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Posted: 9/9/2004 3:58:40 PM EDT
I'm not an active poster, mainly a reader but I feel like this is the only place except going to a counselor that I can speak my mind.  I'm probably wrong anyway for getting upset so here goes.

me:  Hello, I'd like to pick up my glasses today.  You told me that it would take 7-12 business days and today is the 12th business day.

her:  What's your name?

me:  Pete lastnamehere

her: Hold on let me look through the shipment.

me: ok

crickets for five minutes...which btw, is just fine with me, I have the day off today.  
she comes back.

her:  I found your wife's glasses, but I didn't find yours.

me:  Ok....

her:  (after a few seconds of silence)  Well I can look again for them if you like sir.

me:  Thanks.  Could you call me back after youre done so I don't have to wait another five minutes on the phone?

Her:  I can call you back tommorrow!  Silence.

me:   (After a few seconds, I now have an angrier and slow deliberate speech)  I would like you to look again and call me back as soon as possible.  I've waited the required 12 business days and if you can't find them, I would suggest calling the lab and asking them...it's 1 in the afternoon.  Surely the lab hasn't closed already.  Please help me!  

Her:  This is doctor blah blah, and I don't appreciate your tone of voice!!

Me:  I don't care who the fuck you are lady, you got snotty with me five minutes ago, now are you going to make the fucking call or am I going to have to come down there and help you dial the number?

Her:  Blah blah,

I hung up on her.

Two hours later I get back home and I have a message from the mall security office but the guy claims he is with the real police.  I called him back and told him not to ever call me again.  He didn't get two words out before I hung up on him after yelling at him.

I know I shouldn't have done that but I was overwhelmed at how poorly they treated me from the beginning and I felt that since I've paid in advance for the glasses I should have been treated with a little more respect and better customer service.  

Then I call the shop again.  The woman (Different one this time) perks right up and says that your glasses will be here tommorrow.  I politely thanked her.

You guys think I can get into trouble for this?

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:18:51 PM EDT
The "should I come down there?" part is what got you the phone call.  I'm sure she called up Security and made it sound like there was a homicidal maniac on the way to kill her for not finding your glasses.

Yeah, you blew your cool but it doesn't sound like the bitch on the other end of the phone had any clue about Customer Service either.

Make sure when you pick up the glasses that you make them understand PEREFECTLY why you won't be doing business with them ever again.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:21:58 PM EDT
AFTER you have the glasses in hand of course.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:23:28 PM EDT
Let us know how the pick-up goes tomorrow!  If there are mall-ninja hanging about the store when you arrive, I would probably just walk on past!
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:24:11 PM EDT
"Should I bring all my shoes?"
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:25:12 PM EDT
"...come down there and help you dial..."

Nope - no trouble at all if those were the words you spoke.  You were justified in getting upset at the poor service and the ill-attentive customer rep.

Glad to hear your glasses will be there tomorrow.  Don't be surprised if security is standing around.  But no need to sweat them.

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:26:49 PM EDT

"Should I bring all my shoes?"

"My shoe fell off...and I can't SEE goddammit.."

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:28:26 PM EDT
You have it on your answering machine... tape... the security guard pretending to be real police?  

I believe you own his ass.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:28:51 PM EDT

You guys think I can get into trouble for this?

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:30:42 PM EDT
Customer service in general is going down the tubes.  I live in the RUDEST state in America (New York).  I can't tell you how many times I walk into a deli, store, office, etc. here and get a "what the fuck do youse want" look from the clerks.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 4:36:06 PM EDT
Thanks for not flaming me.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:29:46 PM EDT
Well the fuzz called back.  Looks like they want to charge me with a class 1 misdemeanor for cursing over the telephone.  So how much should I look forward to paying an attorney for this kind of thing?
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:36:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:38:21 PM EDT
No previous record, Arizona.  Sigh.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:38:34 PM EDT
You are mean and hurt people's feelings.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:38:54 PM EDT
It's a crime to swear of the fuckign telephone?

