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Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:04:05 PM EDT







didnt the NRA back this woman?

And Newt apparently.

Dickheads like Newt Gingrich are the enemy within the Republican party.


I'm tired of hearing about the "big tent."

You can have a variety of policy ideas to get to a particular ENDS, but unless the END you seek is actually conservative, then get the fuck out.  Voters can vote for Democrats if they want statist, socialist, rights diminishing nonsense.  

Republicans may have different approaches, but they should at least believe in smaller government, more personal freedom, reduction of federal hegemony, empowerment of the states and local governments, and evaluation at every decision point whether the government should get involved or if treating the people with benign neglect is actually more compatible with living in a free country.

The national organization should not bat an eye at throwing a liberal RINO the fuck out of the party.   Snowe, Collins, etc., should not get a fucking DIME of contribution money.   They do  not just have different ideas on how to "get there,' their destination is wholly incompatible with what the party is about.

And what if the GOP *NEEDS* those people to get Reid & Pelosi out of their chairs?

While the RINOs may be a pain in the ass now, with the GOP in the minority...

Giving those seats to the Ds simply insures a longer time in the minority...

Who cares how hard the 'ideologically pure' yell, if they are powerless to do anything else?



That mindset elevates ACQUIRING power above actually moving policy in a proper direction.  

The problem with the RINOS, is that you wind up having to appease them.   And they wind up causing you to look skitzo because to appease them, you do things that cause the voters to say "well, fuck... if they're going to spend money like drunken sailors anyway, then hey, I'll just vote for the Dims because they give me the same thing and they say I don't have any responsibility for my lot in life either."

And Dave...  it should be clear by now:   The fact that RINOs are selected to cement POWER in the committee structure is more about dolling out pork and keeping "in power" than about being conservative at the end of the day.  And that's just one more reason, if one were needed, why the power and money in federal government ought to be constricted.   The amount of graft that will be paid to politically connected "anointed ones" under the typical federal program is just baffling.   And in many (if not most) cases, things like the federal highways and other key infrastructure excepted, the states and cities could get more appropriate and accountable programs in place instead.

1) Without that POWER you can be as 'ideologically pure' as you want, and you will be screaming into deaf ears...

2) The most corruption you will ever see in any government project, is always found at the local level....

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:12:04 PM EDT
traitorous whore
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:16:01 PM EDT




Frankly, I rather have a D holing the seat, than a RINO Republican.


Yup, because when the incumbent is a D, at least we can run a conservative against them. When the incumbent is a liberal R, you're stuck with a "lesser of the two evils" choice.


It's a numbers game...

You can 'run conservatives against' a NY D all day long, and it will do nothing....

However, if you get a RINO in the House, that's +1 for getting Pelosi out of the speaker's chair...

Seeing how the Republican in this case is supporting the D, if she were elected, she would be a +1 for Pelosi anyway.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:17:22 PM EDT
Glad the RINO whore quit.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:24:11 PM EDT




Frankly, I rather have a D holing the seat, than a RINO Republican.


Yup, because when the incumbent is a D, at least we can run a conservative against them. When the incumbent is a liberal R, you're stuck with a "lesser of the two evils" choice.


It's a numbers game...

You can 'run conservatives against' a NY D all day long, and it will do nothing....

However, if you get a RINO in the House, that's +1 for getting Pelosi out of the speaker's chair...

No, it's another vote for "Bi-Partisanship" for Obama.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:26:31 PM EDT
 how much money did the Rep party toss her way supporting her?

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:30:16 PM EDT



didnt the NRA back this woman?

And Newt apparently.

Dickheads like Newt Gingrich are the enemy within the Republican party.


I'm tired of hearing about the "big tent."

You can have a variety of policy ideas to get to a particular ENDS, but unless the END you seek is actually conservative, then get the fuck out.  Voters can vote for Democrats if they want statist, socialist, rights diminishing nonsense.  

Republicans may have different approaches, but they should at least believe in smaller government, more personal freedom, reduction of federal hegemony, empowerment of the states and local governments, and evaluation at every decision point whether the government should get involved or if treating the people with benign neglect is actually more compatible with living in a free country.

The national organization should not bat an eye at throwing a liberal RINO the fuck out of the party.   Snowe, Collins, etc., should not get a fucking DIME of contribution money.   They do  not just have different ideas on how to "get there,' their destination is wholly incompatible with what the party is about.

And what if the GOP *NEEDS* those people to get Reid & Pelosi out of their chairs?

While the RINOs may be a pain in the ass now, with the GOP in the minority...

Giving those seats to the Ds simply insures a longer time in the minority...

Who cares how hard the 'ideologically pure' yell, if they are powerless to do anything else?

Perhaps the Republican party needs to have a epiphany, Dave.

They would do well to follow the strategy the Dems used to kick them out of power:

Run liberal Republicans in liberal areas...

Run conservatives in the rest...

Kind of like how we got all these 'blue dog' Dems in Congress - they may not help the Dems move policy along, but they DO put a Dem leadership in control....


