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Posted: 4/3/2003 8:13:16 AM EDT
It is obvious we are all proud of this girl (except for the POS trickshot) and all wish her well. And whether it's true she was armed with a M9 or M16A2 doesn't really matter.

But someone came up with a rather cool idea to express our gratitude...


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If it is true that she tried to hold off the savages with little more than a service pistol and pure tennacity then perhaps an ARFCOM hero/gift rifle is in order here. Maybe a Cav 15 with a letter wishing her to never be outgunned again. Just a thought. [/i]

I say we do it. During the next group buy I will put $100 towards a "Jessica Rifle." I will also add $10.00 to the GB price to go toward a "Jessica Rifle" and will accept donations for the same.

I will include the letters, marriage proposals, etc. of those who donated with the rifle and include the overall well wishes of ar15.com in expressing our admiration and pride.

I will get this part done and it should be easy enough.

Here is the hard part.

We got between now and when I start teh Cav15 Group Buy to figure out how to get the rifle to her. Needless to say, she is gonna be swamped with people trying to contact her for various reasons.

Does anyone know her families or friends? A FFL local to the Lynch family?

I say we do this. If for no other reason than trickshot won't like it.

[red]Tacked on 04/06/'03 by thebeekeeper1[/red]
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:14:46 AM EDT
We also really don't know if she's a recreational shooter or even pro-gun.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:15:48 AM EDT
How about calling it a Private Lynch rifle out of respect to her profession? Just a thought.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:18:46 AM EDT
I'm in for at least $20.  
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:20:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:20:42 AM EDT
I looked her up on AKO and she's not listed.  
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:22:48 AM EDT
Interesting idea.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:27:05 AM EDT
I'm in!

Pehaps someone could contact her parents or brother (who is in the National Guard) and see if she would accept a rifle.

Would be nice to engrave the rifle something to the effect "To Pvt. Jessica Lynch,Presented in honor of your duty to your country and people of the United States, Honor, Duty, Country"
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:27:54 AM EDT
I don't think I'll be putting out my $$ based on a news article, I'll wait for "the rest of the story".

Keep in mind, Lynch's goal in life is to be an NEA member, prolly the most socialist Anti-American union in America. I'd hold off on this, until more facts are known..
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:34:06 AM EDT

Keep in mind, Lynch's goal in life is to be an NEA member, prolly the most socialist Anti-American union in America. I'd hold off on this, until more facts are known..
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 To label Lynch a socialist because she wants to be a teacher is one of the most ignorant statements I've ever heard. If anything we need teachers with real world experience. My wife has taught public high school for 25 years and she is not a socialist or leftwinger and neither are most of her co-workers.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:34:33 AM EDT
I don't think I'll be putting out my $$ based on a news article, I'll wait for "the rest of the story".

Keep in mind, Lynch's goal in life is to be an NEA member, prolly the most socialist Anti-American union in America. I'd hold off on this, until more facts are known..
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She can go into whatever field she wants in my opinion. I remember that artist chick post 9-11 who posed with an AR15.

I figure serial number "Jessica 01" and we can call it a "Hero Rifle" or whatever.

Now the big question...Green or Pink? [:D]
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:36:53 AM EDT
im in.

[b]if she does want to become a teacher, she'd be the teacher with the most kills.[/b]
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:37:52 AM EDT

Keep in mind, Lynch's goal in life is to be an NEA member, prolly the most socialist Anti-American union in America. I'd hold off on this, until more facts are known..
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 To label Lynch a socialist because she wants to be a teacher is one of the most ignorant statements I've ever heard.
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No shit---what about all the MEMBERS here who are teachers???  
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:40:13 AM EDT
I'm in for $100. Let me know how it pans out.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:42:18 AM EDT
I don't think I'll be putting out my $$ based on a news article, I'll wait for "the rest of the story".

