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Link Posted: 7/10/2009 7:29:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/10/2009 7:32:00 PM EDT
Let's see.  You can burn the American flag but can't fly it upside down?
Link Posted: 7/10/2009 7:37:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/10/2009 7:57:18 PM EDT
I'm surprised a bunch of other veterans didn't get together and kick his ass.

Maybe the police actually saved his life.

Well here is a veteran who would defend this veteran from the police, not kick his ass.  It was the police that need their asses kicked.  Also, I wonder if this guy should have spent the 200k on bribing the politicians instead of renovations.  That is probably the reason he can't get his liquor license.   That or the politicians only allow their friends or family to have liquor license and don't want any competition.

And here is another veteran who would stand beside you.

and another veteran here that will stand for this guys rights.

People need to realize free speech doesn't include only things you agree with.
Link Posted: 7/10/2009 8:09:41 PM EDT
Im not placing my opinion on this matter, however I see a lot of people post their opinions on what the Constitutions actually defines DISTRESS. This should be good. Lets hear it....some of you post some lame definitions. Not trying to start an arguement but if your going to comment when peoples civil liberties are taken and then quote the constitutional meaning I would hope your accurate.
Link Posted: 7/10/2009 10:56:05 PM EDT
I think you can get rich when you see someone disrespecting the flag.open 2 stores,one selling bricks,and the other selling windows.
Link Posted: 7/10/2009 11:11:57 PM EDT
Im not placing my opinion on this matter, however I see a lot of people post their opinions on what the Constitutions actually defines DISTRESS. This should be good. Lets hear it....some of you post some lame definitions. Not trying to start an arguement but if your going to comment when peoples civil liberties are taken and then quote the constitutional meaning I would hope your accurate.

huh?!?  seriously, WTF?

- the constitution does not provide a definition of "distress" in any coptext

- the Constitution DOES provide a clear definition of freedom of speech as well as what constitutes unlawful search and seisure

please point out 1 post where anyone references "distress as defined by the Constitution"


Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 2:08:41 AM EDT
I'm surprised a bunch of other veterans didn't get together and kick his ass.

Maybe the police actually saved his life.

Well here is a veteran who would defend this veteran from the police, not kick his ass.  It was the police that need their asses kicked.  Also, I wonder if this guy should have spent the 200k on bribing the politicians instead of renovations.  That is probably the reason he can't get his liquor license.   That or the politicians only allow their friends or family to have liquor license and don't want any competition.

And here is another veteran who would stand beside you.

and another veteran here that will stand for this guys rights.

People need to realize free speech doesn't include only things you agree with.

And here's another...
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 5:25:03 AM EDT
Flying the flag upside down is not illegal, immoral or fattening. It just happened to offend the city attorney, sheriff and other citizen so they used the power of their office to quash his right to make a statement.  Unfortunately, exercising ones rights sometimes offends the government which is why the founding fathers outlined the protection of those rights in the constitution.
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 5:53:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 6:01:58 AM EDT
I'm surprised a bunch of other veterans didn't get together and kick his ass.

Maybe the police actually saved his life.

Well here is a veteran who would defend this veteran from the police, not kick his ass.  It was the police that need their asses kicked.

Here's another vet backing the flag flyer!
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 6:11:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 7:06:14 AM EDT
What kind of attorney would give that shitty advice?

I would have told him no way.

Difference is, you are using your brain and not a drone.

Link Posted: 7/11/2009 11:11:39 AM EDT
Good call, ACLU.

There you go, boys.  You are in agreement with Mr. DLoken.

How's that make you feel?  Proud?

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

Back when I was a kid and people in this country had respect for it's flag, the citizens would have taken down this flag without calling the police.

What this man is doing is showing disrespect for the flag over a minor issue about a liquor license.  Hardly qualifies as an S.O.S.

I love this country and respect the flag.  This man is wrong to show disrespect for it on any day, but especially on the 4th of July.

I Respectfully and vehemently disagree with your statement Sir. You obviously would defend the flag of this nation, no matter what wrongs are perpetrated by those that are running it into the ground. I love this country and respect what it used to stand for. Freedom. All the freedoms that are being destroyed daily. If you really think it's O.K. to steal a mans property under the color of authority, because you don't like his opinion; then you have become the tyranny that this nation once fought against.

