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Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:26:40 AM EDT
Must read AAR.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:29:11 AM EDT
Can't fucking wait for this to go down. When is this suppose to take place? Just curious as to why you insist on going it alone and if TBS is going to participate in any way. You will be at least carrying a pistol at night won't you? Crazy bastid...wish I could go.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:30:33 AM EDT
Better let it be well known that you will be armed at all times, or you will have every Arfcommer within a hundred miles out there fucking with you.  
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:30:34 AM EDT

i have night vision you can use as well.

dress warm.... it's fooking COLD up here right now at night.

A good sleeping bag and my hunting clothes should get me by just fine.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:31:28 AM EDT



The campout is just for the sake of being scared shitless.

Anyone want to shop this into The_Beer_Slayer Project and throw Cypher's head onto it?


Oh shit... I even have a pic that would work perfectly.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:33:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:33:57 AM EDT
Taggage for teh carnage!
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:34:33 AM EDT

Can't fucking wait for this to go down. When is this suppose to take place? Just curious as to why you insist on going it alone and if TBS is going to participate in any way. You will be at least carrying a pistol at night won't you? Crazy bastid...wish I could go.

Not this weekend, but the next.

TBS will show me the property during the day, so I know where I'm going and can log some positions in the GPS.

I'm going alone because weird shit tends to happen more when people are alone than to groups.  It removes witnesses, but that's ok... I'll have a voice recorder and a camcorder.  If something strange IS going on, I'm more likely to encounter it while by myself.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:45:15 AM EDT
You're going to die out there.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:47:02 AM EDT

You're going to die out there.

If I do, TBS is going to be a rich man when half the country wants to come to his property and hunt the man-killing alien sasquatch beast.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:50:23 AM EDT

Go but why in the night? Why not daytime? How come monsters and ghosts only come out at night? or is it peoples imaginations are more active then?

Sasquatch are believed to be nocturnal.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 7:58:43 AM EDT


Go but why in the night? Why not daytime? How come monsters and ghosts only come out at night? or is it peoples imaginations are more active then?

Sasquatch are believed to be nocturnal.

Yep.  All bad things come out at night... except liberals.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:04:02 AM EDT




The campout is just for the sake of being scared shitless.

Anyone want to shop this into The_Beer_Slayer Project and throw Cypher's head onto it?


Oh shit... I even have a pic that would work perfectly.

Well IM that to me and I'll take care of it!!
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:04:41 AM EDT


Go but why in the night? Why not daytime? How come monsters and ghosts only come out at night? or is it peoples imaginations are more active then?

Sasquatch are believed to be nocturnal.

And will eat there own kind! (read sig)
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:05:34 AM EDT
LOL this outta be good, althought I would keep a rifle or pistol on me at night. You never know what kind of animal will come up, preferably with light attached.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:07:00 AM EDT



Go but why in the night? Why not daytime? How come monsters and ghosts only come out at night? or is it peoples imaginations are more active then?

Sasquatch are believed to be nocturnal.

Yep.  All bad things come out at night... except liberals.

Settlers wrote of seeing bands of them, and 20 years ago, a man indicated he saw four of them together.  My guess is that they are very intelligent and very scared of man, and as man has populated areas that the sasquatch formerly used to frequent, they have become increasingly nocturnal, solitary, and shy of human contact.

Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:07:49 AM EDT
Alright, lemme give you some family advice.

First, don't camp on the ground.  Uncle Ralph and most of the clan down there don't see too well these days.  Pollution and crap, mostly.  Anyway, you might get stepped on if you're on the ground.

Major things I would reccomend:

--De-scent like you're hunting a deer with the best goddamn nose in the history of the Earth.  DON'T mask with a game or cover scent--just neutralize.

--Camp from the rooftops.  Seriously.  And I would most assuredly recommend bringing something to use if you and Ralph & Co. suddenly need to hold an impromptu election.

