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Posted: 6/30/2012 5:42:55 PM EDT
I have no issues with gripping my fullsize pistols but when I switch over to my compact I can't seem to get the proper grip on it. What kind of grip do you all use when shooting your compact guns.
Link Posted: 6/30/2012 9:46:29 PM EDT
If you have large hands, see if they make magazine extensions for your pistol.
Link Posted: 7/1/2012 7:45:45 AM EDT
Put gun in hand - close fingers

Could you expand on what you think is the issue?
Link Posted: 7/1/2012 12:21:12 PM EDT

ok I shouldve been more to the point. I was taught to use the 2 hand method. (high as possible on frame with firing hand and then support hand covering as much of the left side of the pistol as possible kinda canted forward, like most comp. pistol shooters use) well trying that with a compact doesnt seem to work. I want control but I cant seem to get the grip I want to do so. I have a SR40C its a great size with mag extension but i cant get both hands on it comfortably.
Link Posted: 7/1/2012 2:08:47 PM EDT
SR40c with the grip in question.

Here is a video of Hickok45 reviewing the SR40c. He has large hands and seems to manage fine.

You may just need more practice, or perhaps it's simply not a good fit for you. I shoot the same grip you do on all my semi-autos, but I have medium sized hands.

Link Posted: 7/2/2012 5:15:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/2/2012 1:40:17 PM EDT
Thumbs forward grip just like all semi-auto pistols.  The only exception is j-frame/small revolvers where thumbs forward would put my thumb in front of the cylinder.

Changing your grip for different guns is asking for trouble, IMO.  Train with every gun THE SAME WAY.
Link Posted: 7/2/2012 6:24:34 PM EDT
When switching from a G19 to a G26, nothing changes about my grip except that my pinky doesn't have anything to rest on. Most people's first thought with a subcompact is "I need mag extensions." If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I have found not having mag extensions does not affect my ability to shoot the pistol accurately.

Thumbs forward grip works for me.
Link Posted: 7/2/2012 8:40:17 PM EDT


I have no issues with gripping my fullsize pistols but when I switch over to my compact I can't seem to get the proper grip on it. What kind of grip do you all use when shooting your compact guns.

On the glock sub, I find the strongest grip being with the support hands trigger finger griping the trigger guard, and thumbs foward. I started with the subcompacts, and this was my grip style for all autos with the trigger guard finger lip. Im trying the more " correct way" but performance is showing I should stick to what's worked.

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