Keep in mind, Lynch's goal in life is to be an NEA member, prolly the most socialist Anti-American union in America. I'd hold off on this, until more facts are known..
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She wants to be a teacher. Not an NEA member. West Virginia is one place you can count on as Pro-gun. They know that every dear season, there will be sparcely populated classrooms for 2 weeks. My parents were educators in the Capital city of WV and were extremely pro-gun. You can bet that this lady teaching in a rural school district will HAVE to be pro-gun just to get along. We may want to get the word to her father in some way to assure ourselves that she would want the rifle, but to guess that she is an anti because she wants to be an educator is rediculous.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:45:31 AM EDT
If she doesn't want it, I'm sure her brother would scoop it up.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:46:26 AM EDT
I'm in for $100. Let me know how it pans out.
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IF and when we do this, we'll probably have to cap donations at $25.00 or else only 6-7 people are gonna contribute.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:49:50 AM EDT
[red]lets do this quick so when they make the movie or write the book, AR15.COM gets mentioned!!![/red]  think of the publicity!!!![:)]


Redray de Laurentiis[;)]
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:51:55 AM EDT
I'm in for $100. Let me know how it pans out.
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IF and when we do this, we'll probably have to cap donations at $25.00 or else only 6-7 people are gonna contribute.
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Sounds good, how/when are we gonna do this?
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:55:04 AM EDT
I looked her up on AKO and she's not listed.  
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Probably for good reason...I'm sure AKO's been innundated with request for her info. JMHO
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 8:55:30 AM EDT
Count me in for whatever the capped donation is.

One problem, she is only 19.
Don't you have to be 21 to own a rifle now?
I thought this changed from 18 to 21 recently.

Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:02:09 AM EDT
her family was on the local news last night. her father and brother are "folk"...some might refer to the family as "lower middle class".

dad is a soft spoken man that looks as if he hunted the hills of west virginia...a t-shirt-wearing, pickup truck-driving man. the son that was show looked "woodsy", also.

i would venture a guess that these are folks that were raised around firearms.

their contact info is out there...they even showed the family mailbox on camera hot for a few seconds.

local colleges have already offered her free tuition...which is why she enlisted in the army to begin with according to the family...to raise tuition money.

as nice as a rifle might be, it sure LOOKS like the family could use some cash instead. i'm not trying to rain on shotar's parade (hell, i gotta listen to him when we shoot together! heheh!), but the family will be facing some major exspenses in the very near future.

whatever is decided, i'm in. lmk via email (im seems to be down).
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:02:40 AM EDT
Now, I may well get flamed for this but what the hell...

While I understand the sentiment and see where you're coming from, I simply cannot bring myself to reward a single soldier out of the tens of thousands who are engaged in the conflict.

Yes, she's a brave soldier.  Yes, she's been through some shit.  Yes, she is worthy of my respect and admiration.

However, she's not the only brave soldier.  She's not the only one who has been through some shit.  She's not the only one worthy of my respect and admiration.

Thus far, we only have "her word" to go on.  (I put that in quotation marks due to the typical press spin that results from situations such as this.)  

The press is reporting how brave she was in the face of the enemy...how she took down "x" number of Iraqi's before running out of ammo...how she suffered from gunshot wounds and broken limbs...how the cause of those wounds is being overtly implied.  The fact remains that I seriously doubt she's even been fully debriefed at this point.

As you are all well aware, the "PR war" is almost as big as the military war.  Unfortunately, this young soldier has already become a pawn in that PR campaign.

Sorry guys, I just can't do it.

Edited to correct typo.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:05:11 AM EDT
I'm in for $100. Let me know how it pans out.
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IF and when we do this, we'll probably have to cap donations at $25.00 or else only 6-7 people are gonna contribute.
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Sounds good, how/when are we gonna do this?
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First we need to know she will accept it. Hate to see a family member get arrested for a straw purchase. [rolleyes]

Having accomplished that, the new Cav 15 receiver needs to be available.

I'd "like" to have it coincide with the Cav15 Group Buy if possible.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:06:58 AM EDT
Not to rain on the parade, but have any of you considered this from her perspective? We would be giving her a gun that WE like. While it would make a great story "piece", it may not end up being more than a closet gun unless she really gets into recreational shooting, which is unlikely if only for the budget it takes to feed one of those. (We could also give her a check to feed it?)I suggest therefore two guns. The cav, and a custom youth rifle in a deer caliber. This would let her have a great plinker if she gets into that, and a deer gun built for someone her size that she can comfortably put meat on the table with.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:07:13 AM EDT
I'm in for $50.00. Tack it and let's get it done. Palestine W.Va. will be a safer place with a girl like her and an AR-15.

(I imagine Palestine W.Va. is a pretty safe place anyway.)

We need to find an FFL in W.Va. to do the transfer.

