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Posted: 5/22/2005 3:07:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:09:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:11:06 PM EDT

Mona drug me to see it today. effects are on par with the other movies.

The story line is horrible. poorly chopped scenes and dialog that could have done better written by a 3 year old.

The creation of VADER <when he gets his costume> is lame beyond words.

the only thing that would have redeemed the movie would have been jarjar binks roasting on an open spit saying "MEESA TASTE LIKE CHICKEN".

it would be a good renter, or a cheap daytime show. If your hoping for the end all of scfi movies, it's not. This series would have been SOOOOOOO much better if he had done them in order instead of the last one first.

on the beerslayers 12pack scale i give it 5 beers. effects are entertaining but nothing special.

So, the Burger King CAN kick his gay ass after all, huh?
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:13:22 PM EDT

the only thing that would have redeemed the movie would have been jarjar binks roasting on an open spit saying "MEESA TASTE LIKE CHICKEN".

I would have paid extra to see that.  I just came back from watching it and the first three were way better. These last 3 kinda sucked.

Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:17:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:18:56 PM EDT
I saw it.

Mostly agree with Beer but I think he is being a bit too hard on it.

In reality NONE of them were that great. They were iconic films with groundbreaking effects to be sure but NONE of them were brilliant.

I put in on par with the rest of the series with Part I easily being the worst, Return of the Jedi or Empire possibly being the best and the original being my favorite.
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:19:08 PM EDT
I liked it but then again i was looking for diffrent things than most people are, If you know Star wars Trivia, like the weapons etc. you'd understand!

If you looked closely you could see the early design for the Tie Fighters and X wings and the Early Star Destroyers known as "Dreadnauts"!

I really liked the Historical thing with the two ships doing "Broadsides" like old sailing ships!!

I also appreciated there was no Jar -Jar Binks except as an extra in the backround!!

I thought the battles were better than the Return of the Jedi!!
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:19:27 PM EDT
yeah it was lame. I just finished seeing it. it is NOT worth it.
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:19:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:21:34 PM EDT

So, the Burger King CAN kick his gay ass after all, huh?

I predict the Burger King commercial will have a better plot.  In the next commercial,
Vader will remove his mask and be Dave Thomas from Wendy's.

Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:23:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:23:37 PM EDT

[what to do this weekend]New Star Wars movie[/what to do this weekend]

good form. there's plenty of better things to do. The movie TRULY sucks.
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:24:41 PM EDT


Yeah, that was pretty dumb.

I just got back from seeing it, and I liked it. It was far better than the first two, and tied up the majority of loose strings (the one or two remaining aren't worth mentioning, really).

Amazing. Anakin didn't turn to the Dark Side. He was captured by it. Very interesting, indeed.
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:28:26 PM EDT
Well I liked it. It does have the problem of having to follow the story line. There was no room to be creative. It tied it to #4 really well, actually better than I thought. It does have to follow the book or people will sit around talking about how it didn't follow the story.
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:28:28 PM EDT
Yeah, why didn't Vader just beat the Emperor's hide when he told him that "Paddy" died? Didn't he set the deal with Vader to save her life?

Don't kid yourself, Lucas got his anti-gun digs in with that comment from Obi-Won.

I still think Natalie Portman is ugly.
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:32:01 PM EDT


Don't kid yourself, Lucas got his anti-gun digs in with that comment from Obi-Won.

Oh, come on. He was tying in with "Not as clumsy or random as a blaster" from ANH.

Let's not be like the Liberals and find a political underscore to this thing. It's a simple story. Enjoy it.

I actually chuckled at the points where the Libs claim there was some uber-prescient political point. If that's the best they can do, then they really ARE blinded by their hatred. I'm glad I have a life, unlike them.
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:35:22 PM EDT
I thought it was better than I and II and in the same ballpark as IV-VI.  I thought they did a good job and was worth the $9 ticket.  They did better with tying up ends and it keeps the action going.  

I agree... the Star Wars movies aren't great movies beyond the technological part...the stories are space operas.  However in '77 it was so amazingly different that people go hooked and so successful that it changed the way movies were made.

And Lucas still can't write a lovey-dovey scene to save his life!

Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:37:03 PM EDT


And Lucas still can't write a lovey-dovey scene to save his life!

Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:38:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:41:19 PM EDT
Minor spoiler alert....
The introductory battle sequence had me cringing all the way through it.  All the lame attempts to get laughs from the audience really bugged me.

The movie itself was mediocre at best....about what I expect from Lucas.

The cool parts were seeing the tie-ins to episode four such as R2 and C3P0 being given into the care of the captain of the corvette that was captured in the first scene of episode IV and Tarkin standing next to Darth Vader as well as the beginning of the death star.

I try to avoid seeing movies in the theatre but I've been to a couple of must-see's lately and Kingdom of Heaven was much better than SW III.

