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Link Posted: 10/4/2005 11:07:25 AM EDT

Honestly, most recreational drug users and dealers are harmless and I wouldn't worry.  Although I have to say this -- never trust a stripper. Never.

Hopefully, your apartment has poured concrete floors. Old Painless's Box o Truth tells us that most bullets will fly through lesser construction easily.

But if you are worried, there is no need to endure.  Narc them out anonymously (pay phone to a crime stopper line). Just dont be hanging around when the popo come. In some states, just being around  is enough to get you in trouble.  Universities  sometimes discipline too for off campus behavior.

Good luck.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 11:08:26 AM EDT

YOu become (too much) like the people you hang with.

Plan accordingly.

I can see the headlines now -

"Local Student with Arsenal Netted in Drug Bust"
 Byline: Student frequented anarchist websites

Draw down on the strippers everytime you see them, they will leearn you dont like them. and thats anarchist ninja website
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 11:12:26 AM EDT
Mind your own fucking business.

Fuck the war on drugs.

If there is a real crime going on, you know, assault, rape, theft, murder then call the cops. But you shouldnt rat people out for what they do to themselves in the privacy of thier own homes.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 11:14:39 AM EDT



best advice I can give.

a rat is a rat.  

It is not ratting if they are breaking the law.  It is called doing the right thing.
I wouldn't trust you in my house if you were a drug using dealer either.

Umm, yes it is. Ratting is informing on your neighibors to the cops period. What? it is not ratting if they're not breaking the law?????  What do you want to do? ruin these girls lives? The fact that they are strippers proves that their lives suck already and they use drugs to escape the reality of thier life which sucks. Talk about hard drugs is just that, talk. Even if there was a shooting that was drug related (do you have 1000% proof??) What do these girls have to do with it? At best the cops will bust two girls with a small amount of pot and maybe some hippie dealer. Wow. feel safer already?? the state encouraging peole to be rats and informers is part of what is destroying our society, turning us into some Soviet state where noone trusts anyone else. Hey maybe the next time I see someone with a questionable firearm (hey is that a US made folding stock?) or it sound like they have "full auto",  I'll rat them out to the ATF*. MAybe they're innocent, and maybe they are not. What do i care? I don't like guns and the idea they can be harrased by the cops on my tip suits me fine. I dont want my kids to get killed by some "gunnut"!

*is'nt that 24 hour ATF "rat hotline" phone system how the Waco investigation got stated?? Some Informers, oooopps i mean neighibors called ATF about "machine gun fire" from the branch Davidian compound?? Oh and lets not forget Ruby ridge, Fucking Rat slime entrapped Weaver into selling him a shorty shotgun with out paying the "FED tax"!!

It's more than a little pot. They were getting opium last night trying to get coke. Thinking somone may have an illegal weapon and knowing they're using coke in my apartment building are two different things.

And are you advocating drug use?

Being called a gunnt and being a druggie are not the same thing.

Ya know what, stop being an asshole. Im not trying to entrap anyone you prick. This isnt ruby ridge. They do drugs, im not trying to get them to do drugs so i can bust them.

So, if your neighbors were doing drugs, and drug dealers came to your neighborhood, and you couldnt afford to move you would just let it go on? Would you wait until someone got killed?
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 11:19:10 AM EDT
Some of you people really suprise me, and the attitude im getting from people on THIS site in particular; its disturbing. I know for a fact NOW that they're using coke, opium, assorted pills. Yet i should just stfu about it because it doesnt effect me.....yet. WOW.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 11:26:44 AM EDT

So, if your neighbors were doing drugs, and drug dealers came to your neighborhood, and you couldnt afford to move you would just let it go on? Would you wait until someone got killed?

If it were my immeddiate neighbors  on either sides of my house or across the streets and thier immediate neighbors and I knew for a fact drug dealers were coming over, I might confront them and tell them that I dont give a fuck that they do drugs but that I would appreicate it if they went out to purchase thier goods instead of getting it delivered at home.

That being said I probably wouldnt know if they had drug dealers coming over because I'm not a noisy fucking bastard who gets into the business of my neighors and watch their comings and goings or the comings and goings of thier guests.

I'm less worried about random drug dealers that may or may not be a problem for anyone in my neighborhood and if they are well then I'll just deal with it.

