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Posted: 4/20/2001 10:02:35 AM EDT
Saw a HK 94 and HK 91 list on Gunbroker.com
I don't know what do you think, but I think the seller is cheating. If you look the high bidder on both items, Yes, it's the same guy. you may think: so what, people can bid two or three item at the same time if they have money. But check this link [url]www.gunbroker.com/auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=1131112[/url]
Do you see something wrong????
YES, the same guy(high bidder) brought the same gun(new HK94) from the same seller on April 7th for $3900.
you might say maybe the guy backed out at the first time, then he bid again this time. but if you check the feedback on both seller and bidder, you would see the first "transaction" was completed and the seller and buyer gave very good feedback to each other for that "transaction".
So, I think the seller and the bidder is the same person and he just play his game with others.
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 10:13:20 AM EDT
not to mention he's buying at least 3 pricy guns all at once.  I guess he could be either a dealer or rich though
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 10:21:19 AM EDT
Just outbid him.  That'll show him!
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 1:59:10 PM EDT
Yeah Gene lets take up a collection and outbid him[:D]

Link Posted: 4/20/2001 2:20:21 PM EDT
Where did you steal the title of your thread from, the cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine?
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