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Link Posted: 1/29/2006 12:57:20 PM EDT

Quoted: Well, after throwing our allies a big "F-You!!!", we don't have the logistical power to invade anybody else.

Mmmmmmm    Kool-Aid !

Keep chugging it down, moonbat....  The libtard media ALWAYS 'reports' the truth, after all !  Everybody knows that !

It must be hard going through life so completely clueless and brainwashed
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 1:00:16 PM EDT
"All that hate is gonna burn you up inside."
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 1:00:28 PM EDT

I don't apologize for religions, I do however know their actions very well.
My opinion is, in remotely childish language:
All religions are shit; which religion is the nastiest shit I don't know; however, I am not going to eat shit period.

You seem to have taken a big bite out of the atheism shit-sammich.  Your preaching of your religion seems to be more hateful than any of the Christians around here.  What sort of doc will you be? Looking forward to all those abortion and euthanasia cases, I bet.  
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 1:09:06 PM EDT
I don’t know if it’s a credible threat, but it’s worth noting...


Link Posted: 1/29/2006 1:40:38 PM EDT


I hate knee-jerk bigots.


All religions are shit

So, you are a self-hating bigot then?  

Good for you!  
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 1:54:36 PM EDT

The point is, this is INCREDIBLY offensive to all muslims, even muslims who are the equivalent of C & E Christians.

Boo Effing Hoo.   I find hostage taking, decaptiation, and their general behavior offensive.

The truth is that Islam is a cancer on the face of humanity, whether you admit it or not.   No other mainstream religion today is pushing for theocratic government in whatever country they happen to be in.  

Link Posted: 1/29/2006 1:56:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:09:25 PM EDT
Yep, FUCK EM! They are a bunch of ignorant dumbasses.

What is one damn thing the Muslim world does to the betterment of mankind? (besides drill for oil. )

I can't think of anything. They are barbaric. They only assimilate to the things that will benefit the rich of their society and they ignore their own shortcomings when they preach their hate.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:16:26 PM EDT


The point is, this is INCREDIBLY offensive to all muslims, even muslims who are the equivalent of C & E Christians.

Boo Effing Hoo.   I find hostage taking, decaptiation, and their general behavior offensive.

The truth is that Islam is a cancer on the face of humanity, whether you admit it or not.   No other mainstream religion today is pushing for theocratic government in whatever country they happen to be in.  

You took what I said out of context.
I was explaining the reasoning behind it, not defending it.
Problem with a lot of people on this site is that they think they don't have to understand the enemy.
In a war of ideology, you must understand the enemy in order to defeat them.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:33:35 PM EDT

Okay, I'm done ranting.

Oh, and IBTL.

Notice that Christians have never insisted that the UN sanction anyone for offensive drawings of Jesus.

Just thought I would make that point.

I am right with you, DK. It never ceases to amaze me how bad guys are able to try and use the institutions of CIVIL society to ATTACK civil society, and why almost everyone insists on taking their objections seriously.

The UN response to such a request ought to be a giant middle finger.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:36:44 PM EDT


I don't apologize for religions, I do however know their actions very well.
My opinion is, in remotely childish language:
All religions are shit; which religion is the nastiest shit I don't know; however, I am not going to eat shit period.

You seem to have taken a big bite out of the atheism shit-sammich.  Your preaching of your religion seems to be more hateful than any of the Christians around here.  What sort of doc will you be? Looking forward to all those abortion and euthanasia cases, I bet.  

Really, I don't recall calling for the "nuking" of Muslim countries, or taking a stance of "kill them all" like some on this board.

And abortions don't pay enough to make me even remotely consider doing them, if I am going to do something unrequired, might as well be boob jobs, they atleast pay pretty well.

Now, Euthanasia, I am 100% behind, once I figure out how to fit it in line with the Hippocratic oath and all that.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:36:53 PM EDT

So, you are a self-hating bigot then?  

Good for you!  

I try not to read Pre-Med's posts.

I figure doing so would take years off of my life.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:40:13 PM EDT


Okay, I'm done ranting.

Oh, and IBTL.