Your foolishness never ends.  Your plan outlined above will only lead to more of the "type" of government we have now.   Stop pandering to mediocracy!!!!  Fool!!

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:30:48 PM EDT
So,  how much money did the Rep party toss her way?

That is exactly why I no longer contribute to the RNC. I also changed my party affiliation to Independent.
The left me and they just don't get it.
I used to contribute a lot to the RNC.

I now contribute locally only.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:35:32 PM EDT



didnt the NRA back this woman?

And Newt apparently.

Dickheads like Newt Gingrich are the enemy within the Republican party.


I'm tired of hearing about the "big tent."

You can have a variety of policy ideas to get to a particular ENDS, but unless the END you seek is actually conservative, then get the fuck out.  Voters can vote for Democrats if they want statist, socialist, rights diminishing nonsense.  

Republicans may have different approaches, but they should at least believe in smaller government, more personal freedom, reduction of federal hegemony, empowerment of the states and local governments, and evaluation at every decision point whether the government should get involved or if treating the people with benign neglect is actually more compatible with living in a free country.

The national organization should not bat an eye at throwing a liberal RINO the fuck out of the party.   Snowe, Collins, etc., should not get a fucking DIME of contribution money.   They do  not just have different ideas on how to "get there,' their destination is wholly incompatible with what the party is about.

And what if the GOP *NEEDS* those people to get Reid & Pelosi out of their chairs?

While the RINOs may be a pain in the ass now, with the GOP in the minority...

Giving those seats to the Ds simply insures a longer time in the minority...

Who cares how hard the 'ideologically pure' yell, if they are powerless to do anything else?

Perhaps the Republican party needs to have a epiphany, Dave.

They would do well to follow the strategy the Dems used to kick them out of power:

Run liberal Republicans in liberal areas...

Run conservatives in the rest...

Kind of like how we got all these 'blue dog' Dems in Congress - they may not help the Dems move policy along, but they DO put a Dem leadership in control....


Your foolishness never ends.  Your plan outlined above will only lead to more of the "type" of government we have now.   Stop pandering to mediocracy!!!!  Fool!!

DA has gone native.  His brainwashing is complete and absolute.  

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:39:39 PM EDT

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:41:03 PM EDT





Frankly, I rather have a D holing the seat, than a RINO Republican.


Yup, because when the incumbent is a D, at least we can run a conservative against them. When the incumbent is a liberal R, you're stuck with a "lesser of the two evils" choice.


It's a numbers game...

You can 'run conservatives against' a NY D all day long, and it will do nothing....

However, if you get a RINO in the House, that's +1 for getting Pelosi out of the speaker's chair...

Seeing how the Republican in this case is supporting the D, if she were elected, she would be a +1 for Pelosi anyway.


Never works that way...

Even the most RINO of Republicans always vote for the R leadership...

If you are going to 'cross party lines' on leadership, you go Jeffords & leave the party....

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:41:44 PM EDT





Frankly, I rather have a D holing the seat, than a RINO Republican.


Yup, because when the incumbent is a D, at least we can run a conservative against them. When the incumbent is a liberal R, you're stuck with a "lesser of the two evils" choice.


It's a numbers game...

You can 'run conservatives against' a NY D all day long, and it will do nothing....

However, if you get a RINO in the House, that's +1 for getting Pelosi out of the speaker's chair...

No, it's another vote for "Bi-Partisanship" for Obama.


If the GOP can take back the House, 'Bi Partisanship' doesn't matter....

The House Leadership can block the bills themselves...
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 4:42:35 PM EDT






didnt the NRA back this woman?

And Newt apparently.

Dickheads like Newt Gingrich are the enemy within the Republican party.


I'm tired of hearing about the "big tent."

You can have a variety of policy ideas to get to a particular ENDS, but unless the END you seek is actually conservative, then get the fuck out.  Voters can vote for Democrats if they want statist, socialist, rights diminishing nonsense.  

Republicans may have different approaches, but they should at least believe in smaller government, more personal freedom, reduction of federal hegemony, empowerment of the states and local governments, and evaluation at every decision point whether the government should get involved or if treating the people with benign neglect is actually more compatible with living in a free country.

The national organization should not bat an eye at throwing a liberal RINO the fuck out of the party.   Snowe, Collins, etc., should not get a fucking DIME of contribution money.   They do  not just have different ideas on how to "get there,' their destination is wholly incompatible with what the party is about.

And what if the GOP *NEEDS* those people to get Reid & Pelosi out of their chairs?

While the RINOs may be a pain in the ass now, with the GOP in the minority...

Giving those seats to the Ds simply insures a longer time in the minority...

Who cares how hard the 'ideologically pure' yell, if they are powerless to do anything else?


Perhaps the Republican party needs to have a epiphany, Dave.

They would do well to follow the strategy the Dems used to kick them out of power:

Run liberal Republicans in liberal areas...

Run conservatives in the rest...

