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Posted: 9/1/2010 8:19:32 PM EDT
"Sweet Pet Cougar" - YouTube video

People own dogs that are bigger than the average adult mountain lion, but then, pound for pound, cats own dogs. However, pound for pound, both of them own humans.

That one in the video seems friendly though. Is it a "ticking time bomb"? If so, is it any more of a ticking time bomb than a huge dog?
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:21:16 PM EDT
I think having a panther hanging on a black leather couch would be some bad ass sexy shit. But I know it'd never happen.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:21:58 PM EDT
Large cats have not been domesticated and living alongside humans long enough for me to trust one like a dog. Dogs are just wolves that have been bred over time to exhibit certain traits.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:25:51 PM EDT
My house cat weighs 8 and a half pounds and tries to eat me, no fucking way would I own a 80-120lbs big cat, although having a "Beware of kittah" sign on your fence/front door would be pretty awesome

Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:26:18 PM EDT
My normal house cats do enough damage.  Never mind one of those things.  Sharpen their claws on my couch and I don't have a couch anymore.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:29:40 PM EDT
If by "pet" you mean full body mount trophy.....then yes. A living cougar? Fuck no.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:29:41 PM EDT
My house cat weighs 8 and a half pounds and tries to eat me, no fucking way would I own a 80-120lbs big cat, although having a "Beware of kittah" sign on your fence/front door would be pretty awesome  

A 135 lb. Puma could drag a 200 lb. man for 200  yards then  up a tree ...
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:30:12 PM EDT
As an out door cat maybe.

Better security than a watch dog. Dogs just bark. Cats on the other hand will eat the intruder quietly, letting you get a good nights rest.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:31:14 PM EDT
House of blades in Ft. Worth had one a long time ago. It just layed behind the counter.
I heard they had to get rid of it because it scratched a kid that wouldn't leave it alone.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:31:34 PM EDT
Play stupid games win stupid prizes?

Besides how the hell would you keep it off the countertops?
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:31:57 PM EDT
Large cats have not been domesticated and living alongside humans long enough for me to trust one like a dog. Dogs are just wolves that have been bred over time to exhibit certain traits.

Gotta give this a plus one....

Domesticated dogs are domesticated.  Domesticated cats are housecats.  Other felines are in a category similar to wolves, hyenas, badgers, and their ilk.

They might be good companion pets 1000 breeding selections from now.  They are dangerous wild animals in the current generation.

Do Not Want.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:34:29 PM EDT
I watched the video.

That is a bad ass cat. It is beautiful and I can see how it would be cool to have one like that as a pet.

BUT I think it should be in the wild.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:35:19 PM EDT
Our old neighbor had one that he'd chain to a pair of cinder blocks in his unfenced back lawn.  

One day I watched as a house cat crossed the lawn and the cougar hit the end of the chain and dragged the cinderblocks about 6 feet. He caught and ate the house cat.

I was impressed.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:35:43 PM EDT
My house cat weighs 8 and a half pounds and tries to eat me, no fucking way would I own a 80-120lbs big cat, although having a "Beware of kittah" sign on your fence/front door would be pretty awesome  

Your answer was overly verbose.  A simple "NFW" would suffice.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:35:54 PM EDT
Fuck that!!! When a house cat stares at me I get the shudders.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:36:34 PM EDT
House of blades in Ft. Worth had one a long time ago. It just layed behind the counter.
I heard they had to get rid of it because it scratched a kid that wouldn't leave it alone.

Someone owned one in my hometown in the late 70's early 80's.

I saw it in their truck a few times.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:36:55 PM EDT
Time Bomb for sure..... EVERY person who screws with a WILD animal and tries to keep one as a pet gets bitten or worse.

Eventually that cat, like all wild animals will get a hair up it's ass and maul the owner..... look at the Professional bear trainers that have been killed after years of messing with bears.... the chimp that almost killed the woman recently.....etc.

I have known people that tried to keep raccoons and monkeys as pets and they all got bitten badly.... even after YEARS of caring for the animal.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:37:29 PM EDT
A guy here in town has a 50 pound Canadian Lynx for a pet.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:37:32 PM EDT
If by "pet" you mean full body mount trophy.....then yes. A living cougar? Fuck no.

