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Link Posted: 8/3/2009 3:13:25 PM EDT
Fuck Arlen..... With someone elses dick of course.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 3:15:08 PM EDT
How long until the rotten fruit starts to fly?
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 3:18:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 3:24:42 PM EDT
Still waiting on the return of the rotten tomato to American political discourse.

I vote for tar and feathers

I'll second that. But only if you include being run out of town on a rail..

I'm sure we could make that happen.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 3:32:16 PM EDT

Gets really nasty after the first minute....Congressman Tim Bishop in  Setauket, N.Y


I love the part at 3:00 where Bishop tries to use the VA as an example of Government Competence in Health Care and a Vet in the audience PWNS him.

No shit, I loved that part and you are right, that sanctimonious prick got owned on that.

The way Bishop tried to get snotty with the Vet was funny - "Well, I'm proud of our Veteran's Hospitals," he sniffed.

I also really liked the outrage from the crowd when he tried to sell Cap-and-Trade/Global Warming to the people who pay some of the highest rates for electricity in the Nation.  

Did you notice how when Bishop got mad the way his fat, puffy eyelids would squint shut?  He looked like one of the Pigs from 'Animal Farm'.

'Animal Farm' is about right for this too.  I half expected Bishop to defend a separate health plan for Congress because the work they do running the Farm is so difficult and important, they need the extra rations.  

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 3:32:54 PM EDT
I emailed one of my reps, Amy Klobuchar (D - MN) for information regarding her public apperances. Here is the response. It is complete hogwash.

Thank you for contacting Senator Klobuchar about upcoming town hall meetings.  Because the Senator’s August schedule has yet to be finalized, we do not currently have a schedule, however be sure and check your local paper since the local media is always notified of her public events.  Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Minneapolis Office at (612)727-5220 or (888)224-9043.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 3:37:36 PM EDT
I think it's time

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 3:37:54 PM EDT

Another Carnahan?  Are they a fucking heredity dynasty in MO?  Plane crashes and ballot laws can't keep those fuckers out of office.

Neo-Feudalism indeed.  

Just so happens he is one of my Congressmen. He's one of the worst there.  Ivote against every time I get a chance, and my fellow Missourians put him in right back in office.  I pester him with faxes, calls, and letters.  None of it ever helps.

Are they going to change the name of the state to Carnahanland?

That whole thing with the Senate Race in 2000 was where the GOP fucked up.  They never should have let the Dems get away with that illegal ballot substitution.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 3:41:51 PM EDT
Wow..that vet fucking handed it to him.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 3:53:54 PM EDT
GOOOOD. Fuck Arlin Sphingster!!!
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 3:56:37 PM EDT
The bodyguard reminds me of Matt Parkman.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 4:08:49 PM EDT

I will only believe that the tide is turning when I see some of these bastards get voted OUT of office.

Trouble is, by the time the election rolls around, things will calm down and the Serfs will happily and willingly vote every single one of them back into office.

There really needs to be a serious movement in this country - similar to the Tea Parties maybe - to just simply vote for someone else, anyone else fill washington with new blood.  I guaran-damn-tee you that Specter gets re-elected and goes right back next time, no matter how pissed people are now.

Ignorant representatives will screw us up worse than corrupted ones.

Please expand on your answer.  I'd like to know just *how much worse* things could get.

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 4:11:42 PM EDT
this healthcare shit will be the death of us all

This is where the line is drawn.

Healthcare and Crap and Trade will ruin this country to a unrecoverable state.

?I love the healthcare stuff they are spoting now-"you can keep your provider if you like, but htere will be a public option..."   Um, so i get to PAY for mine, so i actually get covered, AND I get to pay for some lazy fuck who choses not to work.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 4:18:23 PM EDT

I will only believe that the tide is turning when I see some of these bastards get voted OUT of office.

Trouble is, by the time the election rolls around, things will calm down and the Serfs will happily and willingly vote every single one of them back into office.

There really needs to be a serious movement in this country - similar to the Tea Parties maybe - to just simply vote for someone else, anyone else fill washington with new blood.  I guaran-damn-tee you that Specter gets re-elected and goes right back next time, no matter how pissed people are now.


Exactly. All that congress will have to do is keep things quiet for a while and it will all be forgotten about by the time elections roll around.

