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Posted: 9/5/2008 9:41:42 PM EDT
How do you react when Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormon Missionaries or other religious people come knocking on your door?

Personally...I am never rude to any of them.  

I kinda respect what their intentions, even when I don't agree with them.

ETA:  Very appropriate music to go with this thread...

Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:43:51 PM EDT
I usually spot them in my neighborhood and either go to a friends house to wait it out or don't go anywhere near windows or doors.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:44:11 PM EDT
Be polite and send them to somebodys house you dont like
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:44:42 PM EDT
I thank them for their interest in my spiritual well being and inform them that while I respect their beliefs, I have my own and ask that they respect mine as well and have a nice day
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:46:21 PM EDT

I thank them for their interest in my spiritual well being and inform them that while I respect their beliefs, I have my own and ask that they respect mine as well and have a nice day


I'm polite, but i won't listen to them.

I talk to them, but don't indulge them.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:47:29 PM EDT

I thank them for their interest in my spiritual well being and inform them that while I respect their beliefs, I have my own and ask that they respect mine as well and have a nice day

Always be polite, regardless of the situation.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:48:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:48:08 PM EDT
My Father has run Jehovah's Witnesses out of the house using only the King James Bible (the words on the pages, not as a projectile).

They were screaming he was Satan on the way out

I don't tend to get solicitors since I live on post.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:48:09 PM EDT
I say thanks but no thanks, keep up the hard work, and would you like a cold bottle of water.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:48:09 PM EDT


I thank them for their interest in my spiritual well being and inform them that while I respect their beliefs, I have my own and ask that they respect mine as well and have a nice day

Always be polite, regardless of the situation.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:50:13 PM EDT

I thank them for their interest in my spiritual well being and inform them that while I respect their beliefs, I have my own and ask that they respect mine as well and have a nice day

And because this is never enough, I start to methodically remove articles of clothing until they retreat.  To date, none have stayed past my zipper being undone.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:50:50 PM EDT
I was polite for the first couple of times they came knocking. After the third or so, I pulled out  the "Fuck off or I'll call the cops" obviously put me on the Mormon-do-not-knock list. Haven't been bothered for a couple of years.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:52:05 PM EDT

How do you react when Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormon Missionaries or other religious people come knocking on your door?

Personally...I am never rude to any of them.  

I kinda respect what their intentions, even when I don't agree with them.

ETA:  Very appropriate music to go with this thread...


I will be nice to them the first time they ring..i'll ask them politely to respect my beliefs and tell them im not interested.. if they persist...i stop being nice.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:52:14 PM EDT
When the JW's came to my dad's house, he politely asked them not to come back...Well they did anyway---so he went to the door naked...

6'7 bucked naked at the door will make the religious folk not come back anymore *lol*
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:52:21 PM EDT
"sorry, not interested. Have a nice day"

*close door*
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:53:03 PM EDT
I was waiting for a package from UPS one day.  Sleeping ( I work nights) about 10am I wake up to the door bell ringing.  I'm all excited, thinking my package is here.  So I pull some shorts and a shirt on and sprint up the stairs.  Jerk to door open to find two jehovah's witnesses standing there.

My face went from Hi! then I realized who it was and it went:

and I just closed the door without saying another word.

They haven't been back since.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 9:56:18 PM EDT
I'm polite the first time I ask them not to return.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:01:10 PM EDT
Last time they stopped here, they told me "thats is satans dog" and then left.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:01:34 PM EDT
I don't like it when JW comes to our house, but they are so nice it's hard to be rude, especially when they bring kids. I usually take the little rag they offer and trash it when they leave.

I'll say those folks are dedicated. They have their heads in the sand, but you can't seem to get through to them.

Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:02:03 PM EDT
I usually say, "no thank you."
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:03:15 PM EDT

I usually say, "no thank you."

That shit does not work....They just keep coming...