Kind of like how we got all these 'blue dog' Dems in Congress - they may not help the Dems move policy along, but they DO put a Dem leadership in control....


Your foolishness never ends.  Your plan outlined above will only lead to more of the "type" of government we have now.   Stop pandering to mediocracy!!!!  Fool!!

Your policies will ensure that the Dems have a lasting majority....

What we have now beats where they want us to go...

You are NOT going to get a 'Conservative Revolution' in Congress -the best you can hope for is 218 Rs, thus getting us the GOP leadership that is required to stop Obama's agenda in the House....

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 5:01:15 PM EDT




didnt the NRA back this woman?

And Newt apparently.

Dickheads like Newt Gingrich are the enemy within the Republican party.


I'm tired of hearing about the "big tent."

You can have a variety of policy ideas to get to a particular ENDS, but unless the END you seek is actually conservative, then get the fuck out.  Voters can vote for Democrats if they want statist, socialist, rights diminishing nonsense.  

Republicans may have different approaches, but they should at least believe in smaller government, more personal freedom, reduction of federal hegemony, empowerment of the states and local governments, and evaluation at every decision point whether the government should get involved or if treating the people with benign neglect is actually more compatible with living in a free country.

The national organization should not bat an eye at throwing a liberal RINO the fuck out of the party.   Snowe, Collins, etc., should not get a fucking DIME of contribution money.   They do  not just have different ideas on how to "get there,' their destination is wholly incompatible with what the party is about.

And what if the GOP *NEEDS* those people to get Reid & Pelosi out of their chairs?

While the RINOs may be a pain in the ass now, with the GOP in the minority...

Giving those seats to the Ds simply insures a longer time in the minority...

Who cares how hard the 'ideologically pure' yell, if they are powerless to do anything else?

Perhaps the Republican party needs to have a epiphany, Dave.

They would do well to follow the strategy the Dems used to kick them out of power:

Run liberal Republicans in liberal areas...

Run conservatives in the rest...

Kind of like how we got all these 'blue dog' Dems in Congress - they may not help the Dems move policy along, but they DO put a Dem leadership in control....


Your foolishness never ends.  Your plan outlined above will only lead to more of the "type" of government we have now.   Stop pandering to mediocracy!!!!  Fool!!

Your policies will ensure that the Dems have a lasting majority....

What we have now beats where they want us to go...

You are NOT going to get a 'Conservative Revolution' in Congress -the best you can hope for is 218 Rs, thus getting us the GOP leadership that is required to stop Obama's agenda in the House....

I've not listed "my policies" and who said anything about a "conservative revolution"?  Your dreams about what I "might" want or not want don't figure into the discussion.

Your line of thinking is exactly what got us to the point we're at today.  It's time for something different and an end of the foolishness.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 5:02:00 PM EDT



Looks like they dont want any third party ruining the two party system.

Do you really think her voters would listen to a 'Hoffman' endorsement?

It's a liberal state... You either run RINOs, or you lose.

P.S. The 'Two Party System' is a mathematical fact of life in US politics. Multiparty systems are for parlimentary democracies, not US-style Republics...

Supposedly Republican safe district.

In New York...

EG, 'Moderate Democrat' in Texas terms...

And the fact that a Dem has the seat right now <> 'Republican 'Safe' District'

Am I missing something here?  This is my district, and the seat has been held by a Republican since 1871.  What are you talking about?
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 5:18:47 PM EDT

here's a story for all the "big tent" people here from politico about hoffman and the race


The House Republican leadership is prepared to welcome Doug Hoffman into its ranks, National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said Thursday, a sign that the GOP establishment is recalibrating its approach toward the contentious New York special election and the Conservative Party nominee whose candidacy has divided the party.

“He would be very welcome, with open arms,” Sessions told POLITICO in an interview off the House floor.

Sessions’s comments came as polls showed Hoffman surging in the Nov. 3 special election against Republican nominee Dede Scozzafava, a moderate who supports abortion rights and gay marriage, and Democratic attorney Bill Owens. Nearly a dozen rank-and-file Republican members announced their endorsements of Hoffman Thursday.

While the NRCC–along with House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.)—have all thrown their backing to Scozzafava, grassroots conservatives have revolted against the GOP nominee, asserting that she is too liberal for them to support. Some have even called for conservatives to withhold donations from the NRCC in protest.

On Thursday afternoon, Sessions appeared to tacitly acknowledge that Hoffman may represent the GOP’s best chance to keep the Republican-held seat from being picked up by a Democrat.

“I think it’s pretty clear that a person who would vote for John Boehner, support tax cuts, support growing our economy, and defeat Nancy Pelosi’s tax and spend agenda will be really welcome in our conference, and I think having a person who can win that district off that message would be really good for the Republican Party,” Sessions said.

The latest round of polling gave evidence that Hoffman is on the rise and has pulled even with, or ahead of, Owens as Scozzafava has fallen into third place. In a newly-released poll commissioned by the liberal blog Daily Kos, Hoffman is within one point of Owens, 33 percent to 32 percent, with Scozzafava lagging well behind in third place with 21 percent.