However I do know that if I called the police out it would definately cause a problem. Maybe if I were lucky that problem might only be for the neighbors I called them out on and maybe thier only problem might be jail. However given the way some police have carried themselves that problem might turn out to be body bags and seized property, and thats only if they got the right address.

Me thinks drug dealers are probably better at making sure they have the right address than police ever will be. They certainly have more of a vested interesting in getting things done right than the police do.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 1:33:24 PM EDT

Some of you people really suprise me, and the attitude im getting from people on THIS site in particular; its disturbing. I know for a fact NOW that they're using coke, opium, assorted pills. Yet i should just stfu about it because it doesnt effect me.....yet. WOW.

Ok, you know for a fact they were talking about it? talk is cheap.

did you see any of those drugs firsthand? I heard "opium" many times in my younger life, never saw it til I went overseas.

you asked for help, then were suprised you got some that didn't mesh with your preplanned actions apparently.
WTH man?

here I'll tell you what you want to hear

Wow man, you should call the cops like right now. tell them there are 2 strippers doing drugs in their apartment and you'll wear a wire for the cops. zero tolerance. string em up, because I don't do it and I'm scared of people who do drugs too.

I need a drink.

is that what you wanted to hear? it isn't even close to my honest advice as you asked for, but  that advice wasn't good enough either.

ETA: not meaning to be harsh at all, but jeeze man. what is it you're lookin for?
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 1:47:32 PM EDT
Good gawd!  Either move or learn to deal with it.  They haven't hurt you or taken away your rights.

They said they were getting Opium, i know what that is, because they grow that shit in the middle east(History CHannel).
What are you 13?  Who doesn't know where opium comes from?

They are just young people having fun and are hurting no one but themselves.  The people that come over are probably just friends that they get high with and listen to some Pink Floyd or Grateful Dead.  Chill out, and quit being so nosey. Shesh.

ETA:  There was this "cheap" opium going around a few years back.  A big purplish rock that looked like a giant jolly rancher.  It was basicly a rip-off, you would get a bigger high if you bobbed your head up and down rapidly, or so I have heard.

Also no one calls it "coke" unless it is mixed with rum.  Users call it blow or yay-yay.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 1:51:39 PM EDT

Mind your own fucking business.

Fuck the war on drugs.

If there is a real crime going on, you know, assault, rape, theft, murder then call the cops. But you shouldnt rat people out for what they do to themselves in the privacy of thier own homes.

Couldn't of said it better myself! Don't be a snitch, especially when your down there talking with them. Thats just rude!
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 2:25:54 PM EDT
Just remember, if it's late at night and you hear " Git em!  Jiyea!"  over and over again, it is just a G thang.  

Seriously, if you have friends who are cops, make a point of having them over to your house more often to party or whatever.  Otherwise, leave in your window or on your door hanging a target shredded by a 12 ga.  
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 2:41:29 PM EDT
Are they directly hurting anyone, besides themselves, by doing said drugs? They're adults, they deserve the ability to choose what to do with themselves.

Leave them be. That, and not associating with those people would be the best course of action
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 2:44:59 PM EDT
It's not shootings I would be worried about.  Your biggest risks are the girls or there friends stealing your stuff to trade for drugs. Whatever you do dont loan the girls your car.  you dont need the grief of some coked out stripper crashing it or forgeting to bring it back for a week.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 2:52:42 PM EDT
Are we bitter because we didn't get any pie after all our hanging around?
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 2:53:05 PM EDT

what a person does to their own body is none of your business, and you should but out

If it offends you...............don't hang around hoping for a "freebie"

"snitch" is another word for someone who cannot be trusted with anything.

If it overlaps your life unwelcomed or uninvited, it MAY be another story but only after asking them to take it elsewhere.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 3:07:44 PM EDT
are you sure they were taking about opium or maybe it was opiates...if they are pill poppers I would guess that they were talking about opiates, such as vicoden and any other pain killer...you go bust those bad bad girls...
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 3:13:50 PM EDT
So you'd thought you'd be all kewl and go hanf with the strippers... but then when you find out you may have gotten yourself in over your head... you wanna run to the po po????

