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Posted: 10/16/2008 10:19:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:27:09 AM EDT
McCain never had a commercial license but I'd still call him a pilot.

/ just saying
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:28:38 AM EDT
Typical union BS.  Only a few rules in plumbing anyways.

1.) shit rolls down hill
2.) that stuff under your nails ain't dirt.

Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:30:00 AM EDT
The fact that they have dug up so much shit on this guy means they're afraid.

I hope this guy continues to hit up all the press outlets for the next couple weeks.

Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:30:46 AM EDT
Ive been framing houses for 12 years, and have never worked with a union.  I guess Im not a real carpenter....
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:31:15 AM EDT
Licenses are for amateurs
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:31:39 AM EDT

Ive been framing houses for 12 years, and have never worked with a union.  I guess Im not a real carpenter....


Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:32:02 AM EDT
This is almost like the chicken hawk argument. If you haven't been there you have no right to say anything. LAME.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:32:23 AM EDT
I say  so what. The point is, small business owners will be hurt by an Obama Presidency and by extension so will consumer prices and jobs.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:32:41 AM EDT
"Joe" may not need a licence if he proceeds with his business plan, as I understand it.  As long as his employees are licensed, he will be able to run a plumbing business just fine.

Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:33:13 AM EDT
The Wright Bros. never held aerospace engineering degrees...
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:33:51 AM EDT

The fact that they have dug up so much shit on this guy means they're afraid.

I hope this guy continues to hit up all the press outlets for the next couple weeks.

Regardless, even if he lied through his TEETH, Obama's response is the only issue - NOTHING else.

Obama speaks hypothetically all the time, and hypothetically speaking, Joe the plumber was every bit of a plumber to Obama when he formulated his response.

The Obammy camp is scared.  Anyone with half a brain can see what Obama said, regardless of any issue they try to raise with the plumber.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:34:31 AM EDT
Life, as he knows it, is over. The Dem/MSM are going to tear his life apart.

'How dare he question the Obamassiah!'

Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:34:33 AM EDT
If hes not a plumber, maybe hes a proctologist.

I can think of a few Dems who need one.

Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:35:23 AM EDT
So he's not a Union Member licensed Plumber. Zippidy do dah.

Poor Joe the Liberal attack machine is now in full charge at him.  They'll go through every bit of his life until they find more dirt and then smear him to death for harming the Great Ones chances of becoming our Dear Leader.

Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:35:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:35:53 AM EDT
Yea, I don't give 2 craps if Joe is a damned gum scraper at Wal-mart and has never touched plumbing in his life! What he said was - I plan on buying a plumbing company. Trump owns a lot of companies that do things he's never done - anybody make hay out that? Does it make him LESS of a business owner? Screw Obama!

Obama's people. Scrambling to grasp at straws.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:36:54 AM EDT
Point out to all your friends how the media will go after him.  Tell them this is what happened to Palin.   This is gutter Chicago politics.  Obama's people destroy anyone who does not consent  to enlightened leadership from above for our own good.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:36:57 AM EDT

After Targeting Joe the Plumber, Obamabots Pledge To Expose Scandals of Guy in Rockwell's 'Four Freedoms' Painting

Thank God we live in a free country, where you can speak your mind on public issues, without fear that those who disagree will respond by exposing anything you've ever done that you regret or that could embarrass your family.

Oh, wait, never mind. We have to know, according to some, about Joe the Plumber's tax lien, and how he doesn't have a license - which, if the smear artists bothered to check the law, he only needs for commercial work, not residential work.

This is the way our opponents operate now. Destroy anyone who stands in your way. Humiliate them. Make sure that anyone else who ever wants to skeptically question Barack Obama knows that every last bit of their dirty laundry will be aired for all the world to see. Bristol Palin, Trig Palin, — hey, it's all fair game. They've got to make an example of them. Show them that this sort of dangerous speech won't be allowed in the New America.

