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Posted: 8/8/2010 10:11:00 AM EDT

Thought exercise, begin.

We are at war with the Taww-leee-bawhn (obama speaking). They decide to set off a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city (Let's say Kileen, Texas, just for the experiment).



For those who question me or my allegiance.

I completely agree with  America's use of nuclear bombs in WWII, and in general I believe in "Total War" as a valid strategy.  I simply like to look at things from all angles, and invite you all to do the same.)
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:13:34 AM EDT
What type of nuke, and how is it deployed?
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:13:39 AM EDT
Obama pledges $20 million to build a Mosque on ground zero.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:13:46 AM EDT
Thought exercise, begin.

We are at war with the Taww-leee-bawhn (obama speaking).  They decide to set off a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city (Let's say Kileen, Texas, just for the experiment).


Go where and do what to whom?  Yeah, we could nuke Afghanistan and kill a few bad guys and a whole bunch of civies but in the end, I doubt it would be worth it.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:13:48 AM EDT
There is no suspicion of terrorist activity at this time.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:14:25 AM EDT
There is no suspicion of terrorist activity at this time.

"We are not sure what happened, but we are sure this was not related to terrorism."
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:15:20 AM EDT
There is no suspicion of terrorist activity at this time.

And even if there is, see the quote above.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:15:54 AM EDT
someone on arfcom would post the pmags gif

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:16:11 AM EDT
There is no suspicion of terrorist activity at this time.

"We are not sure what happened, but we are sure this was not related to terrorism."

Absolutely, this is definitely a criminal act.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:16:25 AM EDT
The MSM will blame "Bush".
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:16:43 AM EDT
My thought is that you would be better off going to the gym today and getting a work out, unless you are going for 10,000 postings.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:16:57 AM EDT
Kileen Texas?

Would anybody even notice?

ETA: Oh, Fort Hood.  Why didn't you say so?

If we had a president, Iran and North Korea would be dust.  If we had a president.

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:17:00 AM EDT



There is no suspicion of terrorist activity at this time.

"We are not sure what happened, but we are sure this was not related to terrorism."

Let's not rush to judgement.

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:17:54 AM EDT
Obama apologizes to the Taliban for having to endure the Texas heat and has Holder sue Killeen for provoking the muslims.

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:18:10 AM EDT
Isolated incident. Bush's fault.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:18:33 AM EDT
What has happened with all of the other terrorist attacks to which we have been subjected since President Bush left office?

A fuddled up investigation, no choice but to Mirandize and process those who happen to be dumb enough to get caught in the civil court system, no enhanced interrogation program any more, so we won't (as in the case of the underwear bomber) learn anything of value or at least not until it's too late.

So, pretty much nothing would happen...except we'd have a 2nd black eye to go with the Twin Towers.

Oh, wait, I know:  "we'll be very angry and we'll send them a letter telling them how angry we are".

The idea is to PREVENT these things from happening.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:18:55 AM EDT
Is an enemy's use of an atomic weapon on a small city on US soil understandable or deplorable?
The Hiroshima thread got me thinking.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:19:21 AM EDT
There is no suspicion of terrorist activity at this time.

"We are not sure what happened, but we are sure this was not related to terrorism."

"We think some kind of natural gas explosion occured and it was definitely the fault of the Bush administration."
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:19:52 AM EDT


Kileen Texas?

Would anybody even notice?

Population 33K

Hiroshima: 30k

Closest comparison I could make, though Kileen has much more military value.

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:20:01 AM EDT
Is an enemy's use of an atomic weapon on a small city on US soil understandable or deplorable?

The Hiroshima thread got me thinking.

The fact that you even ask that question makes me wonder about YOU.

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:21:47 AM EDT
Ok, I'll bite.  

1.  A nuke goes off in a major city.  I do not live in a major city, therefore I survive.

2.  I go to arfcom GD and lurk.  I also go to liveleak and wait for someone to post the inevitable film footage.

3. ???

4. Profit!
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:21:56 AM EDT
Is an enemy's use of an atomic weapon on a small city on US soil understandable or deplorable?

The Hiroshima thread got me thinking.

Aaaaahh...that's where we're taking this...

Where's that darn popcorn smiley when you need it...
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:22:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:24:38 AM EDT
Obama pledges $20 million to build a Mosque on ground zero.

... why do my expectations find this plausible?
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:25:17 AM EDT
Really, how is this different than 9/11?  If I had been president, any country known to be harboring terrorists would be a glass parking lot within the week.  

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:25:52 AM EDT
Janet Napolitano  -  "Our preliminary working theory is that this man caused disaster was a result of Tea Party radicals or disenchanted war veterans."

AG Holder - "We are investigating to determine if Governor Jan Brewer was behind this attack on Texas Hispanics....."

Dateline TV Show - "Atomic blast in Texas, minorities hit hardest."

Six Months pass.....

Nancy Pelosi - "The solution to the problem of man caused nucleur disasters, as happened in Killeen Texas, is to ban math and physics classes at state universities and increase minority college enrollment."