You do NOT have the right to NOT be offended by someones speech. And if you and the whole damn town decide you don't like what your neighbor is expressing; then you DO have the right to free and open debate. You have the right not to spend your dollars at his business. You have the right to take out an add in the newspaper denouncing his actions. However, neither you nor the "Authorities" have the right to trespass on your neighbors property to physically steal his expression of free speech.  

My family members have bled and died in America's wars, to defend the rights of people with whom they have disagreed. And apparently this man has served his nation and risked life and limb also, only to return to an ungrateful nation that tramples his rights. Hate him, denounce him, disrespect him in your heart, but don't you dare steal his right to express his opinion. Too many have died for that right. Because the next time the government comes to snatch a flag, it might be the one you love, the one you have defended. It just might be yours.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. " - Voltiare

Respectfully submitted
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 11:26:32 AM EDT
His business will fail,go on the auction block and someone that is friends with the council will buy it cheap and have a liquor license a month later.

This.  The usual crooked BS, nepotism & Good 'ol Boy back room dealing.  He didn't use the right contractors & suppliers for his renovation, bought the building before somebody connected could, the business would compete with a council members drinking buddy............

I see disturbing the peace laws abused by cops more than any other laws...

Disturbing The Peace/Disorderly Conduct = Respect Mah Authoritay!11!! JBT bullyboy tool of choice.  For all those times when you really want to bust somebody but don't want to exert the effort to "find" dope or the like on them.

Link Posted: 7/11/2009 11:29:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 11:38:43 AM EDT
Good call, ACLU.

There you go, boys.  You are in agreement with Mr. DLoken.

How's that make you feel?  Proud?

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

Back when I was a kid and people in this country had respect for it's flag, the citizens would have taken down this flag without calling the police.

What this man is doing is showing disrespect for the flag over a minor issue about a liquor license.  Hardly qualifies as an S.O.S.

I love this country and respect the flag.  This man is wrong to show disrespect for it on any day, but especially on the 4th of July.

This is disrespect for the flag.

This is not.  

Just the facts.
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 12:03:16 PM EDT
Good call, ACLU.

There you go, boys.  You are in agreement with Mr. DLoken.

How's that make you feel?  Proud?

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

Back when I was a kid and people in this country had respect for it's flag, the citizens would have taken down this flag without calling the police.

What this man is doing is showing disrespect for the flag over a minor issue about a liquor license.  Hardly qualifies as an S.O.S.

I love this country and respect the flag.  This man is wrong to show disrespect for it on any day, but especially on the 4th of July.

I Respectfully and vehemently disagree with your statement Sir. You obviously would defend the flag of this nation, no matter what wrongs are perpetrated by those that are running it into the ground. I love this country and respect what it used to stand for. Freedom. All the freedoms that are being destroyed daily. If you really think it's O.K. to steal a mans property under the color of authority, because you don't like his opinion; then you have become the tyranny that this nation once fought against.

You do NOT have the right to NOT be offended by someones speech. And if you and the whole damn town decide you don't like what your neighbor is expressing; then you DO have the right to free and open debate. You have the right not to spend your dollars at his business. You have the right to take out an add in the newspaper denouncing his actions. However, neither you nor the "Authorities" have the right to trespass on your neighbors property to physically steal his expression of free speech.  

My family members have bled and died in America's wars, to defend the rights of people with whom they have disagreed. And apparently this man has served his nation and risked life and limb also, only to return to an ungrateful nation that tramples his rights. Hate him, denounce him, disrespect him in your heart, but don't you dare steal his right to express his opinion. Too many have died for that right. Because the next time the government comes to snatch a flag, it might be the one you love, the one you have defended. It just might be yours.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. " - Voltiare

Respectfully submitted

Sorry Old P.  I have to agree with Warrior68 on this one.  If you lose the ability to protest or freedom of expression, NO MATTER WHAT, then you've lost the cause. If you have to show blind patriotism, its the same thing.
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 12:08:10 PM EDT
Good call, ACLU.

There you go, boys.  You are in agreement with Mr. DLoken.

How's that make you feel?  Proud?

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

Back when I was a kid and people in this country had respect for it's flag, the citizens would have taken down this flag without calling the police.

What this man is doing is showing disrespect for the flag over a minor issue about a liquor license.  Hardly qualifies as an S.O.S.

I love this country and respect the flag.  This man is wrong to show disrespect for it on any day, but especially on the 4th of July.