Also, for those that are against it, simply don't contribute. This isn't the thread to voice your opinion as to why you don't want to do it or why it shouldn't be done.

Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:07:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:08:00 AM EDT

Keep in mind, Lynch's goal in life is to be an NEA member, prolly the most socialist Anti-American union in America. I'd hold off on this, until more facts are known..
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 To label Lynch a socialist because she wants to be a teacher is one of the most ignorant statements I've ever heard. If anything we need teachers with real world experience. My wife has taught public high school for 25 years and she is not a socialist or leftwinger and neither are most of her co-workers.
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To say that someone who actively supports the NEA, is NOT a socialist is the ignorant statement. NEA is a socialist organization, and if your wife is a dues paying member then the shoe fits!!
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:09:24 AM EDT
Wht a cav15? Why not a RRA, US marked? Built the spec of her issue rifle, -the whole full auto thing of course...

Just seems more fitting then a plastic gun to me.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:10:51 AM EDT
Now, I may well get flamed for this but what the hell...

While I understand the sentiment and see where you're coming from, I simply cannot bring myself to reward a single soldier out of the tens of thousands who are engaged in the conflict.

Yes, she's a brave soldier.  Yes, she's been through some shit.  Yes, she is worthy of my respect and admiration.

However, she's not the only brave soldier.  She's not the only one who has been through some shit.  She's not the only one worthy of my respect and admiration.

Thus far, we only have "her word" to go on.  (I put that in quotation marks due to the typical press spin that results from situations such as this.)  

The press is reporting how brave she was in the face of the enemy...how she took down "x" number of Iraqi's before running out of ammo...how she suffered from gunshot wounds and broken limbs...how the cause of those wounds is being overtly implied.  The fact remains that I seriously doubt she's even been fully debriefed at this point.

As you are all well aware, the "PR war" is almost as big as the military war.  Unfortunately, this young soldier has already become a pawn in that PR campaign.

Sorry guys, I just can't do it.

Edited to correct typo.
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I understand.

However, we are going on good faith. The military is generally reliable.

And there are certainly others who have done FAR MORE. See here:


But much as we'd like to, we can't send a rifle to every soldier who exhibited bravery.

For whatever reasons; luck, propoganda, true courage or a combination of, Jessica stands out.

This rifle is not a military decoration based upon merit, it is simply the best wishes and intentions of the members here.

A get well card that accepts high caps. [;)]
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:13:02 AM EDT

Keep in mind, Lynch's goal in life is to be an NEA member, prolly the most socialist Anti-American union in America. I'd hold off on this, until more facts are known..
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 To label Lynch a socialist because she wants to be a teacher is one of the most ignorant statements I've ever heard. If anything we need teachers with real world experience. My wife has taught public high school for 25 years and she is not a socialist or leftwinger and neither are most of her co-workers.
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To say that someone who actively supports the NEA, is NOT a socialist is the ignorant statement. NEA is a socialist organization, and if your wife is a dues paying member then the shoe fits!!
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Hey man, I repsect your opinions. But please start another topic if you are gonna pursue this one.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:13:41 AM EDT
Just a quick comment, no disrespect intended.

WHY should she get a rifle? Are we giving rifles to all service members who fight in Iraq?

Is there going to be a rifle for all the POW's in Iraq? What about soldiers who are wounded in combat? They deserve a rifle as much as anyone else.

I think what she did is brave, but a rifle? A nice letter of gratitude signed by members from this site might be nice.

Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:14:32 AM EDT
Wht a cav15? Why not a RRA, US marked? Built the spec of her issue rifle, -the whole full auto thing of course...

Just seems more fitting then a plastic gun to me.
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Because I've bought guns from RRA before. Great guns but don't need the hassle.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:15:48 AM EDT

I know exactly where you're coming from.  Hell, I almost responded with a resounding "Count me in."

Then I reflected back on my own experiences in the last Gulf War and thought for just a moment about the bodies that were discovered during the rescue along with the list of those still missing or being held.  After that, I just felt I had to put my reasons for abstaining on the table.

I know all of you are genuine in what you're proposing and wish you the best of luck with it.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:17:07 AM EDT
Just a quick comment, no disrespect intended.

WHY should she get a rifle? Are we giving rifles to all service members who fight in Iraq?

