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Posted: 8/31/2005 8:57:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 9:04:15 AM EDT
Sad. I guess there might be a good reason for owning a few firearms after all.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 9:08:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 9:09:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 9:57:04 AM EDT

looters suck

if i owned a food/drug, or gun store i would be holed up and armed, i would call it the arfcom turkey shoot

For me, it would depend on what they're looting.  TVs, stereos, non food items, then yes, I would probably shoot.  If they're stealing food and bottles of water then that would be completely different.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 10:03:22 AM EDT


looters suck

if i owned a food/drug, or gun store i would be holed up and armed, i would call it the arfcom turkey shoot

For me, it would depend on what they're looting.  TVs, stereos, non food items, then yes, I would probably shoot.  If they're stealing food and bottles of water then that would be completely different.

Unless it was the food and water i was using to survive.

If they were looting my house, taking the essentials for me and my family to live, i'd kill'em. I lived through the hurricanes in FL last year, i was caught in the middle of them. I was the first one of my family back after the storms went through. Had my bushy with me at all times. Along with an 8 oclock curfew, a freeze was put on firearm sales. Luckily i had enough ammo.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 11:47:11 AM EDT



looters suck

if i owned a food/drug, or gun store i would be holed up and armed, i would call it the arfcom turkey shoot

For me, it would depend on what they're looting.  TVs, stereos, non food items, then yes, I would probably shoot.  If they're stealing food and bottles of water then that would be completely different.

Unless it was the food and water i was using to survive.

If they were looting my house, taking the essentials for me and my family to live, i'd kill'em. I lived through the hurricanes in FL last year, i was caught in the middle of them. I was the first one of my family back after the storms went through. Had my bushy with me at all times. Along with an 8 oclock curfew, a freeze was put on firearm sales. Luckily i had enough ammo.

If they were looting my family's food and water or possesions I agree. Shoot to kill.

If you need to take food and water from a store where it is doing nothing but sitting on the shelf than so be it. But there is no need to loot toys and 50 pairs of jeans
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 1:49:27 PM EDT
I'd volunteer to help deter looting with my SAM7 Classic, she wouldn't mind a bit... Oh and about Detroit, She was on duty here during the power outtage...
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 1:51:07 PM EDT
Just look at the current occupant of the Mayor's residence, along with the closest place to Haiti (political corruptness wise, etc.) there is, other than Haiti, that he was allowed to create..........well, considering  that, you can no longer have any bewilderment at what is going on.  Sorry M'am, just a fact.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 2:38:17 PM EDT
+1 on Detroit
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 2:49:34 PM EDT
i was watching some live newscast from there today, i saw footage of a guy sitting in front of his store with some type of gun, he had the metal gate shut and locked in front of him and the door inside open.

this is sad.
food/water i understand, survival first. water is out, food will be a problem for some.
the ones that are taking other stuff- forget it. all bets are off.
and if you tried to come in my house..well...
i've got 30 friends for you to meet.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 3:16:29 PM EDT
The thing is, there's really no reason to loot ANYTHING at the moment - there's tons of aid stations in place, there's places to take your family.

Anyone looting right now needs to be shot.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 3:24:25 PM EDT
I havent heard but are there any countries offering Our people any help during our disaster??
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 3:41:28 PM EDT
Just another LA riot act. I can understand if someone needs food and water but these (people) do this anytime they get the chance.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 3:42:59 PM EDT

I havent heard but are there any countries offering Our people any help during our disaster??

I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you either.  The only ones that will probably help will be the Brits.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 3:45:20 PM EDT
its  time for miltia to step up and help out
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 3:46:34 PM EDT
the beginning of the end
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 3:55:35 PM EDT

looters suck
if i owned a food/drug, or gun store i would be holed up and armed, i would call it the arfcom turkey shoot

Looters - here's some food for thought, don't flame me,.... THINK about this...

Every shop owner EVERY ONE OF EM is going to claim that all their merchandise - food, clothes, hardward, diamonds, guns, tuxedos, and the party supply store - all of em are going to claim they were wiped out 100% loss.  They will vastly inflate the value of their assets and get the insurance companies to pay out.   All the crying of the people WITH THE MONEY will be answered with plenty of padded insurance claims.  

Many many many well off folks are going to make out like bandits - seen, been there ala hurricanes in florida.  We had folks in MIAMI 300 miles AWAY for the last hurricane getting governement payments and assistance for the hurrican damage.

Now - if the crack head, lazy, stupid and corrupt want to loot you can't stop it.  However, looting or not, the places they are ripping off are simply going to rip off the insurance companies regardless.

The whole thing sucks for everyone EXCEPT the folks that actually have (had) assets.  They will make out very well when it is all said and done.  

don't be shooting no looters, those poor bastards are just stealing TV's and Radios while the owners of the assets will be getting new houses and cars.  

I know, this sounds like a prick, I'm not.  AGAIN, it's a bad deal for EVERYONE but some folks WILL make out just fine.