The NRCC’s support for Scozzafava had been premised on the idea that the state assemblywoman represented the party’s best hope of holding the competitive upstate New York seat vacated by Republican Rep. John McHugh.

Even more encouraging to Hoffman’s backers, the Daily Kos poll shows Hoffman is winning over more Republican voters than the GOP’s own nominee. He leads Scozzafava 41 to 34 percent among Republicans—a sign that GOP voters are increasingly identifying with Hoffman as the true Republican candidate.

And he holds a 19-point lead among independents over Owens, 47 percent to 28 percent, suggesting that his outsider message is resonating, and that his support isn’t confined to the conservative base.

The poll also shows Hoffman gaining ground since the firm’s survey last week, with Owens and Scozzafava each losing support.

Hoffman holds the highest favorable ratings of the three candidates in the race, despite still being the least-known.

With just five days until voters head to the polls, the Hoffman campaign Thursday expressed confidence in its efforts.

“We’re cautiously optimistic. We’ve got the DCCC, the NRCC, Big Labor, the Working Families Party, ACORN, Moveon.Org and a whole host of liberal organization working against us. It’s become a real battle of David versus Goliath,” said Hoffman campaign manager Rob Ryan.”

The NRCC in recent days has subtly refocused their messaging on ads attacking Owens, avoiding any mention of Hoffman.

Likewise, Democrats have turned their fire on Hoffman in the final week of the campaign ad, airing a new attack ad casting him as an out-of-touch millionaire while virtually ignoring Scozzafava. Their labor ally, AFSCME, joined in spending $200,000 this week on a districtwide ad buy attacking Hoffman.

Hoffman, whose campaign barely had a presence in the district as recently as two weeks ago, is getting help from a well-oiled conservative ground game, with hundreds of volunteers from tea party groups and leading conservative organizations working in upstate New York to help him get out the vote next Tuesday.

Hoffman’s campaign now has five campaign offices teeming with volunteers across the sprawling district. By contrast, Scozzafava’s campaign has just one office in her home base.

The anti-tax Club for Growth, pro-life Susan B. Anthony’s List, Eagle Forum and anti-illegal immigration Minuteman PAC all have staffers on the ground knocking on doors, making calls to Republican voters and delivering pro-Hoffman literature to churches.

"Our efforts on the ground give a voice to the thousands of voters in the district who believe that life, marriage, and fiscal responsibility all matter. We didn't create these people. They were there all along, despite being ignored by the Republican Party,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List.

Hoffman has also benefited from national conservative commentators—from Glenn Beck to Rush Limbaugh—who have been friendly to his campaign on the air, leading many listeners to donate money to his campaign.

As his poll numbers have surged, some of the most prominent names in the Republican Party have bucked the GOP establishment and endorsed him, ranging from Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to former House Majority Leader Dick Armey.

Former presidential candidate Fred Thompson taped a television ad for Hoffman this week, casting the race in grand terms: “America is in trouble. So when your grandchildren ask you why you didn't do something, be able to tell them that you voted for Doug Hoffman."

The third-party candidate has even won the support of former NRCC Chairman Tom Cole (R-Okla.), who frequently criticized outside groups for supporting conservative challengers to Republicans in his role as campaign committee chairman last election cycle.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 5:20:30 PM EDT
After reviewing her bio and her political positions, this is a surprise to anyone?  

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 5:25:13 PM EDT
Change of party affiliation in 3... 2...
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 5:39:21 PM EDT
...It's a liberal state... You either run RINOs, or you lose.

Winning with RINOs is still a loss.

Because eventually, you have to appease them.  If you don't believe me, ask the Californians about their handgun ammo.

A quote for posterity.

I like Newt, but I think he grenaded himself this time. Should have stayed out of it.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 5:49:41 PM EDT
Word is there is independent polling to be released tomorrow that has Hoffman up now well in excess of 10 points.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:04:01 PM EDT
It's official.  Dave has gone full retard.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:10:43 PM EDT


It's official.  Dave has gone full retard.

Yep.  What he suggests is just more of the status quo.  Look where that has gotten us.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:13:40 PM EDT
Folks are really surprised about the Newt deal? Short memories or didn't follow politics back in the day? Which one?
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:16:36 PM EDT
Goddam Rinos!

Perhaps this may actually be the end of them, as they show their true colors and defect back to the

Demo's where they belong

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:17:03 PM EDT


It's official. Dave has gone full retard.

Where you been... that's so 2006
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:22:06 PM EDT




didnt the NRA back this woman?

And Newt apparently.

Dickheads like Newt Gingrich are the enemy within the Republican party.


I'm tired of hearing about the "big tent."

You can have a variety of policy ideas to get to a particular ENDS, but unless the END you seek is actually conservative, then get the fuck out.  Voters can vote for Democrats if they want statist, socialist, rights diminishing nonsense.  