I am gonna try the naked thing
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:11:11 PM EDT
Answer the door in your underwear and tell them you do not believe in door to door religion.For additional effect a beer in one hand and scratch your  gonads with the other and then say thanks for coming by and try to shake hands with the same hand you scratched the balls with....
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:17:43 PM EDT

Answer the door in your underwear and tell them you do not believe in door to door religion.For additional effect a beer in one hand and scratch your  gonads with the other and then say thanks for coming by and try to shake hands with the same hand you scratched the balls with....

Truth is...this is what I respect about them...they put up with untold abuse doing what they believe is God's work.

Jesus did the door-to-door thing...more or less, didn't he?
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:21:15 PM EDT



I usually say, "no thank you."

That shit does not work....They just keep coming...

I am gonna try the naked thing

I double-dog dare you.

Of course...we're gonna need PROOF.


Answer the door in your underwear and tell them you do not believe in door to door religion.For additional effect a beer in one hand and scratch your  gonads with the other and then say thanks for coming by and try to shake hands with the same hand you scratched the balls with....

Truth is...this is what I respect about them...they put up with untold abuse doing what they believe is God's work.

Jesus did the door-to-door thing...more or less, didn't he?

My dog barking at them usually keeps them away to start with.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:21:23 PM EDT
I answer the door.

I say, "sorry, I'm not interested" and use the global/universal signal. No, not that one, lol. I hold a hand out at arms length, with my palm facing them. The old STOP!/Halt!.

That's all it really requires.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:22:35 PM EDT


I thank them for their interest in my spiritual well being and inform them that while I respect their beliefs, I have my own and ask that they respect mine as well and have a nice day

Always be polite, regardless of the situation.

Always be polite, but have a plan ready to kill everyone you meet, if necessary.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:24:35 PM EDT


I usually say, "no thank you."

That shit does not work....They just keep coming...

I am gonna try the naked thing

I have a copy of the Morman "BIble" around here somewhere, they left it on the porch one day.

If you'll give me your address, I'll be happy to bring it by....
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:27:49 PM EDT

I will be nice to them the first time they ring..i'll ask them politely to respect my beliefs and tell them im not interested.. if they persist...i stop being nice.

I have also started asking them why the ignored the "No soliciting" sign. They said it didn't apply to them. I tell them it does and shut the door.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:27:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:30:39 PM EDT


I usually say, "no thank you."

That shit does not work....They just keep coming...

I am gonna try the naked thing

Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:33:17 PM EDT
I talk to them thru a closed door and inform them that the complex has a no solicitation policy.....and then I usually inform the apartment office.
("The telephone has no Constitutional right to be answered."--Justice Snow, (wtte), "First Monday in October")
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:34:46 PM EDT
Answering the door naked usually takes care of it, although I have told the Jehovah's Witnesses that I could not join because I had not seen the accident.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:35:08 PM EDT
I'll talk to them for a few minutes, then tell them that's it, got to go
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:37:38 PM EDT


I usually say, "no thank you."

That shit does not work....They just keep coming...

I am gonna try the naked thing

Half of ARFCOM may show up on your doorstep with a book of Mormon
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:38:41 PM EDT
I tell them to leave the property and close the door.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:40:57 PM EDT
I just roll over and keep on sleeping. My aunt was a Jehovah's Witness and I know their game plan, front and back. I am not the religious type, so instead of getting into a diatribe with them, I just don;t answer the door.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:43:45 PM EDT



I usually say, "no thank you."

That shit does not work....They just keep coming...

I am gonna try the naked thing

Half of ARFCOM may show up on your doorstep with a book of Mormon

You might bring music--then you could have a real show *lol*...

I am serious---they come to the house all the time...I am gonna be naked from now on...With like rap music in the background--just at the door dancing naked...I think the little old lady's will stop coming here...
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:46:22 PM EDT




I usually say, "no thank you."

That shit does not work....They just keep coming...