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:25:53 AM EDT
Kileen Texas?

Yeah - I'm confused about that too. If the Taliban or Al Qaeda got their filthy hands on a nuke, they'd go for either Washington D.C. or New York.  Failing that, I'm guessing L.A.

The OP is trying to make the case that the Taliban are as justified in nuking Kileen, Texas as the US was justified in nuking Hiroshima.

In which, he is full of crap.

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:26:01 AM EDT



Is an enemy's use of an atomic weapon on a small city on US soil understandable or deplorable?
The Hiroshima thread got me thinking.

The fact that you even ask that question makes me wonder about YOU.

Calm down angry face.

It's just a thought exercise. We are glad that we won the war, we argue that we "had to" do it to save more lives, etc. I agree with these sentiments.

Doesn't hurt to ponder the opposite, and explore your mind a bit.

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:27:13 AM EDT


Thought exercise, begin.
We are at war with the Taww-leee-bawhn (obama speaking).  They decide to set off a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city (Let's say Kileen, Texas, just for the experiment).

I'd start my own war. I've got family in Killeen.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:27:30 AM EDT


The OP is trying to make the case that the Taliban are as justified in nuking Kileen, Texas as the US was justified in nuking Hiroshima.

In which, he is full of crap.


I am merely using my god-given brain to think about things.  

Edit:  Also, it doesn't have to be the Taliban.  Say we are in ANY war against ANY enemy.   They bomb a city, comprised of civilians and/or military targets.

Are they deplorable, or are they doing "anything to win the war?"
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:30:36 AM EDT
Obama pledges $20 million to build a Mosque on ground zero.

I'm ok with a mosque at a nuc ground zero.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:31:46 AM EDT
6 month stoppage on all trucking in and out of the state. because that's surely how the "man made disaster" happened.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:32:59 AM EDT


The OP is trying to make the case that the Taliban are as justified in nuking Kileen, Texas as the US was justified in nuking Hiroshima.

In which, he is full of crap.


I am merely using my god-given brain to think about things.  

Edit:  Also, it doesn't have to be the Taliban.  Say we are in ANY war against ANY enemy.   They bomb a city, comprised of civilians and/or military targets.

Are they deplorable, or are they doing "anything to win the war?"

You are comparing apples to pizzas.

The Japanese Empire attacked the United States.  After massive casualties, when any sane nation would have surrendered, we used nuclear weapons to end the war.  NOT a terrorist attack.

Comparing that to a terrorist using a nuclear weapon on US soil is simply bullshit.  NOT a "thought exercise".

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:33:42 AM EDT
Thought exercise, begin.

We are at war with the Taww-leee-bawhn (obama speaking).  They decide to set off a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city (Let's say Kileen, Texas, just for the experiment).


Go where and do what to whom?  Yeah, we could nuke Afghanistan and kill a few bad guys and a whole bunch of civies but in the end, I doubt it would be worth it.

It would make us more enemies.

WE should hold every single person in this administration and congress accountable for their complete lack of National Defense.

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:34:29 AM EDT
What have happened with all of the other terrorist attacks to which we have been subjected since President Bush left office?

A fuddled up investigation, no choice but to Mirandize and process those who happen to be dumb enough to get caught in the civil court system, no enhanced interrogation program any more, so we won't (as in the case of the underwear bomber) learn anything of value or at least not until it's too late.

So, pretty much nothing would happen...except we'd have a 2nd black eye to go with the Twin Towers.

Oh, wait, I know:  "we'll be very angry and we'll send them a letter telling them how angry we are".

The idea is to PREVENT these things from happening.

We'll send SOS Clinton on a friendship mission to muslim nations with luggage packed neatly with stacks of  engraved relief pictures of Benjamin Franklin?

I'm noticing that our 'expectations' for any kind of retaliatory military action are rather muted...
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:35:30 AM EDT
"Let me be clear..."
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:35:41 AM EDT
Hope the wind isn't blowing north that day.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:35:46 AM EDT


Thought exercise, begin.

We are at war with the Taww-leee-bawhn (obama speaking). They decide to set off a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city (Let's say Kileen, Texas, just for the experiment).


1.  Initial suspicion falls on anti-government "Tea Party" haters.

2.  Government begins crack-down on intolerant hate speech by "Tea Party" haters / Republicans.

3.  When its discovered it was a mis-understander of the ROP, it is an isolated incident that illustrates how bush, Republicans and Tea Party haters have driven the poor, disadvantaged, repressed ROPers to desperate measures.

4.  Obama apologizes and pledges a gazillion dollars to the Muslim world paid for by the seized assets of Bush, Republicans and Tea Party Haters.  Pelosi puts on a burka.

5.  Progressives insist that Amerikkka redeem itself by destroying itself through national suicide (repeal the hater, racist Constitution; adopt Islam and Sharia law; surrender all "war criminals" to the Taliban and AQ, etc.).