--Be careful about what kind of lights and viewing optics you use.  Passive / receptive is fine--binoculars, camcorders, anything that only takes in.  Be very cautious about any EMISSIONS--active IR illumination will probably spook Ralph.  He may not actually be able to consciously see it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they can just barely catch it at the bottom of their optical range and it'd freak them out.  
Last time I was at the family reunion down there (it was quite a few years ago), his cousin Dan spooked when I fired up an old AN/PVS I was borrowing.

--Try and track down some kind of the older passive thermal imaging rather than actively illuminated NV.  You'll be able to tell a lot easier if it's a deer or Ralph's deer gut when everything that's warm blooded glows day-glo orange against a nice blue background.  When the new shades-of-white IR stuff came out, the whole Sasquatch family breathed a sigh of relief.  Just as hard to see us on that as NV.

--Make sure that tape recorder you have is sound-activated and isn't running nonstop.  Anything with decent animal hearing (as opposed to the pretty piss-poor human hearing range) will hear the guts of that tape recorder spinning from a country mile away.  In fact, you're going to have to stop and think hard about anything new you're introducing to the environment that might emit noise or some kind of light that an animal could notice, but you can't.
Is there some way to mask a heartbeat...?

--If all else fails, do like Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas: wear lion claw necklaces, build thorn fences, set up a tripwire in a boxcar, and then fall out of a hunting stand.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:08:33 AM EDT
If you see something; just remember:

When in doubt, empty the magazine.

And to TBS; if you hear "Pop...pop...pop..pop pop pop pop pop pop" You know something bad just happened.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:08:33 AM EDT


You're going to die out there.

If I do, TBS is going to be a rich man when half the country wants to come to his property and hunt the man-killing alien sasquatch buttsechs beast.

Fixed that for you.

Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:14:10 AM EDT

TxL and I had planned to make the same trip, but it was a couple miles further for us.

Interestingly enough, I was deer hunting on my property last night.  Just around dark I heard the unmistakable approach of a person walking.  Clearly not a four legged animal, and it walked toward me wit h evenly spaced, uncautious, strides.  

As it got closer, I rolled to my side, slowly, to see who was walking up.  Neighbor? Hunting buddy? Poacher?

I heard no talking, and the 'person' approaching began to sound like 2-3 people.  Distinct seperation between the location of the strides.  

No munching noises, no grunts, no pause in the stride.

I have heard alot of animals in teh woods, and my brain kept saying, "It's a person.  They are going to be surprised when I stand up and ask them WTF??"

It/they began to move down the creek near me, but hidden by brush.

I got up and walked quickly and quietly to the back of my property to cut them off.

It/they were now on my neighbor's property.  Too dark to see.

Never heard a peep of a human voice.  Still sounded like a person walking.  Hell, it sounded like a troop of Girl Scouts from teh noise it/they made.


No glowing eyes though.

I'll go back in the daylight and look for tracks.


And cookies.

BTW, the report of "no glowing eyes" fits perfectly with a sighting of Girl Scouts since they've not yet reached puberty.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:14:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:16:13 AM EDT
old fashioned taggage
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:19:29 AM EDT


If you see something; just remember:

When in doubt, empty the magazine.

And to TBS; if you hear "Pop...pop...pop..pop pop pop pop pop pop" You know something bad just happened.

i figure i will find a deep pile of spent brass and my night vision set in a pile of bigfoot scat that smells slightly like scent neutralizer in the morning

Then you'll run to the phone, call Fox News, and tell them the bidding starts at $10mil.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:22:47 AM EDT

LOL this outta be good, althought I would keep a rifle or pistol on me at night. You never know what kind of animal will come up, preferably with light attached.

Am I to understand you correctly that these animals may very well have lights attached to them?

I wonder if they might be related to the sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads.....
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:24:53 AM EDT


LOL this outta be good, althought I would keep a rifle or pistol on me at night. You never know what kind of animal will come up, preferably with light attached.