Link Posted: 8/31/2005 3:57:38 PM EDT


looters suck
if i owned a food/drug, or gun store i would be holed up and armed, i would call it the arfcom turkey shoot

For me, it would depend on what they're looting.  TVs, stereos, non food items, then yes, I would probably shoot.  If they're stealing food and bottles of water then that would be completely different.

Plus 1+, I'm with you Tapeo
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 3:59:41 PM EDT


I havent heard but are there any countries offering Our people any help during our disaster??

I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you either.  The only ones that will probably help will be the Brits.

What???? No Help from our friendly Indonesian friends? The looters I saw on TV we're taking everything they could get their hands on... Any oppurtunity the skumbags loot.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 4:08:12 PM EDT
I agree with progunvoter that a lot of business owners will make out like bandits but also there is a good chance that the people shooting looters weren't going to screw our govt. or at least didn't know about it.  I would carry a couple of guns but would also carry a tazer gun and a paintball gun just for fun.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 4:23:13 PM EDT


looters suck

if i owned a food/drug, or gun store i would be holed up and armed, i would call it the arfcom turkey shoot

For me, it would depend on what they're looting.  TVs, stereos, non food items, then yes, I would probably shoot.  If they're stealing food and bottles of water then that would be completely different.

I would do the opposite
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 4:28:12 PM EDT



looters suck

if i owned a food/drug, or gun store i would be holed up and armed, i would call it the arfcom turkey shoot

For me, it would depend on what they're looting.  TVs, stereos, non food items, then yes, I would probably shoot.  If they're stealing food and bottles of water then that would be completely different.

I would do the opposite

I'm not talking about people looting from my home but from retail stores.  I could care less if someone is stealing food and clean water from the local Piggly Wiggly market.  Hell, if I was out of water, I'd probably do the same damn thing.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 5:07:42 PM EDT
Unless someone is threatening a life, my own or someone else's, I would not shoot.  Goods can be replaced, that is what insureance is for.  It is not worth taking a life over something that can be replaced.  Even if you do not have insurance, the legal fees from the trial, time off work, etc. would likely exceed the value of what was stolen.  
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 5:49:10 PM EDT


looters suck
if i owned a food/drug, or gun store i would be holed up and armed, i would call it the arfcom turkey shoot

Looters - here's some food for thought, don't flame me,.... THINK about this...

Every shop owner EVERY ONE OF EM is going to claim that all their merchandise - food, clothes, hardward, diamonds, guns, tuxedos, and the party supply store - all of em are going to claim they were wiped out 100% loss.  They will vastly inflate the value of their assets and get the insurance companies to pay out.   All the crying of the people WITH THE MONEY will be answered with plenty of padded insurance claims.  

Many many many well off folks are going to make out like bandits - seen, been there ala hurricanes in florida.  We had folks in MIAMI 300 miles AWAY for the last hurricane getting governement payments and assistance for the hurrican damage.

Now - if the crack head, lazy, stupid and corrupt want to loot you can't stop it.  However, looting or not, the places they are ripping off are simply going to rip off the insurance companies regardless.

The whole thing sucks for everyone EXCEPT the folks that actually have (had) assets.  They will make out very well when it is all said and done.  

don't be shooting no looters, those poor bastards are just stealing TV's and Radios while the owners of the assets will be getting new houses and cars.  

I know, this sounds like a prick, I'm not.  AGAIN, it's a bad deal for EVERYONE but some folks WILL make out just fine.

Insurrance companies just don't roll over and concede to you the list of the things you lost and how much they cost. They are not stupid when it comes to letting go thier money.
Even when the hurricanes last year hit here. I still know many good friends who never got a fair check for what they lost or had stolen.
They were given bottom dollar and had to like it.
If It were me I'd keep tabs on all my merchandise and not have to go through the hassle of dealing with an insurance company......again!

I still don't figure how you think "The whole thing sucks for everyone EXCEPT the folks that actually have (had) assets" a guy works hard his entire life to build a nice home and get nice things and has them wiped off the face of the earth overnight and somehow he is better off than the crackhead down the way who lost his cardboard box but looted a few hundred dollars in goods....

not seein it.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 6:02:07 PM EDT

Unless someone is threatening a life, my own or someone else's, I would not shoot.  Goods can be replaced, that is what insureance is for.  It is not worth taking a life over something that can be replaced.  Even if you do not have insurance, the legal fees from the trial, time off work, etc. would likely exceed the value of what was stolen.  


Have you ever been through a hurricane or a disaster of this magnitude? A tornado doesnt count, they dont wipe out a row of towns.

Yeah, things can be replaced, but not immediately. When you need those things such as food and water to survive, and there are no more resupplies coming in for a couple of weeks, your attitude changes a little.

When their taking the only supplies to live you have, and by the time more get to you, you'll be dead. Stealing is threatening your life. There's no faucet to turn on for a glass of water, and some piece of shit stole your last bottle, FUCK YOU i'm putting you down motherfucker
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 6:47:54 PM EDT


I havent heard but are there any countries offering Our people any help during our disaster??

I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you either.  The only ones that will probably help will be the Brits.

