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Link Posted: 4/27/2005 2:09:16 PM EDT

Damn, will it ever end!?    

These idiots are getting pretty brave by suggesting confiscation.  Maybe they feel it's time to actually show their hand.

I'm glad I don't live in a state like that.  But I will gladly come there and vote twice to try to help.  

Yeah, time to show their hand alright.  After gun control was a political death sentence in 1994 and cost the Dems the Oval Office in 2000.  Now is the PERFECT time to go one step beyond what they've done in the past.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 2:10:54 PM EDT
dammit, Maine has the lowest homicide rate in the country! What the fuck! I just moved here from Massachusetts!
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 2:14:22 PM EDT
MOVE! Get The HELL OUT!  or dig a hole, mark it descreetly and place said weapons in it. Tell em when they come that you sold em down in Texas.
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 2:39:56 PM EDT
Here's a copy of the letter I sent to every Representative and Senator on the Committee debating on this bill:

Dear xxxxx,

As a resident of Maine and an avid sportsman, I feel obligated to voice my objection to LD 1579 - An Act To Extend the Ban on Assault Weapons. This recently-proposed legislation is an obvious infringement on the Second Amendment and the rights to freedom, liberty, and security that it provides.

A common misconception about these so-called "assault weapons" is that they are fully-automatic. Meaning one can shoot multiple shots from the weapon while depressing the trigger only once. This is completely inaccurate. They fire one shot per trigger pull and do not differ in function or action from commonly-used hunting arms.

These weapons were banned Federally in 1994 on cosmetic grounds. Looks were taken into consideration more so than actual function. This ban was a feel-good piece of legislation and had no actual effect on reducing crime, as "assault weapons" are rarely used in crime to begin with. A testament to this fact was the recent sunset of this federal ban in September of 2004. The Congress of the United States saw that it was not necessary to continue unfairly banning these weapons. The fact remains that "assault weapons" are no different than any other rifle that is used by a sportsman. In banning and confiscating these weapons, Maine would open the floodgates to a nationwide confiscation of all firearms.

I respectfully implore you to vote down this legislation as soon as possible. Maine is a state with some of the lowest homicide rates in the country. This bill is unnecessary to say the least and attempts to solve a problem that does not exist.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I eagerly await your response.


Can we get a tack on this mods? Please?
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 2:44:28 PM EDT
I tend to think that the confiscation portion of the bill is something that can be negotiated off the table, to make people glad that the State won't come and take the weapons already in the hands of us reasonable responsible citizens.  I hope they beat the whole thing down.
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 2:45:41 PM EDT
does Maine law prevent you from open carrying long guns?

If not, I have a suggestion on what everyone should bring to the meeting on Monday...
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 2:51:46 PM EDT

does Maine law prevent you from open carrying long guns?

If not, I have a suggestion on what everyone should bring to the meeting on Monday...

Maine allows open carry.

What's the idea?
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 2:57:07 PM EDT
This legislation looks a lot like that introduced in many states - except that earlier versions didn't have the 50 cal. ban attached -- thats the latest craze for these ban-junkies.

The version introduced in Oregon was part of a group of 10 bills introduced by out very own gun-ban queen wannabe (Ginny Burdick). After LOTS of phone calls, letters, e-mails, faxes and personal visits to the state reps, plus outnumbering the gun-banners at hearings -- even though the reserved seats for their supporters and used Brady employees as bouncers -- a message was delivered to the Democratic party in Oregon:

This is not acceptable. You just spent a lot of time and effort in the presidential election trying to convince the country that the Democratic party respects the constitution, and in particular the second amendment. It now appears that either that was a blatant lie, or you have absolutely no control over your own members, having ceeded it to external organizations such as the Brady Campaign. This WILL haunt you at the next election.

Ginny-the-witch then tried to force one of her pet anti-gun bills through the senate judiciary committee (of which she is the chair - and its a Dem. controlled committee). She did this even though the Dem. caucus was definately feeling the heat, and did not want any of the bills coming to the floor where they would have to stand up and be counted. Ginny-the-witch couldn't care less, and scheduled a hearing anyway. The room was packed with good guys, and a few selected anti-types. When the time for the vote came, it was voted down -- by a rabid anti-gun Democrat voting no -- simply to prevent it getting to the floor and risking losing seats over it.

So let me encourage you to get as many people stirred up over this as possible, and call, visit and write to everyone - including the anti-gun brigade. Once they start to feel the prospect of unemployment facing them, its amazing how quickly they can have a change of heart. Let all Dems. know that this reflects on their party's credibility - and that no=-one loves a bunch of lying hypocrites.

