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Posted: 3/27/2006 12:25:46 AM EDT
I live in the PNW. I might be considered to be still on the fence on this issue although Im probably dangling by only a couple fingers. I have had a few experiences I cannot explain while in the deep forests of the Northwest.

In 1994 I went deer hunting by myself in the coast range. I got off work at 10 pm and made it to my camp after midnight. My camp was beneath a large tree at one end of a large clearing off a dead end dirt road seven miles off the highway. Unlike the busy elk season I saw no other camps, vehicles, or people the whole way in.

I pulled off the road and parked my truck facing the big tree with the headlights on. The clearing was U shaped and surrounded by timber. The big tree was at the bottom of the U. To the left side of the tree was a thick patch of blackberry about 9 feet high and 60 feet long extending into the timber. On the right side was a trail that led to a small stream That followed the right side of the clearing.

I turned my truck stereo on and set up camp by the light of my headlamps. After about 30 minutes I was finishing setting up my tent when the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I stopped what I was doing for a minute, looked around, then dismissed the feeling and went back to work. A minute or so later I thought I heard some type of noise over the sound of my music.  I walked to the drivers door and turned the music off. I listened for several seconds. I heard nothing. I figured it was either my imagination, or possibly a coyote howl. I turned my music back up and went back to setting up the tent.

A minute or two later I clearly heard a loud crack over the music. It sounded like a very thick branch snapping behind me to the left of my truck. Again I walked to the drivers side door,turned the music off, and listened. Silence. After perhaps two minutes of silence I turned the music back on. I figured there might be a herd of elk back in the timber so I went back to my tent. A very short time later I heard another loud crack, this time very clearly and much closer, over the sound of my loud music.

Again I went to the drivers door and turned off my music. I stood there in silence for a long time with the headlights shining on the tree in front of me. I could feel someone watching me. After several minutes I heard a very light muffled crunch from the trail on the other side of the blackberry bushes, about 80 feet away to my left front.  About 15 or 20 seconds later I heard another muffled crunch slightly closer. I yelled a very challenging "Hello! Who's there!".................... Silence. After about a minute two or three more footsteps spaced 10-20 seconds apart. The sounds reminded me of the sounds I make at 250 lbs while stalking quietly through the woods.

By this time the sound is only 50-60 feet away behind the blackberry. Figuring at best it might be some drunk hunter playing games or a elk with a death wish or worst case something that was gonna do me harm I yelled, "You better quit fucking around I have a gun".

I had a S&W Model 10 38 spl. in a shoulder holster that I drew. My hunting rifle was cased behind the seat under three feet of gear. After I yelled I figured I would hear brush breaking from an elk, deer, or bear running off. Nothing. After about a minute another soft step, closer. I yelled at the top of my lungs "AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Silence again. After about a minute the stalking noises began again, soft foot steps, twigs cracking, closer. I had enough so I fired two shots into the trunk of the big tree. The shots echoed for a long time. I heard no brush breaking, no running etc, nothing at all.

I waited in silence for the longest time then again I heard the subtle movement in the darkness behind the blackberry's only about 30 feet away now. To be honest I was in great fear by this time. I aimed my model 10 towards the sound only at an angle about 10 above the ground and fired two more shots. The sound echoed for a long time with no brush breaking etc. After about 1-2 minutes I could distinctly hear regular unmuffled footfalls walking away from me. Whatever made the sounds was walking back the way it had come. This time it moved at a slow yet regular pace like it was not  afraid of anything or trying to conceal it's movement. I stood there and listened until I could not hear the sounds anymore.

I did not bother to take down my tent. I just picked the whole thing up and threw it in the bed of my truck. I threw my pots, pans, and everything else right on top of it. I was gone within 90 seconds.

I drove straight back to town and woke up my friend at 3am. We drove back out that morning when it got light out. I explained everything to him. We walked behind the blackberries. There were spots in the ankle high grass that were flattened and devoid of morning dew. The spots were 1 1/2 times the size of my size 13 hunting boot. At 6'3 I had to uncomfortably stretch my legs as far as I could to put my boots in the spots of flatened grass.

