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Posted: 8/21/2005 12:44:40 PM EDT
In light of HH's thread on S.O. bashing, I thought I'd start a nicer thread to praise our S.O.s.  I'll start.

My husband is currently grilling hamburgers for the family.  He cooks for us every Sunday after church.  You have got to appreciate a man that cooks.  He does it because he loves the fact that I cook for him the other 6 days of the week, which he constantly lets me know he appreciates.  He even helps with the housework when I ask him to.

He praises me to his friends.  There is something about that that is so much more meaningful than him praising me directly.  It makes me weak in the knees.

He goes to Church every Sunday and even serves as an usher.  He prays over me and the kids.  He genuinely loves the Lord, and that makes me love him even more.

He's a great dad.  He took our 5 year old son to a Braves game for his birthday this week, and as much as he hates to be interrupted while watching the Braves, he let Jarod talk to him the whole time and ask all the questions he wanted.  He takes Him camping and fishing, and is taking him hunting for the first time this year.  When our 2 year old son is really running me ragged, all I have to do is tell my wonderful husband that I need a break, and he'll let me disappear for an hour or two, even if I just go to the bedroom to take a nap.

He's a great provider.  We aren't anywhere near wealthy, and by some standards we are poor, but my husband does not expect me to work while the kids are young, and he is willing to make sacrifices so that I can stay at home to raise these boys.  He very rarely takes a sick day unless it's me or the kids who need to go to the doctor.  He goes to work without complaint even when I know he feels like staying in bed.  

He puts up with me.  I have not always been a great wife.  He has stayed by me through some really rough times in my life.  He held me up through the loss of both of my parents.  He loves me when I am not particularly loveable.  

He even puts his dirty socks in the hamper (usually).  

Who's next?
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 12:51:15 PM EDT
My girlfriend/fiance is the best thing I've found yet.  She has stood by me and loved me even when she probably shouldn't have.  

She cooks, cleans, does the laundry, and makes sure that not only her kids are taken care of, but that I'm taken care of too.

She has two adorable daughters, both very beautiful just like their mother.  It is truly an honor to have all of them in my life.

She has also taught me that there is more to life than the rat race and constantly living to work rather than working to live.

While she was not raised around firearms, she is very supportive of my hobby.  I've had her out shooting once and while at first timid, by the time we left she was loading magazines all by herself.

I am truly fortunate to have someone that loves me so much.

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 1:11:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 1:19:28 PM EDT

We just finished going through something like that.......it took a lot of time and me having to swallow my pride several times.  It also was hard to give her some space and let her figure out somethings on her own.  

When one asks for some space in a relationship, the most difficult thing to do is allow that person some space.  Take it slow and don't push it.....she'll appreciate it and at the same time will be reassured that you only want the best for her.  In my opinion, that is why people want some time apart....because before they commit, they want to know the other cares about them enough to want the best for them.

Play it cool, but by no means sit around and live your life waiting on her.......the next best thing might be right around the bend.

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 1:20:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 1:29:20 PM EDT

That is my plan.

But it won't be easy.


Relationships are never easy.  If you want easy, get a houseplant (a silk one).  My father always told me that the things worth having in this life are never easy.  There's my $.02.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 1:43:48 PM EDT
My husband has very nice wrists.  Patty
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 2:27:22 PM EDT


Relationships are never easy.  If you want easy, get a houseplant (a silk one).  

Oh great!  NOW you tell me!  

My wife has the patience of a Saint to put up with me.   Then again, since she's pretty crazy, I also get credit for putting up with her.  

ETA: She's also much smarter than me.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 2:41:09 PM EDT
I have nothing to contribute to this thread, I would have to brag on myself, and that would take all day.

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 3:43:02 PM EDT

My husband has very nice wrists.  Patty

I like that My *to be ex, also has nice wrists, and he is very good at using them for his own benifit now that we are apart

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 3:49:55 PM EDT

My husband has very nice wrists.  Patty

Your MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Holy Crapola!  Guess I better start being nice.  (he might be as good a shot as Patty)

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 4:04:02 PM EDT
Me and my wife make cute kids
Ali and Haliey

My wife and kids are the best thing that ever happened to me.

