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Posted: 4/18/2007 7:42:41 AM EDT
This is news to me!! What's the deal here???
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:43:11 AM EDT

This is news to me!! What's the deal here???

It has always been that way.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:44:19 AM EDT
Ummmmmmmm... because Congress hasn't passed a law making it illegal?

In VA a non-resident alien can also get a concealed-carry permit.

However, they can't legally own NFA stuff.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:50:36 AM EDT

Ummmmmmmm... because Congress hasn't passed a law making it illegal?

In VA a non-resident alien can also get a concealed-carry permit.

However, they can't legally own NFA stuff.


All things considered, this don't sound too good.

Hell, we very well might be aiding in arming a domestic insurgency/terrorists!!

Doesn't sound too good at all!!
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:52:33 AM EDT
Wow! The thousands of other RA's must be conspiring to commit mass murder!

Fucking retard.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:53:29 AM EDT
Once at the Indy 1500 gun show, my brother in law, who has a clean record, bought a 9mm from a dealer.  He sat down for the background check at the same time as a green card carrying guy from Pakistan. (This was post 9/11 too.) Green card guy was buying a small .38 revolver.

Green card guy was approved and out the door in less than 15 minutes. BIL sat for at least another 20 minutes before he got approved.  I thought he was going to explode!
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:55:50 AM EDT
Why don't you ask DK-Prof?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:56:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:56:44 AM EDT

Wow! The thousands of other RA's must be conspiring to commit mass murder!

Fucking retard.

Nice CoC violation.

Think about how many Saudi, Iranian and other resident aliens are in this country.  Mabye restrictions on registered aliens is not such a bad thing.

Keep in mind that we U.S. Citizens are subject to background checks which go way back.  Background checks on resident aliens don't necessarily go back that far and to their country of origin.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:56:48 AM EDT
some prominent posters on this board fall into this very catagory

you guys are like liberals, big shooting? lets blame something random like guns or LEGAL immigrants, not the guy that did it
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:57:35 AM EDT
YEp. a shop I worked at sold one to a guy with a visa, he plays baseball for someone and its perfectly legal
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:58:21 AM EDT
How about asking my wife, jackass.

Are you saying that my wife should not be able to defend herself when I am not around?  Or back me up or save MY ass if the time comes?

That law is from back when defending oneself was still considered a natural right.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:59:29 AM EDT
Xenophobia. Foreign countries don't make law here, so why it it that they're being blamed? It's your fellow Americans who ban CCW, fellow Americans who fuck you over.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:00:36 AM EDT

This is news to me!! What's the deal here???

It's due to the fact that we are a Free Country.  Did you miss that little detail?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:01:05 AM EDT
I get it, freedom is for Americans only.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:01:58 AM EDT


This is news to me!! What's the deal here???

It's due to the fact that we are a Free Country.  Did you miss that little detail?

Hey, don't attempt to cloud the issue with facts.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:02:06 AM EDT


Ummmmmmmm... because Congress hasn't passed a law making it illegal?

In VA a non-resident alien can also get a concealed-carry permit.

However, they can't legally own NFA stuff.


All things considered, this don't sound too good.

Hell, we very well might be aiding in arming a domestic insurgency/terrorists!!

Doesn't sound too good at all!!

Yes, because we've had thousands of incidents where resident aliens legally bought a gun and just started killing!

Welcome to the world of using brady bunch "logic".
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:03:19 AM EDT


This is news to me!! What's the deal here???

It's due to the fact that we are a Free Country.  Did you miss that little detail?

I would assume that most of us support criminal background checks to make sure felons and the mentally ill don't get their hands on firearms (or at least make it easier).  How do you assure that Mohammad fresh off the boat from Pakistan doesn't have an extensive criminal background in his home country?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:05:22 AM EDT


Ummmmmmmm... because Congress hasn't passed a law making it illegal?

In VA a non-resident alien can also get a concealed-carry permit.