What was behind those blackberry bushes? I don't know and I hope I never find out. I won't go into the forest alone anymore.

Since that time I have seen or heard some odd things. About 4 years ago in January I was setting up steel plate on one mountain side in the coast range so I could shoot at it from the opposite side. It was 400 yards as the crow flew but a 15 minute drive up the logging roads. There was snow about 6-8 inches deep. For 1-2 miles I broke fresh snow up to the target site. No vehicles had been up there. I turned off the lightly used dead end road. I turned a corner and came on a straight section of road about 200 feet long. As soon as I came around the corner I saw it. Footprints in the fresh snow going down the road from one side to another at a shallow angle. I got out of my truck. The tracks were  1 and 1/2 times as wide and long as my own feet. Snowshoes?? The went up a steep slope and dissapeared.

Another time a friend and I heard a 15 second long, very loud, modulated vocalization in a extremely remote section of the cascade range. I cannot really remember it but if I heard it again I would know it. Neither of us could reference anything even close to it.

Makes you wonder if science truly does have all the answers.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 12:50:25 AM EDT
story one: never shoot at what you cant see. no mater what. you did however creep the shit out of me.

story two: that is not uncommon. something is out there.

story three: sasquatch or whatever is supposed to be able to make vocalizations incapable by humans. ie, making more than one pitch at once and oscilatting them very fast. is that what you heard?

there is something out there. thats why when i hunt, i bring the AR with lots of mags. for rabbits. thats it, for rabbits.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 12:54:12 AM EDT
I dated a hirsuite girl in college, and everytime we took a walk it looked like a recreation of the Patterson film.

How's that for creepy?
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 1:35:10 AM EDT
There was this one night after hard drinking at band camp, I................. never mind.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 1:47:22 AM EDT
One of my friends calls me sasquatch because I'm 6'4", hairy, and have size 13 feet. Does that count?
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 1:56:40 AM EDT

One of my friends calls me sasquatch because I'm 6'4", hairy, and have size 13 feet. Does that count?

My 15 yo son is about 5'10" and wears a size 12-1/2 W shoe...
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 2:01:11 AM EDT
I starred in a skin flick back in 89' or so that my then GF apptly named "Bigfoot".
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 4:05:31 AM EDT
What happened to me is here under Pennsylvania/Clearfield county/ Young boy.www.bfro.net
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 4:42:23 AM EDT
I had a similiar thing happen to me but never did see anything, due to being dark. I was deer hunting and heard foot steps in the woods behind me, coming closer, so i got the hell out of there.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 4:46:56 AM EDT
Good story....

It just might be time for that expensive set of gen 3 goggles....
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 4:48:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 4:51:58 AM EDT
Ahhh...I went cruising with Elvis in Bigfoot's UFO.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 4:55:08 AM EDT
Upon never seeing Bigfoot despite many a backpacking trip in the Pacific Northwest, I learned that the man who made the whole thing up as a hoax died. And the Lord saw that it was good.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 4:58:11 AM EDT
I was up in the Bitterroot Range in Idaho spring bear hunting with some buddies we had been hunting hard for about three days.  Most of the bitterroots is either bogs or 60 deg. Slopes.  Lots of shale to slip and cut yourself on.  Lodge pole pines and dead fall stacks 8’ high and if you slip and fall you go down into these slippery slimy “traps”.  Wonderful place.  I am about half way up a hill and stop to eat lunch.  I sit at the base of a pine and next thing I know I doze off.  I wake to a loud cracking sound and its close!  I open one eye and look around.  Don’t see anything in front of me… open the other eye… nothing.  Begin to turn my head and I see this large brown hairy thing about 20’ from me and I think oh shit.  I am going to get eaten by a bear.  The cow elk I was looking at must have thought the same thing because she turned and tripped over a dead fall and crashed down the side of the hill and into the timber.  
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:00:12 AM EDT
Quite a while ago some people from here went trolling at a Sasquatch/Bigfoot forum.  Somebody posted a story about getting ass-raped by a Bigfoot.