Notice that Christians have never insisted that the UN sanction anyone for offensive drawings of Jesus.

Just thought I would make that point.

I am right with you, DK. It never ceases to amaze me how bad guys are able to try and use the institutions of CIVIL society to ATTACK civil society, and why almost everyone insists on taking their objections seriously.

The UN response to such a request ought to be a giant middle finger.

Well, to bring up a similar situation involving a different group of people:

If Jews were in a country in which they were being put into ghettos, being treated like animals, and the general populace was anti-semitic and discriminating against Jews when it came to jobs and education... and THEN came out with offensive caricatures of Moses or Jews in general, I would be 100% behind Jews calling for sanctions against that country.

FYI, replace Jew with North African Muslims and you have what is happening in Denmark.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:42:31 PM EDT



I hate knee-jerk bigots.


All religions are shit

So, you are a self-hating bigot then?  

Good for you!  

I am not a bigot, I hate all religions equally and without discrimination.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:42:32 PM EDT

The point is, this is INCREDIBLY offensive to all muslims, even muslims who are the equivalent of C & E Christians. (You know the type - don't go to church except on Christmas and easter)
This is on the level of, oh say, a jar of urine with a cricifix in it, or the Virgin Mary covered in dung.
I'm not saying the Danish gov't should kowtow to foreign powers, I'm just saying, they aren't being hypersensitive about this.

People in this modern age have such an incredible sense of entitlement that they actually believe that thier feelings should be held to justify social change. I am equally offended by the mere existence of Islam. The religion, in and of itself, offends me. The premise of its founding principles, its doctrine, its teachings, and in the way I experience it being practiced...it offends me. The thing is, just because it offends me, I dont expect the world to change to accomodate my perspective.

I am in awe that leaders of rogue nations could be so enabled that their offense to an editorial appearing in a foreign periodical can become an international topic of discussion. Perhaps if these people despotic cretins could accept that not everyone in the world subscribes to their culture of dark aged thought they might look beyond their own microcosm to realize their isolation is self induced.

I dont care that they are offended...just as I am quite certain they do not concern themselves with my dislike for their way of life.

Oh, and to those that insist that

generalizations are a bad thing

I would agree that basing ones actions upon broad generalization is a receipe for disaster.
Just think what would happen if countries started basing their legal systems upon the foundations laid and cemented with the generalizations made through the interpretation of folklore. Just think, laws that are based on general interpretations of fables which were passed down from generation to generation, by word of mouth, then many generations later loosely transcribed to represent what was understood to be the original intent of the story but in modern, understandable language. With so much meaning lost, morphed, and mis-interpreted, can you imagine what a nations laws would regulate us to live like if strictly based on this type of broad generalization? Wow....just wow.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:45:30 PM EDT
In order to help alleviate the problem I will buy several danishes in the morning.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:51:47 PM EDT

Well, to bring up a similar situation involving a different group of people:

If Jews were in a country in which they were being put into ghettos, being treated like animals, and the general populace was anti-semitic and discriminating against Jews when it came to jobs and education... and THEN came out with offensive caricatures of Moses or Jews in general, I would be 100% behind Jews calling for sanctions against that country.

FYI, replace Jew with North African Muslims and you have what is happening in Denmark.

So Denmark is conducting a systematic campaign of discrimination and ultimately murder against North African muslims, and this contest was another brick in the wall of a new genocidal campaign?

Prof -- Did you know your funny-hot-dog-eating countrymen are Nazis??

I mean, Pre-Med has a point here. How in the world can we trust people who eat hot dogs that look like that? Just like Richard Nixon. He used to eat cottage cheese with KETCHUP. We should have never trusted someone who would put that into their mouth....
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:52:17 PM EDT
I could pass wind about "muslim sensibilities." That's it.

If they tried working instead of whining incessantly and seeking special protected status maybe they wouldn't be ignorant and hateful people. Maybe islam is what makes them ignorant and hateful.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:54:19 PM EDT


I learned everything I need to know about Islam on 9-11.

I learned everything I need to know about Christianity during the Spanish Inquisition.

generalizations are a bad thing.