Am I to understand you correctly that these animals may very well have lights attached to them?

I wonder if they might be related to the sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads.....

Oh shit... now I'm starting to get worried.

What if it's... a LAND shark... with lights AND beamz?
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:28:42 AM EDT



LOL this outta be good, althought I would keep a rifle or pistol on me at night. You never know what kind of animal will come up, preferably with light attached.

Am I to understand you correctly that these animals may very well have lights attached to them?

I wonder if they might be related to the sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads.....

Oh shit... now I'm starting to get worried.

What if it's... a LAND shark... with lights AND beamz?

Oh shit, you're right.  You're gonna need more firepower to drop a land shark.

Anybody have a torpedo?
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:32:11 AM EDT
Somehow I don't see a National Geographic Special in the making here.  Maybe a Blair Witch.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:33:16 AM EDT

Interestingly enough, I was deer hunting on my property last night. Just around dark I heard the unmistakable approach of a person walking. Clearly not a four legged animal, and it walked toward me wit h evenly spaced, uncautious, strides.

As it got closer, I rolled to my side, slowly, to see who was walking up. Neighbor? Hunting buddy? Poacher?

I heard no talking, and the 'person' approaching began to sound like 2-3 people. Distinct seperation between the location of the strides.

No munching noises, no grunts, no pause in the stride.

I have heard alot of animals in teh woods, and my brain kept saying, "It's a person. They are going to be surprised when I stand up and ask them WTF??"

Black bear family -- Mom & Cub.

I had a BB walk right up next to my head one night just after dark (outside the tent) -- I thought it was a teenager in tennis shoes until I realized there was no flashlite. Sounded like a 2-legged animal.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:36:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:41:29 AM EDT
0 t3h Noz!!!!11!!1

Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:44:57 AM EDT
this is gonna be good
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:45:02 AM EDT


So let me get this straight, your going to drive 4 hours round trip to camp out in Mike's back yard?

Well, actually, I'm driving 4 hours round trip to grudge fuck my ex-girlfriend and THEN camp out in Mike's back yard.


Oh, if you die, I'm looking for an ACOG.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:48:21 AM EDT
It's a Fox.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:50:34 AM EDT
Why does everyone presume that "whatever it is" is evil?

*If* there is something strange out there, and if it were evil, wouldn't it have already harmed TBS instead of just watched him?

Maybe it just has its own turf.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:54:49 AM EDT

I live just south of B_S.  Whatever you do, just please don't point your fire from his 1919, a bazooka, or whatever else you plan on doing towards our place - k?  Thanks
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:58:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 8:58:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:10:50 AM EDT

Why does everyone presume that "whatever it is" is evil?

*If* there is something strange out there, and if it were evil, wouldn't it have already harmed TBS instead of just watched him?

Maybe it just has its own turf.

Because Harry from Harry and The Hendersons isn't even worth the trip.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:12:29 AM EDT

I used to love doing shit like that with my friends.  If there was a place someone said was haunted, we were there.  Like the abandoned (mental?) hospitial in Morrilton, AR.  I got a lot of pie in that place  

The ghosts didn't bother you cause they like porn
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:14:37 AM EDT

Good luck

Tag for the AAR or obituary.  


Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:18:13 AM EDT
Hey TBS, do you or any of your neighbors have WiFi?

I could bring the laptop and update ARFCOM from in the field.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:30:38 AM EDT
Exactly what I was thinking, but figured you would be too far out.

...and unless he's in that trailor park there off Sardis, doesn't look like too many neighbors out there. Yes, I Google Earth'd it.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:31:23 AM EDT



So let me get this straight, your going to drive 4 hours round trip to camp out in Mike's back yard?

Well, actually, I'm driving 4 hours round trip to grudge fuck my ex-girlfriend and THEN camp out in Mike's back yard.


Oh, if you die, I'm looking for an ACOG.