1 vote for U B a Pussy.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 3:26:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 3:46:09 PM EDT

addreall is a 'scripted medeceation thats given to kids with ADHD...its similar to Ritalin...adults take it cause it works like speed....
Most of the strippers I know take drugs..no big deal. If you dont want to be involved with it then dont hang out at their place. IMO nothing good can come of snitching on them. I doubt that busting a few strippers will do anything to clean the place up. Just mind your own business and dont hang out at their place anymore.

then again if i had hot strippers who liked to party I dont know if Id be so quick to move


Doubt busting them would clean the place up.  My humble opinion:  MYOB.  If they aren't hurting anyone or harrassing you, what are you going to accomplish ratting them out?  Someone else will just move in and fill their shoes.

Taking drugs may be against the law, but, I think if anyone chooses to do it then they should have the freedom to do it.  Personally I don't take 'em.  Don't drink much either.  They are stupid in the long run, and fuck up your quality of life.  But that's just my opinion, and it isn't my business to decide what someone does with theirs.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 3:54:46 PM EDT
Just remember you might be the only square (non-user) that knew what they were into and they might narrow it down to you who tipped them off.

Something to consider.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 4:13:16 PM EDT
1BMF you are a punk! Stay out of other peoples business. Get a life and stay away from hookers if you don't like there life style. Snitches ALWAYS die.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 6:03:41 PM EDT
If you don't report them you're part of the problem. People like you and everyone else who knows about something like this. If you just stand by and allow the problem to not only continue but grow and then bitch about it when the whole neighborhood turns into something comparable to a third world nation where the police won't even come to the area for 911 calls when it could be stopped before it gets out of control... well, you're not only part of the problem but your a fucking paranoid coward. If you think as soon as the police arrive on an anonymous tip some drug dealer and his goons are going to break down your door with a volley of gunfire... well, you've been watching too much TV and action flicks.

Odds are if you send the cops a tip or better yet go to the police station and explain it to them so they take you a little more seriously, then odds are they're not going to knock on the door and ask to see the drug dealer of the house... they'll watch the place and wait for the best time to make an arrest that actually matters.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 6:57:01 PM EDT
It sounds to me like you don't care about their drug use, per se, but are more worried about dealers having a shootout outside your apartment and you getting caught in it.

Generally speaking, the drugs you mentioned, opium, pills, pot and so on don't bring alot of violence with them.  There are several drug dealers in my neighborhood and there hasn't been any real violence from that.

Where you need to worry is if you are in a hood that is INFESTED with drugs and you have a different dealer on every corner and they are constantly battling over turf.  If that's the case you can blow in the girls to the cops but it will barely make a dent in the hood and someone will be along to fill the dent within a week or so.

Believe it, drugs are all over the country.  You don't hear about drug shootouts in suburbia or rural areas though because there are probably only a couple dealers around and they don't step on each others toes too much.  The old high school advice, "Make friends with the rich kids because they have the best drugs" comes to mind.  The drug violence you see on the news is pretty much confined to densely populated urban neighborhoods where HARD drugs are being used.  Opium pot, pills and mushrooms are not hard drugs.  Cocaine is borderline.

You strike me as somewhat naive and misinformed.  Your safest play is probably to just STFU as many others have stated already.

Personally I don't use drugs except for alcohol myself but I've been to enough places where drug use was common and have seen them being used in almost any situation you can think of.  Friends of mine are also into the "drug scene" and I also went to college.  If your only experience with them has been on TV, I can understand your apprehension.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 7:16:17 PM EDT

It sounds to me like you don't care about their drug use, per se, but are more worried about dealers having a shootout outside your apartment and you getting caught in it.

Generally speaking, the drugs you mentioned, opium, pills, pot and so on don't bring alot of violence with them.  There are several drug dealers in my neighborhood and there hasn't been any real violence from that.

Where you need to worry is if you are in a hood that is INFESTED with drugs and you have a different dealer on every corner and they are constantly battling over turf.  If that's the case you can blow in the girls to the cops but it will barely make a dent in the hood and someone will be along to fill the dent within a week or so.

Believe it, drugs are all over the country.  You don't hear about drug shootouts in suburbia or rural areas though because there are probably only a couple dealers around and they don't step on each others toes too much.  The old high school advice, "Make friends with the rich kids because they have the best drugs" comes to mind.  The drug violence you see on the news is pretty much confined to densely populated urban neighborhoods where HARD drugs are being used.  Opium pot, pills and mushrooms are not hard drugs.  Cocaine is borderline.