Can't defend your position so you're just throwing out a red herring of "OMG YOU GUYS ARE AGREEING WITH DLOKEN". What we're looking at is the legal issue; Does freedom of speech and expression protect flying the flag upside down? I say yes. Now do I morally agree with his actions? No. But I separate the emotional issue from the legal one, apparently you are unable to. Or do you just not believe in the Bill of Rights.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. " - Voltiare

Awesome quote and one that I agree with wholeheartedly. To me there is almost no speech that isn't protected. Let the KKK or Black Panthers march, gay people, anti-gay people, pro-life or pro-choice get their view point out there. It is all protected speech in my book.
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 12:24:01 PM EDT
Flying a flag upside down is a distress signal signifying, you know, actual distress. He's crying "fire" when there's no fire.

So the .GOV should cut his tongue out to prevent his speech.  Goodbye First Amendment.  Hello Prior Retraint.

Deport all Tories !  
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 12:25:12 PM EDT
an upside down flag is not disrespectful,  it's an SOS.  why not call 911 and whine to them while your at it.

You read the artical correct?

They were not allowing him to run a business the way he wanted.

Persuit of happieness, all men equal, blah blah blah.

Oh and he was going to go broke without a "tax" to sell a legal product.

Damn right I would call that distress, wake up!

It's not nearly the same as "Im gonna die if someone doesn't help me this second".  That guy is a douchebag plain and simple.

No,the douchebag would be you. You don't like that he has the right to protest because you don't agree with his method. Well he and alot of others have fought and many died for his rights.

  Maybe you would feel alot more comfortable living in... say, China where they just kill you if they don't like the way you protest.


So your saying it's okay to call 911 when McDonald's shorts him on his order of fries too?

I call you on your strawman non-analogy.

Link Posted: 7/11/2009 12:35:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 12:38:41 PM EDT
I'm surprised a bunch of other veterans didn't get together and kick his ass.

Maybe the police actually saved his life.

Kick his ass for what?

People like you are part of the problem.

Link Posted: 7/11/2009 12:40:52 PM EDT
Good call, ACLU.

There you go, boys.  You are in agreement with Mr. DLoken.

How's that make you feel?  Proud?

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

Back when I was a kid and people in this country had respect for it's flag, the citizens would have taken down this flag without calling the police.

What this man is doing is showing disrespect for the flag over a minor issue about a liquor license.  Hardly qualifies as an S.O.S.

I love this country and respect the flag.  This man is wrong to show disrespect for it on any day, but especially on the 4th of July.

I Respectfully and vehemently disagree with your statement Sir. You obviously would defend the flag of this nation, no matter what wrongs are perpetrated by those that are running it into the ground. I love this country and respect what it used to stand for. Freedom.


Respectfully submitted

No problem.

I don't mind respectful debate.

But I would want you to understand my position.

When I was a kid, back in the 1950s, you could have stopped 100 people on the main street in my home town and asked this question, "Is it okay to have a law that prevents a person from desecrating the American flag?"

100% of those people would have said, "Yes", and there was indeed such a law.  We all understood that the freedom of speech is the freedom to "SAY THINGS", verbally.  It was not the right to burn the nation's flag.

To me, this issue is one of the biggest examples of Liberalism and it's hatred of America, that they have convinced the average Joe that the right to freedom of speech means you can burn a flag or dance naked in the streets.  The Supreme Count ruled in this silly fashion, and some people have been convinced, over the years, that this foolishness makes sense.

No one in 1950 in Southeast Texas believed that a person had a "right" to burn the flag.  But in merely 50 years, the liberal media and socialist school system has corrupted the minds of the average American to where they believe such things make sense.

It didn't then, and it doesn't now.

I will defend this nutjob's right to "SAY" anything he pleases about the government.  But I do not personally believe he has any right to desecrate the flag, and America agreed with me for the first 200 years of its existence.

I'm just going go ahead and say yeah, you don't fully believe in the 1st Amendment; You do only when it is compatible to your belief system or socially acceptable.
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 12:42:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 12:48:32 PM EDT
Good call, ACLU.

There you go, boys.  You are in agreement with Mr. DLoken.

How's that make you feel?  Proud?

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

Back when I was a kid and people in this country had respect for it's flag, the citizens would have taken down this flag without calling the police.

What this man is doing is showing disrespect for the flag over a minor issue about a liquor license.  Hardly qualifies as an S.O.S.

I love this country and respect the flag.  This man is wrong to show disrespect for it on any day, but especially on the 4th of July.

That moral high horse would come in handy for leading the assault team's raid on his property.
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 12:49:00 PM EDT

I'm just going go ahead and say yeah, you don't fully believe in the 1st Amendment; You do only when it is compatible to your belief system or socially acceptable.