You can have the ACOG.. I'm callin' dibs on his guns, though!
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:31:40 AM EDT
In my opinion, hunting bigfoot is like hunting grizzly.  Don't take your AR15 out there, take your Weatherby.


Can Bigfoot be Killed?
By John Steele

There are dozens of reports that suggest perhaps Bigfoot cannot be killed. [Or at least not brought down by initial shots fired]

In 1957, at Wanoga Butte, Washington, Gary Joanis and Jim Newall were hunting, and had just shot a deer. Before they could get to it, a 9-foot tall, hairy creature walked into the clearing, picked the deer up, and carried it off under its arm. Joanis, annoyed about losing his deer, fired several shots with his 30.06 into the creatures back, but the creature never stopped walking. However, it did emit a "strange whistling scream". A cry of pain?

In October 1959, west of Roseburg, Oregon, two boys, one 12 and the other 17, saw a Bigfoot near an abandoned saw mill. They went back with guns to look for it. It showed up, but began chasing them, with its arms outstretched. Strangely enough, it never caught up with them, although it easily could have. The 17 year old, reputedly a good shot, was able to get off several good shots with his 30.06, but the creature kept coming. However, it did fall forward onto its knuckles a couple times. They wondered later if it was herding them, to get them away from its territory, family or possessions.

In 1965, near Fouke Arkansas, 14-year old James Crabtree was squirrel hunting, when he heard some horses galloping into a nearby lake. Then he heard a dog howling in pain. Investigating, he came up behind an 8 foot tall creature, covered all over with 4 inch long reddish-brown hair. It turned, and he couldn't see anything of its face, other than a wide flat nose. Everything else was covered in hair. The bigfoot started walking towards Crabtree, who, terrified, shot it in the face three times with his shotgun. As the creature didn't seem to notice, the boy left as fast as he could.

In Washington, during the summer of 1966, there were numerous sightings of a white/grey Bigfoot, 8 feet tall with red-eyes, weighing at least 600 pounds and walking like a human. A group of men often went looking for it, and usually found it in a gravel pit. Roger True fired at it from a range of only 20 feet, and hit it at least three times from his .270 rifle, but didn't knock it down. Tommy Thompson fired his 10-gauge shotgun from 10 yards. He said it "screamed, a sort of high-pitched squeal, but the shots didn't stop it running away."

In May 1967, in The Dalles in Oregon, several teen-age boys spend their nights hunting Bigfoot. One night, they were moving through the woods, when they came to a tree where the branches hung to the ground. Pushing past them, they found a creature 8-10 feet away that was 7 feet tall crouched down. Dave Churchill blasted it twice in the chest with his 12-gauge shotgun, which knocked it down. It rolled over twice, and then ran off. It broke through a fence, snapping three posts off at the ground. The boys returned the next day to claim their prize, but the footprints were lost after 80-100 yards, and there was no blood to follow.  

Generally, it’s my policy to place the information on this website and let the reader do with it what they will. If these reports are all true, there is no way to know if the sasquatch wandered off and eventually died of his wounds. These stories only suggest the sasquatches were shot at, but no evidence that the creature was fatally wounded, or that it stumbled or fell. This doesn’t indicate they never died... I will mention here, that in a conversation with Bob Gimlin, I asked him if he thought his 30.06 rifle would have brought down the Patterson creature. He replied after some thought, "I don’t think so Bobbie." Gimlin was probably right. While I've heard these stories elsewhere, John Steele offered no sources or citations for these stories. No witness names for verification either.- Bobbie Short, logged 3 June 2004

Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:32:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:33:38 AM EDT


Can Bigfoot be Killed?
By John Steele

There are dozens of reports that suggest perhaps Bigfoot cannot be killed. [Or at least not brought down by initial shots fired]

In 1957, at Wanoga Butte, Washington, Gary Joanis and Jim Newall were hunting, and had just shot a deer. Before they could get to it, a 9-foot tall, hairy creature walked into the clearing, picked the deer up, and carried it off under its arm. Joanis, annoyed about losing his deer, fired several shots with his 30.06 into the creatures back, but the creature never stopped walking. However, it did emit a "strange whistling scream". A cry of pain?