I am gonna try the naked thing

Half of ARFCOM may show up on your doorstep with a book of Mormon

You might bring music--then you could have a real show *lol*...

I am serious---they come to the house all the time...I am gonna be naked from now on...With like rap music in the background--just at the door dancing naked...I think the little old lady's will stop coming here...

I REALLY need your address!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:49:25 PM EDT





I usually say, "no thank you."

That shit does not work....They just keep coming...

I am gonna try the naked thing

Half of ARFCOM may show up on your doorstep with a book of Mormon

You might bring music--then you could have a real show *lol*...

I am serious---they come to the house all the time...I am gonna be naked from now on...With like rap music in the background--just at the door dancing naked...I think the little old lady's will stop coming here...

I REALLY need your address!!!!!!!!!!!!


Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:50:49 PM EDT
I have 2-100lb GSDs, 1 screen door, lots of barking and teeth.... they leave on their own...

Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:52:23 PM EDT
Tell them I admire their devotion to their beliefs, advise them I have my own, and tell them I hope they have a nice day.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:53:10 PM EDT
No thanks or, I'm not interested, good bye while I close the door.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:57:17 PM EDT



I usually say, "no thank you."

That shit does not work....They just keep coming...

I am gonna try the naked thing

Half of ARFCOM may show up on your doorstep with a book of Mormon

I spent 2 years of my life in Florida doing this. I met some of the most compassionate and kind people I have ever met while serving a mission. I also met a lot more of the most rude, disrespectful and horrible people I have ever met doing the same thing. I dont think a lot of people out there realize that "missionaries" arent there for themselves, they are there for everyone else but themselves.

the feeling of finally finding that 1 person who actually wants to learn makes all those hundreds, if not thousands, or rude people and slammed doors worth it.

Show a little class, and at the very least be respectful even if you arent interested in what they have to say.

Tell them I admire their devotion to their beliefs, advise them I have my own, and tell them I hope they have a nice day.

perfect example!
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 11:00:00 PM EDT
Offer them a drink?  "All I got is pre-mixed Bloody Mary, want Tabasco and a stalk of celery?"
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 7:39:36 AM EDT

Like this at the  1:05 mark

LOL, nice.
I was thinking more along the lines of Used Cars

Rudy: ..................Look... we had nuns Jehova's Witnesses, protesting out front knocking on the door when I got here this morning.
Jeff: Nuns JWs?
Rudy: Yeah. I had to have Jim turn the firehose on them.
Big Jim: [holds up the still wet firehose] And I knocked them motherfuckers right on they asses, too.

I don't answer the phone if I don't recognize the # on the Caller ID, WTF would I answer the door for some random stranger?  Don't care for unsolicited sales calls & door to door religious types are just another salesman trying to sell me their snakeoil.  Even if I was looking for exactly whatever it is you're selling the fact that you've annoyed me at home means I'm never going to buy it from you.  
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 7:42:59 AM EDT
I've heard if you tell them you were excommunicated then they are forbidden to talk to you.  So if nothing else works you could try that theory out.
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 7:44:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 7:46:11 AM EDT
I respectfully tell them I do not wish to talk to them and they go away.

Link Posted: 9/6/2008 7:46:23 AM EDT
I say, "Thank you, but I am satisfied with my current religion and am not interested in another."  If it's hot, I'll offer them some ice water.

There's no reason to be rude.
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 7:46:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 7:51:04 AM EDT
Tell them thanks, but not interested, as I already am a practicing Baptist.

If it's Jw's I'll accept a copy of the watch tower. They have some good news in there with a decidedly delicious right wing slant.

Then I inform them to cross me off of thier list so others don't waste thier time in the future.

Only had one get pushy, and that's when I pointed to the flag in the yard and told him that if recites the pledge of allegience with his gand over his heart, I'd listen to a 5 min. spiel, or I'd nail him for tresspassing.
Works every time!


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