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Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:15:38 AM EDT
Imagine how many times you'd have already seen this on the news if the races were reversed.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:16:48 AM EDT
Fire the manager, and the girl should sue the hell out of McDonalds for not properly training their "leaders" to intervene.

I would have intervened
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:16:51 AM EDT
2 on 1 with head stomping = me pulling my gun and popping someone.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:17:29 AM EDT
Imagine how many times you'd have already seen this on the news if the races were reversed.

well, it's on Drudge, so it's good to get that exposure.  Just wish the national news orgs would pick shit like this up.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:17:29 AM EDT
just damn....
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:18:17 AM EDT
typical urban behavior.....other than that anything I have to say is against the COC
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:18:52 AM EDT


I'm not going to call that a seizure.

Care to elaborate?   I cannot bring myself to watch that video again, but I say she has massive brain damage and more.

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:18:53 AM EDT


I can't get the page to load. Tag for later

Liveleak will frequently not load for me, no matter what connection I am on or what machine I use.  

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:19:11 AM EDT


Fire the manager, and the girl should sue the hell out of McDonalds for not properly training their "leaders" to intervene.

I would have intervened

Forcing people to intervene is just as bad as being an attacker.  Mandatory interventionism implies that you have no right to your own life.  

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:19:26 AM EDT
Many of you here seem to be guilty of misunderstanding the Cultural differences and Historical oppression that encourage these acts.

Nah........I'm just foolin........That was an example of a Field Trip Exercise for a  "Black Studies" program at the local College.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:20:46 AM EDT
Call me what you will, but I think every single person at 18 should take a standardized morality test:



Questions 1: Describe a situation where you enter an eating establishment and an individual is violently contesting their bill, while using obnoxiously loud "ebonics" in deference to the excepted National language. Violence, as is common in these types of situations, is likely to escalate shortly. Fortunately being in a confined area consisting of mostly felons, no one will have a gun at least.

So what you would you?

a) Attempt to deescalate the situation. If it continued, I possibly smack whoever was being retarded, and detain him or her until the police the could arrive. I'd probably get ya a F.O.P. card.

b) Get all in the mix too because they is prejidicin ma people.

c) Order some more shit while everyone else was confused, then make an even bigger scene when they forgot i I never ordered extra mayo and join the fray against the Man.

d) Take one look at that fucking cesspool, walk out, and find someone with less savages to partake in a meal.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:21:00 AM EDT



Imagine how many times you'd have already seen this on the news if the races were reversed.

well, it's on Drudge, so it's good to get that exposure.  Just wish the national news orgs would pick shit like this up.


Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:21:36 AM EDT
That girl should lawyer up.  

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:21:42 AM EDT
My question is, does this shit actually happen more often, or do we just see it more often since everybody has a camera phone and the ability to video it?  

Good question, i have never lived in any area's frequented by ghetto trash so i dont know.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:21:47 AM EDT

What is missing is the context in which started this fight.

I'm sure the "bitch looked at her wrong."

No, I'm just wondering if this was a case of someone (the victim in this case) perhaps saying something mouthy to the other girls, or was it over a man, and so on and so forth.  I'm not looking for a reason to say that the victim deserved it, I'm just wondering what the spark was.


its my experience it does not take much. but once the victim was no longer able to defend her self it does not matter who started it, Its time to end it.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:22:17 AM EDT
Not surprised

Think this is a good example of when it's OK to hit a girl at least with an open hand if they still didn't back off....
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:23:00 AM EDT
Would a by stander with a CHL be within legal rights (justified) to intervene with a handgun, or most likely just hold them at gunpoint?
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:23:42 AM EDT
the lady that ran over the job seekers turned herself in yesterday:

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:24:28 AM EDT
Not surprised

Think this is a good example of when it's OK to hit a girl at least with an open hand if they still didn't back off....

If she acts like a man, she gets treated like a man.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:24:50 AM EDT
Them silly Amish at
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:24:52 AM EDT
They were trying to kill her and she might still die later or become mentally handicapped or have a seizure disorder for life.

So what if one of us had been there with a permitted concealed weapon? What kind of armed intervention would have been legal?