ETA:  Before the movie they showed the trailer for "Stealth" which features the navy fighter sitting on the flight deck of a carrier that occasionally shows up here as a real aircraft.  That suprised me.  
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:41:49 PM EDT
Nice eye candy. Lucas has a great visual imaginaton. Can't write dialog worth a damn, though. Anakin preceded Luke in being a whiny bitch, and his conversion to the dark side is utterly unconvincing.

Needed more Han Solo. All the prequels needed more Han Solo. That would have made them a lot less pretentious and leaden.
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:44:00 PM EDT
It's obvious that you didn't see it in LFX. It's much better.
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 3:48:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 4:08:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 4:09:25 PM EDT
They wiped C-3PO's memory but not R2-D2's.  That means that little bastard knew EVERYTHING, but never bothered to tell Luke or Leia.

Also, was hiding Luke on Annakin's home planet and not even changing his name very bright?
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 4:11:39 PM EDT

Quoted:Also, was hiding Luke on Annakin's home planet and not even changing his name very bright?

Link Posted: 5/22/2005 4:12:36 PM EDT

They wiped C-3PO's memory but not R2-D2's.  That means that little bastard knew EVERYTHING, but never bothered to tell Luke or Leia.

Also, was hiding Luke on Annakin's home planet and not even changing his name very bright?

The only thing I can think is Vader wasn't really interested in Luke until after the destruction of the first death star.

Vader knew he had a child (didn't know there were twins), so I guess they hid him in plain sight... there wasn't much for the empire to worry about until he me "old ben"
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 4:21:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 4:23:40 PM EDT
He finds out at some point.

Luke, I am your father.

That's not ture.  That's impossible!
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 4:24:39 PM EDT

vader didn't know he had a child at all. he was not aware of the birth because he was told HE killed padme ar whatever the hell her name was.


Also, it's been well-known that the entire story was told by R2 and Threepio. After this movie, it's just R2.

Funny how we all grew up thinking the story was about Luke, and it turns out the entire saga is about Anakin.

Aside from Jar Jar (the only part I REALLY hate), I love the whole series.
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 4:27:50 PM EDT

They wiped C-3PO's memory but not R2-D2's.  That means that little bastard knew EVERYTHING, but never bothered to tell Luke or Leia.

Also, was hiding Luke on Annakin's home planet and not even changing his name very bright?

My home computer is like that too. Knows everything; tells me squat.
Link Posted: 5/22/2005 4:27:58 PM EDT


Also, was hiding Luke on Annakin's home planet and not even changing his name very bright?

Considering that Annakin hated Tattoine <sp??> with a passion it seems a logical choice.  Giving him the same last name is a little questionable though.  
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 4:53:32 AM EDT
For all we know, "Skywalker" = "Smith".

There IS a lesson to take away from this movie, though.....

Don't do shit for women. They'll turn their back on you anyway and you'll fuck up the galaxy in the process.

Link Posted: 5/23/2005 7:16:33 AM EDT


Don't do shit for women. They'll turn their back on you anyway and you'll fuck up the galaxy in the process.

Sigline waiting to happen.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 7:37:43 AM EDT

For all we know, "Skywalker" = "Smith".

There IS a lesson to take away from this movie, though.....

Don't do shit for women. They'll turn their back on you anyway and you'll fuck up the galaxy in the process.

Even in a Galexy Far Far Away!!!
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 7:50:02 AM EDT



And Lucas still can't write a lovey-dovey scene to save his life!


And Hayden Christiansen (sp?) can't act his way out of a paper bag.

For me, this movie had potential, but it was wasted by poor script writing and poor acting.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 7:51:26 AM EDT


For all we know, "Skywalker" = "Smith".

There IS a lesson to take away from this movie, though.....

Don't do shit for women. They'll turn their back on you anyway and you'll fuck up the galaxy in the process.

Even in a Galexy Far Far Away!!!

Ditto man, ditto.


It's obvious that you didn't see it in LFX. It's much better.

i did and it still didn't make up for the crappy writting. i didn't expect much in that department and it didn't even come up to that. The effects as always were good.

Mike, I guess I'm easily amused. You have to get with the program, and use a little creative license to make up for the weak writing and story lines and fill in the rest with your mind; remember this is a fantasy, and not all of the pieces are going to fit together like a puzzle. For me personally, the biggest problem is the tremendous age difference between Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker from the movies Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. I guess I'll just have to use the force. Yet the movie went thru 2 different actors for Anakin Skywalker(Jake Lloyd & Hayden Christensen),  and yet Lucas kept Padmé Amidala(Natalie Portman) thru all 3 movies.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 7:53:56 AM EDT

They wiped C-3PO's memory but not R2-D2's.  That means that little bastard knew EVERYTHING, but never bothered to tell Luke or Leia.

Also, was hiding Luke on Annakin's home planet and not even changing his name very bright?

