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Posted: 12/18/2002 6:41:14 PM EDT
So I'm sitting here at the computer. From the computer, you can see the stairs out of the corner of your eye, to the right.

I'm used to seeing one of my daughters coming down the stairs. So while I'm reading some other thread, I see someone coming down the stairs, out of the corner of my eye. It ain't my wife, because she's sitting over on the futon. But out of the corner of my eye, it looks like Elizabeth. As the figure hits the bottom of the stairs, I turn to look, expecting to hear about some sister-related conflict upstairs. Suddenly, there's nothing there. I ask my wife, but she didn't see anything.

Now that's freaky enough, but...

I'm sitting here reading something else, and a white push pin comes flying over my shoulder, FROM BEHIND!

Now, here in the basement, there's a lot of things hung up with pushpins. But the only thing held up with white push pins is a Marilyn Monroe tapestry, and it's on the wall about 8 feet to the right, and IN FRONT of me! It wasn't tension that caused it to pop out, as the tapestry is hung kind of loosely, and the bottom pushpins are under no tension that would cause it to pop out.

My wife has asked me to stop telling her about these things.

Anyone know a good exorcist?  
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 6:46:10 PM EDT
"I see Imbrog|io."
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 6:48:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 6:51:55 PM EDT
"I see Imbrog|io."
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No, I don't think it's stupid people, I think it's something else.
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 6:56:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 6:58:47 PM EDT
I believe it's time to RUN!
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 7:04:53 PM EDT
if your kid starts babbling in latin and projectile vomiting, you need an old priest, a young priest, and ...
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 7:05:05 PM EDT
There have been other things. I usually stay up late.

Sometimes I hear someone say something. I think it's the baby monitor, maybe the baby has set off one of her noisy toys. So I mute the tv running in the bakckground, and listen. Nothing. Then I turn the volume back up, and a little later I hear more talking. Mute again, listen, nothing.

Sometimes, I hear footsteps behind me while I'm sitting here. Usually soft and quick. Sometimes, heavy slow and deliberate. Turn around, nothing.

Sometimes the hair on the back of my neck goes up while I'm sitting here, for no apparent reason. When it does, I feel like I'm not here alone.

How do I find out if someone's been murdered in my house?
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 7:08:24 PM EDT
"I see Imbrog|io."
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Link Posted: 12/18/2002 7:09:50 PM EDT
Weed today is a lot better than the stuff from the 60's, 70's and even the 80's.  Switch from a doobie to a one hitter. [8D]

BTW baby moniter's pick up all kinds of stuff.  Cordless phones, etc. [;)]
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 7:10:14 PM EDT
Thanks for your help, Aimless, but I'm looking for someone local.
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 7:28:02 PM EDT

I have had several situation like this happen to me from time to time.  Most were because I "called" them thru prayer[0:)].  Yeah, I know that sounds wierd and all, but it is what it is.

Usually there is something you are supposted to learn or hear from these type of things.  Once the lesson is learned the "spirits"[0:)]usually go away.  BTW, women are often more in tune with these sort of things then men.

Again, I know this may all sound wierd and kind of voodoo-ish.  But why else do you think it has all of a sudden started??

Link Posted: 12/18/2002 7:32:39 PM EDT
You're not supposed to DRINK the bong water...
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 7:52:56 PM EDT
OK, I just went upstairs to get a piece of pizza. I don't think I was alone.

Been here 2 years, but this stuff is very intense now.

Link Posted: 12/18/2002 8:10:54 PM EDT
Try this:

If you have a tape recorder (any type, but cassette is most convenient), and a microphone or two, connect the mics to the tape deck and hit the record button with the record gain controls cranked ALL the way up, and leave the room.  Do this when nobody else is in the house.   Try to stay really quiet so as not to introduce noises onto the tape.

Later, after the tape has run out, rewind it and play it back in a set of headphones while you're doing some thing like playing on the computer.  You just MIGHT hear some interesting stuff.

Fun for hours!

Other fun stuff with haunted houses:

Snap random pictures.  Sometimes the camera will catch partial materializations that the naked eye misses.