Pretty damn funny.  They didnt know what to think.

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:13:09 AM EDT
I had always wanted to start this thread, there have to be plenty fo you guys with Bigfoot stories. I wish I lived out there, I would love to backpack out into the forrest and try to find whatever is out there. come on guys, don't be shy, there must be more stories here than this.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:20:59 AM EDT
I saw it once...... Of course no one will ever believe me, nor will I be able to prove it.

I was driving through Denali Nat'l Park when I decided to pull over and go for a hike. I brought my picnic basket 'cause I knew I would get hungry eventually. All of a sudden the sun went down and I was lost... I freaked out and ate everything in the basket, then I got severe diarhea. It was a horrible night. The next day I wondered why I only brought my video camera and not a firearm. So I started filming things at random and out of no where came a blurry thing that quickly dissapeared. I was scared now! I had to make a weapon, all the sticks nearby were rotten and I couldn't find any rocks so, I built a plasma rifle (in the 40 watt range) and I waited for it to return.... About three days later I hear it screeming and it started thowing rocks at me (it must have carried them long distance - guess that's why it took three days until I saw him again) so I had no choice but to draw down on him. The severe rain storm I was in made it hard to hear where he was so I just opened fire on everything around me and i knew i hit him once I heard it screem in agony. When I walked up to it it was ugly and looked more like a large fish with legs and no hair. I ate it. I was very hungry after being out here so long. There was nothing left, not even the bones. Then I looked up and I saw my car on the side of the road so I left.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:24:14 AM EDT
I was chasing a cat that was chasing a deer with a bowie knife (I like to primative hunt in a loin cloth).......

I have a game camera setup to catch the action.....

So after I killed the cat & the deer, and ate their raw meat....I reviewed the game camera footage and found this:

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:27:07 AM EDT
Sasquatch stories, of course I have them, I dated in the seventies.

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:27:41 AM EDT

I was chasing a cat that was chasing a deer with a bowie knife (I like to primative hunt in a loin cloth).......

Oh shit!  Deer are carrying knives now?  We're in trouble.

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:30:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:36:52 AM EDT
Over active imagination
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:40:52 AM EDT

I dated a hirsuite girl in college, and everytime we took a walk it looked like a recreation of the Patterson film.

How's that for creepy?

I think I dated her sister. I caught her in the bathroom one morning plucking out her hair between her eyebrows, and from her upper lip, too
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:42:53 AM EDT

Over active imagination

Yep. If bigfoot were real, somebody would have captured or killed one one long ago.
If they can do it with grizzlies, they could do it with anything.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:45:34 AM EDT


I dated a hirsuite girl in college, and everytime we took a walk it looked like a recreation of the Patterson film.

How's that for creepy?

I think I dated her sister. I caught her in the mens bathroom one morning plucking out her hair between her eyebrows, and from her upper lip, too

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:46:39 AM EDT
I the mental image of you grabbing your tent and heaving it into your truck made me choke on my morning glass of milk.

Shit thats funny.

No, I have not had a Bigfoot/Sasquatch experience.  Not so sure I want to have one either..
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 5:46:47 AM EDT
My Sasquatch has a 460cc head, has 10.5* loft, with a stock stiff shaft.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:24:31 AM EDT
Tagged so I can hear new stories about the phased-cloaked-super computer-powered-large-footed-aliens.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:25:58 AM EDT
No stories but after looking a a couple of sites it seems I was being followed. For about a 5 year period every time I moved there was a reported Bigfoot sighting within 10 miles of my location. And no I am not that hairy.

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:51:21 AM EDT



I dated a hirsuite girl in college, and everytime we took a walk it looked like a recreation of the Patterson film.

How's that for creepy?

I think I dated her sister. I caught her in the mens bathroom one morning plucking out her hair between her eyebrows, and from her upper lip, too


Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:56:02 AM EDT
I love General Discussion!  One thread like this is worth 100 AR vs AK threads.

ETA: Even though I'm an AR guy, I think the AK and the 7.62 are better for Sasquatch.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:57:46 AM EDT
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