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 4:05:23 PM EDT
I like this thread.  I don't care if anyone thinks what I have to say is corny, because it's how I feel.

Leelaw is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  He is witty, talented, devoted, geniune and ludicrously smart.  He knows exactly how to make me laugh when I'm in a horrible mood.  He tolerates my crabby outbursts, and forgives me when I apologize for venting on him.

Damn, he can cook.  He puts me to shame.  He can take any piece of animal flesh and turn it into a mouth-watering barbecue.  His desserts are heaven.  When he gets in the kitchen, I get spoiled with whatever meal he makes.

He fixes things, all sorts of things, even ones that I didn't really think needed to be fixed.  I'll stand there and say "I'm not sure this is such a good idea..." and the ending result is ten times better than what he started with.  I have clue how he does it, but I'm glad that one of us can.

Talented.  He is better than me at EVERYTHING.  I took him to shoot pool one night, and I enjoyed beating him for the first 20 minutes.  Once he got the hang of it, it was all over.  Dominated.  Gabby loses once again.  It takes him practically no time to pick up things.  Once he's got it, watch out.  It's over for everyone else.  How the hell does he DO it?

God bless his logic.  It is so needed.  The man has a solution to everything.  Even if it doesn't solve it completely, it puts us on the right track to whatever needs to be worked on.

He comes to my rescue.  When I spun my car out on the freeway, he was the first one there.  He opened my door and held me while I bawled into his shoulder.  He's fixed my flat tires, dignosed car problems, given me rides when I needed them.  He never says no to any of it for me.  I'm incredibly grateful for that.

He's hot!  And when other girls check him I know I don't have to worry.  He looks great in a tuxedo or a t-shirt.  I love coming home to him because I get to kiss his sexy face.

Lee, if you're reading this, I love you, and adore you beyond words.  You're everything to me.  I'm so lucky to have you, baby.  You're the best.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 4:06:21 PM EDT
I love my wife.  She puts up with me, what more can I say!

Seriously she is GREAT!

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 5:01:56 PM EDT
My wife sings pretty. While her taste in music (hairbands) could be better, I even like hearing her sing along with Greatwhiterattpoison. She looks stunning when she first wakes up. She makes me breakfast. She is a far more level headed person than I, and she keeps me (comparatively) centered.  She is far more than I deserve.

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 5:50:33 PM EDT
I love my husband because he has accepted me for who I am. (And I will be the first to admit I am not easy to get along with all the time)

He knows just what I need, when even sometimes I don't know.

He listens to my fears and tries to sooth them away.

He sees when I am down and tries to lift me up.

He gave me a beautiful son, someone who I hope grows up to be just like Daddy.

He took my girls under his wing and helped them to grow and mature. (A good stepdad)

He hasn't complained one bit knowing I will be gone for an undetermined amount of time during the week to take care of my mother.

When I came home last week after being gone 4 days, the house looked the same as when I left! He knew that was important to me.

And I could go on and on, he is truely my best friend and I am not sure what I would do without him.
I love ya Babe

Link Posted: 8/22/2005 1:08:32 AM EDT
I love my wife's pie. Alot.

I'm serious, she really bakes a mean pie.

Also, she's short, so it makes my....you know....look really big next to her.

And, she doesn't laugh when she sees me naked. At least not anymore.

Oh, and lastly she hasn't thrust a kitchen knife into my abdomen. I hear that's a possibility after 13 years of marriage, so I'm thankful for that.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 2:45:15 AM EDT
My wife is my best buddy.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 6:50:01 AM EDT

My husband has very nice wrists.  Patty

My husband lets me do the weird things I want to do.  And he does some weird things himself.  
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 7:22:46 AM EDT

My husband has very nice wrists.  Patty

Link Posted: 8/22/2005 9:18:48 AM EDT
My fiancee is the greatest man you'll ever find...okay so i'm a little impartial.....