Republicans may have different approaches, but they should at least believe in smaller government, more personal freedom, reduction of federal hegemony, empowerment of the states and local governments, and evaluation at every decision point whether the government should get involved or if treating the people with benign neglect is actually more compatible with living in a free country.

The national organization should not bat an eye at throwing a liberal RINO the fuck out of the party.   Snowe, Collins, etc., should not get a fucking DIME of contribution money.   They do  not just have different ideas on how to "get there,' their destination is wholly incompatible with what the party is about.

And what if the GOP *NEEDS* those people to get Reid & Pelosi out of their chairs?

While the RINOs may be a pain in the ass now, with the GOP in the minority...

Giving those seats to the Ds simply insures a longer time in the minority...

Who cares how hard the 'ideologically pure' yell, if they are powerless to do anything else?

Perhaps the Republican party needs to have a epiphany, Dave.

They would do well to follow the strategy the Dems used to kick them out of power:

Run liberal Republicans in liberal areas...

Run conservatives in the rest...

Kind of like how we got all these 'blue dog' Dems in Congress - they may not help the Dems move policy along, but they DO put a Dem leadership in control....


Your foolishness never ends.  Your plan outlined above will only lead to more of the "type" of government we have now.   Stop pandering to mediocracy!!!!  Fool!!

Your policies will ensure that the Dems have a lasting majority....

What we have now beats where they want us to go...

You are NOT going to get a 'Conservative Revolution' in Congress -the best you can hope for is 218 Rs, thus getting us the GOP leadership that is required to stop Obama's agenda in the House....

I've not listed "my policies" and who said anything about a "conservative revolution"?  Your dreams about what I "might" want or not want don't figure into the discussion.

Your line of thinking is exactly what got us to the point we're at today.  It's time for something different and an end of the foolishness.

Please read the CoC.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:28:56 PM EDT

Exactly what I was thinking.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:35:19 PM EDT


Frankly, I rather have a D holing the seat, than a RINO Republican.

Yup, because when the incumbent is a D, at least we can run a conservative against them. When the incumbent is a liberal R, you're stuck with a "lesser of the two evils" choice.

It's a numbers game...

You can 'run conservatives against' a NY D all day long, and it will do nothing....

However, if you get a RINO in the House, that's +1 for getting Pelosi out of the speaker's chair...

Sure, sure Dave, nothing like looking at the ballot and seeing two Dems, one with an R next to their name to encourage voter turn-out... much less inspire voter loyalty.   RINOs in the party discourages people from voting R in the first place, assuming they'll vote at all.  If McCain wasn't such a RINO fuck, the R turnout would've stomped the hell out of Oblama...   Nevermind the fact that these fucks dip out the moment it gets hot and vote with their commie friends.  If you can't count on them to stick with you when you need it most and their very existance sucks strength out of the party... remind me again why it's a good idea?   Hey, don't let me try to shed any light in your world... not like that would change anything there in the first place.


...It's a liberal state... You either run RINOs, or you lose.

Winning with RINOs is still a loss.

Because eventually, you have to appease them.  If you don't believe me, ask the Californians about their handgun ammo.

1) Arnie's handgun-ammo-seller-licensing would have passed either way...

2) When talking about US Congress, it's the Speaker's chair that matters, NOT the ideological 'correctness' of the junior reps....

Really?  Like, so unimportant that you don't need them to maintain a filibuster?  Ohhh yeah.  Gotta love Ms. Snow (RINO)..  who cares what she thinks,  it's not like her and a few of the other RINOs get to decide by themselves if a filibuster stays or not.   Nope.  Not important at all.





Frankly, I rather have a D holing the seat, than a RINO Republican.

Yup, because when the incumbent is a D, at least we can run a conservative against them. When the incumbent is a liberal R, you're stuck with a "lesser of the two evils" choice.

It's a numbers game...

You can 'run conservatives against' a NY D all day long, and it will do nothing....

However, if you get a RINO in the House, that's +1 for getting Pelosi out of the speaker's chair...
Seeing how the Republican in this case is supporting the D, if she were elected, she would be a +1 for Pelosi anyway.


Never works that way...

Even the most RINO of Republicans always vote for the R leadership...

If you are going to 'cross party lines' on leadership, you go Jeffords & leave the party....

What's the color of the sky in your world?  Don't say blue, I'll know you're lying.  
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:39:07 PM EDT



Looks like they dont want any third party ruining the two party system.

Do you really think her voters would listen to a 'Hoffman' endorsement?

It's a liberal state... You either run RINOs, or you lose.

P.S. The 'Two Party System' is a mathematical fact of life in US politics. Multiparty systems are for parlimentary democracies, not US-style Republics...

Supposedly Republican safe district.

In New York...

EG, 'Moderate Democrat' in Texas terms...

And the fact that a Dem has the seat right now <> 'Republican 'Safe' District'

Am I missing something here?  This is my district, and the seat has been held by a Republican since 1871.  What are you talking about?