Fer fucking crying out loud. What the fuck!
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:42:10 PM EDT
Guys, I have a clean record.  I should have been more patient.  My wife has been trying to get me to stop using foul language at home when I watch the news for almost two years now.  

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:43:53 PM EDT
Send your wife down to pick up your glasses and lay low. There's a fair chance this will go away.

Maybe not, but that's what I'd do.

MANY(not all) LEO depts have better things to do than chase you down for something this petty.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:44:54 PM EDT
You can get charged with swearing at someone on the fucking phone?

What a nation of wet-assed fucking crybabies we've become.


Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:45:00 PM EDT
Get a lawyer right now.  If they want to charge you with some bullshit misdemeanor, fine, but don't make it easy on them.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:46:40 PM EDT
The officer said he was going to file it with the DA.

Her glasses will be mailed to our house.  My portion will be refunded and they don't want me in their store.  I'm willing to bet that she made it sound a lot worse than it was.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:49:21 PM EDT

Send your wife down to pick up your glasses and lay low. There's a fair chance this will go away.

Maybe not, but that's what I'd do.

MANY(not all) LEO depts have better things to do than chase you down for something this petty.

I agree with piccolo. Lay low and hope they forget. He should be able to write a book about this sort of thing.

Now stop your crying foureyes.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:52:47 PM EDT

You SWORE at someone on the phone and taxpayer dollars are now going to used to FILE a MISDEMEANOR CHARGE AGAINST YOU?!?

This world is heading for a VERY LARGE crash very shortly.

PS:  As I said before, I'm sure that the cunt on the phone made is sound like Jack the Ripper was on his way down to rape and murder her.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 6:54:27 PM EDT
Yep, I thought about your post when he said it...thanks all.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:14:44 PM EDT
Unbelievable.  And to think...I was actually thinking of moving to Arizona.  I can't believe you can actually be charged for using foul language on the phone.  

Lawyer up and don't say a damn thing to the cops.

Oh yeah...find a new optometrist, as that cunt doesn't deserve yours, your wife's, your family's, your friends, your co-workers, or anybody elses business.  Fucking uppity bitch.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:18:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:20:29 PM EDT
I have done much worse then that many times.  

If you really want to piss them off ask to speak to someone with an education, or someone who isnt mentaly disabled.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:23:21 PM EDT
Make sure that if the courts or a cop asks you to sign anything, sign it and add "All rights reserved without prejudice, UCC 207-7"

And if anything on there asks you to define yourself as a US citizen, cross it out and write in "National"

If they ask you if your a citizen, tell them no, that you are a US national.

The big difference is the use of the small "c" as compared to the large "C".  Large "C" or "National" is okay, small "c" means your a citicen of  Washington DC, Pueto Rico, or any other Federal onclave.  

The 207-7 part reserves your rights under common law which really states that they can't really do shit to you because under common law, swearing isn't a crime.

Find yourself an attorney who understands this stuff and get legal help.  Don't let this go on your record.  Its Bullshit pure and simple.

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:31:38 PM EDT
Thank you again!

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:39:26 PM EDT
Next time, take your Rx from the Doc and head over to Lens Crafters.  You will get your glasses in "about an hour".
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:46:49 PM EDT
That's another thing.  If they don't want me in their store, how in the hell am I going to get my Rx back from them?
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:49:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:50:00 PM EDT
Good point!
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:51:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:54:40 PM EDT


Make sure that if the courts or a cop asks you to sign anything, sign it and add "All rights reserved without prejudice, UCC 207-7"

And if anything on there asks you to define yourself as a US citizen, cross it out and write in "National"

If they ask you if your a citizen, tell them no, that you are a US national.

The big difference is the use of the small "c" as compared to the large "C".  Large "C" or "National" is okay, small "c" means your a citicen of  Washington DC, Pueto Rico, or any other Federal onclave.  

