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Posted: 3/13/2002 7:34:22 PM EDT
Looks like we can add H & R Block to our
$#!+list. I just got the following announcement in an email from the Brady bunch.

"Victory! H & R Block Has Severed Ties with the National Rifle Association

Thanks to the activism of members and supporters like you, the Million Mom March united with the Brady Campaign, in partnership with Gun Industry Watch and the Mid-Atlantic Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence, has achieved a tremendous victory over the gun lobby!

After receiving a barrage of phone calls, e-mails and letters, H & R Block has decided to dissolve its agreement with the National Rifle Association in which they would make a donation to the NRA every time an NRA member has his or her taxes done at H & R Block.

Over the past two weeks, thousands of Million Mom March and Brady Campaign activists joined in the fight with several other gun violence prevention groups by calling, faxing, and e-mailing H & R Block to protest this agreement and to educate the company on the extremist positions that the NRA has taken in the past.

This victory is evidence of the growing power of our movement. With the combined force of activists from Gun Industry Watch, the Mid-Atlantic Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence, the Million Mom March, and the Brady Campaign, we can (and did) exact real change. Take pride in what we can accomplish when we stand together in opposition to the gun lobby!

Thank you for standing against gun violence and making this victory possible!

Click here to read the full joint press release

Click here to read the letter from H & R Block to the Brady Campaign

Please pass this message along to friends, family members, and colleagues so they too can take a stand for sensible gun laws.

"Thumbs up to all of you for your generous commitment and support! Together, we will build a safer America." - Jim "The BEAR" Brady

March 13, 2002
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I am only on their mailing list so I can stay ahead of the crap they are always pulling. I do NOT send them any money. Looks like it is time to tell H&R why we will NOT be using them to do OUR taxes this year. What do you think?
Finnbear out

Link Posted: 3/13/2002 7:48:13 PM EDT
I think I changed my plans for how I will have my taxes done.
Link Posted: 3/13/2002 7:59:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2002 8:08:48 PM EDT
You hit the nail on the head shotar. We are a force to be reckoned with and we have been very lax about showing it. I know it is a pain in the a$$ to sit down and write a letter every time some corporation or organization tramples on our rights but we all need to do it more often. That is how the anti's became so powerful-they bitch a lot and when the powers that be get tired of the bitching they usually cave in to it. I guess it is our turn to give them a dose of their own medicine.
Finnbear out

Link Posted: 3/13/2002 8:13:08 PM EDT
We must also send them letters and email in a polite but firm manner telling them why they will no longer have our business.
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I'm all for emails, faxes, and phone calls.

This company has turned their back on gun owners, and that hurts.

BUT, this company has transitioned from a gun-friendly company to a neutral company, as far as I can tell.  If they don't support the NRA and they don't support HCI, I don't see a big problem.

It looks like we lost this battle.

We are an economic force to be reconed with.  We have just not been very good at making it known in the past.  That is what needs to change.
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YES.  We need better organization for these grassroots guerilla campaigns.  The NRA is too big and slow to be effective here.  I didn't get any email alerts from GOA on the Dell issue.

But how....
Link Posted: 3/13/2002 8:24:03 PM EDT

You ask how, and I say this is it. We are just one group of gunowners, but we all belong to more groups (hopefully), and communicate with more still. All that we have to do is be careful to report only factual situations to one another, and then spread the word to all we know ASAP. Then it is up to the individuals involved to take action. We can spread the word much more quickly than organizations like the NRA, but need to be sure to let them in on the goings on, as they are yet another outlet to our brothers in arms.

We need eachother, and cannot afford to drop the ball.
Link Posted: 3/13/2002 8:31:17 PM EDT
%^&@# anti-'s

If it wasn't for guns, this (as in the United States) would still be a colony.........
Link Posted: 3/13/2002 8:55:16 PM EDT
Now just two weeks ago I clearly remember some of you guys singing H&R praise songs.

Then I spoiled the party by pointing out that they profit big time from the world's most confusing tax code.

I'm going to enjoy the fall of society and watching all those MMM and VPC freaks die--I'll see them all in hell!