You can win here - you just need to put in the effort.
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 6:16:55 PM EDT
Already got one response back from a Democrat on the committee examining this bill. As you may guess, she's in favor of the bill

Dear Mr. xxxx:

Thank you for your opinion.  I am in favor of the bill as are many of my


Rep. Carol Grose

Link Posted: 4/27/2005 6:19:22 PM EDT
I have also gotten back from about 15 of the 130 emails that I sent out today.  EVERYONE has said that this will not pass.

I sure hope they are right
Im not sure If i've gotten back from any of the committee that is considering the bill.

Link Posted: 4/27/2005 6:33:11 PM EDT
We just went through the same thing in Washington State...


You all better do what we did...

Write, Fax, E-mail, and keep the phones ringing off the hook! We did it for weeks...We also flooded the capital bldg the day the bills came up, It was packed! ( approx 400 pro-gunners and then a handfull of aniti's and Poor me types) and to top it off, we are allowed to CC on our capital bldg, Im willing to bet there was lots of lead in the halls that day

Dont be another California, with no one even willing to show up on the big day!
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 6:35:38 PM EDT
My job keeps me from being there, is there anyone that is going to be there?

Mods?  C'mon how about a tack???  help us out!!
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 6:37:02 PM EDT

My job keeps me from being there, is there anyone that is going to be there?

Mods?  C'mon how about a tack???  help us out!!

I'm hoping for a tack as well. I'm in college in NY until May 10th so I'm unable to make it as well. However, I've emailed all the committee members and plan to call as well.
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 7:25:26 PM EDT
I just e-mailed my rep and senator.  Hopefully this is just grandstanding by some asshat from Norther Massachusetts.  Maine really is a very gun friendly state.  Only a few years ago we passed an article to our constitution stating:   Article I, Section 16.  To keep and bear arms.  Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned.
I don't see how this bill could stand against the constitution even if Bald Archie rode this through legislature.
Guess I'll need to pass this on to the members at the gun club.
thanx for the info.
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 8:27:03 PM EDT
Mods, can we get a tack please?
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 8:41:07 PM EDT
Confiscation with out compensation... I think the Molon Labe will soon be echoing through the vallies of Maine. Godspeed to you all.

My state on the other hand just removed the duty to retreat!hug.gif
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 9:01:32 PM EDT
if molon labe is crying in maine, I'll try to get up there.
Link Posted: 4/27/2005 10:46:15 PM EDT

/every arfcom jackass that reads about CA gun-law trouble
Link Posted: 4/28/2005 9:44:53 AM EDT
So far the only response I've gotten is from Sen. John Martin.

CDKayak I am voting against the bill .  John

Quick and to the point.
I've written to all Maine Senators, hopefully I'll get some more feedback soon.

Link Posted: 4/28/2005 9:52:34 AM EDT
I've gotten feedback from 17

All are either opposed or promising to scrutinize the bill closely.

Im hoping this bill will get beaten down like the proverbial red-headed step-child

Link Posted: 4/28/2005 10:34:22 AM EDT

Already got one response back from a Democrat on the committee examining this bill. As you may guess, she's in favor of the bill

Dear Mr. xxxx:

Thank you for your opinion.  I am in favor of the bill as are many of my


Rep. Carol Grose

That should become a full-page add come the next election season.  I'll bet many of her constituents aren't in favor of the bill.
Link Posted: 4/28/2005 10:59:49 AM EDT
I hope this doesn't happen... I was seriously considering moving up there. I didn't realize it was that close to being a f*cked up state like NJ, MD, of Kali.

Would this restrict Bushmaster from making AR's in the state of Maine? Is their "plant" in Maine? Along with some other manufacturers?
Link Posted: 4/28/2005 2:01:13 PM EDT
Yes, Bushmaster is in Maine and they are quite upset with this rotten piece of legislation, like many of us are.  We will need to show up with one hell of a group of angry, law abiding gun owners in Augusta on Monday AM to have the necessary impact.  The room has been changed to 208 but is in the same building at the same time as posted before.  

Thanks EVERYONE for all the help and support.  We need to get the word out and have one hell of a group of people there on Monday and send the message that we will not stand for this liberal crap.

As a rule Maine has been a great place to live.  Lately though, those with a "D" in front of their name have been more concerned with taxing us out of existance and imposing gay rights than supporting our easy going, traditional way of life.  They are out of control and need to be reigned back in and understand they work for US, not the other way around.

Jeff Z
Link Posted: 4/28/2005 2:24:37 PM EDT
I tend to think that the confiscation portion of the bill is something that can be negotiated off the table, to make people glad that the State won't come and take the weapons already in the hands of us reasonable responsible citizens. I hope they beat the whole thing down.