Park a running video camera near a ouija board and leave the room.   Play the tape back later and see if the sucker's moving by itself, and if so, what is it saying?  (This one can freak you out BIG TIME if it happens!)

Turn out the lights and investigate the room with the aid of your night vision equipment.  It sees things you don't.

Hauntings aren't often cured, so you might as well have some fun with it.

Telling your "guests" that they're dead, and please go into the light now,  may or may not be a good idea.  Sometimes that's supposed to make things worse, as in, furniture gets THROWN at you.


Link Posted: 12/18/2002 8:14:01 PM EDT
I'm telling ya.....go find a nice quiet corner.  Sit and meditate for awhile.  

Just breath in and out....

Don't think about anything....

Just relax....

Wait for the answer to come to you.

If your patient, it will come...

Link Posted: 12/18/2002 8:18:58 PM EDT
Friend of mine lives in a spooky house.  Has all the earmarks of a good haunting, cold room, whispered voices, unplugged alarm clock going off, stove turning off, lights turn off when leaving room, and child seeing spooky stuff moving on the floor at nite.  Also, his wife was walking by the couch and one of those subscription cards out of a magazine flew from under the couch and hit her in the foot.  No air vent, no kids, no pets, no draft.....nothin'.   Verified by a few other people who had been over there from time to time but I havn't seen anything.....Spooky!
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 8:27:10 PM EDT
I can well sympathize with your plight, GovtThug.
The house we have now is the most haunted place I have ever lived in,
Stuff happens DAILY!..... footsteps, *something* holding on to doorknobs when you try to open doors, inside doorbells ring for no reason, and some places in the house just feel *occupied*.
I have also seen things in my peripheral vision, glowing sparks moving across ceilings and floors, and *Things* in motion.
Paper will wave like there is a breeze, in a closed room.
I have thought I have heard distant mumbling voices inside and outside the house.
The strangest one though, is the one that leaves imprints on freshly made beds, as though it was sitting on them. We call this one the Ass Ghost.
No wireless phone will work in the house, the signals seem to just disappear.
There are Things watching from the empty house museum across the street as well. One can see drapes move at the windows sometimes.

It's not just me, nor can it be blamed on altered states, as the whole family has seen and experienced all of these things.

Not scary...just a *Prescence*.

We live happily with our "other" residents here, and would never think of casting them out.
Hell, the house was theirs first anyway, and sometimes spooks can be helpful, if they like you.
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 8:38:06 PM EDT

I prefer evil that can be killed with my BoomStick(tricked-out 11-87P). The thought of hauntings gives me the creeps. I am glad to say that I have no seen anything ghostly since I was 6 or so and told this omnipresent floating mask to "go away". Yeah, that's right, it followed me around. It was light blue/white. It was about the size of a cookie. It didn't look like anyone I knew. And I didn't think to tell anyone about it until a week after it dissapeared. I was 6 or 7, I mean, c'mon. I don't usually bring it up because I know what I saw, and anyone else's position on the matter is superflorous.

And I don't even like to think about that very much either. Creepy as hell.

I'm going to go double check that BoomStick is loaded.

Link Posted: 12/18/2002 8:43:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 8:46:36 PM EDT
rofl @ Aimless!
Yes, but it had it's creepy moments, when you would make the bed and 5 minutes later there was this butt imprint in it.
Made you wonder about the butt that left it.
I love this house so much, I hope to someday haunt it as well.
I will be the Laundry Ghost, I think...
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 8:53:30 PM EDT
I often hear footsteps from the attic. Especially above my room, and the computer room. I'll move around, get a gun or something, and they'll stop. Then they'll start again. You can literally follow them across the ceiling.

First time it happened, I went to the attic door, sat a chair against the wall near it, took a pump shotgun and an automatic .380 (all I had at hand) and waited. Everynow and then I'd yell out "Get some!" and the steps would pause.
I call it the Attic Man.

Most of my family's heard him. I've been talking on the phone and the person on the other end can hear it. But when we do a tactical entry on the attic (that's really hard. My attic is huge! And open. Door's right in the middle.) there's no one there. There's no where to hide. No windows open. Nothing.
The other evening I was taking computer gear up there, and I was walking over to where I stash the old parts, and I step over a duct, lift my back foot, and fall into the bathroom. "someone" either cut a hole in the floor, or moved all the ply-wood I had covering a hole there that wasn't that big before.