We've been together for almost 2 years and I still feel giddy when he's around....

He accepts me for who I am, and what I am not....

He loves my son Ashtonn, and treats him like he treats his own son Jackson.....

He always knows how to make me laugh, even when I don't want to....

He makes me want to be a better person.....

Picture of my family (Bryan, Ashtonn, Katie, & Jackson)

Link Posted: 8/22/2005 12:06:15 PM EDT
Hubby makes supper almost every night and is a talented chef.  He loves his son, reads to him, plays blocks with him, carries him like a sack of potatoes, and is planning fishing expeditions for his near future.  Hubby is cautious and strong, smart and philosophical.  Hubby is always right , but at least he has a sense of humor about it when I point it out, sometimes.  Hubby would die for our son and is a good man in an emergency.  
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 4:08:55 PM EDT
My husband is away for the week for work and I am sad :( So maybe posting here about how good he has been to me will make me feel better.  He is the best father I could have ever imagined to our son, Jacob.   He honestly ADORES him and I can't imagine either of them without the other (this week will be...interesting) lol He takes care of us and we never need anything.  Of course we fight, who doesn't.  But the fact that we have gotten over everything that has been thrown at us, makes me even happier with him.  He is such an amazing husband.  He works himself to death and never really complains about it.  Even I complain about him working more than he does! And he does what he has to do to keep things going and to keep food on the table.  I appreciate him so much more than he could ever imagine.  I have a hard time showing it, but the fact that everything he does is for his family, blows me away.  I'm loving the married life lately.  I really am.  I couldn't have it any other way.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 4:09:14 PM EDT
SEE!! Now this is a great thread!!  Thank you Cat for starting it.......... so here's my contribution:

Awhile ago I met a wonderful man.  We spend every free moment we can together.  He's got a great sense of humor, is just damn cute I must say, is always very supportive and compliments me often.  I could carry on for hours about all the sweet things that he does for me but I fear my fingers would fall off after all that typing!!!

He constantly tells me he's there for me, whatever I need he will do his best to give me and that the relationship is all about me and making me happy.  I of course strive to make him happy as well.  He has a child and is a wonderful father to his little girl.  He's everything I ever could hope for in a man!  For the first time in a long time I'm truly happy and I have him to thank for everything.  He's pulled me through some really rough times by being there for me physically and emotionally.  We talk about everything and keep nothing from one another.  There are no secrets, there are no lies, and if there's ever any concerns we can talk them through.  He indulges my eccentricites, even finds them cute!, and can always make me laugh no matter what.

Plus......... he cleans

Link Posted: 8/22/2005 4:12:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 4:37:38 PM EDT
My husband and I have been together twenty years and raise our lovely 12 year old daughter and handsome 18 year old son.
There have been times in my life , almost daily, that my disability gets the best of me. He has been there for me when times were the toughest, and when times were easier.
He hasn't once complained that I can't drive, or shop or travel. When I hurt, he provides me with an arm to lean on, or a heart for hugs and caring.
Even thru out the three months he could not walk and the dibilitating three years it took him to move "somewhat" normally, he always had a kind word, or a loving glance my way.
He has helped me thru a rape, surgeries and been a constant driving force in my life. So have our kids.
He is my rock, my love, my life.
When he falls to his knees in pain in public, and people stare, he merely grabs my hand and says "I am worshiping this woman!"
He is the strength I need and desire in my life. I would be with no one else.
He has raised his children to care about others without being walked on. To stand up for themselves without walking on others. And to have dreams and turn them into goals with tools to achieve them.
He has suffered much and never asked for more than I am able to give.
He has helped my mother when no one would come to her aide. He has prayed with her when she was in great pain. All of this and more has meant so much to me.
He volenteers at the church to help feed the hungry, and helps them where-ever he can as his pain allows.
He has been my inspiration as well as my determination to carry on with my own pain.
I can never repay nor thank him enough for what he has brought to my life.