You strike me as somewhat naive and misinformed.  Your safest play is probably to just STFU as many others have stated already.

Personally I don't use drugs except for alcohol myself but I've been to enough places where drug use was common and have seen them being used in almost any situation you can think of.  Friends of mine are also into the "drug scene" and I also went to college.  If your only experience with them has been on TV, I can understand your apprehension.

Exactly, i dont care if they die from drugs, i just dont want a bad deal going down out front of my building. There was a shooting yesterday in the apartment complex just down the street. Last year someone got killed in my apartment complex because of some cocaine issues and he got dumped like 30 yards from my building.

I know pot, pills and shrooms arent hard drugs, but when they start getting lines of coke to do and those kinds of things, those dealers are a little more hardcore than some pot or zanys dealers.

Im not noisy nor am i jealous or "in over my head," the girls i were talking to i thought just smoked weed-which practically everyone does, they even have their own club on campus-wtf? Anyways, the 2 i was chilling with(the ones that arent strippers btw) all of the sudden started talking about all these drugs. They moved in the same day i did, so its not like im the new guy that doesnt like how things are run.

And just because im young doesnt make me a fucking punk. This place seemed nice and new, and for the most part it is, it just so happens that there are some druggies below me.

People calling me a punk, and a pussy can shut the fuck up. Im trying to make this place safe for me and everyone else at my expense and you guys call me a pussy.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 7:22:09 PM EDT

Good gawd!  Either move or learn to deal with it.  They haven't hurt you or taken away your rights.

They said they were getting Opium, i know what that is, because they grow that shit in the middle east(History CHannel).
What are you 13?  Who doesn't know where opium comes from?

They are just young people having fun and are hurting no one but themselves.  The people that come over are probably just friends that they get high with and listen to some Pink Floyd or Grateful Dead.  Chill out, and quit being so nosey. Shesh.

ETA:  There was this "cheap" opium going around a few years back.  A big purplish rock that looked like a giant jolly rancher.  It was basicly a rip-off, you would get a bigger high if you bobbed your head up and down rapidly, or so I have heard.

Also no one calls it "coke" unless it is mixed with rum.  Users call it blow or yay-yay.

was it like "red rock" or something along those lines? Looked like a chunk of bowling ball?
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 7:23:29 PM EDT


It sounds to me like you don't care about their drug use, per se, but are more worried about dealers having a shootout outside your apartment and you getting caught in it.

Generally speaking, the drugs you mentioned, opium, pills, pot and so on don't bring alot of violence with them.  There are several drug dealers in my neighborhood and there hasn't been any real violence from that.

Where you need to worry is if you are in a hood that is INFESTED with drugs and you have a different dealer on every corner and they are constantly battling over turf.  If that's the case you can blow in the girls to the cops but it will barely make a dent in the hood and someone will be along to fill the dent within a week or so.

Believe it, drugs are all over the country.  You don't hear about drug shootouts in suburbia or rural areas though because there are probably only a couple dealers around and they don't step on each others toes too much.  The old high school advice, "Make friends with the rich kids because they have the best drugs" comes to mind.  The drug violence you see on the news is pretty much confined to densely populated urban neighborhoods where HARD drugs are being used.  Opium pot, pills and mushrooms are not hard drugs.  Cocaine is borderline.

You strike me as somewhat naive and misinformed.  Your safest play is probably to just STFU as many others have stated already.

Personally I don't use drugs except for alcohol myself but I've been to enough places where drug use was common and have seen them being used in almost any situation you can think of.  Friends of mine are also into the "drug scene" and I also went to college.  If your only experience with them has been on TV, I can understand your apprehension.

Exactly, i dont care if they die from drugs, i just dont want a bad deal going down out front of my building. There was a shooting yesterday in the apartment complex just down the street. Last year someone got killed in my apartment complex because of some cocaine issues and he got dumped like 30 yards from my building.

I know pot, pills and shrooms arent hard drugs, but when they start getting lines of coke to do and those kinds of things, those dealers are a little more hardcore than some pot or zanys dealers.