Really creepy stuff.

I'm gonna go get a .45 now.
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 9:04:19 PM EDT
Ass Ghost--doesn't he follow Space Ghost on the Cartoon Network?
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 8:00:31 AM EDT
Set up video cameras that work well in low light conditions and run the tape.  When you hear footsteps, check it out on your remotely connected monitor.

If somebody or some THING knocks the camera over, sell the house!

Link Posted: 12/19/2002 8:18:35 AM EDT
Sometimes (not always) when Im in the shower, the sound of the water definitely sounds like 2 or 3 people having a conversation. Sometimes the words are very clear.

I only mention this because it is NOT something that always happens. It can be creepy.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 8:27:45 AM EDT
"I see Imbrog|io."
View Quote

No, I don't think it's stupid people, I think it's something else.
View Quote

I was going to help you out, but now I hope you start hearing pig noises in the walls.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 8:54:08 AM EDT
Try this:

If you have a tape recorder (any type, but cassette is most convenient), and a microphone or two, connect the mics to the tape deck and hit the record button with the record gain controls cranked ALL the way up, and leave the room.  Do this when nobody else is in the house.   Try to stay really quiet so as not to introduce noises onto the tape.

Later, after the tape has run out, rewind it and play it back in a set of headphones while you're doing some thing like playing on the computer.  You just MIGHT hear some interesting stuff.

Fun for hours!

Other fun stuff with haunted houses:

Snap random pictures.  Sometimes the camera will catch partial materializations that the naked eye misses.

Park a running video camera near a ouija board and leave the room.   Play the tape back later and see if the sucker's moving by itself, and if so, what is it saying?  (This one can freak you out BIG TIME if it happens!)

Turn out the lights and investigate the room with the aid of your night vision equipment.  It sees things you don't.

Hauntings aren't often cured, so you might as well have some fun with it.

Telling your "guests" that they're dead, and please go into the light now,  may or may not be a good idea.  Sometimes that's supposed to make things worse, as in, furniture gets THROWN at you.


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I've tried some ghost photography, Im gonna post a skull apparition we caught. What is funny is the shit people pass off as "orbs", it is such a crappy science.

cmjohnson, there is also the emag and thermal (as you mentioned IR) scannings.

I used to read alot about this sort of crap. GOVTTHUG, your descriptions do not fall into any single defined classic haunting.

1) If you can see a human body formation, it can't hurt you (cant move or throw objects). Also, these apparitions are accompanied only by temperature variations, no sound. These are sub-classified as either a "residual" haunting or "genuine" haunting.
Residual haunting are just simple apparitions with no meaning or intelligence.
Some believe the inanimate physical objects can record the energy from events and play them back later. i.e. a residual haunting.
Genuine haunting is where the entity tries to communicate with people.

2) The poltergeist haunting is not associated with humanoid apparitions. They are associated with noises, moving objects, misplaced items, and general mischief.

Some people, who are generally spookier than these ghosts, believe that poltergeist haunting is due to psychokinetic energy in people.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 9:03:37 AM EDT
This photo was taken near decauter where I have camped alot. One time while looking for firewood, I noticed alot of thermal variation and really nasty smells would occupy a tiny space. You could step into a smell that would make you want to vomit and then step back out of it. Weird. After that, I brought my SLR.

Link Posted: 12/19/2002 9:23:36 AM EDT
dude, maybe someone's buried out there![shock]
but in all seriousness, in my whole lifetime i have never seen anything that would suggest a supernatural presence in this world, although that does disappoint me. maybe i'm not as "in tune" with that sorta stuff as other people.

"Find me something I can't kill with this here Colt .45, and THEN I'll soil myself."
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 10:27:24 AM EDT

Check your IM's.  I just replied.

I'd at the very least want to have your situation "checked out" in the manner I suggest.  Particularly with the pin being thrown.

Keep us posted.