That might matter if I cared what you thought.

It's sad that you discount one's view just because they have a different worldview than yourself. Doesn't make me any less right.
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 12:53:20 PM EDT
Good call, ACLU.

There you go, boys.  You are in agreement with Mr. DLoken.

How's that make you feel?  Proud?

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

Back when I was a kid and people in this country had respect for it's flag, the citizens would have taken down this flag without calling the police.

What this man is doing is showing disrespect for the flag over a minor issue about a liquor license.  Hardly qualifies as an S.O.S.

I love this country and respect the flag.  This man is wrong to show disrespect for it on any day, but especially on the 4th of July.

I Respectfully and vehemently disagree with your statement Sir. You obviously would defend the flag of this nation, no matter what wrongs are perpetrated by those that are running it into the ground. I love this country and respect what it used to stand for. Freedom.


Respectfully submitted

No problem.

I don't mind respectful debate.

But I would want you to understand my position.

When I was a kid, back in the 1950s, you could have stopped 100 people on the main street in my home town and asked this question, "Is it okay to have a law that prevents a person from desecrating the American flag?"

100% of those people would have said, "Yes", and there was indeed such a law.  We all understood that the freedom of speech is the freedom to "SAY THINGS", verbally.  It was not the right to burn the nation's flag.

To me, this issue is one of the biggest examples of Liberalism and it's hatred of America, that they have convinced the average Joe that the right to freedom of speech means you can burn a flag or dance naked in the streets.  The Supreme Count ruled in this silly fashion, and some people have been convinced, over the years, that this foolishness makes sense.

No one in 1950 in Southeast Texas believed that a person had a "right" to burn the flag.  But in merely 50 years, the liberal media and socialist school system has corrupted the minds of the average American to where they believe such things make sense.

It didn't then, and it doesn't now.

I will defend this nutjob's right to "SAY" anything he pleases about the government.  But I do not personally believe he has any right to desecrate the flag, and America agreed with me for the first 200 years of its existence.

I'd dare say that the child-rearing environment of 1950's south texas backwaters, might not be the epitome of western civilization and learning.
Link Posted: 7/11/2009 1:01:36 PM EDT
I just made that my sig. Well stated.

Link Posted: 7/11/2009 1:04:15 PM EDT

because you don't like it it does not make it illegal
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 12:34:01 AM EDT
Good call, ACLU.

There you go, boys.  You are in agreement with Mr. DLoken.

How's that make you feel?  Proud?

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

Back when I was a kid and people in this country had respect for it's flag, the citizens would have taken down this flag without calling the police.

What this man is doing is showing disrespect for the flag over a minor issue about a liquor license.  Hardly qualifies as an S.O.S.

I love this country and respect the flag.  This man is wrong to show disrespect for it on any day, but especially on the 4th of July.

I Respectfully and vehemently disagree with your statement Sir. You obviously would defend the flag of this nation, no matter what wrongs are perpetrated by those that are running it into the ground. I love this country and respect what it used to stand for. Freedom.


Respectfully submitted

No problem.

I don't mind respectful debate.

But I would want you to understand my position.

When I was a kid, back in the 1950s, you could have stopped 100 people on the main street in my home town and asked this question, "Is it okay to have a law that prevents a person from desecrating the American flag?"

100% of those people would have said, "Yes", and there was indeed such a law.  We all understood that the freedom of speech is the freedom to "SAY THINGS", verbally.  It was not the right to burn the nation's flag.

To me, this issue is one of the biggest examples of Liberalism and it's hatred of America, that they have convinced the average Joe that the right to freedom of speech means you can burn a flag or dance naked in the streets.  The Supreme Count ruled in this silly fashion, and some people have been convinced, over the years, that this foolishness makes sense.

No one in 1950 in Southeast Texas believed that a person had a "right" to burn the flag.  But in merely 50 years, the liberal media and socialist school system has corrupted the minds of the average American to where they believe such things make sense.

It didn't then, and it doesn't now.

I will defend this nutjob's right to "SAY" anything he pleases about the government.  But I do not personally believe he has any right to desecrate the flag, and America agreed with me for the first 200 years of its existence.