Canada is helping.....the donations started right away up here.........just remember MOST canadians like our brothers to the south
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 6:56:54 PM EDT
^ I didnt know that! Awesome.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 7:31:27 PM EDT
First country to step up to the plate! That's awesome Thanks alot, it's much appreciated.

Now lets see if Americans can get a U2 concert or something like that dedicated to raise money for relief for americans somehow I doubt it.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 7:37:38 PM EDT

First country to step up to the plate! That's awesome Thanks alot, it's much appreciated.

Now lets see if Americans can get a U2 concert or something like that dedicated to raise money for relief for americans somehow I doubt it.

I already heard that Russia has offered help and the German Red Cross has offered as well.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 7:42:49 PM EDT

Unless someone is threatening a life, my own or someone else's, I would not shoot.

And that's the attitude that most criminals count on, for their daily take.

Time was, your property was able to be defended with lethal force.

Too bad those days aren't still here.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 7:55:22 PM EDT

This thread is talking about looting from stores, and that is what I am addressing.  If someone were to try and take my personal food/water/medical, I would consider that a threat to my life.  An individual or group of individuals taking from a store, I would not.  

FWIW, my grandfather shot someone who had burglarized his store, (normal day, no disaster) as the guy was making a get-away.  Shot him through the windshield of his car.  The burgler lived, my grandfather went to court to tell his side of the story, and was home in time for dinner.  This was back during the 40's.  The contrast to today shows you how ridiculous things have become.  


Have you ever been through a hurricane or a disaster of this magnitude? A tornado doesnt count, they dont wipe out a row of towns.

Yeah, things can be replaced, but not immediately. When you need those things such as food and water to survive, and there are no more resupplies coming in for a couple of weeks, your attitude changes a little.

When their taking the only supplies to live you have, and by the time more get to you, you'll be dead. Stealing is threatening your life. There's no faucet to turn on for a glass of water, and some piece of shit stole your last bottle, FUCK YOU i'm putting you down motherfucker

Link Posted: 8/31/2005 7:56:57 PM EDT
Story is too big to copy and paste.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 7:59:53 PM EDT
American Red Cross
Finally this thread is taking a turn for the better (well, it started to anyway). Instead of debating about shooting looters, lets encourage one another to give to those in need.  I just sent my donation.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 8:02:41 PM EDT
Looters suck... But its open season for them. The police are just shooting them down and letting the bodys float UNLESS they are taking food and water, or baby diapers. (those things they need to survive and they are just taking care of their familys, hey they cant pay for this stuff) .

I talked to someone who said people who take other stuff for personal gain is pretty much just targets.

I guess the media doesnt know about this though.

I live west of New Orleans a bit, glad I dont live there.
Link Posted: 8/31/2005 9:58:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 1:33:03 AM EDT
Looters are the reason God made drum magazines .
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:08:05 AM EDT
Finally real ballistic tests......
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:49:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 5:55:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 7:08:36 AM EDT

Finally real ballistic tests......

[oldpainless] LOOTERS OF TRUTH [/oldpainless]
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 10:03:15 AM EDT

I havent heard but are there any countries offering Our people any help during our disaster??

Suprisingly Russia offered aid. More of a kind gesture, I think.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 10:07:43 AM EDT
Humans, hardly.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 11:36:35 AM EDT
What is going on with the Governor of Louisiana?  Why has she not declared martial law?  When martial law is declared looters can be shot and that's that!  I remember martial law being declared many times in the past for much less serious problems.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 1:47:54 PM EDT

What is going on with the Governor of Louisiana?  Why has she not declared martial law?  When martial law is declared looters can be shot and that's that!  I remember martial law being declared many times in the past for much less serious problems.

Ive heard it has been declared, but getting the word out to people seems to be the greatest problem.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 2:28:23 PM EDT


I havent heard but are there any countries offering Our people any help during our disaster??

Suprisingly Russia offered aid. More of a kind gesture, I think.

Yes, Russia is offering aid as is Germany.  Honestly, I think it's reciprocal good will.  Now as for Venezuela's offer of help for the "poor", I'm a tad cynical when it comes to Chavez.  
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:33:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:38:08 PM EDT

Suprisingly Russia offered aid. More of a kind gesture, I think.

Didn't notice it before, (First Post) Welcome to the club! SVT
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:44:59 PM EDT


Suprisingly Russia offered aid. More of a kind gesture, I think.

Didn't notice it before, (First Post) Welcome to the club! SVT

I have a 2004 Mach 1

Link Posted: 9/1/2005 5:08:16 PM EDT

The thing is, there's really no reason to loot ANYTHING at the moment - there's tons of aid stations in place, there's places to take your family.

Anyone looting right now needs to be shot.

You are talking OUT your ass !!!!!!

Tell that that to the people , babies and old people that are fucking dying from not drinking !!!!
Look at the T.V !!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S how the fuck do these people get to these "aid stations" ????????
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 5:08:54 PM EDT


Suprisingly Russia offered aid. More of a kind gesture, I think.

Didn't notice it before, (First Post) Welcome to the club! hr

Thanks Jake! [
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