Link Posted: 12/19/2002 10:35:21 AM EDT
This photo was taken near decauter where I have camped alot. One time while looking for firewood, I noticed alot of thermal variation and really nasty smells would occupy a tiny space. You could step into a smell that would make you want to vomit and then step back out of it. Weird. After that, I brought my SLR.

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Is it the thing underneath the moon that we're suppose to be looking at?

I'm prolly missing the obvious....

Great info you (and others) have posted.

Now, anyone know how to get "in touch" with your ghosts?  My suggestion is a Shaman.  I'd be interested to hear what others would suggest.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 10:38:08 AM EDT
Maybe its like "The Others"

I won't say anymore so as not to spoil an excelent movie if anyone hasn't seen it.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 10:49:21 AM EDT


Is it the thing underneath the moon that we're suppose to be looking at?

I'm prolly missing the obvious....

Great info you (and others) have posted.

Now, anyone know how to get "in touch" with your ghosts?  My suggestion is a Shaman.  I'd be interested to hear what others would suggest.
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I thought it looked like a skull. You can make out the cranial bulb, eye cavities, a nasal cavity, distorted cheekbones, and the jaw/mouth. The photo is untouched. The skull does not really fit in with the rest of the particulate smoke.

However, the human brain functions are connecting patterns or “making sense” out of visual stimuli. If it looks like a duck, that doesn’t mean it is a duck. [:D]

What manner do you propose to "check it out"?

Remember the Horicon house? I think that was around 1988 or so. I get up into WI several times a year and have a few college buds in Milwaukee and family south of the Fox Valley. Let me know if your ever interesting in having a beer.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 11:00:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 11:06:05 AM EDT
How old is the house?  

Next time you hear the voices, sounds, ect. start indiscriminately spraying rounds around the room.  Use a C-Mag.  That'll take care of 'em.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 11:59:26 AM EDT
Do you remember seeing all those devil's faces in the smoke from the WTC on 9-11?

I'd like to review the live videos that were shot of the towers and see if they were actually there in the original tapes or if they (or some of them) were photoshopped.

Link Posted: 12/19/2002 12:20:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 12:30:30 PM EDT
For those naysayers who think we're seeing shapes in the smoke that we WANT to see, and say it's random chance that causes these formations to appear, I have to ask this:

If it's random, and we interpret the patterns as images that we want to see, then for all those devil's faces,  how come nobody seemed to mention seeing any dogs, cats, rabbits, ducks, ponies, cows, birds, people, or anything else?   Nope. None of them were spotted, just a number of very clear devil's faces.   Nope, not one Rush Limbaugh or Julia Roberts face,  just devils.

Spooky?   You bet!


Link Posted: 12/19/2002 12:39:12 PM EDT
I have only witnessed one wierd event in my entire life. It was so wierd that I wasn't myself for a few days.

I was travelling with a friend down a road at 45 MPH when for no reason at all he stopped his car. I asked him why he stopped and he said he didn't know why, but he just felt like it. As soon as we proceeded forward again a huge ass maple tree fell right into the road EXACTLY where we should have been. If he had not stopped, something bad DEFINATELY would have happened to both of us. Needless to say, I attended church the next day! It was seriously the wierdest thing that has ever happened in my life. For some strange reason, I feel extremely safe when he is driving now.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 12:46:11 PM EDT
There is something kind of weird that has been witnessed by my father, mother and myself on several different occasions.

My mother is Catholic, and believes in an afterlife, for her the idea of ghosts is not that far fetched.

My father is sort of the Clint Eastwood hard-ass type that doesn’t buy any of that paranormal, fucking hippy nonsense.

I am the technical engineering guy who really does not believe in ghosts. I realize the human need to invent “others”. I just happen to be nerdy enough to read into Wicca, ESP, UFO, and other paranormal crap. I miss the old “In Search Of” programs.