Sir, I feel the same way you do about old glory. I appreciate the time in which you grew-up was far different, and you have unfortunately had to witness the drastic deterioration of this nation to what it is today . However, a true republic is one that must protect the speech and lawful actions of everyone, no matter how distasteful those words or actions are to our sensibilities. The fact is that those who protest for the wrong reasons, or who desecrate what is sacred for ignoble purposes, become a pariah in the eyes of their countrymen. They will fade away when men of reason judge them to be fools. They shall cease to be of consequence, while the truth grows and displaces their folly.

To trample on the rights of those we hold in contempt, is to invite both our countrymen and God forbid, our government, to eventually treat us in the same manner. The right to free speech for all men must be protected at all costs. It is the heart of freedom and the rudder which steers the nation away from the rocky shore of tyranny. Today we see the deterioration of our republic into a democracy. A constitutional republic is one where the rights of the individual are unalienable. They can not be taken away by vote, popular opinion, or political expediency. Democracy is no better than mob rule, which always evolves into tyranny.

The next time you hear someone proclaim that we are a nation based upon "democracy", please remind them that we were founded as a constitutional republic,  which protects us as individuals from the encroachment of government, and from the whims of our fellow countrymen. When we forget this, we begin to see what is our present situation. A government nanny-state, committing illegal acts to enforce popular opinion. We see unconstitutional acts become legal because nine lawyers in black robes decide it seems sensible. And then we wonder why congress wants to take our guns, and regulate our speech, and control every aspect of our lives. It is because we can't seem to keep the simple concepts of the constitution straight in our own minds. We allow our emotions to overrule our common sense, just like the lawyers and police did in this small town. They decided what was right in their own eyes because they lost their constitutional bearings, in true democratic fashion.



"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined." –– Patrick Henry, Virginia's Ratification convention, 1788

"It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active.  The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt." –– John Philpot Curran: Speech upon the Right of Election, 1790

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." –– Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania (1759)

"If we become a people who are willing to give up our money and our freedom in exchange for rhetoric and promises, then nothing can save us." –– Thomas Sowell

"God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it." –– Daniel Webster (1834)  

Link Posted: 7/12/2009 12:46:42 AM EDT

No problem.

I don't mind respectful debate.

But I would want you to understand my position.

When I was a kid, back in the 1950s, you could have stopped 100 people on the main street in my home town and asked this question, "Is it okay to have a law that prevents a person from desecrating the American flag?"

100% of those people would have said, "Yes", and there was indeed such a law.  We all understood that the freedom of speech is the freedom to "SAY THINGS", verbally.  It was not the right to burn the nation's flag.

To me, this issue is one of the biggest examples of Liberalism and it's hatred of America, that they have convinced the average Joe that the right to freedom of speech means you can burn a flag or dance naked in the streets.  The Supreme Count ruled in this silly fashion, and some people have been convinced, over the years, that this foolishness makes sense.

No one in 1950 in Southeast Texas believed that a person had a "right" to burn the flag.  But in merely 50 years, the liberal media and socialist school system has corrupted the minds of the average American to where they believe such things make sense.

It didn't then, and it doesn't now.

I will defend this nutjob's right to "SAY" anything he pleases about the government.  But I do not personally believe he has any right to desecrate the flag, and America agreed with me for the first 200 years of its existence.

That was during the McCarthy era, if I'm not mistaken.....
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 5:09:40 AM EDT
Good call, ACLU.

There you go, boys.  You are in agreement with Mr. DLoken.

How's that make you feel?  Proud?

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

Back when I was a kid and people in this country had respect for it's flag, the citizens would have taken down this flag without calling the police.

What this man is doing is showing disrespect for the flag over a minor issue about a liquor license.  Hardly qualifies as an S.O.S.

I love this country and respect the flag.  This man is wrong to show disrespect for it on any day, but especially on the 4th of July.

I Respectfully and vehemently disagree with your statement Sir. You obviously would defend the flag of this nation, no matter what wrongs are perpetrated by those that are running it into the ground. I love this country and respect what it used to stand for. Freedom.


Respectfully submitted

No problem.

I don't mind respectful debate.

But I would want you to understand my position.

When I was a kid, back in the 1950s, you could have stopped 100 people on the main street in my home town and asked this question, "Is it okay to have a law that prevents a person from desecrating the American flag?"

100% of those people would have said, "Yes", and there was indeed such a law.  We all understood that the freedom of speech is the freedom to "SAY THINGS", verbally.  It was not the right to burn the nation's flag.

To me, this issue is one of the biggest examples of Liberalism and it's hatred of America, that they have convinced the average Joe that the right to freedom of speech means you can burn a flag or dance naked in the streets.  The Supreme Count ruled in this silly fashion, and some people have been convinced, over the years, that this foolishness makes sense.