At least Christianity has progressed to a state of civility over the last two thousnand years, can you say the same about Islam???

No?? I didn't think so....  Fucking troll, why don't you go subjugate your wife or fuck your camel or something....
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:55:13 PM EDT




Blah, blah, blah.

Please take your apoligies for murderous Islam elsewhere.

We ain't buying it here.

I don't apologize for religions, I do however know their actions very well.

My opinion is, in remotely childish language:

All religions are shit; which religion is the nastiest shit I don't know; however, I am not going to eat shit period.

Look everybody, it's the 'college know it all hippie!"

Link Posted: 1/29/2006 2:57:21 PM EDT




I hate knee-jerk bigots.


All religions are shit

So, you are a self-hating bigot then?  

Good for you!  

I am not a bigot, I hate all religions equally and without discrimination.

Sorry - you don't get to rationalize your way out of this one.

Your statements (not just here but in other threads) have revealed you to be VERY judgmental towards ALL people who are part of an organized religion.  You judge them based on huge generalizations, and paint entire groups of highly diverse people with the same broad brush.

OF COURSE you don't consider yourself a bigot, because it would undermine your smug self-satisfaction and condescension.  

But, your denial rings as hollow as a Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, claiming that he's not really a racist at all.  

Just for the record - your bigoted and judgmental attitude towards institutionalized religion and its followers don't really bother me.  That's just your opinion, and arfcom is FULL of people with different opinions, many of them very strong, and many of them in direct opposition to views I hold.  What I do object to is your sanctimonoius claim that you are not bigoted.  
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 3:01:02 PM EDT
Okay, gang, I know this is a LITTLE off-subject.... but its time to bring some HUMOR back to the board. I JUST NOW got this in my Email. Enjoy.

A 'touchy-feely' CNN reporter, while interviewing a Marine sniper, asked, "What
do you feel when you shoot a terrorist?"

The Marine shrugged and replied, "Recoil."  
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 3:05:19 PM EDT

Okay, gang, I know this is a LITTLE off-subject.... but its time to bring some HUMOR back to the board. I JUST NOW got this in my Email. Enjoy.

A 'touchy-feely' CNN reporter, while interviewing a Marine sniper, asked, "What
do you feel when you shoot a terrorist?"

The Marine shrugged and replied, "Recoil."  

We need a rimshot smiley, dammit!!
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 3:06:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 3:42:57 PM EDT
Well I'm not Christian Jewish or islamic and it offends me to have to breath the same air as islamic barbarians. So I freely admit I'm a bigot and damn proud of it. No I don't just hate them for 911 I could write a trilogy on reasons to hate them. In fact if you can name 1 redeeming quality in islam I would be shocked.
Christians don't bother me I find it cute when ask in a shocked voice "You mean you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour?"
Jewish people don't bother me either with 1 exception.....My wife bugs the hell outta me sometimes and she is Jewish
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 3:43:51 PM EDT



Okay, I'm done ranting.

Oh, and IBTL.

Notice that Christians have never insisted that the UN sanction anyone for offensive drawings of Jesus.

Just thought I would make that point.

I am right with you, DK. It never ceases to amaze me how bad guys are able to try and use the institutions of CIVIL society to ATTACK civil society, and why almost everyone insists on taking their objections seriously.

The UN response to such a request ought to be a giant middle finger.

Well, to bring up a similar situation involving a different group of people:

If Jews were in a country in which they were being put into ghettos, being treated like animals, and the general populace was anti-semitic and discriminating against Jews when it came to jobs and education... and THEN came out with offensive caricatures of Moses or Jews in general, I would be 100% behind Jews calling for sanctions against that country.

FYI, replace Jew with North African Muslims and you have what is happening in Denmark.

You are a closet Fascist and a hypocrite...

But even taking those terms…. NO ONE is:

Putting Muslims into ghettos..
Treating Muslims like animals… other that of course many Muslims own treatment of women like animals.
The general populace is far from anti-Muslims. Europeans have bent over backwards to appease Muslims radicalism. If they don’t like it they can go the fuck home.