How many congress critters voted for the bailouts and got re-elected?

that has been the past, but w/ all the information online w/ youtube maybe this shit will stick for a while longer.  people will hopefully not forget as quickly when it can be brought up quickly by a coupld simple searches

I wish I shared your optimism.  What I see happening is that in September when congress comes back to town the media is going to shift its attention to the new season of "American Idol", etc.  and the furor of this summer will be quickly forgotten.  The more blatant examples of pure arrogance (such as the video of the congressman from new york) will also be forgotten and by November he will be re-elected by the residents of the same state that swept hitlary clinton into the senate, her being such a long-time resident of new york and all.

I heard it once said that if voting could actually change anything, it would be made illegal.  That's why districts get gerrymandered to the extent that they do.

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 4:20:03 PM EDT
Seems to me that those political hacks and their USSS guys with the SMGs were getting mighty nervous!  
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 4:21:20 PM EDT
this healthcare shit will be the death of us all

This is where the line is drawn.

Healthcare and Crap and Trade will ruin this country to a unrecoverable state.

?I love the healthcare stuff they are spoting now-"you can keep your provider if you like, but htere will be a public option..."   Um, so i get to PAY for mine, so i actually get covered, AND I get to pay for some lazy fuck who choses not to work.

Just like the Public Schools.  You always have the option to send the kids to private school, but you pay into the public system regardless.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 4:30:10 PM EDT
People are pissed. They are planning on taxing the hell out of us.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 4:30:50 PM EDT
ost for viewing at home since youtube is blocked at work.

This.  Stupid NMCI computers...

You too huh? Bastards!


Problem solved. God I love proxies.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 4:33:15 PM EDT
Seems to me that those political hacks and their USSS guys with the SMGs were getting mighty nervous!  

One of them cuts loose into a crowd with that & it will be Katy bar the door.

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 4:41:35 PM EDT
'we' aren't going to do anything, except grumble at the hit it takes on our paycheck.  the pols have lost any fear of being voted out of office.  Just like the stimulus bill, 'we' didn't want it, they knew it, and passed it anyway.  And they're doing it again with this.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 4:43:52 PM EDT

We're reaching the tipping point....

Awesome reactions.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 4:51:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 5:17:49 PM EDT

This is more like it.  
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 5:18:23 PM EDT
i haven't seen anything better all week

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 5:19:22 PM EDT
Paul Lynde on the .gov

Filmed during Nixon's tenure.  Still rings true today:


Link Posted: 8/3/2009 5:21:05 PM EDT
Shoulda tarred and feathered him and Sebelius
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 5:33:38 PM EDT
the productive class is beginning to realize that they too can protest and be heard.  And they realize that since they are the payors, they have everything to lose if they do NOT protest.

the country has not seen the productive class in an uprising in a long time.  It's one thing to have hippies and "community organizers" out there protesting.  It will be several orders of magnitude of "different" once you have the doctors, accountants, lawyers, project managers, contractors, and small business owners uniting and taking on The Man....

"Sir, I find your views and opinions fascinating and wish to subscribe to your newsletter..."

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 5:56:27 PM EDT


Did you see the bodyguard make a face and look around when the crowd went nuts?

"Fucking hell, old man.  Shut up before they shank you."

- BG
"I can't stop them all.  Furthermore, I don't feel like it."  "The exit is still clear, I wonder if I can get him through that door.  I wonder if I can make it to that door without him."

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 6:04:47 PM EDT
Gets really nasty after the first minute....Congressman Tim Bishop in  Setauket, N.Y


Video has been pulled, anyone have this?
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 6:05:39 PM EDT


Maybe get someone to tape this next time that doesnt have palsy or something damn!

Don't worry.  There will be more videos as the scumbags go on recess and show their face in public.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 6:07:33 PM EDT



So the roofing tar you buy at Home Depot in a 5 gallon bucket, is it liquid at room temperature? Or do you have to heat it up?

The last time I saw honest to God pine tar, it was in a feed store for livestock use only. But it really wouldn't matter given the nature of these folks.

Contact cement is liquid at room temps. I'm just saying.

Not just for Obama/Joker posters anymore.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 6:08:09 PM EDT




What puzzles me is this.  Generally, elected officials act patronizing, after all, it is we the people who elect them and in recent times holding elected office is in fact a occupation.  In other words it becomes their job to ensure reelection over and over again.

Judging by the lasted videos that have been circulated over the course of the past 6-7 months, they have seemly lost the fear of being voted out of office.  Why?  Do they believe that they have solidified a base on a 52% minority, comprised of a populous that does not contribute to the tax base and is dependent on government subsistence? Or have they fine tuned the art of voter fraud?

Someone's living in denial, I'm just not sure who it is.

People never make decisions based on facts.  They make decisions based on their PERCEPTIONS of facts.  