No one in 1950 in Southeast Texas believed that a person had a "right" to burn the flag.  But in merely 50 years, the liberal media and socialist school system has corrupted the minds of the average American to where they believe such things make sense.

It didn't then, and it doesn't now.

I will defend this nutjob's right to "SAY" anything he pleases about the government.  But I do not personally believe he has any right to desecrate the flag, and America agreed with me for the first 200 years of its existence.

Sir, I feel the same way you do about old glory. I appreciate the time in which you grew-up was far different, and you have unfortunately had to witness the drastic deterioration of this nation to what it is today . However, a true republic is one that must protect the speech and lawful actions of everyone, no matter how distasteful those words or actions are to our sensibilities. The fact is that those who protest for the wrong reasons, or who desecrate what is sacred for ignoble purposes, become a pariah in the eyes of their countrymen. They will fade away when men of reason judge them to be fools. They shall cease to be of consequence, while the truth grows and displaces their folly.

To trample on the rights of those we hold in contempt, is to invite both our countrymen and God forbid, our government, to eventually treat us in the same manner. The right to free speech for all men must be protected at all costs. It is the heart of freedom and the rudder which steers the nation away from the rocky shore of tyranny. Today we see the deterioration of our republic into a democracy. A constitutional republic is one where the rights of the individual are unalienable. They can not be taken away by vote, popular opinion, or political expediency. Democracy is no better than mob rule, which always evolves into tyranny.

The next time you hear someone proclaim that we are a nation based upon "democracy", please remind them that we were founded as a constitutional republic,  which protects us as individuals from the encroachment of government, and from the whims of our fellow countrymen. When we forget this, we begin to see what is our present situation. A government nanny-state, committing illegal acts to enforce popular opinion. We see unconstitutional acts become legal because nine lawyers in black robes decide it seems sensible. And then we wonder why congress wants to take our guns, and regulate our speech, and control every aspect of our lives. It is because we can't seem to keep the simple concepts of the constitution straight in our own minds. We allow our emotions to overrule our common sense, just like the lawyers and police did in this small town. They decided what was right in their own eyes because they lost their constitutional bearings, in true democratic fashion.



"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined." –– Patrick Henry, Virginia's Ratification convention, 1788

"It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active.  The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt." –– John Philpot Curran: Speech upon the Right of Election, 1790

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." –– Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania (1759)

"If we become a people who are willing to give up our money and our freedom in exchange for rhetoric and promises, then nothing can save us." –– Thomas Sowell

"God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it." –– Daniel Webster (1834)  

Link Posted: 7/12/2009 5:34:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 5:38:59 AM EDT

Stop the presses!  The ACLU is on the right side of the fight?!

Blind hog....  

Broken watch...
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 5:48:39 AM EDT
I'm surprised a bunch of other veterans didn't get together and kick his ass.

Maybe the police actually saved his life.

Well here is a veteran who would defend this veteran from the police, not kick his ass.  It was the police that need their asses kicked.  Also, I wonder if this guy should have spent the 200k on bribing the politicians instead of renovations.  That is probably the reason he can't get his liquor license.   That or the politicians only allow their friends or family to have liquor license and don't want any competition.

And here is another veteran who would stand beside you.

and another veteran here that will stand for this guys rights.

People need to realize free speech doesn't include only things you agree with.

And here's another...

And I'm not a vet, but after the event all of your beers are on me.
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 5:55:42 AM EDT
Good call, ACLU.

There you go, boys.  You are in agreement with Mr. DLoken.

How's that make you feel?  Proud?

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

Back when I was a kid and people in this country had respect for it's flag, the citizens would have taken down this flag without calling the police.

What this man is doing is showing disrespect for the flag over a minor issue about a liquor license.  Hardly qualifies as an S.O.S.

I love this country and respect the flag.  This man is wrong to show disrespect for it on any day, but especially on the 4th of July.

Nope.  How can you agree with the 2nd, but not the 1st?  Some of you people really need to open your eyes.
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 5:59:23 AM EDT
Good call, ACLU.

There you go, boys.  You are in agreement with Mr. DLoken.

How's that make you feel?  Proud?

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

Back when I was a kid and people in this country had respect for it's flag, the citizens would have taken down this flag without calling the police.

What this man is doing is showing disrespect for the flag over a minor issue about a liquor license.  Hardly qualifies as an S.O.S.