Remember the man in the plaid shirt, standing at the town meeting in one of Norman Rockwell's "Four Freedoms" paintings? He wouldn't recognize this country anymore.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:39:35 AM EDT
Note that nobody saying  "Obama is NOT a socialist, you mean jerks"  

They just attack the messenger of this particular truth...

Next, being ever the heroes of the corrupt union, they'll haul a Giant inflatable rat
in front of the dude's house.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:41:37 AM EDT
REALLY grasping.  I think the average "Joe's" message is more condemning than anything McCain can say at this point.  So here they go trying to discredit him through any means possible.  THIS is the mainstream media at work folks.  THIS is proof positive they are trying to influence the election.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:46:28 AM EDT
The WP attempts to minimize the entire argumemt of redistribution by deflecting the issue.
If he bought the business as he hoped to do, he would then be penalized by the tax redistribution plan of Komrad Nobama.
The point is, why try to buy the business and improve your circumstances and your family's life when you will be tax penalized for doing so?

Ain't got bee shit or apple butter to do with licenses or current income.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:47:21 AM EDT

Typical union BS.  Only a few rules in plumbing anyways.

1.) shit rolls down hill
2.) that stuff under your nails ain't dirt.

I always heard it was "shit floats" and "water runs down hill".
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:47:43 AM EDT
I think its important that people identify what the left [media included] is doing to Joe.  They don't like what he's saying and will go to any cost to destroy him and his credibility.  It doesn't matter that that he's perfectly legal doing what he's doing or what he's saying about Obama's tax plan is correct - its the fact that its drawing attention away from the left to the right and it has to be stopped.

If I had to put a word on what exactly it is that's being done here I would have to call it plan and simple tyranny.  The dictionary defines tyranny as "oppressive power exerted by government"  Now is it so wrong to point out Obama's friends?
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:49:28 AM EDT
ObongoX does not have a legitimate Birth certificate but this does not seem to bother the MarxistCrat / MSM party
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:49:45 AM EDT

Typical union BS.  Only a few rules in plumbing anyways.

1.) shit rolls down hill
2.) that stuff under your nails ain't dirt.

Open your mouth so you don't get any on your face.

Payday is Friday.

Don't chew your nails.

Hot is on the left.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:50:49 AM EDT

The Wright Bros. never held aerospace engineering degrees...

Hell, they flew without licenses. Carried passengers for hire. Performed maintenance without a license. Oh, and changed the world!
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:52:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 10:56:29 AM EDT
It doesn't matter that he's not a licensed plumber.  Obama thought he was when he said he wanted to spread the wealth around, and THAT is what matters.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:00:23 AM EDT
Obama is not a real American.  He has been posing as one for over 40 years, but he isn't really a natural born citizen so he is just a poser.

Obama is not a real Christian.  He has been posing as one for over 40 years, but he is really Muslim, so it doesn't count.

Obama is not a real Messiah.  He has been posing as the Messiah for the past 2 years, but he is just a man with a cult like following.  He is just a poser.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:07:53 AM EDT

It doesn't matter that he's not a licensed plumber.  Obama thought he was when he said he wanted to spread the wealth around, and THAT is what matters.

Exactly Right! Thank You...
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:09:40 AM EDT
In many cases he doesn't have to be licensed.

He does not have to belong to a union (although I'm sure local 50 out of Toledo went right to the book looking for this guy).  

He really only seemed interested in buying the business.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:11:28 AM EDT

McCain never had a commercial license but I'd still call him a pilot.

/ just saying

He had wings of gold, bud, which is better than your average sky bus driver.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:14:38 AM EDT
Funny, the obama campaign can find out all this "stuff" about Joe, but they still can't find barrys BC or medical records.......
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:16:39 AM EDT


Typical union BS.  Only a few rules in plumbing anyways.

1.) shit rolls down hill
2.) that stuff under your nails ain't dirt.

Open your mouth so you don't get any on your face.

Payday is Friday.

Don't chew your nails.

Hot is on the left.

And no matter how good your lunch is, don't lick your fingers when you are done eating.