This is my reply. I also have a black bear...............but he is a rug.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:38:08 PM EDT
Yes, I would (own a Cougar). The only reason I don't have a Bobcat already is because they are hella expensive and I don't have a big enough place anyway.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:38:17 PM EDT
Cougars are supposedly the one big cat that can be domesticated.

I've worked a few times with juvenile tigers and once with adult tigers at a rescue facility, and they are fucking scary.  Friendly, but they can be playing around with you and kill you.  400 to 500 lb killing machines.  The little ones are killers in training.  If you turn your back on them they will instinctively try to "attack" you from behind.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:38:59 PM EDT
Sure, why not?  He could keep my wolf and elephant company!!!
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:39:28 PM EDT
Considering what spiteful little bastards my regular cats are, no fucking way.

It's funny when they're under 20 pounds.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:41:19 PM EDT
If by "pet" you mean full body mount trophy.....then yes. A living cougar? Fuck no.

This is my reply. I also have a black bear...............but he is a rug.

I fucking love your avatar.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:50:44 PM EDT


Cougars are supposedly the one big cat that can be domesticated.

I've worked a few times with juvenile tigers and once with adult tigers at a rescue facility, and they are fucking scary.  Friendly, but they can be playing around with you and kill you.  400 to 500 lb killing machines.  The little ones are killers in training.  If you turn your back on them they will instinctively try to "attack" you from behind.

From what I have read, Lion's are the easiest interact with IF you raise them from cubs as Lion's are the only cats that have a social structure.  I saw a lady that raised a male lion (fucker was huge), she hadn't seen him in years, she walked up to the cage and called his name.  He immediately came up to and put his paws on her shoulders and started licking her, then she started scratching behind his ear which caused him to act like a 400lb+ pussy cat.  She was part of his "Pride".


I agree, Tigers are scary!!!

Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:53:06 PM EDT



My house cat weighs 8 and a half pounds and tries to eat me, no fucking way would I own a 80-120lbs big cat, although having a "Beware of kittah" sign on your fence/front door would be pretty awesome  

A 135 lb. Puma could drag a 200 lb. man for 200  yards then  up a tree ...
Plus can you imagine the piss smell?

Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:54:01 PM EDT

Cougars are supposedly the one big cat that can be domesticated.

I've worked a few times with juvenile tigers and once with adult tigers at a rescue facility, and they are fucking scary.  Friendly, but they can be playing around with you and kill you.  400 to 500 lb killing machines.  The little ones are killers in training.  If you turn your back on them they will instinctively try to "attack" you from behind.

From what I have read, Lion's are the easiest interact with IF you raise them from cubs as Lion's are the only cats that have a social structure.  I saw a lady that raised a male lion (fucker was huge), she hadn't seen him in years, she walked up to the cage and called his name.  He immediately came up to and put his paws on her shoulders and started licking her, then she started scratching behind his ear which caused him to act like a 400lb+ pussy cat.  She was part of his "Pride".  

I agree, Tigers are scary!!!

The Christian the Lion story is another example of this.

Link Posted: 9/1/2010 8:54:08 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/1/2010 9:01:10 PM EDT
If by "pet" you mean full body mount trophy.....then yes. A living cougar? Fuck no.

This is my reply. I also have a black bear...............but he is a rug.

I fucking love your avatar.

Thank you. Wish I could take credit for it but I painted " Show me TITS" on my load.     I also have a cat named Bob. He's a good kitta and sits up in the corner.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 9:02:07 PM EDT
Having a wild animal as a pet can be great as long as you are willing to wrap your life around it or build a biz around it.  But it's not like you can just say goodby and head off to work and leave a mountain lion to mess around in your house all day...
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 9:22:31 PM EDT
Nope, Man has spent 10,000 years domesticating cattle(and eating the mean ones at the first opportunity).  We still have to select against cattle that turn out to be assholes.  A oow just wants to be left alone, a panther views you as something it can always eat later if you run out of steak.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 9:29:13 PM EDT
I don't even like housecats, I sure don't want anything bigger.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 9:42:14 PM EDT
Never keep a pet that is capable of eating you if you're late with it's dinner. That's my motto.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 9:43:22 PM EDT
Watched a documentary on privately owned cougars.  Turns out they pee everywhere, even when they're tamed.  So: No.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 9:43:49 PM EDT
One of the few animals on my "shoot on sight" list.