I love this country and respect the flag.  This man is wrong to show disrespect for it on any day, but especially on the 4th of July.

Well the vet, ACLU, and DLoken are legally correct on the issue, while the city, their officers, Plumbata, and you are wrong.  I love the flag, but our nation and the Constitution are more important to me than how a flag is displayed.  These men had no right to go on to his property and remove the flag.  

I am not going to address the "legalities" of this issue, just what I think is "right".

How nice.
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 6:07:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 7:13:00 AM EDT
I understand where Painless is coming from on this although IMHO the blame is to be spread across the board not just towards liberal thought/actions.
It has been my experience that the changes you speak of come from both sides trying to impress their thoughts /beliefs on others . That seems to always end up in court and rulings must be made. I have been a  victim of ruthless practices of the Gov (local but emboldened by the Fed political climate) where  1st Amendment rights were in question.  There is no tolerance anymore , I know tolerance is a left leaning trait but used properly it is what gives us the freedom to act as individuals. It's a catch 22 ,  to tolerant and you get overrun , not enough and you get run over.

This man did nothing wrong here . I wouldn't fly my flag upside down but if he chooses to it is his right. There is no doubt in my mind that he will win if anything is filed and it should be.

Link Posted: 7/12/2009 7:20:16 AM EDT

No problem.

I don't mind respectful debate.

But I would want you to understand my position.

When I was a kid, back in the 1950s, you could have stopped 100 people on the main street in my home town and asked this question, "Is it okay to have a law that prevents a person from desecrating the American flag?"

100% of those people would have said, "Yes", and there was indeed such a law.  We all understood that the freedom of speech is the freedom to "SAY THINGS", verbally.  It was not the right to burn the nation's flag.

To me, this issue is one of the biggest examples of Liberalism and it's hatred of America, that they have convinced the average Joe that the right to freedom of speech means you can burn a flag or dance naked in the streets.  The Supreme Count ruled in this silly fashion, and some people have been convinced, over the years, that this foolishness makes sense.

No one in 1950 in Southeast Texas believed that a person had a "right" to burn the flag.  But in merely 50 years, the liberal media and socialist school system has corrupted the minds of the average American to where they believe such things make sense.

It didn't then, and it doesn't now.

I will defend this nutjob's right to "SAY" anything he pleases about the government.  But I do not personally believe he has any right to desecrate the flag, and America agreed with me for the first 200 years of its existence.

Personally, I respect the Constitution and the rule of law over a "symbol" of this country.

You are allowing your feelings to cloud your judgment.

Link Posted: 7/12/2009 8:39:24 AM EDT

When I was a kid, back in the 1950s, you could have stopped 100 people on the main street in my home town and asked this question, "Is it okay to have a law that prevents a person from desecrating the American flag?"

I see what you are saying OP, but flying the Colors upside down is not "Desecrating" any more than flying them at night without illumination, or hanging the stars and stripes reversed vertically out of ignorance.

I see this all the time. Not illuminating the National Flag at night is so common, most people likely believe it is ok, but it's not.

Desecration of the flag would be things like William Ayers did, burning and urinating on the Colors.
Flying it upside down when not in physical distress is not desecration, though it is misuse.

I think there is a difference.
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 8:45:55 AM EDT

When I was a kid, back in the 1950s, you could have stopped 100 people on the main street in my home town and asked this question, "Is it okay to have a law that prevents a person from desecrating the American flag?"

I see what you are saying OP, but flying the Colors upside down is not "Desecrating" any more than flying them at night without illumination, or hanging the stars and stripes reversed vertically out of ignorance.

I see this all the time. Not illuminating the National Flag at night is so common, most people likely believe it is ok, but it's not.

Desecration of the flag would be things like William Ayers did, burning and urinating on the Colors.
Flying it upside down when not in physical distress is not desecration, though it is misuse.

I think there is a difference.

I see our country as being in distress....ESPECIALLY after those cops just walked onto that guy's property and stole his flag.
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 8:50:02 AM EDT
It's his right to fly that flag any way he wants.  However, an upside down flag is supposed to indicate severe distress, is it not?  They should have sent a SWAT team and medical to help him.  And then billed him for wasting their time.  That's just responding appropriately to his signaling a severe emergency.

Im kind of thinking that with the state this country is in, it is a severe emergency.
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 8:50:53 AM EDT

When I was a kid, back in the 1950s, you could have stopped 100 people on the main street in my home town and asked this question, "Is it okay to have a law that prevents a person from desecrating the American flag?"