<---Always busts the turd herders balls at work.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:17:43 AM EDT
If he fixes/installs pipes, he's a fucking plumber....

Weather or not he has a 'plumber's license'....
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:20:57 AM EDT

Funny, the obama campaign can find out all this "stuff" about Joe, but they still can't find barrys BC or medical records.......

Shows you where their priorities are; destroy the little guy first.

Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:29:55 AM EDT
What exactly is a "plumber's license?"  In Ohio does everyone who turns a pipe wrench or uses a plunger to unclog a toilet have to go to some sort of special school and take Bar-Exam-like tests to qualify for his Ohio State Plumber's License?

It sounds to me like they're talking about nothing more than a business license.  Some states or cities require business owners in the building trades to have a business license, tax certificate, and maybe even some sort of insurance bond.  But that's only the business owner.  Each and every one of his employees doesn't have this sort of license because the owner is responsible for his workers.

It looks like "Joe" here is actually employee of a plumbing company - you know, just the guy who does all the real work - who someday wants to own his own plumbing company.  But the press is making a big deal about him being "unlicensed" which equates to illegitimate or illegal.  What a bunch of fucking douchebags.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:35:15 AM EDT

Funny, the obama campaign can find out all this "stuff" about Joe, but they still can't find barrys BC or medical records.......


Of course the dems love to pretend they are for the working man, until someone who works doesn't agree with them then its witch hunting time
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:51:51 AM EDT

What exactly is a "plumber's license?"  In Ohio does everyone who turns a pipe wrench or uses a plunger to unclog a toilet have to go to some sort of special school and take Bar-Exam-like tests to qualify for his Ohio State Plumber's License?

It sounds to me like they're talking about nothing more than a business license.  Some states or cities require business owners in the building trades to have a business license, tax certificate, and maybe even some sort of insurance bond.  But that's only the business owner.  Each and every one of his employees doesn't have this sort of license because the owner is responsible for his workers.

It looks like "Joe" here is actually employee of a plumbing company - you know, just the guy who does all the real work - who someday wants to own his own plumbing company.  But the press is making a big deal about him being "unlicensed" which equates to illegitimate or illegal.  What a bunch of fucking douchebags.

Not that it has shit to do with any of this but most states have a plumbing board...you have to do 5 years or 8000 hours as an apprentice documented by payroll records and 3 master plumbers signatures testifying to the fact that you did the time...then you can take the journeyman's test and if you pass you can work under a master plumber unsupervised with one helper...some states allow you to take the master plumbers exam immediately after acquiring your journeymans', others require 5 more years before you can take the masters...after you get your masters you can hang a shingle...but to my knowledge all plumbing companies require a masters to own and operate...Coonass
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:52:00 AM EDT
Hey Barry, wanna see my Joe Six-Pack license????  

This is just another prime example of how far out of touch this douche bag is with what really goes on everyday in this country!  It truly saddens me that so many buy his line of shit!!! (I had to use "shit" to stay within the plumbing theme)

I've got to get going, Joe Electrician is working on my house.....I hope Joe Mailman dropped off my new upper today.....may need it before long when Joe Sheeple finds out his was sold off down the river and there really are NO FREE HAND-OUTS!!!!

Link Posted: 10/16/2008 11:52:45 AM EDT


By Robert Barnes
Joe the Plumber is not exactly a plumber and he's "not even close" to making the kind of money that would result in higher taxes from Democrat Barack Obama's proposals.

Such is the whirlwind of information that has come out about Joe Wurzelbacher of Holland, Ohio, since Republican John McCain made him famous in last night's debate. McCain mentioned him more than 20 times to use him as a symbol of hard-working Americans who would be hurt by Obama's tax policies. Obama and Wurzelbacher met earlier in the week in Toledo, where Wurzelbacher said Obama's plans to raise taxes on those making $250,000 a year or more would penalize him in his plans to buy the plumbing business for which he works.