However, they can't legally own NFA stuff.


All things considered, this don't sound too good.

Hell, we very well might be aiding in arming a domestic insurgency/terrorists!!

Doesn't sound too good at all!!

hey.. as a green card carrying, gun owner, let me provide a contrary opinion..  

Folks its a f'ing hard thing to get a green card in this country.  it takes years of work and a lot of anal probes by the feds.  ultimately you are granted PERMANENT resident status.. that means you live here for as long as you like, PAY TAXES, OWN LAND, etc.. its a REQUIRED first step to becoming a citizen unless you happen to be able to claim refugee status.  its not like being on a student visa at all.  

jeesh.. this kind of sh*t is just like the fudds wanting to turn in the black rifle owners to save their sniper rifles..  
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:05:39 AM EDT

I would assume that most of us support criminal background checks to make sure felons and the mentally ill don't get their hands on firearms (or at least make it easier).  How do you assure that Mohammad fresh off the boat from Pakistan doesn't have an extensive criminal background in his home country?

The same way you ensure Billy-Bob fresh out of Alabama doesn't have an extensive criminal background.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:06:23 AM EDT

Why don't you ask DK-Prof?

Or ask me...I'm a GC holder...and far from being domestic tango

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:09:25 AM EDT

Why don't you ask DK-Prof?

First thing that came to my mind , when I read thread title.

I don't think the OP knows what it involves in getting a green card.

the only firearm they can't buy is from CMP.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:12:13 AM EDT


I would assume that most of us support criminal background checks to make sure felons and the mentally ill don't get their hands on firearms (or at least make it easier).  How do you assure that Mohammad fresh off the boat from Pakistan doesn't have an extensive criminal background in his home country?

The same way you ensure Billy-Bob fresh out of Alabama doesn't have an extensive criminal background.

Billy-Bob has at least an 18 year history of being here.  Mohammed doesn't necessarily.  He could have been a mass-murderer in his home country.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:15:05 AM EDT



I would assume that most of us support criminal background checks to make sure felons and the mentally ill don't get their hands on firearms (or at least make it easier).  How do you assure that Mohammad fresh off the boat from Pakistan doesn't have an extensive criminal background in his home country?

The same way you ensure Billy-Bob fresh out of Alabama doesn't have an extensive criminal background.

Billy-Bob has at least an 18 year history of being here.  Mohammed doesn't necessarily.  He could have been a mass-murderer in his home country.

Chances are pretty strong that Immigration would catch that when he applys for a green card.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:17:46 AM EDT


Wow! The thousands of other RA's must be conspiring to commit mass murder!

Fucking retard.

Nice CoC violation.

Think about how many Saudi, Iranian and other resident aliens are in this country.  Mabye restrictions on registered aliens is not such a bad thing.

Keep in mind that we U.S. Citizens are subject to background checks which go way back.  Background checks on resident aliens don't necessarily go back that far and to their country of origin.

Yeah, think about it. Suppose your some fuck wit from the middle east whos committed all sorts of "terror" related activity yet you manage to get into the US legally anyway. The FBI computer database is NOT going to list any criminal activity you may have committed in your country of origin. If it did you probably would'nt have been let in the country anyway. If the gun grabbers want blood and laws passed for this incident then i would offer up that as a sacrificial lamb to any AWB's or other BS that effects normal citizens.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:17:54 AM EDT

Billy-Bob has at least an 18 year history of being here.  Mohammed doesn't necessarily.  He could have been a mass-murderer in his home country.

Then ask his home country, unless a phone call & fax is too hard.

I don't know about you, but i believe firearms ownership is a natural right: people should be able to own guns by default, not have to go through some some arcane process.

For that matter I just got here a year ago, would you deny a US citizen the same thing?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:17:57 AM EDT


Wow! The thousands of other RA's must be conspiring to commit mass murder!

Fucking retard.

Nice CoC violation.