Im not noisy nor am i jealous or "in over my head," the girls i were talking to i thought just smoked weed-which practically everyone does, they even have their own club on campus-wtf? Anyways, the 2 i was chilling with(the ones that arent strippers btw) all of the sudden started talking about all these drugs. They moved in the same day i did, so its not like im the new guy that doesnt like how things are run.

And just because im young doesnt make me a fucking punk. This place seemed nice and new, and for the most part it is, it just so happens that there are some druggies below me.

People calling me a punk, and a pussy can shut the fuck up. Im trying to make this place safe for me and everyone else at my expense and you guys call me a pussy.

Just to make sure you know. I didn't call "you" anything.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 7:33:20 PM EDT
I know, it was some other guys. Instead on being reasonable or talking about what to do, they call names and say i will get killed for sure. They can go back to DU with their "whatever i do in the comfort of my own home is fine" attitudes.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 7:46:46 PM EDT

I know, it was some other guys. Instead on being reasonable or talking about what to do, they call names and say i will get killed for sure. They can go back to DU with their "whatever i do in the comfort of my own home is fine" attitudes.

I totally agree with that statement. Don't get me wrong here. I'm for legalizing pot.

I tried not to make my posts seem as you would for sure be killed, but the odds will certainly not be better  if ya snitch..

No one here can tell you what to do. But it sounds like you had your mind made up with the first post.

I will say this




Please think  long and hard before dropping a dime on these nobody users.

Link Posted: 10/4/2005 7:48:48 PM EDT
Dude! 1BMF.

I have two courses of action for you:

1.  Mind your own business.


2. Get the hell out now, before it's too late.  I know you've said that money is a concern.  However.

You're in college. A state sponsored university, for that matter. Give your local student union a call. I promise you that your uni provides some form of pre-paid legal services. The union can hook you up with them. They will have at least one bar-certified lawyer who specializes in client-tenant law. Explain the situation for you wanting to move, without going into too much detail, and get their advice. I promise you that their has to be a way out of your lease, considering the circumstances. You may have pledged to pay rent, but you did not sign away your life as a backstop for stray bullets.

Either way, don't piss on people's private lives by calling the cops. If their having dealers around or mentioning 'hard drugs' (nothing you've mentioned is really considered hard, btw) bothers you, the it's best that you just un-ass the situation, and mind your own business. Be that in your apartment, or in another complex elsewhere.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 7:49:19 PM EDT

Why the hell are you going to snitch on them?

I seriously doubt that the guy who drops them off a package every once in a while is a big threat to your wellbeing.

Street corner buyers and sellers are a different animal, they will always go for an easy score, they will rip each other off any way that they can. Thats why people get shot.

Either party with them, or don't. But don't call the friggin cops on them, unless you want to be always known as a snitch and a bitch.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 8:04:22 PM EDT
So thats the AR15.com consensus; telling the police people are committing crimes = pissing on their lives.


Link Posted: 10/4/2005 8:13:14 PM EDT

So thats the AR15.com consensus; telling the police people are committing crimes = pissing on their lives.


Shakes head and walks away. Good luck 1 BMF.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 8:15:02 PM EDT
Just leave them alone, and mind your own damn business.

Think about it, are they going to fuck with you if you don't fuck with them?  Is it really in their best interests to put their own lives at risk to fuck with you, with no provocation from you?
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 8:21:56 PM EDT
I appreceate your sentiment for your neighborhood, but I think your interests are better served by protecting your property and loved ones.  You should not be afraid of what someone does to themself.  Be afraid of what they may do to you.

Volunteering to wear a wire is a terrible idea.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 8:25:41 PM EDT

So thats the AR15.com consensus; telling the police people are committing crimes = pissing on their lives.


You asked. Don't ask if you can't handle the answer.

But let me paint you a picture? Not even a likely one, but far more probable if you do call the cops, in this instance.

You make your anonymous phone call. Popo starts cruising the neighborhood, and pops one of these dealers on his way in or out. One more thug off the streets. They also pop these girls, too, and hit them up with some minor shit. They'll be out the same day.

Jojo the dealer ain't gonna use his phone call to call a lawyer, bud. Public Defender works just fine for him. No, he calls his homey RayRay, who covers his ass. He wants RayRay to find out how the hell the cops knew he was dealin up in your complex. RayRay is gonna take a little ride over there, and lay some shit down on these girls, wanting know which of them told. Then, after he's convinced that they didn't tell, he's gonna find out everyone they've been dealing with for the past little while.