The Dutch’s reward for their tolerance is murder in their streets and terror.

But even so don’t tell me I have to modify my speech to satisfy a bunch of third world dictators and fanatics. Only a damn fool of the first order would advocate stifling a free press to appease these fanatics.

We will now get to your rank hypocoristic... under your own rules you would face sanction for your bigoted Christian/religion bashing.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 4:02:07 PM EDT

The problem with the Moslem religion is that it has not yet had a reformation, so there is a contest amongst the elite in who can be the most "hardcore" in the name of the faith. Also I believe that it is not strictly centralized. The most-militant couple of percent need to be rounded up and shot and then bulldozed.

It will take a while before there is widespread support for this--but it is bound to happen. Anyone who keeps up on the international news can tick off a half-dozen sites where suicide bombings linked to Moslem groups have happened. You can't do that with any other religion; the sad fact is that no other religion tolerates its principals to encourage violence to such a degree.

I say only the least militant 3% should be left alone.  The Palestinian elections have proven that MOST of them are bad guys.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 4:09:09 PM EDT

Well I'm not Christian Jewish or islamic and it offends me to have to breath the same air as islamic barbarians. So I freely admit I'm a bigot and damn proud of it. No I don't just hate them for 911 I could write a trilogy on reasons to hate them. In fact if you can name 1 redeeming quality in islam I would be shocked.
Christians don't bother me I find it cute when ask in a shocked voice "You mean you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour?"
Jewish people don't bother me either with 1 exception.....My wife bugs the hell outta me sometimes and she is Jewish

That reminds me of a joke I heard in a movie:

Q:  Why are Jewish divorces so expensive?

A:  Because they're worth it!
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 4:18:13 PM EDT


Well I'm not Christian Jewish or islamic and it offends me to have to breath the same air as islamic barbarians. So I freely admit I'm a bigot and damn proud of it. No I don't just hate them for 911 I could write a trilogy on reasons to hate them. In fact if you can name 1 redeeming quality in islam I would be shocked.
Christians don't bother me I find it cute when ask in a shocked voice "You mean you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour?"
Jewish people don't bother me either with 1 exception.....My wife bugs the hell outta me sometimes and she is Jewish

That reminds me of a joke I heard in a movie:

Q:  Why are Jewish divorces so expensive?

A:  Because they're worth it!

Link Posted: 1/29/2006 4:22:15 PM EDT
But it is ok for them to offend everyone else. I am SO tired of this "Oh poor me" mentality from third world nations and other "minority" groups-

They offend me and should FOAD
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 4:26:24 PM EDT

Not only are pretty much all muslim states in the middle east boycotting Danish goods, and some are pulling their ambassadors home (or closing their embassies) from Denmark - but NOW two major muslim organizations the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Conference (that represents pretty much all muslim coutnries) are demanding UN action and sanctions against Denmark.

Countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Libya, etc - are among the most outrgaged and pissed off.

And why, you ask????

Because a private Danish newspaper published drawings of Mohammed - based on a contest for readers.  Not editorial, not drawn by newspaper employees, but submitted by readers.  Some drawings were artistic, some satirical, some boring.

So pretty much all muslim states (not sure about Turkey - they might be the exception) want the Danish government to punish a private newspaper for publishing something that apparently offends them - and now want to punish the Danish state for it's refusal to curb the freedom of the press based on their religious views.

That is so outrageous, it makes my blood boil.  

Guess what, Arab world??  Pretty much EVERYTHING in your shitty society offends Danish people!!    Your barabaric repression of women.  Your police state.  Your lack of freedom.  Your corruption.  Your opulent and decadent lifestyle of your elite.  But you don't see Denmark demanding that you change your ways to fit our beliefs, do you?

Damn this kind of shit annoys me.  A very large Danish dairy producer is losing millions every day because of this boycott.  

Oh well - as I said before; THANK GOD that those assholes don't eat pork or drink beer, because then we'd really have to be worried about a boycott.

Okay, I'm done ranting.

Oh, and IBTL.

