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Posted: 3/3/2011 5:39:21 PM EDT

New range in Morgan County. It is just outside of Eminence. Some of you may have taken your Utah class with him, if not, he does them. Great guy! It is not quite open yet but If you contacted him he might let you come out and shoot. Did some work for him and went out there today to button it up and he let me put some down range He has some really nice ballistic steel bullet trap targets!
Link Posted: 3/3/2011 6:10:27 PM EDT
Thanks for the info. Didn't know that place existed!
Link Posted: 3/5/2011 8:12:04 AM EDT
Great, a short drive from Mooresville !!!

Id like to take some classes especially the Utah, but since Im a member at a club in Martinsville (20+ years) I probably wont be buying another range membership.

Link Posted: 3/5/2011 2:30:15 PM EDT
That is real close to my house, I might have to check it out...
Link Posted: 3/8/2011 8:48:18 PM EDT
Thanks for posting this.  We have been looking for a Utah Instructor at IndianaShooter.com to do the South Central Indiana.
Link Posted: 3/8/2011 9:28:38 PM EDT
Thanks for posting this.  We have been looking for a Utah Instructor at IndianaShooter.com to do the South Central Indiana.

I was thinking the same thing
Link Posted: 3/13/2011 6:34:23 PM EDT
Thanks for posting this.  We have been looking for a Utah Instructor at IndianaShooter.com to do the South Central Indiana.

I was thinking the same thing

Yeah, unlike some places that need x amount for minimum attendance, he said that even if just a couple of people want to take the class, he would do it. Although he said it is not required by Utah to do a live fire exercise, he said he would probably throw one into the class just because.

Sent my paperwork in over a month ago but still no license They are supposed to have it all processed within 60 days so it should be coming soon!
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