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Posted: 3/29/2006 12:32:53 AM EDT
JERUSALEM - Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared victory for his centrist Kadima party in Israel’s elections Tuesday, vowing to act on his own if necessary to draw Israel’s final borders and “painfully” uproot Jewish settlers if negotiations with the Palestinians are not possible.

"if negotiations with the Palestinians are not possible. "  WTF?!?!?!  I would think, of all people, that the Israeli's would realize by now that negotiations aren't possible!!!  What does this tell their enemies?  

"Don't let negotiations work, continue the violence, and we'll win".  

That's what it tells them!!!  Get a clue!!!  It scares me, because I've always expected the Israelis to take a more hardline stance against the threats against them then our PC laidened gov't would.  But if this is the toughest THEY can be, then hell, I might as well convert to Islam now!!!  Scares me of what our .gov will cave in to.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 12:47:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 12:49:44 AM EDT

They want PEACE…


That "In after the lock" thing is so February!  
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 12:52:59 AM EDT

They want PEACE…

I want a blow job from Kate Beckinsale. Wanting something doesn't make it happen.

They have 60 years of painful history to show them that the way to attain peace is not giving terrorists what they want. They're ignoring that history, at their own peril.

Link Posted: 3/29/2006 12:54:40 AM EDT

They want PEACE…

The only people cheerleading for Israel to get into another war with the Arabs are people who don't live in Israel.


Andy, they definately want peace. But I hate to be the one to give them the bad news that they aren't going to get it.

The Israelis can give away land left and right. But at the end of the day, you and I both know that it isn't gonna make a dime's worth of difference. In the end, most of these same people who believe Israel has no right to exist will still believe that. And the same old shit will keep going.

Israel will always have to be fighting for their life over there. I fear these moves to give back land will just be seen as weakness and the threat to Israel will actually increase. Let's face it, the best means of security in that part of the world is through superior firepower. And as we have seen, even that isn't perfect. But it's still better than the alternative.  

If Israel goes forth with this, mark my words that in a few short years, there will be a new hardliner elected and they'll end up taking back the land they gave up, because this will be a failure of a policy if they proceed in this direction.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 12:54:58 AM EDT
The whole 'occupied territories' bit was a steaming pile of stupidity by Israel. They should have either properly annexed the land, and kicked out the locals, or returned it long ago. Keeping those pissant settlements scattered throughout hostile turf has accomplished nothing good for Israel.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 12:58:08 AM EDT
I still don't understand why they've given up what they have already.  NOTHING they have done the last few, or ten, years has made sense, other than the raids of course.  My reasoning is they have given in to the international community in order to appear as if they want peace, which I'm sure they truly do.  But by these well intentioned actions, they have substantially weakened themselves and threatened their very existence.  
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 12:59:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 2:26:52 AM EDT
There is an accommodation with evil that is happening all over the world. Perhaps it is the natural result of the defeat of communism and desire for peace after such a long struggle. We began to see this malaise in Africa when the international community turned its back on colonial governments and ushered in despotism in many places there. All this was done n the name of justice and freedom for the indigenous people. Some freedom the former colonies now enjoy where people are starving because of reverse racism. In the case of Israel the will and resolve of the people have been worn down and a form of surrender is in the offering. The assimilation of too many Jews who do not want to fight and who have brought the value of western guilt into the country over the last forty years has taken its toll. Would it surprise you that 60 percent of the Israel population is not at all religious? For a country founded on religious principals it is a failure. The declining courage of the western people will promote Oslo and the Jews will lie down with the lions. Then they will be eaten. Anyone who has spent time in Israel can see it as clear as daylight. The surrender of the Jews is in progress. Giving back land taken in battle is blood for nothing.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 2:31:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 2:41:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 2:48:29 AM EDT


I still don't understand why they've given up what they have already.  NOTHING they have done the last few, or ten, years has made sense, other than the raids of course.  My reasoning is they have given in to the international community in order to appear as if they want peace, which I'm sure they truly do.  But by these well intentioned actions, they have substantially weakened themselves and threatened their very existence.  

Because to maintain those pointless (except to the religiois zealots) settlements on the West Bank, Israel has to maintain a permanent War Economy…

Israel is a financial disaster zone and US aid is all that keeps it afloat. You cannot sink a huge portion of your national wealth into your military and maintain effectively your entire population as an army in being, and existing with your entire country as an armed camp, without ruining yourself.

If you stay at war for too long you drain your soul and wear down your spirit from a 'war without end'… It's the reason my late fathers best friend Asaf left Israel with his family. His great Gandfather survived the Holocaust and came to Israel to build a new country and ended up fighting, his father ended up fighting, he ended up fighting, (He was a Major in the Aman), and his did not want his children to end up fighting. Israel is heamoraging people who have 'had enough' and leave for a new life outside Israel.

Israel is directly analogeous to Sparta, and Sparta drained itself too in the end....


So Israel is destined to lose, no matter what...and so are we.

Guess it makes sense.  All things must change.

I've never expected America to last forever, nothing does.  I just figured we'd at least make it 300 years.  Hell, if we can bring up the life expectancy of a person as much as we have, why not a Republic?

Kinda scary, we're likely to see some DRASTIC change in our lifetimes.  I, in a demented but realistic way, just hope it's sooner than later, that way I'm young enough to deal with it and not be reliant upon others.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 2:54:12 AM EDT

Where exactly is IsREAL anyway?

It's LOSE L-O-S-E Not LOOSE for crying out loud!

looser? looser than what? a nut, a bolt, a 3 dollar whore? my mom?(dont worry, she's a bitch)...........TheRedHorseman

Link Posted: 4/1/2006 3:13:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/1/2006 3:53:45 PM EDT
There is nothing that the Israelis can do that will make the Palestinians happy.  There is no negotiating any peace with the Islamofascists over Israel.  The only thing that would make them happy is for all Jews to die.  The Iranians are working on that now.

Thinking that there is just one magic thing that will satisfy their enemy and bring about peace is naive.

This is just like giving in on any point to the Brady Bunch and VPC.  No matter what they state their current goal is, they want to eventually outlaw all civilian gun ownership.  

""I'm convinced that we have to have federal legislation to build on. We're going to have to take one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily-given political realities-going to be a very modest. of course, it's true that politicians will then go home and say, 'This is a great law. The problem is solved. . . .' So then we'll have to start working again to strengthen that law, and then again to strengthen the next law, and maybe again and again. . . . Our ultimate goal-total control of handguns in the United States-is going to take time." - Pete Shields

There, in their own words.  And we merely need to look at the words of the Islamofacists regarding Israel.  They will never be satisfied with anything but the total distruction of Israel, and all Jews, no matter where they live in the world.  There is no negotiating this point.

And the same for the rest of us.  If the Arabs were to finish off the Jews, we will be in their sites just as surely.  We are now.

Link Posted: 4/1/2006 4:07:02 PM EDT


The whole 'occupied territories' bit was a steaming pile of stupidity by Israel. They should have either properly annexed the land, and kicked out the locals, or returned it long ago. Keeping those pissant settlements scattered throughout hostile turf has accomplished nothing good for Israel.


And it lost them the moral high ground they held that won them so many friends in the first place…

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