Unless DK wants to turn over Arhus to the thugs, maybe they should start deporting all the trash. The closest thing I've ever been to in a knock-out, fight for your life experience was riding the train in Copenhagen. Two arab thugs that where shot up on something, started attacking a pretty little blonde girl.
Link Posted: 1/29/2006 4:38:50 PM EDT


So pretty much all muslim states (not sure about Turkey - they might be the exception) want the Danish government to punish a private newspaper for publishing something that apparently offends them - and now want to punish the Danish state for it's refusal to curb the freedom of the press based on their religious views.

Nope, http://politiken.dk/VisArtikel.sasp?PageID=408161 (Article is in Danish)
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 4:04:02 AM EDT

I say only the least militant 3% should be left alone.  The Palestinian elections have proven that MOST of them are bad guys.

In some areas of the world it does indeed seem that the majority of the population can be either terrorists or sympathetic to the point of danger.

Link Posted: 1/30/2006 4:36:03 AM EDT
Try living over here(Kuwait) out in the city, on the economy...

This place is seriously fucked...In the near future, I'm going to start a thread about my experiences...

As I post this...93 days and counting until Freedom...and COLD BEER!!!
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 4:43:36 AM EDT

Let me get this straight.....

After 9-11, you expect more from Islamic governments?

I learned everything I need to know about Islam on 9-11.

Link Posted: 1/30/2006 4:44:38 AM EDT


I learned everything I need to know about Islam on 9-11.

I learned everything I need to know about Christianity during the Spanish Inquisition.

generalizations are a bad thing.

That was THEN. Get it? The world has moved on for most people on earth, except SOME. Get it?
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 4:46:48 AM EDT
    I hate to interupt a perfectly good pissing match but here is a website that lists Danish goods  that you can buy to help offsite the Jihadi boycott of  Danish products.

Buy danish products listed here.

    Denmark is a great ally in  NATO and the WOT , as DK-Prof is a great member here. I'm going to make a special trip to Sam's club to buy some DAK brand ham for my canned food stash.

 I'll make sure I wash it down with some Carlsberg beer. It's the least I can do.
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 4:54:35 AM EDT

I tell you sometimes I'm thanking my lucky stars we are inundated by hispanics.  We can have a beer together and a sandwich and not violate the heavens.  If we had to put up with these guys who knows what would have happened by now.
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 5:25:43 AM EDT



Okay, I'm done ranting.

Oh, and IBTL.

Notice that Christians have never insisted that the UN sanction anyone for offensive drawings of Jesus.

Just thought I would make that point.

I am right with you, DK. It never ceases to amaze me how bad guys are able to try and use the institutions of CIVIL society to ATTACK civil society, and why almost everyone insists on taking their objections seriously.

The UN response to such a request ought to be a giant middle finger.

Well, to bring up a similar situation involving a different group of people:

If Jews were in a country in which they were being put into ghettos, being treated like animals, and the general populace was anti-semitic and discriminating against Jews when it came to jobs and education... and THEN came out with offensive caricatures of Moses or Jews in general, I would be 100% behind Jews calling for sanctions against that country.

FYI, replace Jew with North African Muslims and you have what is happening in Denmark.

Jews assimilate a lot better than that and you know it.  Make a better argument, you came very close to the "Hitler" comparison and invoking Godwin's Law.  And if there are no jobs why do they go to Denmark?  Better yet, why have they left their homelands.  That is the better question to ask.  It is ME countries that are there own worst enemies.  They are dysfunctional, rife with elitist corruption, demagoguery and unemployment and  up to their necks in suppression of human freedom and expression.  

And Europe was the one that dropped the ball on helping us.  They signed off on all the UN resolutions and then denied their responsibility.  It didn't innoculate them against terrorism as they had hoped, in fact they are in a worse position than us by a long shot.

Your little sanctimonious rant at the end where you say you would support Jews if their religion were attacked sounds silly in light of your "shit" references to all religions and I think your Wahhabist friends were blowing a little smoke up your ass.

ETA I'm going down to buy some nice imported Danish Ham, a 12 pk of Carlsberg, a Carl Nielsen CD, and some butter cookies this afternoon.

