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Posted: 5/12/2004 2:42:22 PM EDT
I've been seeing this word more, & more as of late on ARFcom, & I admitt I don't have a clue yet as to what it means.Could someone please enlighten me.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 2:43:09 PM EDT
WeB Log

An online journal of a person life.

Most peoples lives are as exciting as watching paint dry YMMV.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 2:43:32 PM EDT
I think it's like an online diary of sorts, or an ongoing commentary.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 2:51:59 PM EDT
Blogs are considered "vanity publishing."

It's a web page of whatever you want to put on it.

In my case I write about the right to arms, other rights of the individual, gun control, and anything else I find interesting.  I also (like almost all bloggers) link to interesting stuff on other blogs, newspaper sites, etc.

There are a surprising number of very good sites out there.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 2:58:45 PM EDT
I had a girlfriend who had a blog.

she gave me an addy once to read what she had written.(dont ask me why)

it was about a year after the break up did i find it and my girlfriend and i were curious.
we read it and realized real quick i was dating a crazy bitch.

im convinced that people who have these are crying for help.

Link Posted: 5/12/2004 2:58:46 PM EDT
Weblogs are basically journals, with the most recent entry at the top of the page, much like how topic threads are arranged on message boards.

Many blogs are personal, but you're hearing more about them because many people have been using their blogs to post and comment on news, events, media, politics, and so on.  They're significant because they allow ordinary people to criticize flaws in traditional media coverage.  They uncover errors, bias, and outright lies.

A good example of that was www.andrewsullivan.com who relentlessly pointed out the awful quality of NY Times's editor, Howell Raines and how he turned the entire paper into a propaganda organ for leftist causes.  He also had great criticism of the terrible anti-American bias of the BBC.  And he had the satisfaction of watching both Howell Raines and the BBC examined and punished for violations he had been complaining about for years.

Some blogs have specific areas of interest.  For Kim Du Toit, it's guns.  For Charles Johnson it's Islam, Israel, and the war on terrorism.  For W, it's the vile nature of the French media and translating the hateful anti-Americanism of its journalism, as well as negative aspects of The World's Most Civilized and Superior Nation. For Wretchard it's military operations, tactics, and the war on terrorism.  For Donald Luskin, it's refuting and pointing out the lies and distortions of Paul Krugman's NY Times editorial columns. For Alhamedi, it's about life for a sane, thoughtful, sophisticated man who lives in Saudi Arabia.

The most widely read, generic, news-related blog is www.instapundit.com, written by Glenn Reynolds, a law professor.

Blogs seem to be overwhelmingly right-wing.  Many got their start after 9/11 and the war began.  Some had been around, but were apolitical, like www.littlegreenfootballs.com.

It sounds pretentious, but blogs are becoming a hugely important part of the internet and challenging the media, forcing them from their arrogant assumptions of what they deem to be news and what the real story is.  For example, there are DOZENS of blogs done by soldiers and Iraqi citizens who point out how the media completely ignores any positive progress in Iraq, but exaggerates and focuses on the negative and the violence.  Blogs and the internet give another perspective than that of the professional journalist.  It gives a loudspeaker to ordinary people, unfiltered by editors or commercial or political considerations.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:02:10 PM EDT
I think your belief that blogs are "overwhelmingly right-wing" is because you read mostly right-wing blogs.  There's a big bunch of lefties barking moonbats out there too.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:05:58 PM EDT

I think your belief that blogs are "overwhelmingly right-wing" is because you read mostly right-wing blogs.  There's a big bunch of lefties barking moonbats out there too.

I know.  But most political blogs were started after 9/11, and usually in support of the war on terrorism.  Most of the big leftwing blogs are by party hacks (atrios, dailykos) or geriatric lunatics (Noam Chomsky, whose blog absolutely sucks).
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:10:02 PM EDT
When you cut down a tree, you end up with blogs. Like..."Put another blog on the fire"
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:11:05 PM EDT
A blog is a way of telling the world you have too much free time on your hands :)

btw I highly recommend www.denbeste.nu
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:14:27 PM EDT

A blog is a way of telling the world you have too much free time on your hands :)

btw I highly recommend www.denbeste.nu

Too much spare time?  Hardly.  I give up a lot of sleep.

I strongly concur with your recommendation, though.  Steven Den Beste is THE MAN.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:31:37 PM EDT
Thanks for the info! I especially appreciate your answer Raven, I will be looking at all the links you folks provided to better understand whats really happening in the world. I'm so tired of all the fake news from the leftist media with their own agendas & piles of lies to back it all up.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:32:04 PM EDT
I personally know 3 people that keep blogs.

1) Made a mistake in the privacy settings and her long distance boyfriend found out how much and how often he pissed her off and that started the long drawn out and painful break up process.

2) Got caught dating two guys because of it.

3) Said something nice about me, so that one's ok.  

I make it a rule to not read the blogs of people I know.