Right now, the congresscritters are probably more scared of Pelosi and Rahm Emanuel than of their constituents.  The congresscritters have convinced themselves that Obama is on a roll, that his election is a representation of the mood of the country and thus the country wants big government.  Hell, even here on Arfcom we have rabid anti-obama people who refuse to do a 10 second google search plus simple math to determine that about 26% of eligible voters voted for Obama - which is hardly a mandate.  If Arfcom cannot be bothered to dispel the myth that "the country WANTS Obama and his agenda," then why should Congress?

Congress believes it can either roll with the tide or push against the flow.  And while politicians may be cunning instead of intelligent, they always know it's better to surf the (perceived) wave than to wipeout against the flow.  THey probably have yes-men telling them the electorate will forget by the next election cycle, etc.

Only this time, the electorate won't forget.  The We Surround Them and Tea Party movements and Get Out Of Our House movements will see to that.

Your post on solidifies my belief that the system of checks and balances no longer exists.  Last week I received a form letter from Rep. Rick Boucher regarding his yes vote for Cap and Trade.  His reason for voting yes?  It was because he said that it was because SOTUS ruled CO2 was a pollutant and thus mandated that Congress must pass legislation to reduce it's emission.

So in essence we have the Judicial branch dictating to Congress what they must do in concert with the Executive  Branch dictating what they must do........

We no longer have 3 coequal branches.

Rick Boucher was in there in the 80's when I went to Virginia Tech.  He voted for it because he sucks.

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 6:08:56 PM EDT


Think that’s bad…

Imagine if that health care bill passes. Imagine when people are watching their parents, children, and friends suffer and die because the necessary medical care is no longer available.

That takes too long.  We need to stop it while the blood is hot.

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 6:14:42 PM EDT




I know exactly what is going through their minds in this video:


After all,

"People with insurance who oppose ObamaCare may not know what's good for them."

Andrea Mitchell

Wife of Alan Greenspan.

Fuck the lot of em'.
Did not know that.

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 6:26:28 PM EDT



Gets really nasty after the first minute....Congressman Tim Bishop in  Setauket, N.Y

Video has been pulled, anyone have this?



Link Posted: 8/3/2009 6:44:04 PM EDT
Go to hell, Admiral Ackbar, this IS a trap!

This "sense of urgency" is nothing but a ploy to stampede the people into allowing their pet turds (elected officials) to screw them over by voting for the bill.

The democrat mode of operation right now is all about a power grab.  They're trying to set themselves up as an unbeatable majority by pandering to the disgruntled

non-voters in the lowest classes.    If they can succeed, they can grab enough power that it'll all but make the Republican party irrelevant.

They'll do this by any means, including corruption and lies.   And if they do this at every level of the government,  then tell me,  how can a plea for justice do any

good when the very office you're pleading to is staffed with corrupt officials?

They're trying to cheat and stack the deck right before your eyes.

Never give the fuckers a moment's break.  Hammer them without mercy.
  They'll show none to us if they win.

If this goes on there will be violence.  I can feel it coming.


Link Posted: 8/3/2009 7:01:29 PM EDT






Gets really nasty after the first minute....Congressman Tim Bishop in  Setauket, N.Y


What a tap dancing fool.  Thanks for the vid.

I couldn't believe the part where he was trying to use the Pledge of Allegiance to defend socialism.


The Pledge was written by a socialist.

No shit.  Some people have no fucking clue what they rush to defend.  The pledge is about allegiance to the government for the good of the masses with a quick nod to God (which wasn't even originally there).  Not one fucking mention of the Constitution, which socialists have absolutely no fucking use for.

And some people open their yappers without knowing what the fuck they are talking about making themselves look like idiots. I know the pledge was written by a socialist, so what, his personal views were left out. It was written as celebratory pledge to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery. There is no mention of the Constitution because it was meant to be short, not because of some socialist plot to undermine The United States.

Now, as to my comment on the video, if you read the line "One nation, under God, indivisible" it is obvious how the word indivisible is being used, the nation is united as one and can't be torn apart. The dumbass in the video however tried to tell a woman that it means that an American is meant to pay to support other Americans and used people working to pay others social security as an example of this.

Whatever your personal view of the pledge is it is irrelevant to the discussion at hand, which is the backlash these numb-sculls are receiving for trying to support Obamacare. Next time get a clue before you try to say someone else doesn't have one.

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 7:33:44 PM EDT
i'm liking this...   what i'd really enjoy is video of one of these bastards actually getting a contact cement (tar) and feather treatment at the townhall meeting
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 7:39:09 PM EDT



I know exactly what is going through their minds in this video:



"Why are the slaves so angry?"