+1  and also in the later movies the dark side never checks on R2 memory banks
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 8:12:43 AM EDT
I just saw it yesterday.
it was as good as IV, V, VI.

The acting was as good also. We forget that the whole point of these movies is to "copy" the old
sci-fi serials that Lucas loved.

The acting is supposed to be cheesy. Do you remember Flash Gordon? Buck Rogers? It was all cheesey acting.

I rate the movie 5 out or 5. very well done
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 8:17:47 AM EDT

Needed more Han Solo. All the prequels needed more Han Solo.

and more cowbell, too.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 8:30:15 AM EDT
so, tell me of a better story of YOUR familly!  

Link Posted: 5/23/2005 8:33:53 AM EDT

so, tell me of a better story of YOUR familly!  

Can't do that right now.  Too busy negotiating the movie rights.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 9:57:03 AM EDT



Don't do shit for women. They'll turn their back on you anyway and you'll fuck up the galaxy in the process.

Sigline waiting to happen.

See below!

Edited to see if sig updates....
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 9:59:38 AM EDT
Guess not.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:07:47 AM EDT



Also, was hiding Luke on Annakin's home planet and not even changing his name very bright?

Considering that Annakin hated Tattoine <sp??> with a passion it seems a logical choice.  Giving him the same last name is a little questionable though.  

Read that over 10 times and then go stick you head in the bath tub in cold water…

"logical choice"

Come on folks it is not real...  You are getting creepy.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:09:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:10:40 AM EDT

Mona drug me to see it today. effects are on par with the other movies.

The story line is horrible. poorly chopped scenes and dialog that could have done better written by a 3 year old.

The creation of VADER <when he gets his costume> is lame beyond words.

the only thing that would have redeemed the movie would have been jarjar binks roasting on an open spit saying "MEESA TASTE LIKE CHICKEN".

it would be a good renter, or a cheap daytime show. If your hoping for the end all of scfi movies, it's not. This series would have been SOOOOOOO much better if he had done them in order instead of the last one first.

on the beerslayers 12pack scale i give it 5 beers. effects are entertaining but nothing special.

I strongly disagree.  It was not "chopped" - it was fast-paced.  Some of the dialog was not that good, but the story made it among the top three of the six.  BTW, I saw the original in a theatre when it came out, as I did ESB and RotJ.  I thought the first two of the prequels were "shit" -- this one is in not in the same category -AT ALL-.  It recovers some of the spirit of "Star Wars" and "Empire Strikes Back".  I think some folks walked into the theatre looking for Dr Zhivago or Citizen Kane -- yes, those folks would be disappointed.  These same folks also said the Original Star Wars sucked as well.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:11:49 AM EDT


[what to do this weekend]New Star Wars movie[/what to do this weekend]

good form. there's plenty of better things to do. The movie TRULY sucks.

No it did not.  Red Dawn sucked, however.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:12:16 AM EDT

when anarkin got his legs hacked off on the lave beach, all i could think of was monty python......

"it's only a fleshwound! come back here and i'll bite your kneecaps off"

you thought it...

i said it out loud.  
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:14:13 AM EDT

Yeah, why didn't Vader just beat the Emperor's hide when he told him that "Paddy" died? Didn't he set the deal with Vader to save her life?

Don't kid yourself, Lucas got his anti-gun digs in with that comment from Obi-Won.

I still think Natalie Portman is ugly.

I did not see Obi Wan's comment as anti-gun.  I saw it more as a trained martial artist would consider a gun "primitive" since he has practiced martial arts for years.

Now -- the comments by Vader regarding "You are either for me or you are my enemy" was definitely anti-Bush.  Obi's response was even more anti-Bush -- "Only the Sith see things in terms of absolutes", implying Bush is evil as a Sith is evil.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:17:25 AM EDT



For all we know, "Skywalker" = "Smith".

There IS a lesson to take away from this movie, though.....

Don't do shit for women. They'll turn their back on you anyway and you'll fuck up the galaxy in the process.

Even in a Galexy Far Far Away!!!

Ditto man, ditto.


It's obvious that you didn't see it in LFX. It's much better.

i did and it still didn't make up for the crappy writting. i didn't expect much in that department and it didn't even come up to that. The effects as always were good.

Mike, I guess I'm easily amused. You have to get with the program, and use a little creative license to make up for the weak writing and story lines and fill in the rest with your mind; remember this is a fantasy, and not all of the pieces are going to fit together like a puzzle. For me personally, the biggest problem is the tremendous age difference between Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker from the movies Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. I guess I'll just have to use the force. Yet the movie went thru 2 different actors for Anakin Skywalker(Jake Lloyd & Hayden Christensen),  and yet Lucas kept Padmé Amidala(Natalie Portman) thru all 3 movies.

Anakin used the "force" to help/compensate with his age difference .....
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