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Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:22:34 PM EDT
Not as much brass or big hats as other armies, but i think the Irish Army Service Dress Uniform looks pretty snappy.

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:23:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:23:16 PM EDT

I dunno.

I always thought that Khaddafi fella was a pretty snappy dresser.


I'm so glad the USMC didn't really deploy ground forces to overthrow him.  All Libya had to offer in the day of modern uniform accessories was 1970's shower curtains that this asshole liked to wear on occasion.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:24:09 PM EDT
United States Marine Corps dress blues

This, gets more pussy than money and drugs. America's enemies run in fear at the sight of it.



Gene Simmons just laughed you out of the past 4 decades.... and is checking his shorts to see if he shit himself.

Nice try though....

IMHO this is a much more...respect demanding uniform.


First, Gene Simmons wore a costume, not a uniform. Second, I had the green uniforms too. Did you?

Nope my dress uniform is blue.

My green uniform was made nomex, and I went to work in it.

And never needed a uniform to get pussy.

Did I say I needed the uniform? Your reading comprehension is very poor, or you are just another one of the many that couldn't be one of the few. Jealous much?
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:26:51 PM EDT
United States Marine Corps dress blues


I'd argue that the Danish royal guard (blue) regimental uniform is of similar color, but actually slightly nicer, because of the double-breasted design.

... and when worn with the long coat, it is REALLY nice, IMO

Obviously, I understand that y'all LIKE the Marine Corps better that some group of stinky foreigners (as you should), but I think that purely in terms of the uniform design, my regiment's is slightly nicer.

Of course, it's not like I'm biased myself or anything.  

The USMC enlisted dress uniform used before the current one used to look fairly similar, except there were fewer buttons and they were vertical rather than angled (with the front cut to match the arrangement).  They had similar false buttonholes on the collar and also matching trimmed buttonholes on the cuff flaps (numbered according to rank, with the length of the flaps differeing accordingly), but had no cuff piping or false buttons on the cuff like the Danish uniform shown.  A Prince Albert shako was used instead of a bearskin cap and instead of decorated shoulder loops, fringed shoulder scales (brass) were used.  Accoutrements were fairly similar, with the addition of an oval cross-belt plate and a waistbelt (similar to that currently used).  The older trousers were coloured like the Danish ones as opposed to the darker shade used currently.  The current USMC dress uniform is much plainer by comparison, but when it was created (in the 1870s, I believe), it was meant to replace two uniforms, the dress and the field uniforms, and is a sort of compromise between the two.  The enlisted dress uniform and the USN officer whites are the only true dress uniforms still in service with the U.S. military, the rest having been discard in the 1940s shortly after the war (the U.S. Army enlisted dress uniforms looked very similar to the USMC enlisted dress uniforms, as a matter of fact; an artilleryman would have looked like a Marine with a different belt and collar and hat devices).

Given that many European militaries still use traditional uniforms from the Victorian and Napoleonic eras, or heavily based on them (such as the Danish one you posted, which does look very nice), I would say the best looking uniforms would have to come from Britain or the Continent.  American uniforms just don't have much going for them in this regard; even many of the last dress uniforms used were rather plain compared to their European counterparts (although this has been the norm rather than the exception).
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:27:44 PM EDT
Here's what the private wear when they DON'T have the bear on:

The little pony is so cute.  

It's drill training before they rotate into the actual guard company in Copenhagen (the companies spend almost a month doing drill all day before going in).

There metal pony represents the big horse statue at the center of the Royal Palace square where the guard change takes place.  You can see it in the photo here:

The pictures I've seen of Denmark...that's really a beautiful country.  I don't know why the Norwegians give y'all so much grief of how you Danes speak.  It sounds pretty close to my untrained ear.  Can you understand "New Norwegian"?  My Norwegian friends loathe it.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:30:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:31:01 PM EDT
United States Marine Corps dress blues


I'd argue that the Danish royal guard (blue) regimental uniform is of similar color, but actually slightly nicer, because of the double-breasted design.

... and when worn with the long coat, it is REALLY nice, IMO

Obviously, I understand that y'all LIKE the Marine Corps better that some group of stinky foreigners (as you should), but I think that purely in terms of the uniform design, my regiment's is slightly nicer.