Would it have been OK to shoot the attackers or use a weapon to hold the attackers for the police or brandish in order to send them on their way?
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:25:16 AM EDT
Man that video pisses me off.  I am so glad I live in rural Idaho.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:25:54 AM EDT



My question is, does this shit actually happen more often, or do we just see it more often since everybody has a camera phone and the ability to video it?  

Good question, i have never lived in any area's frequented by ghetto trash so i dont know.
In certain places, shit like this has been going on for decades.

Nothing new here at all.

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:26:05 AM EDT
COC doesn't allow me to post what I want to say.

Fine upstanding citizens at work right there.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:28:05 AM EDT
That made me angry

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:28:26 AM EDT



Fire the manager, and the girl should sue the hell out of McDonalds for not properly training their "leaders" to intervene.

I would have intervened

Forcing people to intervene is just as bad as being an attacker.  Mandatory interventionism implies that you have no right to your own life.  


I'm sure McDonald's has a policy of non-intervention for legal reasons.

Not saying that absolves those chicken shits from standing by while some girl gets her face kicked in, just from McDonald's POV I'm sure they tell their employees to stay back and call the cops.

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:28:40 AM EDT
Would a by stander with a CHL be within legal rights (justified) to intervene with a handgun, or most likely just hold them at gunpoint?

I dont think you can hold any one at gun point.. But i think shooting them would have been AOK at a couple o ftimes during that vid.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:28:49 AM EDT

When a culture glorifies violence, violence become normal behavior.

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:28:52 AM EDT
There is a lesson here.

If you find yourself in the presence of some shit like this, and elect to defend the victim - check six for the "world star hip hop" camera person(s) as soon as it is safe to do so.  Getting your hands on the video to justify your actions may be much harder than you think...

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:29:07 AM EDT


Fire the manager, and the girl should sue the hell out of McDonalds for not properly training their "leaders" to intervene.

I think you have it backwards. If I had to guess, I'd say that the manger would get fired if he intervened in that.

I'm sure the corporate line is "Call 911, don't get involved." Lessens exposure to liability.

ETA: Oops, AJ-IN-JAX beat me to it.


Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:29:30 AM EDT
Question is, will it be called a hate crime?
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:29:32 AM EDT
My question is, does this shit actually happen more often, or do we just see it more often since everybody has a camera phone and the ability to video it?  

Good question, i have never lived in any area's frequented by ghetto trash so i dont know.

It happens more often now-a-days, then again there are more folks too.

Throw in the everybodys' got a camara phone, and the don't give a fuck attitide,

mix in a little, prison is nicer than my house,

sprinkle a pinch of street cred for fuckin up something,

and ya just cooked up a shitbird.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:30:06 AM EDT
What is missing is the context in which started this fight.

I'm sure the "bitch looked at her wrong."

I'd be willing to bet that it was staged (on the attackers part)  It seems like every video like this all have the same website across the video.  So be ready, it's coming to a fast food joint near you.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:30:58 AM EDT
Fire the manager, and the girl should sue the hell out of McDonalds for not properly training their "leaders" to intervene.

I would have intervened

Yeah, I couldn't have stood by and just watched that. 'Ol girls would have got to see what some Fox Labs taste like. Also seems like Mr. Camera operator was rooting them on and most likely would have tried to intervene on behalf of the know crying and choking bitches and would have got some too, if not worse, depending on how stupid he wanted to get.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:32:42 AM EDT
If anything like that ever happens to my son, I am going to jail for a long time.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:33:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:34:44 AM EDT
Would a by stander with a CHL be within legal rights (justified) to intervene with a handgun, or most likely just hold them at gunpoint?

I personally wouldn't bring a gun into that situation that's just asking to get yourself in deep shit. Getting between them and the girl should be enough and if they tried to hit you smacking them around a little should be justified.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:35:46 AM EDT



Would a by stander with a CHL be within legal rights (justified) to intervene with a handgun, or most likely just hold them at gunpoint?

I personally wouldn't bring a gun into that situation that's just asking to get yourself in deep shit. Getting between them and the girl should be enough and if they tried to hit you smacking them around a little should be justified.
You underestimate what 2-3 violent women can do to 1 man.  No way in hell, that I would intervene in that mess without a weapon.  