Thank you my dear sweet Sarge.

Thanks for the opportunity to share.  

Link Posted: 8/22/2005 6:28:17 PM EDT
Damn Joyce, you nearly brought a tear to my eye!!

Who know Sarge could be such a nice guy??  You're gonna ruin his rep around here
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 6:40:27 PM EDT

Damn Joyce, you nearly brought a tear to my eye!!

Who know Sarge could be such a nice guy??  You're gonna ruin his rep around here

No kidding!  If we feel the same way after 20 years, I will consider myself damn lucky!  
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 7:32:36 PM EDT
Wow,  Joyce....

Link Posted: 8/22/2005 8:43:01 PM EDT
Net personas are one thing. Real life is another.
I have the best real life.
It is for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health,...till death. He is true to that commitment and I am blessed.

thank you for the IMs. They mean a lot to me. I am glad I can touch someone's heart.

Link Posted: 8/23/2005 7:38:55 AM EDT

Damn Joyce, you nearly brought a tear to my eye!!

Just one tear??  I'm crying like a baby.  I need to put a Kleenex disclaimer on this thread.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:49:35 AM EDT

Net personas are one thing. Real life is another.
I have the best real life.
It is for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health,...till death. He is true to that commitment and I am blessed.

thank you for the IMs. They mean a lot to me. I am glad I can touch someone's heart.


I don't think I'll ever look at Sarge in the same light after reading your testimonial.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 10:57:53 AM EDT


Damn Joyce, you nearly brought a tear to my eye!!

Just one tear??  I'm crying like a baby.  I need to put a Kleenex disclaimer on this thread.

Nearly I said....... I don't cry often
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 11:24:18 AM EDT

My husband and I have been together twenty years and raise our lovely 12 year old daughter and handsome 18 year old son.
There have been times in my life , almost daily, that my disability gets the best of me. He has been there for me when times were the toughest, and when times were easier.
He hasn't once complained that I can't drive, or shop or travel. When I hurt, he provides me with an arm to lean on, or a heart for hugs and caring.
Even thru out the three months he could not walk and the dibilitating three years it took him to move "somewhat" normally, he always had a kind word, or a loving glance my way.
He has helped me thru a rape, surgeries and been a constant driving force in my life. So have our kids.
He is my rock, my love, my life.
When he falls to his knees in pain in public, and people stare, he merely grabs my hand and says "I am worshiping this woman!"
He is the strength I need and desire in my life. I would be with no one else.
He has raised his children to care about others without being walked on. To stand up for themselves without walking on others. And to have dreams and turn them into goals with tools to achieve them.
He has suffered much and never asked for more than I am able to give.
He has helped my mother when no one would come to her aide. He has prayed with her when she was in great pain. All of this and more has meant so much to me.
He volenteers at the church to help feed the hungry, and helps them where-ever he can as his pain allows.
He has been my inspiration as well as my determination to carry on with my own pain.
I can never repay nor thank him enough for what he has brought to my life.

Thank you my dear sweet Sarge.

Thanks for the opportunity to share.  

oh wow...  I hope BRF and I can equal up to half that, that is amazing, Joyce (and Sarge)
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 2:29:51 PM EDT
I have been married almost 22 years to the love of my life. He is with out a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me. He has always known how to make me laugh. We have a great son,who we are both very proud of. My husband has always treated me with,love and respect,which is a two way street. We've had our ups and downs,but we know that no matter what we can always tackle anything together. Our decisions are mutual, and our marriage a partnership. He cooks and cleans,and also helps with the laundry. He is a great father,and I see so much of my husband in our son. He truly is my best friend. I love him with all my heart and would not trade a day of being with him.
Link Posted: 8/24/2005 3:25:28 AM EDT

I have been married almost 22 years to the love of my life. He is with out a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me. He has always known how to make me laugh. We have a great son,who we are both very proud of. My husband has always treated me with,love and respect,which is a two way street. We've had our ups and downs,but we know that no matter what we can always tackle anything together. Our decisions are mutual, and our marriage a partnership. He cooks and cleans,and also helps with the laundry. He is a great father,and I see so much of my husband in our son. He truly is my best friend. I love him with all my heart and would not trade a day of being with him.