The 207-7 part reserves your rights under common law which really states that they can't really do shit to you because under common law, swearing isn't a crime.

Find yourself an attorney who understands this stuff and get legal help.  Don't let this go on your record.  Its Bullshit pure and simple.


Either this is gibberish or it was covered in a Friday afternoon class when I went to law school.

Sounds vaguely reminiscent of the soverinty movement BS I hear occasionally.

FlagWaver - So, are they claiming that that you threatened someone on the phone?

It sounds weird that it could be any kind of a crime to swear on the phone (even a misdemeanor).  That sounds really odd to me.  
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:58:59 PM EDT
I smell an ambush!  Pack an overnight bag for the hospital.  The Mall Security Ninjas are going to jump you in the parking lot!
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:59:56 PM EDT

Make sure that if the courts or a cop asks you to sign anything, sign it and add "All rights reserved without prejudice, UCC 207-7"

And if anything on there asks you to define yourself as a US citizen, cross it out and write in "National"

If they ask you if your a citizen, tell them no, that you are a US national.

The big difference is the use of the small "c" as compared to the large "C".  Large "C" or "National" is okay, small "c" means your a citicen of  Washington DC, Pueto Rico, or any other Federal onclave.  

The 207-7 part reserves your rights under common law which really states that they can't really do shit to you because under common law, swearing isn't a crime.

Find yourself an attorney who understands this stuff and get legal help.  Don't let this go on your record.  Its Bullshit pure and simple.


What a moron......
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 8:06:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 8:11:21 PM EDT
I'd disinfect the glasses when I got them.... just in case.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 8:13:06 PM EDT
You get your glasses at the mall?

Don't they have real optomtrists in Arizona?

Oh, and have the courts ever "suggested" anger management classes to you before?

Link Posted: 9/9/2004 8:15:38 PM EDT
Perhaps you should not have mentioned coming down there, but for a doctor she sounded very unproffessional. As a doctor she should also understand how important it is to have glasses and the correct perscription. Mine are starting to feel a little weak, and the headaches are killing me. Good luck, and I am willing to bet you will hear no more of this incident.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 11:44:23 PM EDT
It's a trap!

Now where is that damn Ackbar photo?
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 12:11:53 AM EDT
Actually, cursing over a phone line is an FCC violation.  Its federal, so wouldnt that make it a felony?  

Or would that have to have been an interstate call for the felony charge?

In anycase, its all bullshit.  Lay low, go to another optometrist, dont go to the mall for a few months (wouldnt be hard for me, I havent been in a year) and if they really want to do anything, you will have LEO's on your doorstep or a warrant out for you.  

Isnt there a way to check for warrants online or something?
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 12:51:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 12:56:09 AM EDT

nor is there a law against cussing on the phone.  

I've seen many people prosecuted for that in this area.  The local court listings usually have 4-5 every day.  Profanity over the phone or obscene language.

Can't really say that I understand it, but who understands most laws?
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 1:09:39 AM EDT

That's another thing.  If they don't want me in their store, how in the hell am I going to get my Rx back from them?

Hell,  If you haven't paid for either pair, why even go there?
Just get a copy of both you and your wife's perscriptions and go somewhere else.

BTW Superstition or Fiesta Mall?
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 1:16:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 1:21:09 AM EDT
Isnt it against the law to impersonate a police officer?
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 1:22:11 AM EDT
Which place is this?
I need a pair of glasses.
I'll just schedule an appointment to "get a god damn eye exam and pick up some fucking glasses."
See what they say if I use profanity every other word, and use another name of course.
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 1:35:18 AM EDT
Would 'breach of contract' apply to this event? It seems that the company took your money in an obligation to provide a service within a stated time limit. They exceeded the time limit. Maybe you've got more clout than you think? Talk to a lawyer. I know jack shit about the law.
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 1:36:33 AM EDT
Is it a large company, if so call corporate office and raise hell, might get $s off.
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