Their answer? "Let them eat cake."

Link Posted: 8/3/2009 8:14:03 PM EDT
I can't wait until we see that kind of reaction every time Obama makes a speech.
Link Posted: 8/3/2009 9:27:56 PM EDT
Watching the videos about half the page up just makes my blood boil. You can tell that he "knows" that he is above us.
Link Posted: 8/4/2009 7:16:22 AM EDT
Your post on solidifies my belief that the system of checks and balances no longer exists.  Last week I received a form letter from Rep. Rick Boucher regarding his yes vote for Cap and Trade.  His reason for voting yes?  It was because he said that it was because SOTUS ruled CO2 was a pollutant and thus mandated that Congress must pass legislation to reduce it's emission.

So in essence we have the Judicial branch dictating to Congress what they must do in concert with the Executive  Branch dictating what they must do........

We no longer have 3 coequal branches.

Checks and balances assumes that the aspects of government are set to be antagonistic and territorial.

That stops being the case, as soon as political parties enter the equation.  Instead, the case is that party X in the Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary all back each other up.  Right now, that's the Democratic Party, but the complaint would be no less valid for any party to claim power in that fashion, regardless of what name they call themselves.
Link Posted: 8/4/2009 7:32:20 AM EDT
NYT Summary on the Shenanigans

Doggett in particular comes off as a sandy-mangina whiner.

Health Plan Opponents Make Voices Heard

WASHINGTON — Senator Arlen Specter and the health and human services secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, were heckled and booed in Philadelphia on Sunday.

In Austin on Saturday, a throng of protesters enveloped Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas, at a supermarket where he was trying to meet constituents. They carried signs that said “No Socialized Health Care” and chanted “Just say no!”

And in Morrisville, Pa., Representative Patrick J. Murphy, a Democrat, expected 25 people at a “Congressman on Your Corner” event on Saturday. Instead he was met by a boisterous crowd of about 150 and a barrage of questions on health care.

The protests, organized by loose-knit coalition of conservative voters and advocacy groups, were a raucous start to what is expected to be weeks of political and ideological clashes over the health care overhaul President Obama is trying to push through Congress.

The conservative groups, including FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity, are harnessing social networking Web sites to organize their supporters in much the same way Mr. Obama did during his election campaign. Democrats said they expected supporters of the health care overhaul to mobilize against Republican events later in the month.

Republicans, however, seemed to get the early jump, in part because Democrats, who hold the majority in Congress, have scheduled numerous events, including forums and town-hall-style meetings, to discuss the proposed health care legislation with constituents.

The Texas protest against Mr. Doggett was coordinated by Heather Liggett, who has worked with the local Republican Party, as well as the state chapter of Americans for Prosperity, to organize antitax “tea party” demonstrations.

When a member of her group saw a newspaper advertisement about Mr. Doggett’s event, Mrs. Liggett posted it on her Web site, she said, and the word spread “like a domino effect” through her network. She estimated that 450 people showed up.

Mrs. Liggett said she was also in touch with conservative voters around the country who were helping organize similar events. “Whether it’s Arlen Specter or Claire McCaskill or Lloyd Doggett, they are showing up in force,” she said, referring to the Democratic senator from Missouri.

Mr. Doggett said he had been ambushed while trying to hold “neighborhood office hours” at a Randalls grocery store, where he usually gets questions about veterans’ benefits or listens to constituents’ advice on how to fix the budget deficit.

“If you look at the YouTube video, you can barely see in the edge of that a beautiful marble tombstone with my name on it,” he said. “People that worked so hard to get their signs in full-color did not come to dialogue. They came to be destructive.” Video of protesters confronting Mr. Specter and Ms. Sebelius in Philadelphia was also quickly posted to YouTube.

Mr. Doggett said: “This is not a grass-roots effort. This is a very coordinated effort where the local Republican Party, the local conservative meet-up groups sent people to my event.”

Some protesters blocked his car, then followed him to another event.

The effort to flood events held by Democratic lawmakers appears to be part of a concerted strategy that began earlier in the spring at the behest of conservative, libertarian and antitax groups.

One group, called Right Principles, which sent protesters to an event in May held by Representative Jim Himes, a freshman Democrat from Connecticut, has distributed a memorandum laying out strategies to “pack the hall” and pummel lawmakers with questions.

In Virginia, Bill Wilson, the president of Americans for Limited Government, a conservative group, issued a clarion call on Monday for protests against Representative Tom Periello, another freshman Democrat. Mr. Wilson urged residents of Mr. Periello’s district to “hold rallies, demonstrations, tea parties and protests in opposition to Barack Obama’s insidious efforts to take over the health system.”