Think about how many Saudi, Iranian and other resident aliens are in this country.  Mabye restrictions on registered aliens is not such a bad thing.

Keep in mind that we U.S. Citizens are subject to background checks which go way back.  Background checks on resident aliens don't necessarily go back that far and to their country of origin.

What he said.

Wasn't referring to the law abiding.

If you fall into that catagory [if you will] my statements about this matter does not refer or pertain to you.

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:18:44 AM EDT

Why don't you ask DK-Prof?
or IAMLEGEND for that matter.  and HK_2B.  
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:19:04 AM EDT




I would assume that most of us support criminal background checks to make sure felons and the mentally ill don't get their hands on firearms (or at least make it easier).  How do you assure that Mohammad fresh off the boat from Pakistan doesn't have an extensive criminal background in his home country?

The same way you ensure Billy-Bob fresh out of Alabama doesn't have an extensive criminal background.

Billy-Bob has at least an 18 year history of being here.  Mohammed doesn't necessarily.  He could have been a mass-murderer in his home country.

You aint kiddin...plus medical exams,x rays,interviews...proof you can support yourself and on and on.

Nothing wrong with granting legal aliens the means to protect themselves if they have been so thoroghly vetted


Chances are pretty strong that Immigration would catch that when he applys for a green card.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:19:20 AM EDT
it is official, we need another law to prevent this from ever happening again.

Besides, even if the law stops nothing it will make people feel better.

C'mon guys, some of you are advocating even more restrictive gunlaws.

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:22:48 AM EDT

Why don't you ask DK-Prof?

Yay - I'm famous!

I've been reading this thread, but am unsure of how to respond.

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:22:52 AM EDT




I would assume that most of us support criminal background checks to make sure felons and the mentally ill don't get their hands on firearms (or at least make it easier).  How do you assure that Mohammad fresh off the boat from Pakistan doesn't have an extensive criminal background in his home country?

The same way you ensure Billy-Bob fresh out of Alabama doesn't have an extensive criminal background.

Billy-Bob has at least an 18 year history of being here.  Mohammed doesn't necessarily.  He could have been a mass-murderer in his home country.

Chances are pretty strong that Immigration would catch that when he applys for a green card.

Oh yeah? You wanna see a list of how many CAIR members were KNOWN paliestinian sympatheizers BEFORE they were let into this country?? Prior to 9-11 we let in all sorts of known rif raff from the ME into the US, yet since it was'nt considered an "american problem" they were let in anyway. If you doubt this, read the book "Londonistan".
All the fuck wads that bombed the FIRST WTC '93 were all immigrants who were known terrorists sympathesizers and they were all legal.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:22:57 AM EDT


Wow! The thousands of other RA's must be conspiring to commit mass murder!

Fucking retard.

Nice CoC violation.

Think about how many Saudi, Iranian and other resident aliens are in this country.  Mabye restrictions on registered aliens is not such a bad thing.

Keep in mind that we U.S. Citizens are subject to background checks which go way back.  Background checks on resident aliens don't necessarily go back that far and to their country of origin.

Yeah, it's not like rights apply to them........

They're here legally.  They receive equal (sort of) protection under the law.  Period.

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:23:49 AM EDT

it is official, we need another law to prevent this from ever happening again.

Besides, even if the law stops nothing it will make people feel better.

C'mon guys, some of you are advocating even more restrictive gunlaws.

Not advocating.  Just raising the question.  Even if they put stricter controls on resident aliens obtaining firearms it doesn't sound like they would have picked up on this wackjob.  
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:24:12 AM EDT



Ummmmmmmm... because Congress hasn't passed a law making it illegal?

In VA a non-resident alien can also get a concealed-carry permit.

However, they can't legally own NFA stuff.


All things considered, this don't sound too good.

Hell, we very well might be aiding in arming a domestic insurgency/terrorists!!

Doesn't sound too good at all!!