Meantime, we should kill two birds with one stone--just stop paying the damn taxes!
Link Posted: 3/14/2002 12:54:54 AM EDT
glad they did my taxes when they were still NRA friendly,
the guy from H & R who did mine is a fellow hunter, we talked more about the last deer season and recreational fire arms than we did my taxes and he still got me a sweet refund, and gave me a discount on the fee. the only reason I went to them is the flyer I got telling about the NRA donations. he was very happy to make sure NRA got their cut.

Link Posted: 3/14/2002 1:16:05 AM EDT
Look what I found!  A link for contacting H&R Block.


Click the er... "click here to contact us" button.. lol.

Let them know what you think... and why they're not getting your/our business.

Link Posted: 3/14/2002 2:31:34 AM EDT
Thanks Stealth. They just recieved the last .02 from me they will, and I don't think it will spend. Let them know what you think, otherwise this is all just talk.
Link Posted: 3/14/2002 3:50:08 AM EDT
Hell, yes we oughta boycott them and drive them from business.

Unlike Dell, which I thought was a mistake, one that still needed punishing, H&R deliberately decided to side with the anti-self defense and pro-rapist rights groups American gun owners.

Like S&W and K-Mart, it is now time for H&R to learn the true power of American Gun Owners.

Death to H&R!

Link Posted: 3/14/2002 4:27:37 AM EDT
Should have looked before I created my own thread about this.  I'm outraged.  This came about after I and my family spent a couple of grand on taxes this year.  I feel like I've been betrayed.
Contact these bozos and let them know how you feel.  Do NOT spend money with them.  If you are or were a customer stop.

[b]H&R Block must die![/b]
Link Posted: 3/14/2002 6:41:06 AM EDT
My reply to them:
I am very disgusted that you would sever your ties with the NRA and side with the extremists at HCI. I purchased your program 'Tax Cut' to do my taxes this year in large part because of the advertisement I saw in the "American Rifleman." Why you would side with a group that is against self-defense and against my rights as an American is beyond me. Your actions also give supportive meaning to the term "back-stabbers", and leave me with a feeling that your company cannot be trusted. Next year my wife and I will use somebody else to prepare our taxes.
Thank you for your time.
Robert Ostrander  
Link Posted: 3/14/2002 7:46:44 AM EDT
Their response to me:

In your message submitted 03/14/02 you wrote:

I, being a gun owner and NRA member, will not seek your services this year, or in any year henceforth. I am urging friends and associates to likewise boycott H&R Block. Sincerely, KC Phelps


Our Response:
Thank you for sharing your views with us.  We have taken the matter very seriously.  

[b]H&R Block offers its products and services equally to all taxpayers.  The company does not take a stand on social issues outside the realm of tax and financial services.[/b] [rolleyes]

This tax season H&R Block entered an agreement with a marketing company to expand our ability to market our tax products and services.  A number of organizations interpreted this agreement in a way that had H&R Block taking a particular side of a social issue - something our company does not do.  Therefore, we are ending the agreement to remove ourselves from a debate we don't belong in and to prevent any outside group from using H&R Block to promote their agenda.  

H&R Block's sole focus remains on helping all Americans with their tax and financial needs.

Thank you for your e-mail.

Link Posted: 3/19/2002 7:25:24 AM EDT
Did anybody else get one of these??

Our Response:
Thank you for sharing your views with us.  We have taken the matter very

H&R Block offers its products and services equally to all taxpayers.  The
company does not take a stand on social issues outside the realm of tax and
financial services.

This tax season H&R Block entered an agreement with a marketing company to
expand our ability to market our tax products and services.  A number of
organizations interpreted this agreement in a way that had H&R Block taking a
particular side of a social issue - something our company does not do.
Therefore, we are ending the agreement to remove ourselves from a debate we
don't belong in and to prevent any outside group from using H&R Block to promote
their agenda.

H&R Block's sole focus remains on helping all Americans with their tax and
financial needs.
View Quote

Sounds pretty BS to me, but hey what can we really expect??

Link Posted: 3/19/2002 8:26:52 AM EDT
Finnbear can you supply the link to the letter H&R blockheads sent to the Brady Bunch??

Edited to say that it is listed on their website.

It is almost the same one they sent OUR side...

The Bastards!!
Link Posted: 3/19/2002 8:41:49 AM EDT
Just use Turbotax.  HR Block is an obsolete relic.
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