THAT is something special.
Link Posted: 8/24/2005 3:44:40 AM EDT
Thanks,I've always felt I got one of the great ones.
Link Posted: 8/24/2005 4:06:59 AM EDT
Tweeter's wife

My wife cooks everything from scratch, everything.  Most of the time, she's finishing it right when I walk through the door from work.

She'll sit and talk to me while I'm in the shower when I come back from training, when I'm done with a beer, she gets me another one.  Yes, I drink in the shower.

She makes sure that I have clean uniforms and that all of my sewing is done.  

She looks like an angel when she wakes up in the morning.

She doesn't complain when I need to buy another piece of expensive equipment for work either, especially since she understands it means it imroves the odds of me coming back home alive.

I've never heard her complain about having to drive on long road trips, even after I fall  asleep in the passenger seat.

She's impervious to insult, handles awkward situations with poise and grace and can make me lose my breath with a smile.

She washes and rubs my feet after road marches.

She looks perfect in everything from the little black cocktail dress to mud and a pair of jeans.

She's never taken me for granted.
Link Posted: 8/24/2005 4:18:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2005 4:18:30 AM EDT


Damn Joyce, you nearly brought a tear to my eye!!

Just one tear??  I'm crying like a baby.  I need to put a Kleenex disclaimer on this thread.

umm ya you do. We all know I cry like a baby over EVERYTHING!!! this was no different.

Of course reading all of these has made me miss MrGH even more this week. Now I am crying because I miss him so much. shh don't tell him, it's hard enough on him with me being gone.
Link Posted: 8/24/2005 5:33:49 AM EDT
Tweeter, when I got out of the Army,I always made sure my hubby's uniforms were all ready for him for the week. He never had to worry. I am glad you have a great wife and one that is appreciative of what you do. It makes a big difference.
Link Posted: 8/24/2005 6:50:55 AM EDT
Mr Playmore:

My man has been in my life for 27 years. We weren't always together during that span, but have been married for nearly 19 of those years.

He's the hardest working man I know. He can fix ANYTHING. He cannot, however, hang wallpaper.
He's a loyal man, and one not afraid to show emotion. He allows me the spotlight an amatuer actor needs, but will occasionally drop a firebomb of wit letting me know that just because he's remained silent, it doesn't mean he hasn't had the wheels turning. He's a generous lover and the person I most like to laugh with.

Physically? He's definitely got the best shoulders/bum/legs I have ever seen on a man. He's also got a chisled face that looks good with or without facial hair and yellw/brown cat-like eyes that definitely carry mischief in them.

And he loves me.
Go figure?
Link Posted: 8/24/2005 12:18:19 PM EDT
Mr Ex-LB

oh wait...
you said praise....

never mind.
Link Posted: 8/24/2005 1:34:24 PM EDT
Who else would put up with me?

Damn woman is a Saint!

Link Posted: 8/24/2005 7:08:58 PM EDT
I love my wife very much and appreciate her more every day. She helped turn a piece of shit like me into a decent person. For that alone I will always be thankful. She gets the full queen treatment until I can find a better way to treat her that that. I couldn't hope or dream for better, even my family loves her like their own. Now on the other hand,her family hates me.
Link Posted: 8/24/2005 8:05:38 PM EDT
All these sweet things are making me sick!   husband
Okay, I'm stupid.  Explain to me WORKING.  have
I don't watch soaps.  I don't get time to read the newspaper.  The tv is barely on at night, because of homework helping, so I miss the news there.  