Yes, because we've had thousands of incidents where resident aliens legally bought a gun and just started killing!

Welcome to the world of using brady bunch "logic".

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:26:34 AM EDT


Why don't you ask DK-Prof?

Yay - I'm famous!

I've been reading this thread, but am unsure of how to respond.

Damn it boy!!

This may be a first sir!!  
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:27:14 AM EDT

I've been reading this thread, but am unsure of how to respond.

Let me help:

Originally Posted By SubnetMask
Gun laws to the contrary wouldn't have prevented what happened, and keep this in mind - for every maniac we accidentally import, there are thousands more who have as much a right to protect themselves as you or I do. I'm not going to be the guy who denies a good immigrant to our country the right lay the smackdown when one of our homegrown assholes (we do have a couple) tries to kill him.

Another non-resident could have stopped this maniac, and you know what? His bullets work just as good as mine do.

And one more for good measure:

Originally Posted By SubnetMask
Those of you advocating additional restrictions on non-citizen immigrants to our country really need to do some soul searching. You need to decide if your support for the 2nd Amendment is rooted in a deep seated ideology. or a love for your hobby.

There isn't but a shade of difference between what I'm reading here and the rhetoric espoused by Brady and her ilk, and I'll explain why. You observed a problem with gun violence and have attributed it's cause to a failure in policy. You are surprised that this man was able to get a gun in the first place, and you reason that the solution lies in law.

To support this, you must accept the following:

1. That the proposed law would prevent this man from purchasing a gun, even while resident felons procure them regularly under current law.
2. That he would not purchase a gun under the proposed law, even while he disregarded school policy prohibiting the carry of firearms on campus.
3. That he would not purchase a gun under the proposed law, even while he disregarded existing law prohibiting murder.
4. That the potential for harm under current law, far outweighs the benefits of self preservation through the use of firearms currently enjoyed by peaceable non-citizens here legally.

I don't need to spell this out any further, because any reasonable person will surely see the connection, and the point I'm making. The only difference between you or I, and a man here on a Visa, is their place of birth. If banning their right to own firearms will prevent or even reduce gun violence, then you must accept that banning *our* right to own firearms would accomplish the same.

I urge you guys to seriously think about what you are suggesting, and consider the true basis that forms your current position on gun policy.

Personalize to taste.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:29:08 AM EDT



Wow! The thousands of other RA's must be conspiring to commit mass murder!

Fucking retard.

Nice CoC violation.

Think about how many Saudi, Iranian and other resident aliens are in this country.  Mabye restrictions on registered aliens is not such a bad thing.

Keep in mind that we U.S. Citizens are subject to background checks which go way back.  Background checks on resident aliens don't necessarily go back that far and to their country of origin.

Yeah, it's not like rights apply to them........

They're here legally.  They receive equal (sort of) protection under the law.  Period.

Like the right to vote in federal elections or hold the office of the presidency?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:30:24 AM EDT


Why don't you ask DK-Prof?

Yay - I'm famous!

I've been reading this thread, but am unsure of how to respond.

Maybe you should enlighten these guys as to what you had to go through to earn legal status.

I doubt most people understand the complexity of the process and probably make an unconscious comparison Between those who came legally and the basically useless, criminally-inclined, diseased, poor, uneducated vermin coming here illegally.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:30:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:31:04 AM EDT


it is official, we need another law to prevent this from ever happening again.

Besides, even if the law stops nothing it will make people feel better.

C'mon guys, some of you are advocating even more restrictive gunlaws.

Not advocating.  Just raising the question.  Even if they put stricter controls on resident aliens obtaining firearms it doesn't sound like they would have picked up on this wackjob.  

I understand.  Wasn't specifying anyone.  It just seems an unfortunate side effect of this is that there have been quite a few folks here saying "this law or that law" would prevent this.

As I psoted in another thread on this.

I do not like living in a society where this can happpen.