Link Posted: 1/30/2006 5:30:22 AM EDT

Try living over here(Kuwait) out in the city, on the economy...

This place is seriously fucked...In the near future, I'm going to start a thread about my experiences...

As I post this...93 days and counting until Freedom...and COLD BEER!!!

Cold Beer is a pretty good symbol of freedom.  Freedom to make it, freedom to drink it and the freedom to drink it Cold.......

doesn't fly in Araby.
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 7:17:26 AM EDT

Hey, not that I think any government should listen to another gov't (i.e. we should say "fuck off to the Euros who don't want us in Iraq, and Austria can tell us to fuck off because we don't want them selling rifles to Iran) here is just a little tidbit about Islam.

Muslims are forbidden to represent Muhammad in any way.
No drawings, no representations, nothing.
It is a big, big no-no.
Ever seen the famous film "The Messanger" about Muhammad's rise and the wars between Mecca and Medina?
Muhammad is never seen throughout the entire movie, and he never speaks.
Made the movie pretty hard to follow if you ask me.
And actually I feel this is a flaw in Islam - Muhammad is just a man, yet some Muslims place him higher than a man, to the point of blasphemy, IMO.
Kind of like some Roman Catholics and the prayers to saints.
Placing men at the level of God, or at least above the level of men, if you follow me.

Oh, so anyway, my point.
The point is, this is INCREDIBLY offensive to all muslims, even muslims who are the equivalent of C & E Christians.
(You know the type - don't go to church except on Christmas and easter)
This is on the level of, oh say, a jar of urine with a cricifix [its "crucifix"] in it, or the Virgin Mary covered in dung.
I'm not saying the Danish gov't should kowtow to foreign powers, I'm just saying, they aren't being hypersensitive about this.

The difference is that when Christians who were / are offended by " a jar of urine with a cricifix [SIC] in it, or the Virgin Mary covered in dung" spoke up, they were told (by the media, US Government, etc.) to STFU.

The difference is that any insult to Christianity is met by universal yawns and boredom in the "Christian" world, while any percieved or real insult to Islam becomes the basis for riots, suicide bombings, beheadings, and outrageous demands from the umma.  And every kufar has to walk on eggshells, pissing their pants in terror because some ignorant mouthbreather imam in some middle-of-nowhere mosque might get offended.

Sorry.  It doesn't wash.  20 churches were attacked this weekend in Iraq as part of the violent anti-Christian campaign of 'religious cleansing' that has been ongoing for the last two years, but gets little press in the "mainstream media".  How many mosques were blown up in Denmark this weekend?  France?  The US?
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 7:43:54 AM EDT



Okay, I'm done ranting.

Oh, and IBTL.

Notice that Christians have never insisted that the UN sanction anyone for offensive drawings of Jesus.

Just thought I would make that point.

I am right with you, DK. It never ceases to amaze me how bad guys are able to try and use the institutions of CIVIL society to ATTACK civil society, and why almost everyone insists on taking their objections seriously.

The UN response to such a request ought to be a giant middle finger.

Well, to bring up a similar situation involving a different group of people:

If Jews were in a country in which they were being put into ghettos, being treated like animals, and the general populace was anti-semitic and discriminating against Jews when it came to jobs and education... and THEN came out with offensive caricatures of Moses or Jews in general, I would be 100% behind Jews calling for sanctions against that country.

FYI, replace Jew with North African Muslims and you have what is happening in Denmark.

OMG - I totally missed this post where you apparently lost your mind.  Were you on crack cocaine when you wrote it, or are you really just a completely insane and uninformed moron (in addition to being an admitted bigot)?

I don't even know where to begin with your asenine post  

You are seriously implying that muslims in Denmark are being
"put into ghettos"
"treated like animals"
"discriminated against when it came to jobs and education"

Your ignorance is astonishing.  Are you sure you are in college - because I would expect more knowledge from a 5-th grader.

Denmark is a fucking PARADISE for immigrants.  Turks, Persians and Pakistanis have been flocking to Denmark for decades, because living on welfare in Danmark gives you a higher standard of living that most middle and upper class people in their home countries.