I take my job, my responsibility with great pride and joy, not to mention, IMPORTANCE.  Bringing up children PROPERLY, good morals and values (what's that nowadays?!) is my job.  Making sure they are doing the best and getting good grades.  Making sure they aren't freaks, aren't druggies, and will succeed later in life.  It usually doesn't come from within the children.  Usually kids don't love school (in my personal opinion.)

So, you guys might ask "what do you do?"  I cook.  I clean.  I do all laundry.  I take care of all finances, and pay all the bills.  I do the yard.  I do the garage.  I wash the vehicles (one being a Denali XL baby).  I cut the roses.  I mow the lawn.  I do everything without complaining - and it feels good to get it off my chest.  I take care of making sure every broken thing in the house gets repaired -usually by me, if I can do it.  I help with homework.  I organize.  I clean and clean and clean - that seems to be an endless chore.  I lay bricks in walkways.  I take out the garbage (and that includes when he's home!)

You would think that the smallest thing - go to work and leave me alone, I've got enough stuff to take care of, without hearing you complain - would be okay.

SEX  - yeah, it's GREAT (after all these years) have
I feel so much better  
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 1:09:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 2:01:45 AM EDT


I feel so much better  

Apparently you don't understand what this thread is for, now do ya?  I'm sorry you feel this way but that's not the purpose of this thread.  

Hate to say it but you're either a or you need to do something about your situation if it's true.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 3:34:55 AM EDT
If you are not a ...then you had an idea of what Military life was when you married him. Sorry sympathy is under S in the dictionary. So if you had no idea your husband spent months at a time in the field,or was deployed,or TDY...then you need to get over it and accept it and quit whining. It a part of MILITARY life. The spouse left behind HAS to do it all. Before you say I don't know what I am talking about,I was Active Duty.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 6:27:20 AM EDT
One of the things I appreciate about my significant other is that he still does the little things to make me feel special.  You know, the sweet small gestures that come so easily at the beginning of the relationship but that can fall by the wayside as time goes on.  For instance, he still holds my hand when we're in the car together.  When we're watching TV on the couch , he looks to make sure my feet are covered up cause he knows they get  cold so easily.  Or he rubs my toes.  Also, he does not seem to hav any problems with telling me how much he loves me.  He mostly accepts me for who I am.  And sometimes it's the small things like that, that remind me how much I love him even when I'm so frustrated with him I'm ready to throw something.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 7:12:51 AM EDT

One of the things I appreciate about my significant other is that he still does the little things to make me feel special.  You know, the sweet small gestures that come so easily at the beginning of the relationship but that can fall by the wayside as time goes on.  For instance, he still holds my hand when we're in the car together.  When we're watching TV on the couch , he looks to make sure my feet are covered up cause he knows they get  cold so easily.  Or he rubs my toes.  Also, he does not seem to hav any problems with telling me how much he loves me.  He mostly accepts me for who I am.  And sometimes it's the small things like that, that remind me how much I love him even when I'm so frustrated with him I'm ready to throw something.

Tha'ts what keeps us together...when he's home.  BTW, I don't knock military life - in fact, I love it.  I'm stronger because of it.  Someone has to do take care of not only the U.S., but obviously the world, because they have problems and continually ask for our help. Being apart has been easier than being together...hmmm.  I always hated the girlfriends/wives wives that really pushed their soldiers to get out.  I never understood them.  I SUPPORT my hubby, and hopefully, make his stressful job easier.

I don't mind doing everything when he's away, but when he comes home, I would like just a little help.  It's definitely the little things (or should I say big things) that he'll say or do that keeps us tied together.  In fact, he'll be home in a few days and already mentioned an evening date alone to get to know eachother without the kids.  Dinner, wine, movie, whispers of sweet nothings....maybe we'll go shooting together and I can act like it's the first time again hat,
Oh, I know something that he does and I am VERY APPRECIATIVE... He loads all my magazines before we leave to go shooting and reloads at the range if necessary, and then he cleans all the rifles and pistols when we get home.  YAH, that's something that I've never had to do!  He must really LOVE me!
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