Is there going to be a rifle for all the POW's in Iraq? What about soldiers who are wounded in combat? They deserve a rifle as much as anyone else.

I think what she did is brave, but a rifle? A nice letter of gratitude signed by members from this site might be nice.

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From above:

But much as we'd like to, we can't send a rifle to every soldier who exhibited bravery.

For whatever reasons; luck, propoganda, true courage or a combination of, Jessica stands out.

This rifle is not a military decoration based upon merit, it is simply the best wishes and intentions of the members here.

A get well card that accepts high caps.

THAT SAID, if you don't wish to participate, DON'T. Nobody is obligated.

This is something "I" and a few others WISH to do, period.

No further explaination should be necessary.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:20:14 AM EDT
[b][red][size=4]Nobody cares if you are against it or why. This isn't the thread for that kind of stuff. If we want to do it we will. If you don't want to do it start another thread. O.K.?[/size=4][/red][/b]
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:31:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:33:45 AM EDT
Steyr, I was thinking more along the lines of Pete(LT) supplied parts and some member putting it together. Not buying direct from RRA if that is what you ment. Again just seems more fitting then some dayglo ar.

No offense to the cav people out there.

Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:37:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:37:44 AM EDT
As long as SteyrAUG is handling it, I'm in for $10.

Good idea, BTW.

Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:39:55 AM EDT

These don't look "dayglo" to me.

Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:40:11 AM EDT
While I can respect Red leg's view on this, I still think it's a great idea. I'm in.

Styer, are you gonna ramrod this? If so, please include me on whatever list you generate.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:42:48 AM EDT
It needs to be made up right. Like those nice presentation Winchesters and Colts made in the 19th Century. Not necessarily in that style, it would have to be something that would look good on a modern rifle, but some form of art nonetheless.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:43:08 AM EDT
I don't think I'll be putting out my $$ based on a news article, I'll wait for "the rest of the story".

Keep in mind, Lynch's goal in life is to be an NEA member, prolly the most socialist Anti-American union in America. I'd hold off on this, until more facts are known..
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She can go into whatever field she wants in my opinion. I remember that artist chick post 9-11 who posed with an AR15.

I figure serial number "Jessica 01" and we can call it a "Hero Rifle" or whatever.

Now the big question...Green or Pink? [:D]
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Count me in.

But you can't give a war vet a pink rifle!!

Make green or black...but not pink!
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:43:26 AM EDT
What, no bright pink AR? [:P]

If someone contacts her family and finds out if she'd like the weapon, then I'm in for a little bit.  But ONLY if she's at least open to the gift, otherwise I'd rather give it to somone who would enjoy it.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:44:07 AM EDT
Yea dayglo....I'll spare linking to the pictures of bright yellow or blue ar's.

Regardless I'll pitch in Steyr, regardless of weapon choice.

Let em know where to send funds.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:46:11 AM EDT
BTW, Coal_creek.....I like the furniture, just not a fan of the lowers....

Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:46:21 AM EDT
Count me in also.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:51:34 AM EDT
I don't think I'll be putting out my $$ based on a news article, I'll wait for "the rest of the story".
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Keep in mind, Lynch's goal in life is to be an NEA member, prolly the most socialist Anti-American union in America. I'd hold off on this, until more facts are known..
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Oh come on.  She wants to be a teacher, not a bureaucrat in the NEA.  For all you know, she wants to be a teacher at a private school.  Regardless, some of the kindest, brightest, prettiest, most faithful women I have known sought to be teachers.  It seems that the percentage of decent women is much higher in the category of "education majors or teachers" than it is in the general population.

With all of that said, I would gladly donate assuming her actions are verified by someone other than the washington post.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:51:48 AM EDT
count me in,only if she is open to accepting the rifle.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 10:00:00 AM EDT
Steyr, I was thinking more along the lines of Pete(LT) supplied parts and some member putting it together. Not buying direct from RRA if that is what you ment. Again just seems more fitting then some dayglo ar.

No offense to the cav people out there.

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Top 5 Reasons It's Gonna Be A Cav:

1. Shawn is one of OUR guys and a vet.

2. Cav Arms is currently supplying and supporting US military efforts in Iraq.

3. The Cav 15 is unique, lightweight and probably more ideally suited to Jessica physically than a RRA.

4. Custom serial number.

5. My idea.
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