Yes, this is a ploy, to make the bill onerous, then "compromise" by adding a "grandfather clause" to make it palatable.  This is done with other legistlation, too, not just firearms bans.

Do not fall for it.  Do NOT think you are protecting yourself with a "grandfather clause".  The bill is STILL unacceptable.

I would rather they PASSED an onerous bill, and have the masses thumb their noses at the law.  Bring it on, Molon Labe.  Let's settle this once and for all.
Link Posted: 4/28/2005 6:09:16 PM EDT
Tack please mods?
Link Posted: 4/28/2005 6:24:31 PM EDT
How come this isn't in the New England HTF? Or is it?
Link Posted: 4/29/2005 2:44:08 AM EDT
There is a thread in the the New England HTF, I started it there about 2 weeks ago.  At the time it was started we didn't have all the information.


There's also a thread going on Northeast Shooters

Link Posted: 4/29/2005 3:23:18 AM EDT

I tend to think that the confiscation portion of the bill is something that can be negotiated off the table, to make people glad that the State won't come and take the weapons already in the hands of us reasonable responsible citizens. I hope they beat the whole thing down.

Yes, this is a ploy, to make the bill onerous, then "compromise" by adding a "grandfather clause" to make it palatable.  This is done with other legistlation, too, not just firearms bans.

Do not fall for it.  Do NOT think you are protecting yourself with a "grandfather clause".  The bill is STILL unacceptable.

I would rather they PASSED an onerous bill, and have the masses thumb their noses at the law.  Bring it on, Molon Labe.  Let's settle this once and for all.

I don't live in Maine, but +1
Link Posted: 4/29/2005 5:45:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/29/2005 6:00:39 AM EDT
Yet another Kali AWB clone.

We're fighting the same crap here in ILL.
We're winning so far.
Don't give up &  don't listen to the naysayers and their "just move" philosophy.

Link Posted: 4/30/2005 3:43:50 AM EDT
bump for Saturday morning
Link Posted: 4/30/2005 4:24:33 AM EDT
'nother bump.

Nice to see maine members coming out of the woodwork. I thought there were only a few of us on here.

Link Posted: 4/30/2005 4:28:01 AM EDT


It would be awesome if Bushmaster just moved out of state to punish them for even bringing that bill up.

Except for the majority of Bushy's employees having to either lose their jobs or uproot their families to follow the company.

Hell, might be too expensive for Bushy to relocate and they could just shut down and sell their name to another company.

Ban appears modeled after the Caliban.  We truly do lead the country.  

with laws like this, they would eventually lose their jobs anyways...and if I worked there I sure as hell would appreciate the move out of that hell hole created by the antis....HIGH CRIME RATES are a comin'....and citizens will have NO RIGHTS....

sounds like a serious violation of the 2A - maybe the SCOTUS will eventually rule on ALL unconstitutional laws....yeah right

Link Posted: 4/30/2005 4:35:11 AM EDT
That bill uses almost the exact same language as all of the Kalifornia ASSault weapon laws, but the confiscation provision is new.  Very scary...
Link Posted: 4/30/2005 9:39:17 AM EDT


Brilliant idea.

If everytime one of these bills came up everyone moved then all the gun owners would be constantly moving and eventually there would be too few free states & the gun bans would just become a federal issue again.

The idea is to fight, not run.

Link Posted: 4/30/2005 9:46:52 AM EDT



Brilliant idea.

If everytime one of these bills came up everyone moved then all the gun owners would be constantly moving and eventually there would be too few free states & the gun bans would just become a federal issue again.

The idea is to fight, not run.


Actually, if it passes, it's a better idea than shooting at them - which is the only other reasonable option. Because if you shoot at them, you're probably going to end up dead yourself.
Link Posted: 4/30/2005 9:58:04 AM EDT




Brilliant idea.

If everytime one of these bills came up everyone moved then all the gun owners would be constantly moving and eventually there would be too few free states & the gun bans would just become a federal issue again.

The idea is to fight, not run.


Actually, if it passes, it's a better idea than shooting at them - which is the only other reasonable option. Because if you shoot at them, you're probably going to end up dead yourself.

I'm not talking about shooting at anyone.  I'm just annoyed that the first response out of some people is to move.  We have to fight these legally before they get passed, to preserve our rights, not just run to another state everytime someone wants to enact a new law.

Link Posted: 4/30/2005 10:25:18 AM EDT

I wonder what the VPC/Brady Bunch are promising these state legislators to get them to introduce this cookie-cutter legislation all over the place. It's blatantly coordinated.