Of course, it's not like I'm biased myself or anything.  

Did you march or prance? I mean sure it looks nice... For the nutcracker ballet.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:31:33 PM EDT
United States Marine Corps dress blues


I'd argue that the Danish royal guard (blue) regimental uniform is of similar color, but actually slightly nicer, because of the double-breasted design.

... and when worn with the long coat, it is REALLY nice, IMO

Obviously, I understand that y'all LIKE the Marine Corps better that some group of stinky foreigners (as you should), but I think that purely in terms of the uniform design, my regiment's is slightly nicer.

Of course, it's not like I'm biased myself or anything.  

Not to be rude, but those uniforms look like something that should only be worn by decorative holiday nut crackers.

ETA:  My vote is for the Vatican's Swiss Guard:

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:33:10 PM EDT
I'd have to say USMC "dress blues" followed by Nazi SS officer wear.  I know they were SOB's but they sure looked bad ass.

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:34:07 PM EDT
United States Marine Corps dress blues

This, gets more pussy than money and drugs. America's enemies run in fear at the sight of it.



Gene Simmons just laughed you out of the past 4 decades.... and is checking his shorts to see if he shit himself.

Nice try though....

IMHO this is a much more...respect demanding uniform.


First, Gene Simmons wore a costume, not a uniform. Second, I had the green uniforms too. Did you?

Nope my dress uniform is blue.

My green uniform was made nomex, and I went to work in it.

And never needed a uniform to get pussy.

Did I say I needed the uniform? Your reading comprehension is very poor, or you are just another one of the many that couldn't be one of the few. Jealous much?

Nope, not jealous at all.  

Never felt the need to be part of some group for positive re-enforcement of my self image either.

It's not what you say but how you say it, that's what I am picking up on.  
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:37:39 PM EDT
MUST be the IDF

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:38:03 PM EDT
Actually, to be honest, Norway and Sweden are probably better "looking" countries than Denmark, because they've got mountains and stuff, whereas Denmark is mostly rolling hills.

You guys call those bumps hills? They're more like anthills.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:38:26 PM EDT

Berkley Police Chief uniform is the bomb
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:41:54 PM EDT
United States Marine Corps dress blues


I'd argue that the Danish royal guard (blue) regimental uniform is of similar color, but actually slightly nicer, because of the double-breasted design.

... and when worn with the long coat, it is REALLY nice, IMO

Obviously, I understand that y'all LIKE the Marine Corps better that some group of stinky foreigners (as you should), but I think that purely in terms of the uniform design, my regiment's is slightly nicer.

Of course, it's not like I'm biased myself or anything.  

Not to be rude, but those uniforms look like something that should only be worn by decorative holiday nut crackers.

ETA:  My vote is for the Vatican's Swiss Guard:

I want a halberd.....
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:42:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:48:22 PM EDT
I'd have to say USMC "dress blues" followed by Nazi SS officer wear.  I know they were SOB's but they sure looked bad ass.

I pretty much agree but have take it all into context The USMC Dress Blues almost always is worn with so much style and pride that one can not help but be impressed. When you consider the average Marines rough and tumble demeaner and the likelyhood that they will break anything they touch that style and pride are quite impressive.
I just can not look at the Nazi SS and judge the quality of the uniform because as someone else put it they are just tainted.

It is just not the uniform itself but the man and the reputation that enters into things in a big way

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:49:21 PM EDT
United States Marine Corps dress blues


I'd argue that the Danish royal guard (blue) regimental uniform is of similar color, but actually slightly nicer, because of the double-breasted design.

... and when worn with the long coat, it is REALLY nice, IMO

Obviously, I understand that y'all LIKE the Marine Corps better that some group of stinky foreigners (as you should), but I think that purely in terms of the uniform design, my regiment's is slightly nicer.

Of course, it's not like I'm biased myself or anything.  

Not to be rude, but those uniforms look like something that should only be worn by decorative holiday nut crackers.

The one redeeming feature is that the regiment still trains us to fight in it.  Don't fuck with the holiday nut-cracker!!  