Link Posted: 9/1/2010 9:47:19 PM EDT
Depends on the temperament of the animal.  You also have to devote enough time to keep the animal stimulated.

That cat seems gentle enough, but it could maim/kill accidentally during hard play or if it gets old/senile and startled by something.  Supposedly, Cheetahs are the safest fully wild big cat.  They don't attack people (unless rabid) because their fast, fragile bodies are poorly suited for fighting and the slightest injury could result in death by starvation.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 9:55:50 PM EDT
I used to work around mountain lions. While talking to an animal trainer I asked the same question. He put it like this. A mountain lion is a cat. A cat that's been pumping juice all its life. If you get it at the earliest possible age, it will love you like a regular cat. But like regular cats they they wanna play rough sometimes. A regular cat playing rough might draw blood. A mountain lion playing rough could kill you, even though it didn't mean to. So it could kill you not meaning to. The chances of the mountain lion just one day deciding to up and kill you after you raised it is possible but rare. Iv'e had a few epic stare downs with mountain lions and they are very nervous creatures.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 9:58:25 PM EDT
I'd be afraid it'd rape the Lab
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 10:00:45 PM EDT
Everyman's answer to the Pit Bull problem!
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 10:10:00 PM EDT
Depends on the temperament of the animal.  You also have to devote enough time to keep the animal stimulated.

That cat seems gentle enough, but it could maim/kill accidentally during hard play or if it gets old/senile and startled by something.  Supposedly, Cheetahs are the safest fully wild big cat.  They don't attack people (unless rabid) because their fast, fragile bodies are poorly suited for fighting and the slightest injury could result in death by starvation.

That's true. Cheetahs rarely fight; not over food anyway. Perhaps they would fight to protect their young. Cheetahs will usually walk away from a fresh kill if even a single hyena comes along. Not only could even a minor injury result in starvation, but they are also exhausted after e.g. running down a gazelle at 70 MPH.

Link Posted: 9/1/2010 10:11:20 PM EDT
How about "NO"
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 10:12:19 PM EDT
As with all such questions, the answer is "it depends."
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 10:19:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 10:21:39 PM EDT
Nope wouldn't trust it. If I'm going to own a 200lbs wild animal I'll go for a hyena atleast they're social, mountain lions wont even hang around their own kind if they're not mating.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 10:31:50 PM EDT
Fuck that. My fat fuck 25 pound housecat is capable of drawing blood by accident. A fucking mountain lion can fuck you up from four corners and the top, and his bottom end can seriously fuck up your couch.

The black one is about 18 pounds, and the giant fluffy one is 24. That's a size 13 shoe the black kitty is flopped on.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 10:36:49 PM EDT


If by "pet" you mean full body mount trophy.....then yes. A living cougar? Fuck no.

This. I've been face to face with a mountain lion in the wild. I was armed with a muzzle loader. Luckily, pissed off kitty merely screeched at me for ruining it's hunt, and walked away.

I'll pass...

Link Posted: 9/1/2010 11:13:20 PM EDT
My working ferrets fuck me up bad enough. Hell no on the big cats.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 11:30:16 PM EDT
Fuck no. I love my family's cats but I know that the little play-batting and love nips would turn into disemboweling and throat-crushing in an instant if they were the size of a fucking Great Dane. Cats of all types are vicious bastards looking for an opportunity to kill, and it's only by virtue of the fact that we outweigh them at least ten-to-one that house cats don't leave us on our own doorstep for somebody to step in.
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 11:31:16 PM EDT
My working ferrets fuck me up bad enough. Hell no on the big cats.

The weasel family is probably the only land animals that rival the cat family for pound-for-pound deadliness. The wolverine and the honey badger are two notable examples.

Link Posted: 9/1/2010 11:52:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2010 11:59:41 PM EDT
My working ferrets fuck me up bad enough. Hell no on the big cats.

The weasel family is probably the only land animals that rival the cat family for pound-for-pound deadliness. The wolverine and the honey badger are two notable examples.

Word. I have two sprites (spayed females) that are active working animals, very loving and docile after work. But before they go to work, they will make you BLEED if you rub them the wrong way. And I am not talking owie or band-aids. You should see what these girls will do to a rabbit or rat, let alone a feral cat or decent sized dog.

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