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Posted: 12/22/2008 10:52:17 AM EDT
I moved down to Fl. from Massachusetts last May and trying to find any clubs with indoor/outdoor ranges to join.  From what I have found out so far, gunclubs are practically non-existant in the Ft. Myers area.  So, where are they all?
Link Posted: 12/22/2008 11:17:15 AM EDT
basically all we do is get together on this forum lol
Link Posted: 12/22/2008 3:01:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2008 4:42:43 PM EDT

Where in Desoto is the club?
Link Posted: 12/22/2008 11:40:13 PM EDT


Where in Desoto is the club?

It's on SR70 in Arcadia, just West of the river.

Link Posted: 12/24/2008 8:43:44 AM EDT
Depending on where you’re at there are a few gun clubs, one is at Hanson Range. it is a private range and they shoot IPSIC and IDPA On certain weekends.  A good group of guys and gals.  I do not have the particulars for fees and memberships.  It is in Punta Gourda FL off Zimmel Road (if I spelled that right) . About 12 or so miles north on 41 from the Caloosahatchee bridge.
Fowler Fire Arms (Fort Myers.  On Fowler St) indoor gun range,
And then there is a Shoot straight that is coming soon on Colonial Blvd. and Fowler ST ( on the corner) that will start construction soon.  Which will have a indoor gun range as well.
Also there is Babb Cox/ Cecil Webb ( once again check my spelling) this is a state park with outdoor ranges and there is a 200 yard for large caber and then there is a 50 / 100 yard for long guns then a 15/25 yard for pistols’. Last but not least there is two shot gun bays. It is a nice set up that’s where I shoot at. 3 bucks to get in. Hope that helps.
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