Yeah, this same basic piece of shit was introduced in Iowa too.    Hopefully it dies a quick and undignified death...
Link Posted: 4/30/2005 2:25:52 PM EDT
Can anyone give me a link to this legislation that was introduced in other states?  If I can prove similar wording and show the point that it is "Large Out-Of-State Anti-Gun forces" pushing this, while using a few of our ignorant legislators as pawns, they may lose some more credibility with their peers.

Thanks again.
Link Posted: 4/30/2005 5:01:53 PM EDT





Brilliant idea.

If everytime one of these bills came up everyone moved then all the gun owners would be constantly moving and eventually there would be too few free states & the gun bans would just become a federal issue again.

The idea is to fight, not run.


Actually, if it passes, it's a better idea than shooting at them - which is the only other reasonable option. Because if you shoot at them, you're probably going to end up dead yourself.

I'm not talking about shooting at anyone.  I'm just annoyed that the first response out of some people is to move.  We have to fight these legally before they get passed, to preserve our rights, not just run to another state everytime someone wants to enact a new law.


Of course - but if it passes, get the hell out of dodge before they come to your place and confiscate your property - unless of course you intend to defend yourself.
Link Posted: 4/30/2005 6:21:31 PM EDT
It doesn't say "Colt AR-15" it says "Colt AR-15 SERIES",  and it includes the semi centerfire, pistol grip language also.  That would cover any Bushie or any other AR-15 clone.

the list looks damn familiar, probably cut and paste from the CA list.

However, I won't give the 'be a coward, cut and run" comments usually directed toward CA.  The only way to beat these is to stay and fight.  Too many gunners have pissed and run from CA.
Link Posted: 5/1/2005 5:12:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2005 5:47:18 AM EDT
Email sent to all. Today I will be a Maine resident

Link Posted: 5/1/2005 5:51:13 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/1/2005 6:41:11 AM EDT

Email sent to all. Today I will be a Maine resident



Welcome to Maine!

Thanks for the support!

Link Posted: 5/1/2005 11:18:24 AM EDT
No problem.



Email sent to all. Today I will be a Maine resident



Welcome to Maine!

Thanks for the support!


Link Posted: 5/1/2005 12:57:12 PM EDT
1 of my emails and the response from Peter Mills, Skowhegan, Maine

The bill is not going anywhere as far as I can tell.
Thanks for corresponding.
Peter Mills
On May 1, 2005, at 12:48 PM, screech wrote:

> Hello, Please do not support this bill it does not represent the
> rights and wants of the people of Maine. Please consider your
> on this bill and get it placed into the trash ASAP! If you consider
> the consequenses of this bill you will defeat it. This bill will
> businesses, people, jobs, and tourists out of Maine. Please do not
> allow this terrible document to become law in Maine.
> Thank You, xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx, Maine
Link Posted: 5/1/2005 1:23:27 PM EDT
And, here is another response.

Thank you for contacting me with your concerns.

Sponsoring a bill simply allows a fellow legislator to present a bill that represents the concerns of their constituents.

I don't believe that all  Maine citizens agree with your opinion and they should also have the right to present their ideas.

I have yet to take a position on LD 1573 and will not do so until I have studied substantive data, listened to both the opponents and proponents, and have been counseled on the State and Federal laws.

My 6 sons are gun owners and hunters so I am well aware of the passionate nature of gun owners.

Rep. Kim Davis

screech wrote:
Hello, You, as a sponsor of this bill do not represent the rights and wants of the people of Maine. Please reconsider your position on this bill and get it placed into the trash ASAP! If you consider the consequenses of this bill you will change your position. This bill will drive businesses, people, jobs, and tourists out of Maine. Please do not allow this to become law in Maine.

Thank You R.M. Augusta, Maine
Link Posted: 5/1/2005 5:56:39 PM EDT






Brilliant idea.

If everytime one of these bills came up everyone moved then all the gun owners would be constantly moving and eventually there would be too few free states & the gun bans would just become a federal issue again.

The idea is to fight, not run.


Actually, if it passes, it's a better idea than shooting at them - which is the only other reasonable option. Because if you shoot at them, you're probably going to end up dead yourself.

I'm not talking about shooting at anyone.  I'm just annoyed that the first response out of some people is to move.  We have to fight these legally before they get passed, to preserve our rights, not just run to another state everytime someone wants to enact a new law.


Of course - but if it passes, get the hell out of dodge before they come to your place and confiscate your property - unless of course you intend to defend yourself.

If this thing manages to pass in any form I plan on not giving my guns up.
Link Posted: 5/1/2005 7:47:01 PM EDT
It is so ridiculous that they can even get this bill up and running.   Why are the antis so hell bent on passing crap like this and inventing nonexistant problems?  I am increasingly fearing for the future of this country.  
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