Eventually, one of them is gonna open their yap about that white dude that lives up on three. He gets nervous when we break out the pot. Doesn't like it when we talk about the other stuff. Always wants to leave right about then.

You are not even going to see it coming. There won't be any stray bullets, cause RayRay will catch you coming down the stairs one day, and put two in your chest as you hit the landing.

And just in case he got the wrong guy, he's then gonna spread the word around the drug scene that he capped some white, cracker-ass college boy that couldn't mind his own business. Shouldn't have said no shit about JoJo.

I'm not saying this is going to happen.  It's improbable that it will.  But you increase the liklihood by ratting out some recreational users.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 8:39:25 PM EDT
I seriously doubt he would get killed for ratting them out, however if he did what will most likely happen is that they will get arrested, prosecuted, may or may not spend time in prison, but it will defiantely tie up the legal systems resources and real criminals that do deserve to be in jail will end up slipping through the cracks and causing real crimes.

All because some white kid got scared because some strippers smoked weed.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 8:46:54 PM EDT
"They can go back to DU with their "whatever i do in the comfort of my own home is fine" attitudes."

that is the opposite of DU. there has to be more to this story. no college kid is going to rat out a couple of chicks for small time drug use. it is none of your business. keep playing hall monitor and you will end up with a boot up your ass.

i am no drug user. i don't drink. i know what someone does in their home is non of my business.

your pissed because you got shot down right? if you were getting any pussy (like you should be while in college) you would not give a shit what they are doing. i can see this is just one more reason that you won't be getting any.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 8:52:35 PM EDT
Jesus christ, you people are like talking to a fucking wall.

It is my business, because the drug dealers come to my fucking building. I dont want that scum here, because their criminals and most wont think twice about shooting a building up.

Nothing more, simple as that.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 8:57:36 PM EDT
Damn, Bro.  Sounds like you DO need to find other lodging.  In another thread you posted about a shooting near you.  Now strippers and heavy drugs.  Looks like you got in over your head.  You've got a few choices:

1.  Suck it up and complete your lease.  Do what you are supposed to do in college - study.  Do not associate with others in your complex.  First it's drinking near the clubhouse with "homeys" riding up and fighting now it's partying with strippers and your old high school friends.  Sounds like you need to get new friends.  I know in the other thread you didn't admit to partying but just being in the vicinity can get you in trouble.  Especially as a gun owner.

2.  Move on campus.  Sounds like you opted for the cheaper route to live off-campus with the other dregs of Orlando society.  You will hear this many times in your life, so you might as well learn it now - You get what you pay for.

3.  Move back home with your parents and go to community college.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 9:01:17 PM EDT


I cant move. At least not for a year. Lease just started 2 months ago and i cant afford to buy out of it.

I suspect if you told the leasing office you would be moving because their apartment complex is a drug den they might reconsider. If not tell them that the fact that they have knowledge of this and do nothing about it would be an interesting point of debate in court.

Call the cops. They don't know it's you. What are they going to do to you from jail.

Could they possibly be narcs?

I'm not sure what kind of neighborhood 1BMF lives in, but I have some idea and I would recommend he stay out of this one. Calling the police is not going to do anything good for him. It would probaby put him at risk of retaliation. In neighborhoods like that EVERYONE knows who made the call, and whether you do it anonymously -or give your name- makes little difference. Even if someone else calls he might be singled out anyway just for being relatively new to the complex. Don't give any scumbag dealer a reason to go after you.

Dealers have been operating around there way longer than 1BMF has lived there and even if his call results in an arrest, they are not going to be locked up for a long time, if at all. Anyone who fucks up thier money will be dealt with on the street. Retaliation against an informant is always swift and deadly. I've seen it too many times.

That's just how it is, don't get involved with this because the police won't always be there to protect you.  

It's bad news for 1BMF. Do your time there if you must, then move on.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 9:18:47 PM EDT

So thats the AR15.com consensus; telling the police people are committing crimes = pissing on their lives.