Democrats have made plans for their own offensive, including a swing through Western states by Mr. Obama. They have accused Republicans of stifling discourse. “Conservative activists don’t want to have a conversation,” said Jennifer Crider, a spokeswoman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “They want to disrupt.”

Republicans said that the protests were just the beginning of spontaneous opposition to the health care proposals and that they would only gain momentum as Americans learn more about the legislation. “The more the American people hear about the Democrats’ plan, the less they like it,” said Michael Steel, a spokesman for the House Republican leader, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio.

In Washington, Amy Menefee, a spokeswoman for Americans for Prosperity, said her group was encouraging members to attend town-hall-style meetings and ask questions, including whether the lawmaker has read the entire health care bill. Ms. Menefee said her group was encouraging its members to “be respectful.”

FreedomWorks is doing much the same; it maintains a map on its Web site where members can post events in their communities.

In Texas, Shirley Markley of Austin said she received an e-mail message from a friend about Mr. Doggett’s meeting on health care and immediately wanted to attend. Once a liberal Democrat, Ms. Markley said, she voted for Senator John McCain for president last year and worries that Mr. Obama’s overhaul will lead to socialized medicine.

When she arrived at the store, she said, a large crowd had already surrounded Mr. Doggett. “People were shouting and booing his answers,” she said. “He said, ‘A few angry people won’t change my mind.’ ”

Eventually, Mr. Doggett cut the meeting short and headed for his car. “He jumped in and fled,” Ms. Markley said with a laugh. “It was like he was tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. It was a beautiful thing.”

Mr. Doggett said that he had tried his best to answer questions, but that the demonstrators expressed opposition not only to the health care plan but also to all government programs, including Medicare and Social Security.

He said that because of the protesters he was unable to speak to other constituents, including a father and his son, wearing a Boy Scout uniform, who wanted to talk about applying to one of the military academies. He said he remained firmly committed to the health plan.

“In Texas, not only with the weather but with the politics, it is pretty hardball around here,” he said. “I have a pretty thick skin about all of this. But this really goes over the line.”

Link Posted: 8/4/2009 7:39:51 AM EDT
NYT Summary on the Shenanigans

Doggett in particular comes off as a sandy-mangina whiner.

laying out strategies to “pack the hall” and pummel lawmakers with questions.

Oh, no!
They ask questions?  THOSE ASSHOLES!!!!    
Link Posted: 8/4/2009 7:43:04 AM EDT
Watching the videos about half the page up just makes my blood boil. You can tell that he "knows" that he is above us.

well maybe Barry is correct, when we get done with this bunch of thieves, liars, communists and assholes there will be real change in this country. And Barry will have been instrumental in bringing about the change only just not the change he was expecting.
Link Posted: 8/4/2009 7:45:55 AM EDT
Nothing lasts forever –– even the United States of America.

Can't the states dissolve the existing fedgov and institute a new one? Spain, France, Germany, Russia et al. are not the same governments as they were one hundred years ago.

If they can do it, so can we.
Link Posted: 8/4/2009 7:52:23 AM EDT
Nothing lasts forever –– even the United States of America.

Can't the states dissolve the existing fedgov and institute a new one? Spain, France, Germany, Russia et al. are not the same governments as they were one hundred years ago.

If they can do it, so can we.

we got a good plan from our progenitors, we should try to keep as much we as can.
Link Posted: 8/4/2009 7:58:45 AM EDT
I'm all for keeping the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a framework and treating it as black letter law.  It's a shame that we currently don't live in a country that holds to those ideals.  

Our progenitors did set us up to suceed.  Now success only appears possible with secession.
Link Posted: 8/4/2009 8:32:33 AM EDT
I'm all for keeping the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a framework and treating it as black letter law.  It's a shame that we currently don't live in a country that holds to those ideals.  

Our progenitors did set us up to suceed.  Now success only appears possible with secession.

Link Posted: 8/4/2009 9:03:19 AM EDT
NYT Summary on the Shenanigans

Doggett in particular comes off as a sandy-mangina whiner.

laying out strategies to “pack the hall” and pummel lawmakers with questions.

Oh, no!
They ask questions?  THOSE ASSHOLES!!!!    

They are trying to paint those who ask questions as "fringe groups" or "radicals".  Notice how they point out the tea parties and groups associated with working for or with the Republican party.  If you disagree with our elected officials you become a nutjob.  If you ask questions you are attacking them.  These so called representatives not longer care about the people, it's about them.

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