In October 1959, west of Roseburg, Oregon, two boys, one 12 and the other 17, saw a Bigfoot near an abandoned saw mill. They went back with guns to look for it. It showed up, but began chasing them, with its arms outstretched. Strangely enough, it never caught up with them, although it easily could have. The 17 year old, reputedly a good shot, was able to get off several good shots with his 30.06, but the creature kept coming. However, it did fall forward onto its knuckles a couple times. They wondered later if it was herding them, to get them away from its territory, family or possessions.

In 1965, near Fouke Arkansas, 14-year old James Crabtree was squirrel hunting, when he heard some horses galloping into a nearby lake. Then he heard a dog howling in pain. Investigating, he came up behind an 8 foot tall creature, covered all over with 4 inch long reddish-brown hair. It turned, and he couldn't see anything of its face, other than a wide flat nose. Everything else was covered in hair. The bigfoot started walking towards Crabtree, who, terrified, shot it in the face three times with his shotgun. As the creature didn't seem to notice, the boy left as fast as he could.

In Washington, during the summer of 1966, there were numerous sightings of a white/grey Bigfoot, 8 feet tall with red-eyes, weighing at least 600 pounds and walking like a human. A group of men often went looking for it, and usually found it in a gravel pit. Roger True fired at it from a range of only 20 feet, and hit it at least three times from his .270 rifle, but didn't knock it down. Tommy Thompson fired his 10-gauge shotgun from 10 yards. He said it "screamed, a sort of high-pitched squeal, but the shots didn't stop it running away."

In May 1967, in The Dalles in Oregon, several teen-age boys spend their nights hunting Bigfoot. One night, they were moving through the woods, when they came to a tree where the branches hung to the ground. Pushing past them, they found a creature 8-10 feet away that was 7 feet tall crouched down. Dave Churchill blasted it twice in the chest with his 12-gauge shotgun, which knocked it down. It rolled over twice, and then ran off. It broke through a fence, snapping three posts off at the ground. The boys returned the next day to claim their prize, but the footprints were lost after 80-100 yards, and there was no blood to follow.  

Generally, it’s my policy to place the information on this website and let the reader do with it what they will. If these reports are all true, there is no way to know if the sasquatch wandered off and eventually died of his wounds. These stories only suggest the sasquatches were shot at, but no evidence that the creature was fatally wounded, or that it stumbled or fell. This doesn’t indicate they never died... I will mention here, that in a conversation with Bob Gimlin, I asked him if he thought his 30.06 rifle would have brought down the Patterson creature. He replied after some thought, "I don’t think so Bobbie." Gimlin was probably right. While I've heard these stories elsewhere, John Steele offered no sources or citations for these stories. No witness names for verification either.- Bobbie Short, logged 3 June 2004

That's why I'm not too worried about guns.  I'll take something to fend off bears/cougars, but I don't plan on bringing down The Foot.

Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:36:09 AM EDT

Maybe it's one of these things....

marauding ‘hybrid mutant’


Now I would pay $700 for a hybrid like that... maybe more.

If the carcass had not been devoured by vultures, I am sure we could have found out just what breed of K9 it's parent bred with. I wonder what the average breed is in Maine, and the rarities for that matter.
It says in the article that it weighed between 40-50 pounds. That's a small animal...
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:39:23 AM EDT

If you see something; just remember:

When in doubt, empty the magazine.

And to TBS; if you hear "Pop...pop...pop..pop pop pop pop pop pop" You know something bad just happened.

That reminds me of a story my scout master told me about a guy on Guard duty in Alaska at a remote F16 base.

