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Posted: 9/16/2009 7:14:57 PM EDT
I'm friends with two limeys on another forum, and I keep them abreast of America's politics, the sorts of things they never hear about on their side of the pond. They were surprised to hear about the Tea Parties, having never heard of them on BBC, CNN, or other media that they get over there. They were even more shocked at the articles about the czars and other power grabs Obama was making. They blew off concerns about Obamacare on the grounds that they've had socialized medicine for 60 years and if it was really that bad, it wouldn't have lasted that long.  One agreed, however, that was ok for the UK wasn't necessarily good for the US, both because of differences in economic/political situations and cultural differences. He also said the constant accusations of racism (which he agreed were baseless) and other attacks by the left were disturbing in their audacity and the fact that they seemed to be getting away with it. The other basically told me that every single one of my concerns was stupid and I was being overly dramatic about everything, especially the comparisons of Obama to Hitler.

Then I remembered the first rule of television: "show, don't tell."

I posted photos from the Tea Party in D.C. The more sympathetic limey commented that he loved how clever many of the signs were, and that the Obamacare Official Pace Car (a hearse) was hilarious. The other was foaming at the mouth and censored himself to avoid a CoC violation for attacking me.

Then I posted photos from the Zombie Time website showing left-wing rallies and protests in San Francisco and invited them to check out the rest of the website.

They were utterly shocked. Both of them suddenly agreed that my calling libtards "godless commie bastards", "pinko scum", and "hippie trash" was NOT an exaggeration and that the far-left in America is absolutely fucking insane, if not outright evil in many cases. They don't agree with my political position any more than they did before, but they've decided that I'm right in regard to the opposition.

Funny what a little "show, don't tell" will do to a man's opinion.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 7:17:35 PM EDT
what website about the San Fran rally? link?
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 7:17:47 PM EDT
I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 7:19:55 PM EDT


I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 7:23:21 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.


Link Posted: 9/16/2009 7:30:12 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.




I actually didn't link to that specific page, just two or three of the galleries from different left-wing rallies there, plus some photos I'd saved for just such an occasion.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 7:33:04 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.




Link Posted: 9/16/2009 7:33:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 7:43:21 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.




Those aren't even the worst images, just the most infamous.

My particular favorite is the guy wearing the satanist t-shirt and holding a sign that says "I support the forced sterilization of Christian fundamentalists".

And of course, all the libtards dressed as Middle Eastern terrorists and waving Soviet flags around.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 7:43:32 PM EDT
Fucking WOW.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 7:51:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:01:07 PM EDT


Funny what a little "show, don't tell" will do to a man's opinion.

Funny how it does not work on our libs here.

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:01:46 PM EDT
Wow.    Talk about a target rich environment.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:10:45 PM EDT
I have never seen these....

at first then and now

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:13:42 PM EDT
I have never seen these....

at first then and now

Amazing how many shit heads like to hate America and protest everything about it, all the while living here under it's protections and with it's comforts isn't it.  
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:14:37 PM EDT
This, boys and girls, is the true face of the enemy. These are the people we're dealing with here. Forget the rhetoric, forget the drama, and just look at these people.


Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:14:54 PM EDT
Meh, a guy from Finland in my COD4 gaming clan doesn't see what all the "big poo" is about national healthcare.  Finland has it and it's great.

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:17:39 PM EDT
Are there any more sites like this? Pictures speak a thousand words and I am frankly sick of having people show me "right wing" wingnuts on tv.

This would be a jam to the face of some of them

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:18:03 PM EDT
Meh, a guy from Finland in my COD4 gaming clan doesn't see what all the "big poo" is about national healthcare.  Finland has it and it's great.

The last time I spoke to a Finn, I thanked him on behalf of his country for killing Soviets in job-lots and he quite cheerfully said that they'd gladly do it again.

Here's hoping they include their own socialists and commie scum when they do.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:21:36 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.



Holy Shit.....................

I did not know it was possible to be that fucked up.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:25:41 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.




I actually didn't link to that specific page, just two or three of the galleries from different left-wing rallies there, plus some photos I'd saved for just such an occasion.

That site is disturbing.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:25:58 PM EDT
Ohh, and WTF is "scrotal inflation?"  
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:26:36 PM EDT
Meh, a guy from Finland in my COD4 gaming clan doesn't see what all the "big poo" is about national healthcare.  Finland has it and it's great.

Just ask him if he knows who pays for the R&D on all the drugs and technology their national healthcare uses.

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:38:12 PM EDT
Where is the Goddamned pic?
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:40:26 PM EDT
Ohh, and WTF is "scrotal inflation?"  

It's not hard to figure out..and i will try not to...I am just glad HE has it...in fact I hope it is extremely painful for him.

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:43:47 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.



There was only one decent piece of pie in that whole thing
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:49:32 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.



Scrotal inflation?
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:49:52 PM EDT
Ohh, and WTF is "scrotal inflation?"  

It's not hard to figure out..and i will try not to...I am just glad HE has it...in fact I hope it is extremely painful for him.

Duh, ya think.