I see what you are saying OP, but flying the Colors upside down is not "Desecrating" any more than flying them at night without illumination, or hanging the stars and stripes reversed vertically out of ignorance.

I see this all the time. Not illuminating the National Flag at night is so common, most people likely believe it is ok, but it's not.

Desecration of the flag would be things like William Ayers did, burning and urinating on the Colors.
Flying it upside down when not in physical distress is not desecration, though it is misuse.

I think there is a difference.

I see our country as being in distress....ESPECIALLY after those cops just walked onto that guy's property and stole his flag.

I feel the same, but technically, it means physical distress or dire physical need - such as a boat without power on the high seas, or someone in dire need of medical assistance.
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 9:07:18 AM EDT
While I disagree with Congine's statement (flying the flag upside down), I will defend his right to make it.  I would have told my DA and my Chief that I was not going to take his flag.  My personal values prevent me from treating the flag that way, but my values are just that...personal.  I am under no false delusion that anyone else is obligated to share them.
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 9:15:22 AM EDT
It's protected speech, even flag burning is. They'll probably drop all charges if they haven't yet.
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 9:24:53 AM EDT


WAUSAU, Wis. —  An American flag flown upside down as a protest in a northern Wisconsin village was seized by police before a Fourth of July parade and the businessman who flew it — an Iraq war veteran — claims the officers trespassed and stole his property.

A day after the parade, police returned the flag and the man's protest — over a liquor license — continued.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin is considering legal action against the village of Crivitz for violating Vito Congine Jr.'s' First Amendment rights, Executive Director Chris Ahmuty said.

"It is not often that you see something this blatant," Ahmuty said.

In mid-June, Congine, 46, began flying the flag upside down — an accepted way to signal distress — outside the restaurant he wants to open in Crivitz, a village of about 1,000 people some 65 miles north of Green Bay.

He said his distress is likely bankruptcy because the village board refused to grant him a liquor license after he spent nearly $200,000 to buy and remodel a downtown building for an Italian supper club.

Congine's upside-down-flag represents distress to him; to others in town, it represents disrespect of the flag.

Hours before a Fourth of July parade, four police officers went to Congine's property and removed the flag under the advice of Marinette County District Attorney Allen Brey.

Neighbor Steven Klein watched in disbelief.

"I said, 'What are you doing?' Klein said. "They said, 'It is none of your business."'

The next day, police returned the flag.

Brey declined comment Friday.

Marinette County Sheriff Jim Kanikula said it was not illegal to fly the flag upside down but people were upset and it was the Fourth of July.

"It is illegal to cause a disruption," he said.

The parade went on without any problems, Kanikula said.

Village President John Deschane, 60, an Army veteran who served in Vietnam, said many people in town believe it's disrespectful to fly the flag upside down.

"If he wants to protest, let him protest but find a different way to do it," Deschane said.

Congine, a Marine veteran who served in Iraq in 2004, said he intends to keep flying the flag upside down.

"It is pretty bad when I go and fight a tyrannical government somewhere else," Congine said, "and then I come home to find it right here at my front door."


Stop the presses!  The ACLU is on the right side of the fight?!

Well if that isn't an obvious catch-all...
Link Posted: 7/12/2009 9:32:54 AM EDT
It looks like the city just won a million dollar payment to settle the lawsuit.

This guy was going bankrupt and he found a way to get the city to pay him back.

Link Posted: 7/12/2009 11:17:29 AM EDT

The bottom line here is .....Inappropriate Protest.

Flying the flag upside down is a generally accepted means of signaling a distress call.

Using it as a means  of protest became popular with the anti-war crowd of the 60's-70's ––- flying upside down; burning;making clothing out of it ; general desecration, etc. They used it for the shock value, and they had something that previous protesters didn't have...TV to get their "protest" widely disseminated.
So, ever since then its also come to mean by some as a means of "protest"...wrongly so IMO , but that's the way it is.

This guy is using an Emergency Distress Call  to protest  his local ABC board not granting him a liquor license?????......please.

Would you be so quick to defend him if he:
–– Was calling 911 every 5 minutes griping about his situation.
–– Shooting off a flare gun day and night.
–– Driving around with his emergency blinkers on all the time
–– Running an air raid siren all day long

............and when you rush to his aid, or send fire/police/rescue personnel, his response is: "Dude, they denied me a liquor license..."

Cry Wolf come to mind?
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