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Posted: 11/21/2012 5:38:53 PM EDT
So, the family decided to go to dinner after the 9 yo's soccer practice. Ran by the house, spruced up and let the dogs out back to use the bathroom, locked up and headed to Chili's. About 2/3rds of the way there, the alarm company called saying the back door had been opened, and no one at the house was answering; was everyone together and everything ok? Answered that we were and on the way to dinner. The alarm lady said she had notified police already, and we should head back, but stay in a safe area until the police arrived so we could fill out a report.

It took us 12 minutes to get back to the house. At least 20 minutes had passed since the start of the call.

No officers present. I grabbed the pistol and shotgun, and ensured no one was hiding in the shadows outside. Went into the backyard, and noticed the back door was open and the living room light was on. I had ensured I had turned it off before heading out, as the wife hates leaving lights on.  My coward of a 15 pound dog was in the back yard.

Saw no one in the living room, and my scared assed little coward dog went inside, so I figured it was empty so I entered the house. about 25 minutes since call at this point, and no police. Finished clearing the house since my scared ass little dog wasn't cowering around the place. No bad guys present. About 30 minutes to this point, and no police.

Went outside and let the wife know no one was inside. Now the police show up, about 35 minutes after the call.

They were super cool with me having my pistol and shotgun. No demands to drop them, even though I asked. They said I was good to go to keep ahold of them as far as they were concerned. Put the shotgun away, but kept the pistol.

I had actually left the back door unlocked, and the alarm going off scared them away.

Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:42:54 PM EDT
Just some poor 99%ers looking for a place to get warm.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:43:13 PM EDT
From what i understand cops treat alarms like this as low priority, too many false alarms.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:43:39 PM EDT
Sounds like they know ya or watch ya.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:44:38 PM EDT
Glad you and yours are fine. Lessons learned for all involved? Good reminder for others here as well.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:45:55 PM EDT
Was the dog left inside or out?
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:46:32 PM EDT
Sounds like they know ya or watch ya.

This . You're  being  watched .
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:46:54 PM EDT
This is why we take force on force classes.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:47:54 PM EDT
Mandatory door check every time I leave.

OCD will make me pull a U-turn up the road just to jiggle the knob if I don't specifically remember turning all of the deadbolts.  
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:48:00 PM EDT


Sounds like they know ya or watch ya.

This is what I was thinking as well.

Tried to enter just a few minutes after you left?

Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:48:02 PM EDT
You may have locked the door.
Google "Lock Bumping"
The alarm scared them off either way
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:48:57 PM EDT
From what i understand cops treat alarms like this as low priority, too many false alarms.

To be honest, I couldn't blame them for that.  Seems like those things would almost always go off for one reason or another.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:49:17 PM EDT
You may have locked the door.
Google "Lock Bumping"
The alarm scared them off either way

or lockpicking
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:50:16 PM EDT



Sounds like they know ya or watch ya.

This . You're  being  watched .

Yep. Neighbor.

Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:50:19 PM EDT
I'm glad everyone was okay!  Thanks for the reminder. It's easy to let the little things slip every now and again especially when headed out the door. I don't know how many times I've left the house and thought: did I lock that door?

Good thing your guard dog was on watch.  . We have a 75lb golden and I swear she would show the bad guys to all the good stuff if we ever got broken into.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:52:31 PM EDT
A locked door, only keeps honest men honest.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:56:36 PM EDT
Yeah, this shit drives me crazy ever since I moved in with my GF. She has kids, and between her and the kids I swear to God they make sure ever door is unlocked and probably propped open before leaving. I go to work 30 min before she puts them on the bus and leaves, and I'll come home to find the door into the garage unlocked, the door from house to attached garage open, and every other door in the house + every single light fan and TV open!!!!

Driving me nuts, but I'm making steady progress. The number one thing I can recommend is ALWAYS make nice with your neighbors, especially if you got any nosy old-folks around. Some ppl never figure this out, but at my old place and my mom's, if the UPS guy left a package in the wrong spot I got 3 neighbors letting me know. Security is knowing that nobody can mess with your house without being seen and reported immediately, cause even securely locked doors can be opened with master-bricks.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:57:36 PM EDT



Sounds like they know ya or watch ya.

This . You're  being  watched .
You need a better dag.

Link Posted: 11/21/2012 5:59:12 PM EDT
A locked door, only keeps honest men honest.


I don't use the front door.  It's inconvienent.

...one day I was reading a book, looking across the livingroom, when I realized the front door and deadbolt was unlocked...

After thinking about it I realized it had been that way for several months.  
(I'm a LOT more careful about that now )
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 6:08:04 PM EDT
You want the whole force to show up???

Call the cops and tell them you just got the call from the alarm Co. and had a possible brake-in and your house is full of guns that maybe getting stolen as we speak.

Your neighbors will think you killed you old lady by the police response.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 6:11:10 PM EDT
Mandatory door check every time I leave.

OCD will make me pull a U-turn up the road just to jiggle the knob if I don't specifically remember turning all of the deadbolts.    

I do the same thing. I have been 2 or 3 minutes away and came back to check.

We got broke into about 6 years ago and I am very paranoid about it now.

Link Posted: 11/21/2012 6:13:27 PM EDT
Crappy thing to happen OP.