Here is the situation,
Two years ago I was living on Lake Worth across from Carswell. I awake in the wee hours about 5-6am to movement. I roll over and look to the stairs that lead to the 1st floor expecting to see someone but no one is there. At this point I distinctly and consciously feel the end of the bed sink. It is a shitty little twin-size bed with a boxspring on a steel frame. It is against a wall and the outside corner just slowly dropped several inches. I can feel extra pressure against my angle from the bed covers. It was if somethings ass sat on the bed and the small of it's back was against my angles and feet. Chills run and down my spine and I kind of froze like a pussy. I didn’t even pull my feet away. Seconds seem like an eternity and I can hear my own heartbeating loudly. I finally ready my arms and flip open the covers while sitting up making sure to keep my arms above the covers to be used in defense. As I am quickly sitting up I can feel the pressure against my ankle subside. I saw nothing. This wasn’t any numbness of lack of circulation. Must have been one fat-ass ghost!

I get out of bed and I am thinking of what just happened. I have the feeling in my head when you know there is info in your brain that applies to the situation but to can’t recall it.  Later in the day I remember having the same thing happening to me in my parent’s old house years and years ago.

I mention to my mom over the phone and she responds in this delighted tone; “See! and your father always said I was nuts!” Apparently this has happened to my mom several times when I was younger. It always happened when she was working 2nd shift and was sleeping alone.
She went into describing the events……
Also, my father had finally admitted to my mother that he had a similar experience while sleeping alone. He said didn’t know what is was but he was quite sure of what happened.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 12:53:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 1:06:11 PM EDT
I was travelling with a friend down a road at 45 MPH when for no reason at all he stopped his car.
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My mom did this many years ago.  She stopped at a green light for no reason other than she "did not feel it was safe".  The next moment a car ran the red light going well over the speed limit and slammed into the cars in the intersection that had the right of way.  I was not with her but she was shaken by the whole event.

As a teenager with a new license I get into a car wreck that totaled my car (see the seatbelt thread!)  I walked home and she was a nervous wreck.  She "knew" something had happened and she was a basket case by the time I got home.  
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 1:09:46 PM EDT


Anybody call for a Exorcist?
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 1:24:43 PM EDT
[size=4]I see dead people...[/size=4]
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 3:24:58 PM EDT
Aug 25th 1995 was the first night that I spent at my aunt's house after getting out of foster care. I was asleep in my bed in the middle of the room. At the top ot the stairs was  the door to the adjacent office. At 230 a.m. I awoke to see my grandmother standing there in her blue nightgown. She didn't move or say anything, and had a soft glow about her. She died in that house March 10th 1990.

As a kid I spent the night at a friends house ( Picture a HUGE ole typical farmhouse set on top of a hill with several large oak trees around it) that they claimed was haunted. It was built before the civil war and the story goes like this...When the slaves were freed one of the servent was jumping up and down on the roof over the poorch, fell of and broke her neck. She was burried in the back of the property. When htey first moved into the house the doorbell kept ringing. No one there. Finally Eli's dad disconnected the thing and said that if it rang again they were moving. They also claimed that she would check on them at night and you could hear her walking up the stairs and down the upstairs hall. Right before we went t obed I dropped a ping pong ball behind a chair in the corner. After 5 minutes of looking it was nowhere to be found. After we went to bed, he was in his bed and I was on the couch against the wall, I felt a presence. I can't quite describe it, but *it* was her! She walked over and tucked Eli in, checked on me and shut the door. I was about ready to PIMP, but I just lay there frozen in terror. I then heard faint footsteps go up the stairs. I don't know how I slept at all but when I woke up in the morning I told his mom all about it. They agreed she'd "*been there* that night. Benevolent but scary.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 3:46:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 4:17:45 PM EDT
My mom passed at home in 1997. About a year later, my nephew (age 4 at the time) came into the den at the house and told his mom she needs to clean and dust the dishes and glassware in the dining room. "Why do you say that?" his mom (my sis-in-law) asked. "Because Nana just told me so". He insisted that he had seen her and talked to her in the dining room moments before.
Lots of crying after that one..

Edited to add: My mom collected antique dishes and glassware passionately. It was the second most important thing in her life. All her stuff is still just as it was when she died, cleaned and dusted regularly. She used the exact phrase "cleaned and dusted" a LOT.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 5:47:59 PM EDT
I was travelling with a friend down a road at 45 MPH when for no reason at all he stopped his car.
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My mom did this many years ago.  She stopped at a green light for no reason other than she "did not feel it was safe".  The next moment a car ran the red light going well over the speed limit and slammed into the cars in the intersection that had the right of way.  I was not with her but she was shaken by the whole event.