6.  OBL is inaugurated first Caliph of the Emirate of the Land Between the Two Oceans and beheads BHO, Pelosi and Reid on the steps of the Grand Mosque (formerly the Capitol).
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:36:43 AM EDT
First, it would be NYC or Washington DC, maybe Chicago, LA or SF.  This is why the Air and Space Museum and other museums along the Washington Mall need to be moved.  Moved to San Antonio.

Second, lots of democrats would become Republicans for a few weeks.

Third, if the Cretin in Chief is still president he would surrender to those he so much loves and admires, the moslems.

Forth, if a Republican is president then the press would blame him, rejoice for the attack against the America they hate so much and sob because Obunghole is no longer president.

Fifth, US response depends on who is president and who is the majority in congress, that and the mood of The Great Unwashed.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:37:29 AM EDT

Kileen Texas?

Would anybody even notice?

Population 33K

Hiroshima: 30k

Closest comparison I could make, though Kileen has much more military value.

So, moral relativitism, huh?

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:37:40 AM EDT
I suppose it's a great way to see how a couple of HBCTs would perform in Afghanistan.  Hell, let's throw in 3rd ACRin there too.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:38:25 AM EDT
0bumer would apologize and says its "America's fault"  and will
push for reparations...
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:38:25 AM EDT


The Japanese Empire attacked the United States. After massive casualties, when any sane nation would have surrendered, we used nuclear weapons to end the war. NOT a terrorist attack.

Comparing that to a terrorist using a nuclear weapon on US soil is simply bullshit. NOT a "thought exercise".

Like I said, replace Taliban with any Enemy of the US in ANY war.   I only used them, because we actually ARE at war with them right now.

But think larger, think of the future....  There WILL be more wars.  Someday, a country will match up against us in a scenario JUST like the one you have laid out above in the quote box.   What then?
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:39:16 AM EDT
Obama would probably just deliver another speech in Ciaro...
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:39:35 AM EDT

Are they deplorable, or are they doing "anything to win the war?"

They're both.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:39:41 AM EDT


The OP is trying to make the case that the Taliban are as justified in nuking Kileen, Texas as the US was justified in nuking Hiroshima.

In which, he is full of crap.


I am merely using my god-given brain to think about things.  

Edit:  Also, it doesn't have to be the Taliban.  Say we are in ANY war against ANY enemy.   They bomb a city, comprised of civilians and/or military targets.

Are they deplorable, or are they doing "anything to win the war?"

You are comparing apples to pizzas.

The Japanese Empire attacked the United States.  After massive casualties, when any sane nation would have surrendered, we used nuclear weapons to end the war.  NOT a terrorist attack.

Comparing that to a terrorist using a nuclear weapon on US soil is simply bullshit.  NOT a "thought exercise".

Nah, he's a "free thinker", much smarter than the rest of us.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:40:05 AM EDT
I might look up where all the mosques are in my local area.

Just to avoid them, you know.
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:40:45 AM EDT
where's the poll for which town we would like to see go first?
Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:41:25 AM EDT

The Japanese Empire attacked the United States. After massive casualties, when any sane nation would have surrendered, we used nuclear weapons to end the war. NOT a terrorist attack.

Comparing that to a terrorist using a nuclear weapon on US soil is simply bullshit. NOT a "thought exercise".

Like I said, replace Taliban with any Enemy of the US in ANY war.   I only used them, because we actually ARE at war with them right now.

But think larger, think of the future....  There WILL be more wars.  Someday, a country will match up against us in a scenario JUST like the one you have laid out above in the quote box.   What then?

We fucking pave them in green glass.

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:42:15 AM EDT
Thought exercise, begin.

We are at war with the Taww-leee-bawhn (obama speaking).  They decide to set off a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city (Let's say Kileen, Texas, just for the experiment).


Go where and do what to whom?  Yeah, we could nuke Afghanistan and kill a few bad guys and a whole bunch of civies but in the end, I doubt it would be worth it.

It would make us more enemies.

WE should hold every single person in this administration and congress accountable for their complete lack of National Defense.

Oh good grief.  I hate that shit.  Hey, we created kamikazes by responding to the attack on Pearl Harbor, so I guess we shouldn't have responded.

I do agree that nuking anyone would matter as we would be killing a lot of people who had nothing to do with the attack.

Link Posted: 8/8/2010 10:44:40 AM EDT


So, moral relativitism, huh?

I guess...

Mainly, when I hear people question OUR use of the atomic bomb, my first reaction (like many of you) is to say, "Of course we used them.  We HAD to!  This is AMERICA!  We HAD to do whatever we could to win."

That got me thinking... Well, shit... Every group of people or ever nation, must feel the same way.   If it happened here, though, I'm sure we'd all be calling them cowards or civilian murderers. Which would be totally hypocritical.

I think, in this case, it is acceptable to BE hypocritical.   We gotta win.  Period.  But we're not the only ones that think that way.

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