But, at least all was ok, no one got hurt, and you'll be sure to lock and set the alarm for another 3 months.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 6:15:32 PM EDT
A few months ago, we were at my parents house and while I was at the store two guys just walked in and stumbled all the way into the living room. My wife asked them wtf they were doing and they said they were looking for their friend.  My wife told them they had the wrong house. They then realized they mistook my dad's house for the neighbor's house.  They apologized and got out.  My parents only lock their doors when they go to sleep. We are always telling my parents to lock their doors but they are too trusting and think that bad stuff will never happen.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 6:16:49 PM EDT
just curious ......where in NC
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 6:22:40 PM EDT
From what i understand cops treat alarms like this as low priority, too many false alarms.

Certainly lower priority than things like injury car crashes or fights.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 6:33:06 PM EDT
Just some poor 99%ers looking for a place to get warm.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 6:36:53 PM EDT
Mandatory door check every time I leave.

OCD will make me pull a U-turn up the road just to jiggle the knob if I don't specifically remember turning all of the deadbolts.    

Me too. It is a sickness with me.

Link Posted: 11/21/2012 6:37:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 6:56:10 PM EDT
I think someone would be better off with an alarm that calls cell phone and a web cam type set up in their house.  Alarm goes off, calls your cell, and then using the cam/internet you can actually see if anyone is actually inside.  Would cut down on false alarms at least.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 7:00:10 PM EDT
From what i understand cops treat alarms like this as low priority, too many false alarms.

I have NEVER been to a home alarm call that was real burglary. Unlocked door, gust of wind or pet.

Skilled criminals will either avoid the alarms all together or know how to bypass them.

Having that sign in your yard telling them your exact kind of security system is an awesomeee idea.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 7:08:55 PM EDT


Mandatory door check every time I leave.

OCD will make me pull a U-turn up the road just to jiggle the knob if I don't specifically remember turning all of the deadbolts.    

Thanks.  I feel better knowing I'm not the only one.

OP, I'm glad everything worked out alright, but I agree with others.  You are being watched.  Check six.

Link Posted: 11/21/2012 7:09:42 PM EDT
City or area this was in? If you don't mind of course.

Glad everything turned out okay. We can't leave lawn tools out up here in Franklin County. Sad indeed.

Link Posted: 11/21/2012 7:12:20 PM EDT
From what i understand cops treat alarms like this as low priority, too many false alarms.

Yep.  The police here don't respond to any alarms until they get a verified response from the alarm company, and then they don't go with a quickness.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 7:39:48 PM EDT
Step #2 get a real dog
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 7:41:16 PM EDT
Just some poor 99%ers looking for a place to get warm.

Set them on fire and they'll be warm the rest of their lives.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 7:54:49 PM EDT
Home alarm + Home automation FTW. Alarm on means deadbolts locked.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:07:27 PM EDT
Was the dog left inside or out?

Inside. She curls up on our daughters bed when we leave.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:09:55 PM EDT

Sounds like they know ya or watch ya.

This is what I was thinking as well.

Tried to enter just a few minutes after you left?

I don't know aboout a neighbor. Last year and earlier this year we had some meth heads that were traveling into our neighborhood to break into houses.

But yes, they entered just a few minutes after we left. I did not notice any strange vehicles in the neighborhood on the way out, though. Most of my neighbors are retired military or active duty.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:10:47 PM EDT
A locked door, only keeps honest men honest.

That is the absolute truth.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:11:49 PM EDT

Sounds like they know ya or watch ya.

This . You're  being  watched .
You need a better dag.

Got one in training. dad was a Mastiff/Black lab, mom was a redbone coonhound. She's a territorial little cuss.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:13:30 PM EDT
just curious ......where in NC

Jacksonville. County territory, though.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:14:28 PM EDT
I think someone would be better off with an alarm that calls cell phone and a web cam type set up in their house.  Alarm goes off, calls your cell, and then using the cam/internet you can actually see if anyone is actually inside.  Would cut down on false alarms at least.

We have the cameras, just haven"t set them up yet. That got fixed tonight.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:15:50 PM EDT
so "they" enter with the alarm warning tone, turn on a light, then leave when the alarm goes off?

How long is your pre alarm timer?

I have mine set to 15 seconds (the shortest time allowed for the unit.)

Glad they were cowards.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:18:48 PM EDT
The cops didn't want to shoot your dog?
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:18:48 PM EDT
Mandatory door check every time I leave.

OCD will make me pull a U-turn up the road just to jiggle the knob if I don't specifically remember turning all of the deadbolts.    

COOL! I can tell my wife I'm not the only one who does this.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:19:16 PM EDT
From what i understand cops treat alarms like this as low priority, too many false alarms.

Yep.  The police here don't respond to any alarms until they get a verified response from the alarm company, and then they don't go with a quickness.

Inform dispatch that there are NFA Items stored on premises and they will.

But that is risky as well.

Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:24:30 PM EDT
I bet if you would have called the cops to let them know you would be going home with a gun to clear the house the response time would have been a few minutes.

EDIT also did you have a trunk shotgun or did you get it from in the house?
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:26:29 PM EDT
I lock my doors even when I'm home. I'm often in the back bedroom (where i am now) at the computer and can't hear or see whats going on in the front of the house.
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:28:29 PM EDT
I lock my doors even when I'm home. I'm often in the back bedroom (where i am now) at the computer and can't hear or see whats going on in the front of the house.

Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:30:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/21/2012 8:31:56 PM EDT
so "they" enter with the alarm warning tone, turn on a light, then leave when the alarm goes off?

How long is your pre alarm timer?

I have mine set to 15 seconds (the shortest time allowed for the unit.)

Glad they were cowards.


I honestly don't know, but about a minute, I think.

I am too.
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