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Posted: 5/6/2001 5:31:45 AM EDT
I was stuck at work during this, I was so pissed.


Moms March In Raleigh, Urge Gun Law Reforms
RALEIGH (WRAL) -- Around 600 people turned out for a Million Moms March in downtown Raleigh Saturday to push for gun reform.

They gathered at the State Capitol to decry what they called "an epidemic of gun violence" in North Carolina.

Organizers read off the names of 94 children, age 17 or younger, who have been shot to death in North Carolina since 1999.

They placed 94 white roses in a basket to represent the slain.

The Million Moms have grown to seven chapters with thousands of members statewide since the movement began last year.

Members say they are not against guns but are for sensible, responsible gun ownership.

"We are very much looking forward to a time when we can send our children to school without fear of gun violence, that we can send our children to friends and relatives homes without fear that they will get their precious little hands on a handgun," says member Marcia Owens.

About a hundred people from Grass Roots North Carolina staged a counter-protest. They disagreed with the statistics that the Million Moms put out, but both protests were peaceful.

Reporter: Stephanie Hawco
Photographer: Don Ingle
OnLine Producer: Julian King

Go to the link.  Notice how they have a nice shot of the flowers and all numbers are in numeric form except the amount of pro-gun supports from Grass Roots North Carolina.  They have 7 paragraphs on million misguided moms and 1 on Pro-Gun supports.  Also notice that the Pro-Gun support picture is of only 2 people leading you to believe there are very few on the pro-gun side.
I checked out some of the education on a few of the reports and most have 4 year degree in journalism and psychology if not higher degrees ( http://www.wral-tv.com/info/bios/ ).  Makes you wonder.  Lets see 4-8 years of college 10's of thousands of dollars so I can read a script on tv.  Sounds like a power thing to me.

Link Posted: 5/6/2001 6:35:35 AM EDT
Million who?  Didn't these idiots go out of business?

Gee the media is anti-gun and are a bunch of leftist elitists?  Whoda thunk it?  [;)]
Link Posted: 5/6/2001 6:46:47 AM EDT
See this is what gets me; Members say they are not against guns but are for sensible,
responsible gun ownership. yea right! when they
march its for gun ban's not gun laws. didn't they know about NCSIC background check! has for school violence they want to pass the buck for not taking responsability for there own kids going stupid with guns. they see it has a gun problem not a child problem/parent problem. I do know what iam talking about when it comes to this this has hit really to close to home to me.
Link Posted: 5/6/2001 6:54:32 AM EDT
Start your own march.  Hold a rally for however many people who were SAVED in NC by guns since that same time 1999.   I have no idea on what that figure is but it is probably somewhere in the tens of thousands or more.   It would be expensive to have that many flowers so maybe represent that number in baloons.  Then release them in the air.

Link Posted: 5/6/2001 7:59:44 AM EDT
i live in raleigh and i missed it.o gee wizz.i cant stand the local media here.they are dying for any kind of story.this must have been big news to them.gun laws are just fine down here like they are.they are reasonable enough.i mean come on i can only get 5 permits at a time 5 or 6 times a year.i have more pistol permits than money to buy gun.and all the guns i really need and then some.but i always want just one more.piss on the millon mom marches.i bet they were lucky to have 1000 moms there if that.just enforce the laws idiots.if you murder someone your in big trouble o.k.how simple can you get.
Link Posted: 5/6/2001 8:23:09 AM EDT
Here's the link for the NC grass roots organization: http://www.grnc.org/

Watched a discussion forum on WRAL this Am (6 May) at 0500. Both sides were represented, though not at the same time.

Typical emotional appeal from the 100 mom marchers. Nothing of substance, just the typical skewed and inflated statistics about kids killed by guns.
Of course the two idiot news casters didn't help with thier little oohs and ahhs at the the stats.
The GRNC reps were articulate and soft spoken. IMO they presented a balanced argument which was well received.
Link Posted: 5/6/2001 3:15:01 PM EDT
They have pics on the Grass Roots North Carolina web site of the march now.


Labrat454, NRA, GRNC
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