Actually, for holidays like Christmas and New Year's and the Monarch's birthday, we wear the single-breasted red uniform (in my avatar):
At the base, before the guard change:
At the palace:

I actually like the red ones better.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:50:54 PM EDT
United States Marine Corps dress blues




this from a movie or something? his medals are definately not in order. NAM before a purple heart?????
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:50:59 PM EDT
Actually, for holidays like Christmas and New Year's and the Monarch's birthday, we wear the single-breasted red uniform (in my avatar):
At the base, before the guard change:

Was the building in the background painted by the lady that restored that painting of Jesus?

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:51:43 PM EDT
United States Marine Corps dress blues




this from a movie or something? his medals are definately not in order. NAM before a purple heart?????

Came from a photo history book on Marines in the 80's.  I do not know who he is, but at least he is wearing his MOH in the proper place.

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:52:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:59:06 PM EDT

I actually like the red ones better.

The red one looks more "traditional" - in the sense of what people expect a "Royal Guard" uniform to look like.   I like the red color, but the I personally think the double-breasted dark blue jacket is nicer.

But, I have to admit that the one I have displayed in my house IS the red one.  

Do you own a blue one or only the red?  What decorations or insignia appear on the shoulder loops, as well as on the officer's collar and cuffs?  I can never quite tell from the pictures.  I think one thing that looks good on the reds that is absent on the blues is the sky blue colouring of the cuffs.  I do think the blues looks more elegant on the whole, though.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 1:59:42 PM EDT


IMHO this is a much more...respect demanding uniform, no frills, subdued,  professional yet traditional and unpretentious.

If we are talking 'Service Uniforms', then I'm going to nominate the Royal Marines Commando.

However, I can't find a decent picture, so I'm just going to leave this person's video here, instead.


Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:03:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:03:32 PM EDT
Quit F-in around we all know USMC dress blues are the best... you cant go and post other countrys girls either...

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:03:37 PM EDT



IMHO this is a much more...respect demanding uniform, no frills, subdued,  professional yet traditional and unpretentious.

If we are talking 'Service Uniforms', then I'm going to nominate the Royal Marines Commando.

However, I can't find a decent picture, so I'm just going to leave this person's video here, instead.


Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:05:46 PM EDT
Another vote for the Marine Corps Dress Blues. Freddy Kruger could get pussy with this thing on...

However, nothing says "I am a professional, but I will fucking crush all of you if I have to" like the Marine Alphas...

I do think that the US Army dress uniform is not too far behind. Very sharp.

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:06:07 PM EDT

They are not amused in your choices of uniforms.

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:06:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:14:43 PM EDT
I prefer the green class A uniforms to the Napoleanic era uniforms.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:16:40 PM EDT
I prefer the green class A uniforms to the Napoleanic era uniforms.

Why is that?  I think the kind of look tacky in comparison, being a watered down version of a field uniform.  For appearance, they are no comparison to dress uniforms; just not in the same league.  Few service/field type uniforms are.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:17:39 PM EDT


I used to own a blue jacket as well, but I no longer have it.  (The jacket is the only difference between the blue and red uniform - everything else is the same).

That's sure a nice display piece for your library.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:18:24 PM EDT
Only thing missing is some of those red glittery Mexican curly-toed pimp boots.

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:18:57 PM EDT

I actually like the red ones better.

The red one looks more "traditional" - in the sense of what people expect a "Royal Guard" uniform to look like.   I like the red color, but the I personally think the double-breasted dark blue jacket is nicer.

But, I have to admit that the one I have displayed in my house IS the red one.  

Do you own a blue one or only the red?  What decorations or insignia appear on the shoulder loops, as well as on the officer's collar and cuffs?  I can never quite tell from the pictures.  I think one thing that looks good on the reds that is absent on the blues is the sky blue colouring of the cuffs.  I do think the blues looks more elegant on the whole, though.

The officer's uniform is different from the private's version.  On the private and NCO version, the shoulder loops/epaulettes have the monarch's monogram - so that part of the monogram changes every time the monarch dies and is replaced by the heir.  NCOs have their rank on the cuffs.  The officer's uniform does not have the monogram anywhere on the uniform, because the epaulettes are used for rank, and the collar and cuffs are much more intricate, with a pattern sown in solid silver thread (like the epaulettes). Also, the stripe on the private/NCO uniform pants is white fabric, but on the officer's pants it's silver thread.


I used to own a blue jacket as well, but I no longer have it.  (The jacket is the only difference between the blue and red uniform - everything else is the same).