Not exactly, it completely depends on who's committing the crime(street gangs/dealers from gangs) and in what neighborhood. I grew up in Harlem and I've seen street justice over nothing, and a rat always paid dearly. I'm not comparing it with your neighborhood, but if it's anything close you would be a fool to put yourself at risk. If you live in the nice part of town then it's not as bad, the dealers are usually not hard core street thugs.

If you really want to do some crime fighting, become a cop.

Use common sense if you make the call. If you get the wrong kind of people in trouble with the law, don't expect it to end there.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 9:36:41 PM EDT
Law EnForcement Against Prohibition


(781) 393-6985

Current and former members of law enforcement who support drug regulation rather than prohibition.  

Mission Statement

Founded on March 16, 2002, LEAP is made up of current and former members of law enforcement who believe the existing drug policies have failed in their intended goals of addressing the problems of crime, drug abuse, addiction, juvenile drug use, stopping the flow of illegal drugs into this country and the internal sale and use of illegal drugs. By fighting a war on drugs the government has increased the problems of society and made them far worse. A system of regulation rather than prohibition is a less harmful, more ethical and a more effective public policy.

The mission of LEAP is to reduce the multitude of unintended harmful consequences resulting from fighting the war on drugs and to lessen the incidence of death, disease, crime, and addiction by ultimately ending drug prohibition.

LEAP¹s goals are:
(1) To educate the public, the media, and policy makers, to the failure of current drug policy by presenting a true picture of the history, causes and effects of drug abuse and the crimes related to drug prohibition and
(2) To restore the public¹s respect for law enforcement, which has been greatly diminished by its involvement in imposing drug prohibition.

LEAP¹s main strategy for accomplishing these goals is to create a constantly enlarging speakers bureau staffed with knowledgeable and articulate former drug-warriors who describe the impact of current drug policies on: police/community relations; the safety of law enforcement officers and suspects; police corruption and misconduct; and the financial and human costs associated with current drug policies.

The Law Does More Harm Than The Drugs Do.

Knowledge of Good $$$$$$$$$  And Evil  $$$$$$$$$$$.

People Smoke, Drink, because it make them Feel Better.

What Have You Got Against People To Feel Better.

Such a Terrible Horrible EVIL Crime.

Freedom For All, Liberty For All, And Justice For All.

Seek The Truth, Liberate Your Mind.

United States Of America________________________
www.LEAP.cc/ -- www.Cures-not-wars.org/ Truth Will Liberate Earth.  --  Law EnForcement Against Prohibition
www.RKBA.org/antis/hci-masterAllege 1993 feinstein/hci PRETEXT for TOTAL Gun Freedom Confiscation.
www.digitalangelcorp.com/ Revelation 13:18 BAN Human Power ID-GPS-MONEY Implant Micro-chip.Patent 5,629,678

Link Posted: 10/4/2005 9:38:04 PM EDT
First of all, these aren't heavy drugs you're talking about. Sure coke isn't something you want to get involved with, but these are strippers, strippers do coke, it aint news to anybody, including the cops. Mushrooms are hippy college kid drugs, not gangbanger drugs, the 'shroom "dealer" is probably just some kid who's outdoors often enough to know where to find them for the strippers he'd really like to fuck, you know? Opium, if that's what it is, raw opium, is pretty mild stuff. The only people slinging opiumin the US are botany majors and little old ladies with arthritis, so calm down about it, the gangbangers sling H.

You drop dime on these people you deserve what you get, at best you'll be a pariah if anyone finds out, at worst they hurt you before you die.

The cops are gonna laugh at you when you call.

You're not in the suburbs with mommy and daddy anymore, there's all sorts of people in this world who're into all sorts of stuff and they all get along fine by minding their own business. That shooting that's got you all worked up happened because somebody wasn't minding their business or somebody cheated, stole or dropped dime on somebody else. You get all self righteous about it and drop dime yourself you contribute to the problem, chill out, hell smoke a bowl with the strippers, it'd be good for you.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 9:49:58 PM EDT
Very simple advice:


Don't interact with these people, but don't go be a rat.

Just mind you own business

I'd bet dollars to pesos that there are A LOT more users in your building.