The Danish government very deliberately spread immigratns all over the country to avoid ghetto's, including putting immigratns in smaller communities and rural areas to help Danish people accept them, and to help them assimilate.  The irony is that immigrants have REJECTED this, and gether together in urban areas (where Danes then gradually move out because of the crime, stabbings, rape, drug use and gangs they bring with them).  Thus any ghettos in urban areas in Denmark as in direct contradiction to what the Danes have tried very hard to do - and a direct result of what the immigrants WANT.

If by "treated like animals" you mean "treated like kings" then you are correct.    If you mean FREE housing, and FREE transportation, and WELFARE that is a better standard of living than most countries in teh world, then you are correct.  Sitting in a nicely heated apartment, with sattelite TV, and no requirement to ever get off your ass and work a day in your life - with free health care and university for your kids.  Yeah - they sure are mistreated.

In terms of jobs and education, the Danish government is frustrated by the fact that despite EVERY EFFORT to provide quality education, immigrant kids drop out of school (so they can hang out with gangs and commit crime) at an alarming rate.  Danish hihger educational instutions are desperate to get more immigrants, and bend pover backward to enroll them and accomodate them, yet very few of the men are interested.  (The one good sign is that a recent study indicated that muslim immigrant women are more interested in education, and are breaking the traditional roles.  Hopefully too many of them won't be KILLED by the fathers and brothers )

And, by the way, there are very, very few North African immigrants in Denmark.  Apparently your ignorance also extends to the field of geography.

And, your complete ignorance of history is also illustrated by even starting to make a comparison to WW2 persecution of Jews that involves DENMARK !!!    


Take a good look in the mirror, PreMed_Gunner.  Because I am not sure that what you see is the reality.  This thread has demonstrated that, not only are you a bigot who judges whole swaths of diverse people based on their religions, but you also loudly and arrogantly bray your opinions about things that you apparently know nothing about.  

The irony is that you appear to have a whole lot in common with the people that you clearly think you are most superior to.  
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 7:54:10 AM EDT
We swedes did somehow get involved too. Apparently all danish, norwegians and swedes are supposed to leave Gaza "or else"...

Imagine the outcry if a scandinavian country/EU/US ordered all palestinians to leave.
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 7:59:05 AM EDT
DK, I love ya...I do...But to be honest, fair trade (or lack therof) does not even make the top 10 list of things I hate that entire region for.

But I WILL make it #11.

3 words:
Kitty Litter Box.

Link Posted: 1/30/2006 8:25:09 AM EDT

Apparently all danish, norwegians and swedes are supposed to leave Gaza "or else"...

That's good, all the tree-hugging halal-hippi NGO volunteers have left the Gaza, the fuckers have to solve their problems now. Cut the funding to the terrorist government as well and i'll bring out the champagne.
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 8:30:52 AM EDT
This may be one of the first threads on arfcom ever to have a Dane, a Swede and a Norwegian posting in it.

Link Posted: 1/30/2006 8:38:38 AM EDT




I hate knee-jerk bigots.


All religions are shit

So, you are a self-hating bigot then?  

Good for you!  

I am not a bigot, I hate all religions equally and without discrimination.

bullshit.  atheists are the worst bigots there are.  atheism IS a fucking religion!
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 8:41:46 AM EDT

bullshit.  atheists are the worst bigots there are.  atheism IS a fucking religion!

Let's not get off track.  

By defintion, PreMed_Gunner is a bigot
By defintion, atheism is not an organized religion (despite a few crazies being very agressive about it).

Let's not turn this thread into an atheism-bashing thread, when it was intended to be a middle-eastern-muslim-govenment-bashing thread.  

Start your own thread for the atheism thing.  Or for bashing PreMed_Gunner.  
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 8:43:49 AM EDT


Hey, not that I think any government should listen to another gov't (i.e. we should say "fuck off to the Euros who don't want us in Iraq, and Austria can tell us to fuck off because we don't want them selling rifles to Iran) here is just a little tidbit about Islam.

