigilant NOW and start going on the offensive NOW..I hate to say it but it is time to get out in the streets,Talk to ANYONE who will listen,or who you may even expect might own a single shot .410, I personally vow to use some of my ammo cache to take new shooters to the range..Purely for political reasons and not for any personal enjoyment at all..

Seriously, I am willing to do anything to thwart their evil plot!..I am certain it is going to take more than writing letters to politicians..Especially our own..Because IF the Republicans don't know where their constituency stand on the Gun issue by now...I mean come on..Seriously!

I don't believe anyone of the Republicans in the House or Senate have any doubts on where the "Right" Stand on the issue..IF they do..then they need to be fucking excommunicated..

I am currently unemployed and it could not have come at a better/worse time depending on how you look at it..I have LOTS of free time..But my Stocking up days are running thin..Good thing the Postman delivered 12 Pmags today

I am going to try to organize some sort of public display around here at the Federal and State buildings..Anyone know how to go about getting permits for that sort of thing?..I'll be posting my intents in the HTF...Hopefully I will get some support or some leadership who is better than me at that sort of thing..Because I have NO IDEA!..

I suggest we all do the same or SOMETHING similar...Letters and Emails are good and have their place..but we need to apply everything we can to stop this shit and stop this shit COLD!!

If ANYONE has any ideas or tips...IM me the info or hell I'll give you my cell #...Time to get active!
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 12:11:50 PM EDT
They just don't want to let everyone know what they are planning to do.  They want to rush it though.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 12:13:07 PM EDT
Look people:  I've said this on other forums, and now I'll say it here.  I'ts go time.  We need to organize and mobilize.

Sitting around bitching on the internet will get us nowhere.  We need to write our Representatives.  Every gun owner in the US needs to send at least one letter per week and one email per day opposing any more  gun control legislation.  Do it now, and don't stop until your Representative goes on record against any gun control legislation.  Be loud, be annoying, be heard.

We need to cripple the Capitol mail room with the volume of mail coming in.  We need to crash mail servers throughout Washington.  Write today and write often.

This is about more than just guns.  Unite or Die.
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 12:14:01 PM EDT
Of course she is saying that now. Just wait until the next mall or school shooting. They banned the possession of Chimps in the US in eight days after one publicized attack. They will do the same with firearms.

Did the really do that, the chimp thing ?


Only thing I found in a cursory Googling was this from Newsmax... take it for what it's worth 'til it's reported with more credibility...
Link Posted: 2/26/2009 12:15:41 PM EDT
The Dems have been burned on the gun issue...they know it's not popular to take on.  They have attracted people to the party from parts of the country that support gun rights for first time in a long time, and don't want to lose support...look at the shifts in electoral map from the presidential election...state by state and county by county!  They are done with taking on this issue in a big way in congress...the white house can't do anything without congress on this issue.    Plus there are far more pressing issues to take on right now that they are going to have battle over, this is not high on their list...enough with all the hype over this.  You guys are driving up gun prices, hoarding ammo and mags, drying up supply...for no reason!
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