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:38:35 AM EDT
That makes my blood boil and reminds me why I moved a year ago.  I am no longer in the migratory path between the ghetto and the shoe stores.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:39:00 AM EDT
I think that the new Kimber pepper spray gun may have been the appropriate response to that violent attack -
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:39:04 AM EDT

Would a by stander with a CHL be within legal rights (justified) to intervene with a handgun, or most likely just hold them at gunpoint?

I personally wouldn't bring a gun into that situation that's just asking to get yourself in deep shit. Getting between them and the girl should be enough and if they tried to hit you smacking them around a little should be justified.
You underestimate what 2-3 violent women can do to 1 man.  No way in hell, that I would intervene in that mess without a weapon.  


this is where pepper spray would be the best solution. you hosed the assailants down with that and the beating would have stopped, you wouldnt have to even get close or physically get involved. the remaining issue would be if there were others in the group who were armed, which means you need a firearm too. but the pepper spray would have stopped that action immediately.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:39:26 AM EDT

Would a by stander with a CHL be within legal rights (justified) to intervene with a handgun, or most likely just hold them at gunpoint?

I personally wouldn't bring a gun into that situation that's just asking to get yourself in deep shit. Getting between them and the girl should be enough and if they tried to hit you smacking them around a little should be justified.
You underestimate what 2-3 violent women can do to 1 man.  No way in hell, that I would intervene in that mess without a weapon.  


I'll take my chances with them any day over a fight with our legal system. The old lady had no problem jumping in unarmed.. What happens if you pull your handgun and they are bold enough to call your bluff? What do you do then shoot them? Even if you were "right" have fun defending yourself in front of a jury of your peers....
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:39:36 AM EDT
Among the long list of things that bothers me about these videos and the culture that surrounds them, is that it's never 1 on 1.  They ALWAYS gang up on someone, and it seems like they come out of the walls to jump in just to kick someone in the head.  

So, even more reason to carry something with more than 6 shots.

If you happen to find yourself threatened by these people and us a CCW, you might start up the hornets nest and need to let them see you've got enough for everybody.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:39:59 AM EDT


Times like this I really loose hope for humanity. I hope the bistanders that did nothing get to share time on the opposite side of the prosecution in a court room.

I am not sure if lethal force is warented there or not. At 6'3" and 250-pounds I assure you I would have flattened those two attackers without it regardless.

We would have to be talking about humans first.  These are not humans.  That is not how humans act.  Those two are animals and as such, should be dealt with as any animal should be when attacking a human in that manner.

I've come to understand that these animals only respond to one thing, a greater show/act of force than they are perpetrating themselves.

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:40:15 AM EDT


What is missing is the context in which started this fight.

Was the girl getting beaten a random victim, or was this ghetto hijinks?

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:40:21 AM EDT

A 4oz can of Fox Pepper spray would have stopped the whole thing...  

I get why some folks don't carry a gun, they don't believe even presented with their own death   that they can't use deadly force but Pepper Spray is not deadly and it is effective at changing the game.

Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:40:34 AM EDT

Would a by stander with a CHL be within legal rights (justified) to intervene with a handgun, or most likely just hold them at gunpoint?

I personally wouldn't bring a gun into that situation that's just asking to get yourself in deep shit. Getting between them and the girl should be enough and if they tried to hit you smacking them around a little should be justified.
You underestimate what 2-3 violent women can do to 1 man.  No way in hell, that I would intervene in that mess without a weapon.  


Yup. Knew a guy who tried to break up a girl fight. One of them got behind him, and ripped her nails across his face from behind, taking lots of skin. He had very noticeable scars that, if you colored them in, would look like war paint. He got off lucky, as he said he was sure she was going for his eyes.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:41:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:41:38 AM EDT
If I witnessed that attempted murder and I had my CCW, I think my response would be to back myself against a wall and scream:  "STOP TRYING TO KILL THAT GIRL OR I WILL SHOOT YOU!!!! STOP TRYING TO KILL THAT GIRL OR I WILL SHOOT YOU!!!! " If they did not stop, I would shoot them. There is no doubt that the white girl's life was in immediate danger and she was defenseless.
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 6:41:41 AM EDT
removed before the CoC does
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