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Posted: 1/3/2003 4:02:26 PM EDT
Some guys at work are thinking of putting soap in the fountain at a mall.  We need to know if most malls have cameras?  How covert does this need to be?  Some of our ideas are these.

Balloon/condom full of soap.

Bottle of soap and sit next to the fountain, high risc.

Modified shoe to squirt out soap, crutches needed.

Contract out a real mall ninja (how do you find one?  They're so sneeky.)

Possibly dehydrate dish soap but theory is untested.

Bar of laundry soap/ Experiment with lye soap(does lye foam?)

What do you guys think?

Link Posted: 1/3/2003 4:10:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 4:12:54 PM EDT
24, but I'm not that out of shape.  My Ninja friend is 35.  He's not a qualified mall ninja though.
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 4:17:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 4:31:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 4:40:17 PM EDT
I would use a large drink cup full of the offending liquid.
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Genious!  Pure Genious!  No one would know the difference.  Just dont let the kiddies have a sip.  
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 4:41:13 PM EDT
Big drink cup is the way to go, maybe filled with Mr. Bubble or some other non-toxic safe to swim in brand of tub soap,hell just stop into "Bath and Bodyworks and spend 7 dollars on the good smelling stuff, it makes a ton of suds.

One guy leans over to admire the water,, one guy watches and gives the clear,, both guys beat feet ASAP, come back in an hour wearing a different shirt.  Have fun,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'd never do this,,hehehehehe
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 4:58:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 5:54:57 PM EDT
Remember to post pics of your handiwork!
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 6:09:34 PM EDT
Best stuff to use is bubble bath! Go by the prissy girl crap store in the mall. Get an empty soda can, fill it with the Bubble bath, top it off with a little water from a water fountain and casually sit at the fountain pool, tip the can over allowing your "drink" to spill in the fountain and then walk away. You could use a cup from the food court, leave the lid off but put the straw in and act like you've been drinking it. Get some post covert op picks.
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 6:14:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 6:15:17 PM EDT
Bubble bath....and pour it right over the intake grate.
Have an exit plan.
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 6:21:07 PM EDT
Being a fraternity man, I can personally vouch for the "soap in a fountain" trick.

The key here is volume.  LOTS of volume.  You'd need two or three big economy boxes of TIDE (with bleach alternative) to really see an effect.

The only technique that works...(or 'worked' as I vaguely remember) is to get completely intoxicated on cheap beer amongst buddies and broads, then around 4am, make the run.

Blitzkrieg.  Run up, dump, jump in...kick kick kick splash...get out, run like hell through the grass to offset the suds you'll certainly drag behind you.

When you get back, wash your clothes in water (you obviously don't need the soap).

I only know because I've been there...when suds hit the fan...

Wow, that was 10 years ago...where's the time go?[:\]
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 6:29:36 PM EDT
Bubble bath....and pour it right over the intake grate.
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This man knows his stuff!  I used to work as a security guard at a local girl's college.  About three or four times a semester someone would decide to try this with the fountain on campus.  Usually, they didn't put enough in to make it really suds-up.  The most suds I ever saw was when someone dumped powdered hand (not the machine, it doesn't work well) dishwashing detergent in the water.  They dumped about five pounds in the intake and ran.  Two days later, you could still see some suds.z
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 6:43:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/3/2003 6:48:11 PM EDT
Mall Ninja soap in the Fountain Haiku:

Soap in the fountain

Bubbles explode endlessly

Toilet ops are next
Link Posted: 1/4/2003 6:22:54 PM EDT
Mall Ninja soap in the Fountain Haiku:

Soap in the fountain

Bubbles explode endlessly

Toilet ops are next
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That was beautiful.  We may have to recite it before the op [:)]
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 9:36:43 AM EDT
Anyone ever been to Camp Casey? Remember the fountain st the front gate? All I have to say is 1 bottle of downy concentrate (I wasn't me, but I've seen the pics".
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 10:16:57 AM EDT
And, pray tell, where would the "op's" take place? our mall has no fountain.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 10:44:35 PM EDT
Some guys at work are thinking of putting soap in the fountain at a mall.  We need to know if most malls have cameras?  How covert does this need to be?  Some of our ideas are these.

Balloon/condom full of soap.

Bottle of soap and sit next to the fountain, high risc.

Modified shoe to squirt out soap, crutches needed.

Contract out a real mall ninja (how do you find one?  They're so sneeky.)

Possibly dehydrate dish soap but theory is untested.

Bar of laundry soap/ Experiment with lye soap(does lye foam?)

What do you guys think?

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Not that I'd know anything about this, but what you want to use is pure soap flakes. If you look around at laundry soap you will find some that is nothing but soap flakes, now I forget exactly how much was used but it was enough to overflow the fountain and bubble & suds the surounding area for quite a ways before the fountain was shut down & drained.

Depending on the mall more than likely a couple big cups of flaks would make a really nice bubble bath!!

Remember from what I've been told pure soap flakes works the best.
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