The "A" stands for ass, which is what he tends to talk out of.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:48:49 PM EDT

Dede Scozzafava 10-31-09

"Today, I again seek to act for the good of our community,"

"It is increasingly clear that pressure is mounting on many of my supporters to shift their support. Consequently, I hereby release those individuals who have endorsed and supported my campaign to transfer their support as they see fit to do so. I am and have always been a proud Republican. It is my hope that with my actions today, my party will emerge stronger and our district and our nation can take an important step towards restoring the enduring strength and economic prosperity that has defined us for generations."

Dede Scozzafava 11-1-09

"I am supporting Bill Owens (D) for Congress and urge you to do the same," she said. "In Bill Owens, I see a sense of duty and integrity that will guide him beyond political partisanship. He will be an independent voice devoted to doing what is right for New York. Bill understands this district and its people, and when he represents us in Congress he will put our interests first."

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:50:48 PM EDT



Frankly, I rather have a D holing the seat, than a RINO Republican.


Yup, because when the incumbent is a D, at least we can run a conservative against them. When the incumbent is a liberal R, you're stuck with a "lesser of the two evils" choice.


It's a numbers game...

You can 'run conservatives against' a NY D all day long, and it will do nothing....

However, if you get a RINO in the House, that's +1 for getting Pelosi out of the speaker's chair...


Sure, sure Dave, nothing like looking at the ballot and seeing two Dems, one with an R next to their name to encourage voter turn-out... much less inspire voter loyalty.   RINOs in the party discourages people from voting R in the first place, assuming they'll vote at all.  If McCain wasn't such a RINO fuck, the R turnout would've stomped the hell out of Oblama...   Nevermind the fact that these fucks dip out the moment it gets hot and vote with their commie friends.  If you can't count on them to stick with you when you need it most and their very existance sucks strength out of the party... remind me again why it's a good idea?   Hey, don't let me try to shed any light in your world... not like that would change anything there in the first place.


...It's a liberal state... You either run RINOs, or you lose.


Winning with RINOs is still a loss.

Because eventually, you have to appease them.  If you don't believe me, ask the Californians about their handgun ammo.

1) Arnie's handgun-ammo-seller-licensing would have passed either way...

2) When talking about US Congress, it's the Speaker's chair that matters, NOT the ideological 'correctness' of the junior reps....


Really?  Like, so unimportant that you don't need them to maintain a filibuster?  Ohhh yeah.  Gotta love Ms. Snow (RINO)..  who cares what she thinks,  it's not like her and a few of the other RINOs get to decide by themselves if a filibuster stays or not.   Nope.  Not important at all.

It has become important now that the GOP is out of power. It's the 'last ditch, emergency option'... What I am talking about, is removing the need to use that option for everything, by doing 'whatever it takes' to get the GOP back in control.

Like the Democrats did, when they actually went LOOKING FOR right-leaning moderates to run as 'blue dogs'...

With a GOP majority in the House, and thus GOP House leadership, the need to rely on the Senate filibuster as the 'only option' to stop Obama's agenda goes away...

And this here is a HOUSE election, there is no filibuster in the House anyways...


Frankly, I rather have a D holing the seat, than a RINO Republican.


Yup, because when the incumbent is a D, at least we can run a conservative against them. When the incumbent is a liberal R, you're stuck with a "lesser of the two evils" choice.


It's a numbers game...

You can 'run conservatives against' a NY D all day long, and it will do nothing....

However, if you get a RINO in the House, that's +1 for getting Pelosi out of the speaker's chair...

Seeing how the Republican in this case is supporting the D, if she were elected, she would be a +1 for Pelosi anyway.


Never works that way...

Even the most RINO of Republicans always vote for the R leadership...

If you are going to 'cross party lines' on leadership, you go Jeffords & leave the party....


What's the color of the sky in your world?  Don't say blue, I'll know you're lying.  

Find one case where a Republican congressional delegate, who is a Republican at the time of the vote, has voted for a Democrat to be Speaker...

It doesn't happen.

It would be a political death sentence if they did - they would never get any committee spots, or any power...

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:51:54 PM EDT


Looks like they dont want any third party ruining the two party system.

Do you really think her voters would listen to a 'Hoffman' endorsement?

It's a liberal state... You either run RINOs, or you lose.

P.S. The 'Two Party System' is a mathematical fact of life in US politics. Multiparty systems are for parlimentary democracies, not US-style Republics...

Well you always talk like you're an authority on everything.  You don't know shit about this district.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:53:51 PM EDT
That train of thought has gotten us no where.  When ever we do get the power, they manage to sabotage everything which we try to do.  Frankly, I rather have a D holing the seat, than a RINO Republican.


Say it again brother.  I've had it with daggers in my back.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:55:21 PM EDT





Looks like they dont want any third party ruining the two party system.

Do you really think her voters would listen to a 'Hoffman' endorsement?

It's a liberal state... You either run RINOs, or you lose.