Had to google it.  People actually do this on purpose with saline and or CO2 or O2 or Argon as a form of "body art." Incredible.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:53:22 PM EDT
What a wholesome district you represent there Ms Pelosi.

"Androgynous anti-war protester at the "Breasts Not Bombs" march."

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:57:02 PM EDT
I have seen some related pictures, less extreme....but some of these really opened my eyes. I could care less about the flappy tits and the code pinkers but the others..I am at a loss for words.

Actually its almost a relief...a cathartic release.

Now, I don't feel I have to really engage in meaningful dialogue. I don't have to see it from their side.  I don't have to walk a mile in their shoes.

I have certainly wasted a great deal of time and effort to do so.

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 8:57:42 PM EDT



I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.



How come CNN/NPR/MSNBC/ABC/CBS never spent weeks handwringing, brow-furrowing and questioning the "dark undercurrent" and "unspoken words" of these anti-Bush/anti-America protesters for the past 8 years like they've been doing with the "tea-baggers" (yes, Rep. Maxine-the-Marxist Waters just called them "teabaggers" again yesterday)??

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:01:26 PM EDT
This, boys and girls, is the true face of the enemy. These are the people we're dealing with here. Forget the rhetoric, forget the drama, and just look at these people.



Amen, brother.

Looking at those pictures from that link rose my blood pressure to dangerously high levels.

Fucking low-life communist shit.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:07:20 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.



First you should of done a warning abot some of those images, they are not kid friendly.
Now that that is said wow just wow and
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:10:11 PM EDT
Fuck em... Fuck em all.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:11:22 PM EDT
Where is the Goddamned pic?

It's in the link!
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:13:28 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.



holy fuck

i don't know if im more pissed at the signs or the fact that the MSM runs there fucking mouths about the tea parties being racist.

like i've said, if we have a civil war in this country it's gonna be conservatives against liberals

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:13:52 PM EDT
I seem to be noticing a trend...  libtards (the extremest ones especially) sure are ugly as hell... and OMG what freaks!
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:14:55 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.



First you should of done a warning abot some of those images, they are not kid friendly.
Now that that is said wow just wow and

Yeah, a "WARNING: NSFW" tag probably would have been nice.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:15:16 PM EDT
FUCKIN A...and any of you who think fist fights should be felony's FUCK YOU

ETA:  I can watch the worst of the worst terrorist beheading and human torch videos....but that, hippie shit...just pushed my needle beyond the red zone.

No pun intended with the red zone part
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:17:19 PM EDT
I seem to be noticing a trend...  libtards (the extremest ones especially) sure are ugly as hell... and OMG what freaks!

This all goes back to the fundamental principles that divide us.... We are about the individual, they are about the masses. They literally care more about the environment then themselves.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:19:58 PM EDT
If any of you guys have a particular image from zombie time or another site that REALLY infuriates you or, in your opinion, is a perfect example of a libtard, feel free to post it here (so long as it doesn't violate the CoC).

Might as well make this thread something other than "I just edumacated some limeys".
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:27:08 PM EDT
Wow... a quick look through the zombietime pictures and I realize how purely ignorant the left really is. I could semi-respect them if they actually had decent arguments but it's like they just do it to do it and have no idea what they are protesting. Like the pro-anarchy signs also saying that they are leftists. I assume this is because they thought Bush was a right-wing zealot... but the thing is right-leaning government is the antithesis of government control. They're so ...
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:29:46 PM EDT
That link is NSFW
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:48:06 PM EDT
That link is NSFW

Yeah, you might want to put a warning in the post.
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 9:56:27 PM EDT
Meh, a guy from Finland in my COD4 gaming clan doesn't see what all the "big poo" is about national healthcare.  Finland has it and it's great.

Just explain to these people that it is simply against our constitution to do so.   They wouldn't think it's ok to violate the same document that says the government can't murder and torture it's citizens right?
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 10:20:37 PM EDT


That link is NSFW

Might not even be safe for HOME!!!

However, I would volunteer to help that one babe remove the 'IMPEACH' bumper sticker.....

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 10:51:45 PM EDT
Yep, no wonder for the "Terrorist Watch List" here, how long till those guys head on over like the handful that already has?
Link Posted: 9/16/2009 10:58:08 PM EDT

i have never wanted to punch a hippy in their pinko blabber-trap so bad in my life .......

Link Posted: 9/16/2009 11:40:40 PM EDT

I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.



Needs a blood pressure warning.
Link Posted: 9/17/2009 2:18:51 AM EDT
Wow.    Talk about a target rich environment.

Winner winner chicken dinner...
Link Posted: 9/17/2009 3:12:27 AM EDT


I'd like links to exactly what you showed them they convinced them the American Left is Satan. I could probably make good use of it on other foreigners.



How come CNN/NPR/MSNBC/ABC/CBS never spent weeks handwringing, brow-furrowing and questioning the "dark undercurrent" and "unspoken words" of these anti-Bush/anti-America protesters for the past 8 years like they've been doing with the "tea-baggers" (yes, Rep. Maxine-the-Marxist Waters just called them "teabaggers" again yesterday)??


Oh... and... ladies and gentlemen,

We are at war.

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