As a teenager with a new license I get into a car wreck that totaled my car (see the seatbelt thread!)  I walked home and she was a nervous wreck.  She "knew" something had happened and she was a basket case by the time I got home.  
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Essentially the same thing happened to me not too long ago.    I was stopped at a red light, ready to turn out of the parking lot and onto the road.  I got my green light, looked both ways, saw that it was safe, began to pull out...and suddenly I simply applied the brakes and came to a stop, and  looked to my left to see a car go roaring through the red light, right through the space I would have been in, at a very high rate of speed for that part of the road.  It was a 45 MPH road and he must have been doing almost seventy.

I can only describe the sensation that made me stop as a gentle hand on my shoulder and a voice quietly saying "Wait." but there was no physical sensation nor was there any voice, heard or imagined.  It was simply a very, VERY powerful FEELING.

There wasn't any possible way that I could have known what was about to happen. Given the conditions at the moment, the speeding vehicle would have been completely out of my field of view so I couldn't have seen it even out of the corner of my eye.

I attribute this simply to Divine Intervention. It greatly strengthened my belief that there is a God, and when you consider that I was an agnostic if not actually an atheist for many years, that's quite a jump.

As for hauntings...I've never been witness to any such paranormal activity or even evidence of it, but I freely admit that I'd LIKE to.  I'm entirely too inquisitive not to get into it!

Link Posted: 12/19/2002 6:11:21 PM EDT


I thought it looked like a skull. You can make out the cranial bulb, eye cavities, a nasal cavity, distorted cheekbones, and the jaw/mouth. The photo is untouched. The skull does not really fit in with the rest of the particulate smoke.
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I see it now.  It's looking at you, not to the left side of the pic (as I originally thought).  Yeah, I missed the obvious.  [:)]

What manner do you propose to "check it out"?
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Curiosity, I guess.  See if it's harmless or something that should be dealt with.  And heck, if it's going to be something that you decide you're willing to live with, you might as well learn it's story and have an idea what it's up to.

Remember the Horicon house? I think that was around 1988 or so. I get up into WI several times a year and have a few college buds in Milwaukee and family south of the Fox Valley. Let me know if your ever interesting in having a beer.
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You know, the name rings a bell.  I'll have to research it.

My sister actually saw a cloudy ghost figure in an old house she was babysitting in.  It walked right past her on the stairway and disappeared through the wall.  Later, my sister learned the story of the original owners.  The man loved cats and played the piano (both noises occasionally heard in the house).  He died landing his plane on a foggy night on a private runway in a field.

Oh, and if you're ever in WI shoot me an email.  If possible, I'll take you up on that beer.  And maybe even buy a few in return.  [;)]


My mom passed at home in 1997. About a year later, my nephew (age 4 at the time) came into the den at the house and told his mom she needs to clean and dust the dishes and glassware in the dining room. "Why do you say that?" his mom (my sis-in-law) asked. "Because Nana just told me so". He insisted that he had seen her and talked to her in the dining room moments before.
Lots of crying after that one..

Edited to add: My mom collected antique dishes and glassware passionately. It was the second most important thing in her life. All her stuff is still just as it was when she died, cleaned and dusted regularly. She used the exact phrase "cleaned and dusted" a LOT.  
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Kids are more "open" to seeing ghosts, angels, spirits, receiving messages, etc.  It may have been your Mom sending a message to you that she was okay.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 6:28:10 PM EDT
"I see Imbrog|io."
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No, I don't think it's stupid people, I think it's something else.
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I was going to help you out, but now I hope you start hearing pig noises in the walls.
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Just kidding Imbro. I know this place woouldn't be the same without you.
Link Posted: 12/19/2002 7:11:17 PM EDT
Thank God I'm not the only one thats see's and hear's this crap. I moved from my last house because of things that you couldn't see, walking around the house doing things, when I knew for a fact that the only people in the place were me and my wife.
Also my dad who fought in WWII, Korea and Nam and wasn't scared of anything alive, believed in this stuff too. It was the only thing I do know that did scare him.
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