P.S. The 'Two Party System' is a mathematical fact of life in US politics. Multiparty systems are for parlimentary democracies, not US-style Republics...


Well you always talk like your an authority on everything.  You don't know shit about this district.

I'm going by what Hiram said about the current occupant of the seat being a (D) that Obama is moving up to SecArmy...

As for the rest, a 'Conservative' district in New York tends to fall in as a 'moderate-Dem' district elsewhere...

Same for WA (See... Reichert)

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 6:57:06 PM EDT


It's official.  Dave has gone full retard.


I'm more cocerned with the 'Magic Numbers' (218 and 51) than I am with some form of ideological purge...

It doesn't matter how 'pure' you are, if you do not have the votes to win....

If this guy wins, GREAT... +1 to the tally, let's keep going...

I just have doubts on his ability to WIN.

And right now, ALL that matters is (R) seats vs (D) seats...

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:05:32 PM EDT


It's official.  Dave has gone full retard.


I'm more cocerned with the 'Magic Numbers' (218 and 51) than I am with some form of ideological purge...

It doesn't matter how 'pure' you are, if you do not have the votes to win....

If this guy wins, GREAT... +1 to the tally, let's keep going...

I just have doubts on his ability to WIN.

And right now, ALL that matters is (R) seats vs (D) seats...


Yeah, look at what electing people like Olympia Snowe has gotten us.  If they have an (R) next to their name, but side with the Dems, and go so far as to endorse Dem candidates, why bother voting at all?  Fuck it, game over.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:15:07 PM EDT

It's official.  Dave has gone full retard.


I'm more cocerned with the 'Magic Numbers' (218 and 51) than I am with some form of ideological purge...

It doesn't matter how 'pure' you are, if you do not have the votes to win....

If this guy wins, GREAT... +1 to the tally, let's keep going...

I just have doubts on his ability to WIN.

And right now, ALL that matters is (R) seats vs (D) seats...

Not true... there are few benefits to getting another liberal phony Republican in the House and a lot of negatives. Another liberal phony Republican that votes for Obama's program gives cover and that is more damaging than any benefit.

This race will have zero impact on the 'Magic Numbers' you either have 218 solid votes or you do not, Scozzafava was never going to be a solid vote.

This race was a cheap way to send a clear message to the Republican Party and that was assuming the Democrat would win... now no matter the illogical gymnastics you have going on in your head on this (it is absurd to assume that the Democrat gets anything approaching half of Scozzafava support even with her backing him) chances are very good Hoffman wins and that sends a even stronger message.

Win even if Hoffman does not win because the message was sent and at a low cost.

Win-win if Hoffman wins.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:15:25 PM EDT

It's official.  Dave has gone full retard.


I'm more cocerned with the 'Magic Numbers' (218 and 51) than I am with some form of ideological purge...

It doesn't matter how 'pure' you are, if you do not have the votes to win....

If this guy wins, GREAT... +1 to the tally, let's keep going...

I just have doubts on his ability to WIN.

And right now, ALL that matters is (R) seats vs (D) seats...

Spoken like a true RINO.

Hell, I'd rather have a DEM that opposes the Obama agenda than a REPUB that supports his BS.

The party affiliation doesn't matter at this point.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:15:40 PM EDT
didnt the NRA back this woman?
But that doesn't mean a whole lot on the whole political scale.
The NRA backed the Dem candidate for Governnor in my state.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:19:29 PM EDT
You can't have a diluted message.

We can't just win a majority and then lose it the next election cycle, because we've got RINOs.

We need a strong party platform like we had with the Contract of America.

We need to draw clear lines of distinction between Republicans and Democrats. Otherwise people will not vote base on party and may even worse see the Republicans as frauds.

Dave_A is dead wrong on this one.

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:31:51 PM EDT



It's official.  Dave has gone full retard.


I'm more cocerned with the 'Magic Numbers' (218 and 51) than I am with some form of ideological purge...

It doesn't matter how 'pure' you are, if you do not have the votes to win....

If this guy wins, GREAT... +1 to the tally, let's keep going...

I just have doubts on his ability to WIN.

And right now, ALL that matters is (R) seats vs (D) seats...


Spoken like a true RINO.

Hell, I'd rather have a DEM that opposes the Obama agenda than a REPUB that supports his BS.

The party affiliation doesn't matter at this point.

So what good is the powerless minority going to do in opposing his agenda?

I know some folks on ARF have this severa 'powerphobia' when it comes to politics, but power is what is needed here...

And the way you get power, is by cobbling together a coalition that can put a conservative leadership (and invariably, the leadership IS conservative) in charge....

Not by letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, etc....

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:35:41 PM EDT


You can't have a diluted message.

We can't just win a majority and then lose it the next election cycle, because we've got RINOs.

We need a strong party platform like we had with the Contract of America.

We need to draw clear lines of distinction between Republicans and Democrats. Otherwise people will not vote base on party and may even worse see the Republicans as frauds.