They put this new guy out at a guard shack in the woods a mile from base along the fence.  The airman assigned to the shack was not happy about his assignment, but he settled in to do his duty as best as he could.

About 2 am the base was awoken to the sound of an M16 going off full auto.  And then again.  And then again.  As if someone was swaping mags as fast as he could.  After about 6 mags worth there was the sound of a .38 firing 6 shots. and then 6 more.  Then 6 more.  Followed by silence.

A radio check was made and that guard shack refused to answer any radio calls.

This was the height of the Cold War and this base was full of F16 fighters.  So the SPs rolled out a responce team as quickly as the could.   The team arrived at the shack armed with M16s/M203s and an M60 ready to meet any threat that was present.

The  shack was by the side of the road with only a single exterior light to illumate things.    When they approached they saw the airman sitting against the wall, empty pistol pointed toward the opposite wall and babbling.  They searched the area, found nothing and worked on getting the guard calmed down.  After a few minutes he told them that he heard a sound in the shack and went in to investigate it.  Since the outside light wasn't very good, he pulled out his flashlight and pointed it inside.  He saw a hundred tiny black humans hands tearing the wall down, coming to get him.  At this point he opened up on the demon spawn with everything he had.

It turns out our young airman was a city boy with little experience in the woods.  One of the other guards was FEEDING RACOONS through holes in the wooden shack.  Now, if you've ever seen a racoon's hand, it does look like a tiny human hand.  So when the airman turned on the lights he saw the spawn of satan coming through the wall, not a couple of furry woodlands creatures.  A search of the ground in the morning showed a bunch of track and no blood.  

The airman never recovered and was discharged for the good of the service later.  No one ever admitted to feeding the racoons....
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:41:27 AM EDT


If you see something; just remember:

When in doubt, empty the magazine.

And to TBS; if you hear "Pop...pop...pop..pop pop pop pop pop pop" You know something bad just happened.

That reminds me of a story my scout master told me about a guy on Guard duty in Alaska at a remote F16 base.

They put this new guy out at a guard shack in the woods a mile from base along the fence.  The airman assigned to the shack was not happy about his assignment, but he settled in to do his duty as best as he could.

About 2 am the base was awoken to the sound of an M16 going off full auto.  And then again.  And then again.  As if someone was swaping mags as fast as he could.  After about 6 mags worth there was the sound of a .38 firing 6 shots. and then 6 more.  Then 6 more.  Followed by silence.

A radio check was made and that guard shack refused to answer any radio calls.

This was the height of the Cold War and this base was full of F16 fighters.  So the SPs rolled out a responce team as quickly as the could.   The team arrived at the shack armed with M16s/M203s and an M60 ready to meet any threat that was present.

The  shack was by the side of the road with only a single exterior light to illumate things.    When they approached they saw the airman sitting against the wall, empty pistol pointed toward it and babbling.  They searched the area, found nothing and worked on getting the guard calmed down.  After a few minutes he told them that he heard a sound in the shack and went in to investigate it.  Since the outside light wasn't very good, he pulled out his flashlight and pointed it inside.  He saw a hundred tiny black humans hands tearing the wall down, coming to get him.  At this point he opened up on the demon spawn with everything he had.

It turns out our young airman was a city boy with little experience in the woods.  One of the other guards was FEEDING RACOONS through holes in the wooden shack.  Now, if you've ever seen a racoon's hand, it does look like a tiny human hand.  So when the airman turned on the lights he saw the spawn of satan coming through the wall, not a couple of furry woodlands creatures.  A search of the ground in the morning showed a bunch of track and no blood.  

The airman never recovered and was discharged for the good of the service later.  No one ever admitted to feeding the racoons....

Man that's a funny damn story.
Link Posted: 11/20/2006 9:44:35 AM EDT


Man that's a funny damn story.

Yup.  It's been 20 years since I heard it and I still remember it clearly.
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