What design is on the cuffs?  Is it also the monarch's monogram?

I've always thought this uniform looked quite sharp.  I do like some of the fancier stuff one sees on some uniforms, such as Hungarian sleeve knots and such.  I also think Zouave uniforms look good, although they obviously are not based on traditional European styles, being North African in origin.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:22:00 PM EDT
Real life?   Gonna have to go with the Marine Dress Blues as well.

Fictional?  Farscape Peacekeepers hands down.

What?  OP didn't specify that part.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:22:59 PM EDT
Tie between either set of Marine Corps dress uniforms (blues and greens) or the various Nazi uniforms. Like everybody has said they were evil genocidal assholes, but they knew how to make cool gear (Tiger 1 & 2 tanks, Panther tanks, JagdPanther tank destroyers, uncompleted E-100 tank, Type XXI u-boats, uniforms, MG-42s, STG-44s, FG-42s)
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:24:37 PM EDT
Tie between either set of Marine Corps dress uniforms (blues and greens) or the various Nazi uniforms. Like everybody has said they were evil genocidal assholes, but they knew how to make cool gear (Tiger 1 & 2 tanks, Panther tanks, uncompleted E-100 tank, Type XXI u-boats, uniforms, MG-42s, STG-44s, FG-42s)

I think these two uniforms account for most responses because most Americans have apparently seen no other uniforms they'd consider "fancy" or 'dressy."
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:27:24 PM EDT


They killed my uncle but I still have to hand it to em.  The SS Death's head Division cornered the market on badass uniforms ages ago.  They just look EVIL.

Either that or the Picts, who went into battle naked but for blue body paint in a  co ed screaming horde of beserk filthy smelly smurfdom.  Made the Romans run away on occasion.


Them natzies sure were some dapper fellas.They win the fashion show.

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:28:29 PM EDT
Another vote for Swiss Guard.  Halberds, plate armor, and designed by DaVinci.  Take that for traditional uniform.  Its not their fault that clowns adopted it.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:28:47 PM EDT

They killed my uncle but I still have to hand it to em.  The SS Death's head Division cornered the market on badass uniforms ages ago.  They just look EVIL.

Either that or the Picts, who went into battle naked but for blue body paint in a  co ed screaming horde of beserk filthy smelly smurfdom.  Made the Romans run away on occasion.


Them natzies sure were some dapper fellas.They win the fashion show.  

Didn't Hugo Boss design their uniforms?
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:32:57 PM EDT
Tie between either set of Marine Corps dress uniforms (blues and greens) or the various Nazi uniforms. Like everybody has said they were evil genocidal assholes, but they knew how to make cool gear (Tiger 1 & 2 tanks, Panther tanks, uncompleted E-100 tank, Type XXI u-boats, uniforms, MG-42s, STG-44s, FG-42s)

I think these two uniforms account for most responses because most Americans have apparently seen no other uniforms they'd consider "fancy" or 'dressy."

All I know is that I've seen plenty of other dress uniforms. Few of them made me think, "man that uniform looks freaking cool/badass."
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:33:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:37:03 PM EDT
Tie between either set of Marine Corps dress uniforms (blues and greens) or the various Nazi uniforms. Like everybody has said they were evil genocidal assholes, but they knew how to make cool gear (Tiger 1 & 2 tanks, Panther tanks, uncompleted E-100 tank, Type XXI u-boats, uniforms, MG-42s, STG-44s, FG-42s)

I think these two uniforms account for most responses because most Americans have apparently seen no other uniforms they'd consider "fancy" or 'dressy."

All I know is that I've seen plenty of other dress uniforms. Few of them made me think, "man that uniform looks freaking cool/badass."

I've seen plenty as well, past and present, and I have seen quite a few that look really good, with many looking better than the USMC dress uniforms, which are plainer than average for this type of uniform.  I always thought Zouave uniforms looked badass.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:37:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:40:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:41:31 PM EDT

His Majesty King Oscar II, late 19th century

Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:43:20 PM EDT
Another favorite of mine is the French Foreign Legion combat engineer dress uniform.

The uniform includes a leather apron and an axe - and apparently everyone in the unit has a beard.  


Those guys look badass.
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:43:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2012 2:43:58 PM EDT
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