Muslims are forbidden to represent Muhammad in any way.
No drawings, no representations, nothing.
It is a big, big no-no.
Ever seen the famous film "The Messanger" about Muhammad's rise and the wars between Mecca and Medina?
Muhammad is never seen throughout the entire movie, and he never speaks.
Made the movie pretty hard to follow if you ask me.
And actually I feel this is a flaw in Islam - Muhammad is just a man, yet some Muslims place him higher than a man, to the point of blasphemy, IMO.
Kind of like some Roman Catholics and the prayers to saints.
Placing men at the level of God, or at least above the level of men, if you follow me.

Oh, so anyway, my point.
The point is, this is INCREDIBLY offensive to all muslims, even muslims who are the equivalent of C & E Christians.
(You know the type - don't go to church except on Christmas and easter)
This is on the level of, oh say, a jar of urine with a cricifix [its "crucifix"] in it, or the Virgin Mary covered in dung.
I'm not saying the Danish gov't should kowtow to foreign powers, I'm just saying, they aren't being hypersensitive about this.

The difference is that when Christians who were / are offended by " a jar of urine with a cricifix [SIC] in it, or the Virgin Mary covered in dung" spoke up, they were told (by the media, US Government, etc.) to STFU.

The difference is that any insult to Christianity is met by universal yawns and boredom in the "Christian" world, while any percieved or real insult to Islam becomes the basis for riots, suicide bombings, beheadings, and outrageous demands from the umma.  And every kufar has to walk on eggshells, pissing their pants in terror because some ignorant mouthbreather imam in some middle-of-nowhere mosque might get offended.

Sorry.  It doesn't wash.  20 churches were attacked this weekend in Iraq as part of the violent anti-Christian campaign of 'religious cleansing' that has been ongoing for the last two years, but gets little press in the "mainstream media".  How many mosques were blown up in Denmark this weekend?  France?  The US?

And you'll find no argument from me on that.
I was just explaining the reasoning behind it.
Believe me - I believe Islam has a few fundamental flaws - chiefly the inability to reconcile this world with the next.
Christians have little trouble getting along with other religions because we see this world as unimportant and fleeting.
Christians don't try to create theocratic governments because of "give unto God what is God's and give unto Ceaser what is Caeser" if you follow me.

I just try to get a little beyond "those damn raghaids are savages! nuke mecca!" etc.
Far better to understand the enemy you are fighting, especially in a war of ideology.
Especially when some of your allies in this war follow the same belief system as the enemies.
Link Posted: 1/30/2006 8:46:59 AM EDT



That is about the mindless horseshit I would expect from another terrorist apologist…

The Christian Identity movement has noting to do with Christianity and is condemned by Christian churches.
So is terrorism among most educated Muslims(those that can actually read the Qur'an and have an educational background necessary to understand it).
Rwandan genocide was not supported by Christian churches all over the world.
neither was 9/11(and I was in a mosque on 9/11). I have yet to meet a single Arab who is glad about what happened on 9/11, and this is coming from Salafi/Wahhabists.
You are to historical ignorant to know the Crusades were a defensive reaction to violent expansive Muslim imperialism in to Europe.
as well as a way to withdraw attention from the corruption of the pontiff, and unify the people of Europe against an enemy besides other Europeans. It may have been originally a defense against Islam's relatively bloodshed free(most places just surrendered) conquest, but not for the reason you think. The Catholic church concerned itself with Jerusalem and the pilgrimage route to the Holy Land because they made money hand-over-fist from all of the "relics" and sacraments that they sold to pilgrims. I shed not a tear for those who were armed that died in the crusades, following their stupid ideas about "God's will", I feel bad for the innocent women and children butchered at the hands of their Christian brothers, as well as the innocents they massacred in Jerusalem.

The silence of the muslim condemnations of;
the WTC attack, the continued homicide bombings by the trash arabs in palitown, Iraq, Afghanistan, London, Madrid, Bali, Jakarta and Paris, and the beheadings of civilians trying to rebuild the war torn area's, is overwhelming(!)

Go away
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