Dave_A is dead wrong on this one.

So, once again...

If the platform doesn't work, what do you do?

I am all for a 'strong party platform', but right now pragmatisim trumps idealisim - we NEED to get control of Congress back...

Which means we NEED to run folks who can WIN in every race...

Which means that in some states, we NEED to run RINOs...

Not in Texas, for example...

But in places like NY, or the lib parts of Cali, or the Seattle area?

YES, it's going to be the only way to get power back...

Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:35:49 PM EDT
a disgrace to the uniform

Wow, you took it too far, there.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:37:43 PM EDT
NY is beyond help, I can't wait to leave this fucking piece of shit freedom hating state.

6 months till graduation and hopefully a job in another state ...
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:38:47 PM EDT
didnt the NRA back this woman?

ACORN did, I don't know if the NRA did though.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:40:30 PM EDT

Well, apparently that race went from a 3-person, 2-party race down to a 2-person, 2-party race now.

And fuck you Newt Gingrich.

We fucking TOLD YOU SO!!!!!
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:41:20 PM EDT

It's official.  Dave has gone full retard.


I'm more cocerned with the 'Magic Numbers' (218 and 51) than I am with some form of ideological purge...

It doesn't matter how 'pure' you are, if you do not have the votes to win....

If this guy wins, GREAT... +1 to the tally, let's keep going...

I just have doubts on his ability to WIN.

And right now, ALL that matters is (R) seats vs (D) seats...

He found it! Dave wins the internet for today because he pinpointed the problem with American politics.

Politics should NOT be a fucking game like this.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:54:50 PM EDT
didnt the NRA back this woman?

And Newt apparently.

Dickheads like Newt Gingrich are the enemy within the Republican party.

I'm tired of hearing about the "big tent."

You can have a variety of policy ideas to get to a particular ENDS, but unless the END you seek is actually conservative, then get the fuck out.  Voters can vote for Democrats if they want statist, socialist, rights diminishing nonsense.  

Republicans may have different approaches, but they should at least believe in smaller government, more personal freedom, reduction of federal hegemony, empowerment of the states and local governments, and evaluation at every decision point whether the government should get involved or if treating the people with benign neglect is actually more compatible with living in a free country.

The national organization should not bat an eye at throwing a liberal RINO the fuck out of the party.   Snowe, Collins, etc., should not get a fucking DIME of contribution money.   They do  not just have different ideas on how to "get there,' their destination is wholly incompatible with what the party is about.

And what if the GOP *NEEDS* those people to get Reid & Pelosi out of their chairs?

While the RINOs may be a pain in the ass now, with the GOP in the minority...

Giving those seats to the Ds simply insures a longer time in the minority...

Who cares how hard the 'ideologically pure' yell, if they are powerless to do anything else?

Finally, someone who gets it.

This extremist shit is great, but it won't win us elections.

People are getting turned off by all this "contract with america" talk.

We need to work on putting more moderate candidates on the ballots, otherwise we'll never boot Foley out of his chair.

And someone get rid of that Gingrich guy, he's way too radical in his conservative ideas.

Shit, if we keep this up, we're never going to control the house of representatives.
Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:57:13 PM EDT

Well, apparently that race went from a 3-person, 2-party race down to a 2-person, 2-party race now.

And fuck you Newt Gingrich.

We fucking TOLD YOU SO!!!!!


Link Posted: 11/1/2009 7:58:47 PM EDT







didnt the NRA back this woman?

And Newt apparently.

Dickheads like Newt Gingrich are the enemy within the Republican party.

I'm tired of hearing about the "big tent."

You can have a variety of policy ideas to get to a particular ENDS, but unless the END you seek is actually conservative, then get the fuck out.  Voters can vote for Democrats if they want statist, socialist, rights diminishing nonsense.  

Republicans may have different approaches, but they should at least believe in smaller government, more personal freedom, reduction of federal hegemony, empowerment of the states and local governments, and evaluation at every decision point whether the government should get involved or if treating the people with benign neglect is actually more compatible with living in a free country.

The national organization should not bat an eye at throwing a liberal RINO the fuck out of the party.   Snowe, Collins, etc., should not get a fucking DIME of contribution money.   They do  not just have different ideas on how to "get there,' their destination is wholly incompatible with what the party is about.

And what if the GOP *NEEDS* those people to get Reid & Pelosi out of their chairs?

While the RINOs may be a pain in the ass now, with the GOP in the minority...

Giving those seats to the Ds simply insures a longer time in the minority...

Who cares how hard the 'ideologically pure' yell, if they are powerless to do anything else?

Finally, someone who gets it.

This extremist shit is great, but it won't win us elections.

People are getting turned off by all this "contract with america" talk.

We need to work on putting more moderate candidates on the ballots, otherwise we'll never boot Foley out of his chair.

And someone get rid of that Gingrich guy, he's way too radical in his conservative ideas.

Shit, if we keep this up, we're never going to control the house of representatives.

What you did there.

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