IF they did find out it was you that ratted...... you are going to get a hard-dose of what can happen when you piss the wrong people off.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 9:57:12 PM EDT
Damn guys, these are a couple of strippers not the damn Mafia.  If he gives a tip to the cops, big freaking deal.  I highly doubt some "homie" is going to come pay him a visit.  Like I said, this isn't the mob, it's probably just a few pieces of trash.  Guess the days of being a responsible citizen are over.  Sorry to break it to some of you, but pot is illegal and I got no care what happens to those who smoke it.

Some of the responses here are laughable, but expected.

As for some advice, I say do what you think is right.  Screw the people who are saying you are a snitch or a rat.  It's called being a citizen, being alert, and reporting things that are illegal.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 10:28:39 PM EDT

It's not shootings I would be worried about.  Your biggest risks are the girls or there friends stealing your stuff to trade for drugs. Whatever you do dont loan the girls your car.  you dont need the grief of some coked out stripper crashing it or forgeting to bring it back for a week.

Yeah.  Friends cannot be drug users.  Its trouble.  Like garandman said peers are influential on you.  More than you think.  

Choose friends wisely.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 10:47:47 PM EDT

It is my business, because the drug dealers come to my fucking building.

So you own this whole fucking building do you?

I may be wrong but I think you probably just own whatever you pay rent for.

Yeah maybe they have people bringing them drugs, maybe they dont, eitherway the people they allow into thier homes are none of your business.

I dont want that scum here, because their criminals and most wont think twice about shooting a building up.

What scum, you havent even said you have seen anyone who you think is a drug dealer in the area, you've only stated that you think that maybe they might have drug dealers coming around.

I live in a decently sized city. I'm sure we have our fair share of drug related problems yet I cant really recall the last time I've heard of any drug dealers shooting up random buildings.

Infact most cases of people wigging out and shooting up buildings have been crazy overstressed whites.

Either linking park, I'm about to break type angsty teens who shoot up thier schools, or the older kind that go postal at work.

It sounds to me like you need to chill the fuck out before you become one kind or the other.
Link Posted: 10/5/2005 5:23:26 AM EDT


So thats the AR15.com consensus; telling the police people are committing crimes = pissing on their lives.


Shakes head and walks away. Good luck 1 BMF.

Keep in mind, you are discussing this with a bunch of recreational potheads. (if only in their libertarian-tuned-libertine beleif systems)

Interpolate their answers accordingly.
Link Posted: 10/5/2005 5:37:26 AM EDT


Yeah.  Friends cannot be drug users.  Its trouble.  Like garandman said peers are influential on you.  More than you think.  

Choose friends wisely.

He said as he downed another beer.
Link Posted: 10/5/2005 5:59:21 AM EDT

Jesus christ, you people are like talking to a fucking wall.

It is my business, because the drug dealers come to my fucking building. I dont want that scum here, because their criminals and most wont think twice about shooting a building up.

Nothing more, simple as that.

I think, as a first step, you should stop getting all your ideas from comic books. I have known/met thousands of similar people to what you describe. I have never seen any of them shoot up a building. Think "people who like a different kind of six-pack" and are usually less aggressive than the people who drink beer. In several decades of dealing with such people, I have always seen more trouble from the beer drinkers than the pot smokers/occasional shroom/coke users. Go live in a frat house that has kegger parties, so you have something to compare it to.
Link Posted: 10/5/2005 6:01:18 AM EDT

Generally speaking, the drugs you mentioned, opium, pills, pot and so on don't bring alot of violence with them.  There are several drug dealers in my neighborhood and there hasn't been any real violence from that.

Where you need to worry is if you are in a hood that is INFESTED with drugs and you have a different dealer on every corner and they are constantly battling over turf.  If that's the case you can blow in the girls to the cops but it will barely make a dent in the hood and someone will be along to fill the dent within a week or so.

How do you think those drug infested places started out? It's not like when a house developer starts building homes in an area they also plan out in advance which places will house the crackheads, which ones will be the drug dens, and which ones will be the innocent bystanders who will get shot in a crossfire.

These places start nice and turn into fucked up drug infested neighborhoods because people stand by with their thumbs in their asses and do/say nothing because they're a bunhc of fearful sheep. Then, as time goes on and the problem escalates from one house and one drug dealer to 5 out of 10 houses they start bitching about how the police aren't doing anything to keep their neighborhoods safe for their children to play in.

So call the fucking cops. Do it for the children. Do it for yourself. Just fucking do it.
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