Sometimes there are things you just don't want to know and too much of it is out there on the internet.
A good example is I met the friend of a friend of mine and she looked awfully familar to me.  Why is that?  Because I'd seen some of her on the internet, well ok I'd seen a lot of her!  

Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:37:30 PM EDT
for curositys sake heres mine

cyrax777's blog
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:43:58 PM EDT
Go to Blogger and start your own.

I use my blog as a way to remember when I've mowed my yard and worked on my vehicles.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:59:52 PM EDT
Blogs are IT when it comes to real news, and dissecting biased coverage. Start taking your GOOD TVs to the target range (too).
Raven covered several key blogs. and most of those will have a significant list of OTHER interrelated blogs.
The 'blogosphere' is huge and growing fast, and REALLY tears into stories exposing bias and outright lies.
Probably ought to be some blogs dissecting VPC / Brady / Feinstein. They'd be a great one-stop-shop for exposing all their bullshit (as opposed to tidbits scattered all over hell and gone on the Internet).

Speaking of blogs and politics - if it wasn't for political blogs, I probably WOULDN'T have read about Teresa Heinz's income data being released, showing she paid a pissant 11.5% in income tax on $5M in Income in 2003. Remember THAT factoid, the next time some Leftist is running their piehole about 'progressive' taxes and 'tax breaks for the rich'.
NYT story link
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 4:02:29 PM EDT
I've been with Blogger since I started.  It's MUCH better now than it was when I started.

And it's absolutely FREE, which is a major plus.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 4:10:32 PM EDT
Blogs probably are a bit of a vanity but I like them.  If you are an opinionated person they are a great way to blow off your steam if to no one else at least to yourself.  I use PHP-Nuke My kind of blog which offers quite a bit more than a traditional blog does.  
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 4:10:46 PM EDT

Probably ought to be some blogs dissecting VPC / Brady / Feinstein. They'd be a great one-stop-shop for exposing all their bullshit (as opposed to tidbits scattered all over hell and gone on the Internet.

You mean stuff like this?
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 4:15:53 PM EDT


Speaking of blogs and politics - if it wasn't for political blogs, I probably WOULDN'T have read about Teresa Heinz's income data being released, showing she paid a pissant 11.5% in income tax on $5M in Income in 2003. Remember THAT factoid, the next time some Leftist is running their piehole about 'progressive' taxes and 'tax breaks for the rich'.
NYT story link

I dont see what the big deal about that is.  Most of that income was derived from municipal bonds, which are tax-free.  I don't begrudge anyone for trying to lighten their tax burden.  Even people who demagogue about Bush "giving" money to the rich.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 4:20:42 PM EDT
IT's not her tax-attorney's acumen in making use of loopholes I'm criticizing - it's the Left's socialist pig-squealing about 'progressive' taxation and railing about tax-cuts for Middle America, and schemes to 'tax the rich' - when their own presumptive candidate's meal-ticket is (so successfully) NOT paying her 'fair share'. The hypocrisy of their political posturing is offensive.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 4:29:59 PM EDT

In my case I write about the right to arms, other rights of the individual, gun control, and anything else I find interesting.  I also (like almost all bloggers) link to interesting stuff on other blogs, newspaper sites, etc.

I read your blog all the time and think to myself, "If this guy's not on the board, he should be".  I never put you together with your blog though.

I blogged regularly for about a year and a half but can't be bothered to post much lately.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 4:31:08 PM EDT

IT's not her tax-attorney's acumen in making use of loopholes I'm criticizing - it's the Left's socialist pig-squealing about 'progressive' taxation and railing about tax-cuts for Middle America, and schemes to 'tax the rich' - when their own presumptive candidate's meal-ticket is (so successfully) NOT paying her 'fair share'. The hypocrisy of their political posturing is offensive.

She's playing by the rules, whatever her idiotic rhetoric.  Muni bonds are the perfect investment vehicle for the wealthy.  They get guaranteed income, tax-free and relatively low risk.  And it produces a huge pool of loanable funds for cities to tap to develop and improve their communities.  Everyone wins.  Except for the envious, class-warfare types who think no one should be richer than anyone else.

It's really difficult for me to fault someone for acting in their own rational self-interest, while obeying the law.  Yeah, she's a hypocrite.  Surprise.  She claims to be a big environmentalist, but flies on private jets and owns SUVs.  That's one of the reasons I hate Democrats so much.  They pretend to be the party of the little guy, but they're in the pockets of monied special interests as much as any Republican.  And for all their professed populism, they can be huge elitist snobs like the Heinz-Kerry duo, or Michael Moore who wouldn't deign to live anywhere but Manhattan and sends his daughter to a tony private school.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 5:39:52 PM EDT

I blogged regularly for about a year and a half but can't be bothered to post much lately.

What was/is your blog?
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:59:56 PM EDT

What was/is your blog?


I went from interesting links to diary and back to interesting links again.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:41:33 AM EDT
In the case of my last gf it's a way for some crazed fucker with no life to write about their life and pretend people actually care about.
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