I absolutely don't want to live in a society where it is impossible.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:33:04 AM EDT




Wow! The thousands of other RA's must be conspiring to commit mass murder!

Fucking retard.

Nice CoC violation.

Think about how many Saudi, Iranian and other resident aliens are in this country.  Mabye restrictions on registered aliens is not such a bad thing.

Keep in mind that we U.S. Citizens are subject to background checks which go way back.  Background checks on resident aliens don't necessarily go back that far and to their country of origin.

Yeah, it's not like rights apply to them........

They're here legally.  They receive equal (sort of) protection under the law.  Period.

Like the right to vote in federal elections or hold the office of the presidency?

Voting isn't a right, or at least it wasn't until the left convinced the simple minded that the US is a "democracy."

Holding public office is also not a "right."  It is a privilege earned.

Feel free to try again.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:36:00 AM EDT


Why don't you ask DK-Prof?

Yay - I'm famous!

I've been reading this thread, but am unsure of how to respond.

Personal attack

you can't get a CMP

just playing bro
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:37:59 AM EDT

This is news to me!! What's the deal here???

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights . . . "

You either believe this or you don't. If you don't then you don't understand what America is about.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:40:08 AM EDT
So.  Only the "Special People"  get to have 2nd Amendment rights I see. How Orwellian of you guys.  Sometimes GD even makes ME want to puke, and I'm pretty much immune.

My wife is an RA.  As in my sister-in-law.  I have not heard of many massacres commited by Canadians lately. My wife works with an even dozen others.  Brits and South Africans mostly. All of them have gun collections that would put yours to shame.

You can take the racist out of the cesspool, but apparently you can't take the cesspool out of the racist.

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:43:05 AM EDT


Why don't you ask DK-Prof?

Yay - I'm famous!

I've been reading this thread, but am unsure of how to respond.

Tell the OP he's a (edited)?

Naw- that would violate the COC. Can't do that.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:43:47 AM EDT
It's that silly constitution we have, what with that whole thing about the people keeping and bearing arms.

If the first amendment and the rest applies to legal resident aliens, why shouldn't the second?

I thought people here were PRO SECOND AMENDMENT...................
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:45:23 AM EDT

I get it, freedom is for Americans only.

Seriously.  I used to work for a Korean family in their restaurant in a pretty questionable neighborhood.  The owner asked me about keeping a gun in the restaurant, and I think he may have ended up getting one.

They were here legally; I know because I helped them deal with the headache of staying here legally.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:46:19 AM EDT



Why don't you ask DK-Prof?

Yay - I'm famous!

I've been reading this thread, but am unsure of how to respond.

Personal attack

you can't get a CMP

just playing bro


Just had to throw that in there huh Tracker??  
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:47:31 AM EDT





Wow! The thousands of other RA's must be conspiring to commit mass murder!

Fucking retard.

Nice CoC violation.

Think about how many Saudi, Iranian and other resident aliens are in this country.  Mabye restrictions on registered aliens is not such a bad thing.

Keep in mind that we U.S. Citizens are subject to background checks which go way back.  Background checks on resident aliens don't necessarily go back that far and to their country of origin.

Yeah, it's not like rights apply to them........

They're here legally.  They receive equal (sort of) protection under the law.  Period.

Like the right to vote in federal elections or hold the office of the presidency?

Voting isn't a right, or at least it wasn't until the left convinced the simple minded that the US is a "democracy."

Holding public office is also not a "right."  It is a privilege earned.

Feel free to try again.

Laws that differentiate between citizens and resident aliens are acceptable under the "equal protection clause" of the 5th and 14th Amendments so long as they pass strict scrutiny.  Resident aliens can be barred from certain offices and holding certain positions, e.g. police officer (assuming the locality decides to restrict hiring).
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:49:07 AM EDT


This is news to me!! What's the deal here???

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights . . . "

You either believe this or you don't. If you don't then you don't understand what America is about.

Interesting text ... written by guys who owned slaves.
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