Wurzelbacher since then has been on Fox News, interviewed by CBS's Katie Couric and appeared on ABC's "Good Morning America."

Not all the attention has been welcomed. Wurzelbacher, 34, told the Associated Press that he was not a licensed plumber. Because he works for a small company that does residential work, he said, he doesn't need to be licensed.

Wurzelbacher said he is of modest means, but worried Obama's tax plans would eventually hurt him. "You see my house. I don't have a lot of bells and whistles in here, really. My truck's a couple of years old and I'm going to have it for the next 10 years probably. So I don't see [Obama] helping me out,'' he told reporters this morning.

He also sounded concerned about the attention he is receiving. "I'm completely flabbergasted with this whole thing and just hope I'm not making too much of a fool of myself and hope I can get my message out there," he said.

if this is the best response obama has to this, he's grasping.

Here's to Joe (From the Freerepublic)....

Parden the vanity but the complete lack of understanding by the Media and the Obama campaign on how small business owners are taxed is driving me a bit nuts (as a small business owner myself).
You hear all the "There is NO WAY Joe the plumber is ever going to make $250,000 a year!" Or any plumber for that matter...

What people need to understand is that small business owners (small C Corp, S Corp and LLC) are going to be taxed on what they take home in their paycheck AND the money that the company itself makes during the year.

Why does that matter? Because the owner is being taxed this year for money he/she leaves in the company for next year and beyond. So you are taxed for money you never really get yours hands on.

For example. Joe goes into business. Hires 5 plumbers. Pays himself a tidy $125,000 a year (pretty good, and not high enough to trigger Obama's huge new taxes). "See! no problem", they say and that is where everyone stops the analysis. The trick is... The company itself goes on to take in revenue of $600,000/year. Joe's margins are good. Let's say 25%. That means the company is going to clear $150,000 for the year. Joe being a wise business owner in these times wants to keep that $150,000 in the business so he can make payroll come Jan 1 and then plan for expansion in the coming year (hire more people, buy more trucks, train his workers).

But guess what? Joe can't do that. The $150,000 the company nets goes right to his taxable income which is now reported as being $275,000 once it's combines with his take home pay for the year and he has to come up with the 35% (and going up under Obama) even though he doesn't have that other $150,000 in hand.

And oh yeah, the inflated income for Joe also means he is WAY over any threshold for the myriad of tax credits being bandied about, he can forget about that.

So what is Joe going to do? He's going to have to pull a large chuck of profit out of the business to pay his taxes for the year, reducing what he can do in the following year. All of which will be taxed at the highest possible rate. So there goes $50K of the $150K. If joe is smart he's going to keep $50K on the side for payroll/expenses/rainy day, and then if he is lucky he has $50K for expansion. Well maybe because before long he will have to make his quarterly estimated tax payments for next year... The beast has to be pre-paid ya know...

Link Posted: 10/16/2008 12:04:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 12:11:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 12:14:42 PM EDT


Typical union BS.  Only a few rules in plumbing anyways.

1.) shit rolls down hill
2.) that stuff under your nails ain't dirt.

Open your mouth so you don't get any on your face.

Payday is Friday.

Don't chew your nails.

Hot is on the left.

1) Cold is on the right
2) Hot is on the left
3) Shit goes down
4) Stink goes up
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 12:25:28 PM EDT

The fact that they have dug up so much shit on this guy means they're afraid.

I see what you did there.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 12:27:08 PM EDT
O boy.  

So an engineer isn't an engineer unless he's a lic. pract. engineer?
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 12:29:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 12:34:32 PM EDT
OK, so . . . he works as a plumber, the company he works for probably makes more than $250,000/yr, and . . . there's an issue with this?  If the tax rate for his company is raised, that affects him.

He is completely, totally legit.
Link Posted: 10/16/2008 12:36:02 PM EDT
I know this shit may end up hurting Obama, and that's cool, but I'm already sick of hearing about "Joe the Plumber."

Link Posted: 10/16/2008 1:01:37 PM EDT
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