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Posted: 10/3/2002 3:33:09 PM EDT
Lets hear it!  
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:34:45 PM EDT
..so far.

Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:40:11 PM EDT
Hell Yes!!!!!
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:41:12 PM EDT


Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:42:13 PM EDT
No way.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:43:19 PM EDT
Just as long as the AWB is lifted..
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:43:37 PM EDT
Well, since I'm from Florida I'll be voting for Bush.....and Gore....and whoever else is on the ballot.  Those darn things are so confusing.[:D]

Max(that hanging chad wasn't mine)Power
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:43:58 PM EDT
Let me use Lewis Black's line to sum up my personal opinion on this question:

"In my lifetime, we've gone from JFK to Gore.

"In my lifetime, we've gone from Ike to G.W. Bush.

"If this is evolution, in a few years we'll be voting for PLANTS!"

Yes, I'll vote for him, but only because he's better than whoever the Democrats will run, and nobody I'd LIKE to vote for could possibly win.

Get it straight, gentlemen:  Bush is a wonderful candidate only when you compare him to the competition.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:44:09 PM EDT
For now, yep!
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:47:25 PM EDT
Abso Fing Lutly!
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:48:34 PM EDT
Bush is way too PRO War IMO.  I don't think we should send a FULL ARMY to topple SH!  Why can't we send in a group of elite forces and do the job right this TIME?  IMO, sending the whole darn US Military is stupid and a waste of tax dollars money.  All it will take is one bullet to stop this idiot SH. [:)]  Could this be a ploy too raise oil prices, so a few rich people can get even richer?  
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:48:55 PM EDT
Not a chance.

Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:51:57 PM EDT
Of course.

Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:53:56 PM EDT
No, I'd rather get it over with and vote for his opponents so we can become socialists directly rather than gradually.

Those few rights the Republicans permit me to retain only confuse me and make me yearn for more.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:54:08 PM EDT
There IS no other choice.
   That is unless you think ALGORE'S back on his medication and is OK now.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:55:12 PM EDT
Haven't seen any reason why not to yet.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:58:10 PM EDT
For those who say no, who will you vote for?  Not flaming, would just like to hear who you will vote for.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:03:12 PM EDT
I heard this silliness on the radio, a spoof re-election ad.

Father and son surfing the net.

Son: Vixens with whips.....
Father: That site is blocked, now.
Son: What about Funbags.com
Father That site is blocked, now.
Son: Here's one, how to make porn with kittens.
Father: Oh that's blocked.

Announcer: The internet is used mostly to distrubute porn. The internet is evil. Al Gore invented the internet.

G. W. Bush voice: I promise not to invent nothin'

Announcer: Re-elect G. W. Bush. He'll leave things alone.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:06:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:06:56 PM EDT
Alan Keyes in the primary and if I have too, no one in the general election.

Alan on the second amendment.


Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:08:17 PM EDT
Forget about Bush and Gore.
Let's all band together, form our own political
party and nominate Ted Nugent to run for President. He makes more sense than Bush or Gore.

Just my opinion.

Herman Snerd
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:09:52 PM EDT
Certainly. I'd rather have my rights slowly eroded than taken away in massive amounts. But I kind of like SteyrAUG's idea of letting the inevitable happen so we can finally head up the revolt that will go down in history as the re-birth of America as she was way back when.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:11:04 PM EDT
Lets see here folks, GW will not actively support 2nd amendment issues.   He will not lift the AW ban, nor is he likely to enact further restrictions.  Whoever the Dems put up will most likely support every gun control scheme proposed, will allow lawsuits against manufacturers and pretty much do everything he/she can to destroy the 2nd amendment.  A 3rd party candidate WILL NOT WIN.  Vote for GWB keep your guns another 4 years.  Vote against GWB ( or not vote for, it's the same thing ) and your rights erode immediately.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:11:54 PM EDT
If I'm still in NY and it looks like it will go to the democrat I'll probably vote for the libertarian candidate out of principle
If the AWB is renewed/replaced in the Congress and Bush signs it he definitely will not get my vote even if I'm living in a state that has a chance of going to him
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:17:25 PM EDT
how many of you would vote for him after he scrawls his name on an "assault weapon" ban replacement
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:18:23 PM EDT
Certainly. I'd rather have my rights slowly eroded than taken away in massive amounts. But I kind of like SteyrAUG's idea of letting the inevitable happen so we can finally head up the revolt that will go down in history as the re-birth of America as she was way back when.
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Gee....I never thought of it that way.  From now on I'm voting Democrat (it's easier than working).  Thanks oneshot1kill.[:D]
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:19:37 PM EDT
I'm not happy with Bush, but I'll vote to re-elect him if he vetoes an assault weapon ban if it makes it to his desk.

Since Bush has already said he's in favor of the AW/hicap/machine gun bans, the chances of that happening are rather low.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:20:31 PM EDT
If by some miracle he lifts the AW ban-Probably.

If he lets it come back the same or get worse-No way.

Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:24:49 PM EDT
Certainly. I'd rather have my rights slowly eroded than taken away in massive amounts. But I kind of like SteyrAUG's idea of letting the inevitable happen so we can finally head up the revolt that will go down in history as the re-birth of America as she was way back when.
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Gee....I never thought of it that way.  From now on I'm voting Democrat (it's easier than working).  Thanks oneshot1kill.[:D]
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See you guys in the Gulag.

Just remember not to mention me during Sleep Deprivation Interogations.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:26:36 PM EDT
Every time I here GW say Islam is a love and peaceful religion or tells Israel to leave Arafat alone I get so angry I cant see strait.

He has already said he will sign a bill to extend the AW ban.

He has not fought to get conservative judges appointed.

And he has done little to support most of the issues he ran for.

He spends money, No he shovels money at every problem under the sun.

He asks for powers that no president has ever had and has set in place many new laws and information gathering systems that can be used to oppress the populous by future presidents that he himself asked for in the patriot act.

These are just a few of the reasons I will not vote for GW.

Link Posted: 10/3/2002 5:01:11 PM EDT
Lets look at the alternatives :

Joey Liberman ?????   WTF OVER !

Libertarian = Loosertarian , they can't win anything and voting for them is the same thing as voting for Joey !

Democrats = TAKE ALL YOUR RIGHTS AWAY !!!!!!

So what the hell are we left with ? That's right ... GWB for President in 2004 !

Just remember one thing , The NRA put GWB in the White House .

One more thing , where would we be today if Traitor Gore had won ???????????????????

Link Posted: 10/3/2002 5:11:15 PM EDT
Look at it this way, with the laws GW has signed the next left wing liberal wacko president who gets elected can really crack down on people that do things they don’t agree with.

He has set the stage for oppression and perhaps future conflict in own nation.

I will not vote for a man who wants near totalitarian/dictatorial powers over me or who uses our constitution for toilet paper for my own good and calls it patriotic.

8,000,000 citizen spies by the end of this year and many more to come.

Link Posted: 10/3/2002 5:26:03 PM EDT
I'll vote for GWB anytime over the other idiots.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 6:12:49 PM EDT
I must say this, anyone who does NOT vote for GWB in the 2004 election IS VOTING FOR GUN CONTROL.  It is CERTAIN that his DEM opponent will be in favor of more citizen control aka gun control measures.  Go ahead and make your decision to show your displeasure with him and make things considerably worse, but you'll feel better knowing you didnt vote for GWB because he upheld the AW ban.  You know we'll never get it back, the anti's never give anything back.  I hope you guys all sleep better knowing you're furthering the cause of the Dems!
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 6:41:15 PM EDT
I'll vote for Bush/Rumsfeld in 04
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 6:48:46 PM EDT
No, I'd rather get it over with and vote for his opponents so we can become socialists directly rather than gradually.

Those few rights the Republicans permit me to retain only confuse me and make me yearn for more.
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But I thought you said a day or two ago that you were going to vote for Bush regardless of whether he signs another AWB???

Link Posted: 10/3/2002 6:51:47 PM EDT
I think I covered that here.

The way I see it, is our posterity will pay for our sins, if we continue to vote for the Repubs. If we don't vote or vote demos. we will get to fight.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 6:57:56 PM EDT
I'll pencil in Ron Paul.

Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:02:14 PM EDT
Yes.  There is no realistic alternative.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:06:16 PM EDT
The way I see it, is our posterity will pay for our sins, if we continue to vote for the Repubs. If we don't vote or vote demos. we will get to fight.
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No, you won't.  You'll simply be thrown in jail or killed out of hand, most likely without firing a shot.
Try to be realistic...there will be no revolution.  At the most there will be a series of isolated incidents that only help to convince the American public that President Gore (or Hilary) was right to sign that bill banning the possession of "assault weapons..."
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:07:12 PM EDT
If NJ has its way, we won't have another election, just let each state supreme court appoint their own new prez.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:09:14 PM EDT
No, I'd rather get it over with and vote for his opponents so we can become socialists directly rather than gradually.

Those few rights the Republicans permit me to retain only confuse me and make me yearn for more.
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But I thought you said a day or two ago that you were going to vote for Bush regardless of whether he signs another AWB???

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Sarcasm is wasted on you guys the way food relief is wasted on Somalians.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:13:46 PM EDT
I was kind of hoping Cheney would run for President.  Even with the cardiac problems, he just seems to be better leadership material.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:24:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:27:46 PM EDT
Yes, I will
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:28:31 PM EDT
Yes, I'll vote for "W" in 2004.

In the meantime, maybe some of the folks here will spend their $25 and join the NRA; then vote Republican in 2004 and spend the next four years after that racking the slides on their shotguns thinking everything is OKY-DOKY...until the NEXT election.  [grenade]

Yes, I'm being a smart-ass.  You'd think this group would be doing EVERYTHING they could possibly do to ensure their gun-rights stay intact and maybe even be restored IF THEY BACK UP the candidates that will keep what we have left!
It's a start.
 Get involved. [soapbox]
Spend your money where it will do the most good. [thinking]
Vote for the man that will be the one who has your best interests in mind. [beer]
THEN, remind him of what you did and why you voted for him.      [spank]
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:29:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:29:20 PM EDT
I sure as hell wouldn't vote the Socialists...I mean Democrats.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:30:24 PM EDT
It's high time for a third party president. Those of you who think there's really a difference between Democrats and Republicans (on the party level), need to wake up and vote libertarian! :D

The only difference between the two major parties is in HOW they go about taking away our liberties. There is no question that both of 'em are actively trying to do just one thing, and that is gain more power.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:31:32 PM EDT
[size=4]Hell, Yes![/size=4]

I'm afraid that George W. could sign the AWB extension on my kitchen table, and I would still vote for him in 2004!

Sorry, but I'm not stupid enough to believe that the only important issue facing our country is whether or not we have assault weapons available to us!

You guys go to Gun Shows - do you miss much of anything?


If you lost all the weapons you have now, could you pretty much get them all replaced in a pretty quick fashion from what's available out there?


Don't get me wrong, I would hate it, but not enough to make me lose as many IQ points as would be necessary to cause me to vote for someone else!

Eric The(HonestToGod)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 7:31:57 PM EDT
Not yes, but hell yes.  That is, unless the democrats nominate Charlton Heston as their presidential nominee and Neil Knox as the veep.  Remember, any Republican is a safer bet than any democrat.
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