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Link Posted: 3/30/2006 6:39:21 AM EDT

Quoted: Let me be the first to say that we will find that she was a willing participant. IMHO it was a scam.
Yep. Never trust those hippie save-the-world types. Unless they went to the warzone to fight, work, or Christianize; they are just in the way.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 6:50:34 AM EDT

She probably let the hajis do her in the butt.

She'll probably make the talk show circuit. Either that or she'll get offers from porn producers...
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 6:53:46 AM EDT
"They treated me good. I had food. I showered. The safe room had nice furniture. They treated me very well. Yes, I felt safe even though I was being held hostage."

Just ignore the hooded guys in the background with AK's that have shown in the past they enjoy sawing peoples heads off

yeah, and I am the f**king easter rabbit...
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 7:01:29 AM EDT

ok, I just IM'd back and forth with her boss.

I mentioned the "traitor" sentiment that I read here.

His quote:

"she hates these fuckers"

also, WRT to her statement from this morning:

"She said they ddin't harm her. Tha's all she's said so far -- she also was speaking, i might add, before she was in US custody."

"She was in the Iraqi Islamic Party offices in one of the worst parts of baghdad"

"they taped that TV thing before they called the Americans"

"she didn't even know if adnan our driver had survived (he had) until an hour ago."

"Told her mom " I never ever ever want to go  back to Iraq.'"

I have an "advance copy" of the CS Monitor article, but it's embargoed. There's nothing new in it anyway.

Good to know and thanks for doing the spade work...at least SOMEONE bothered to get the facts and talk to someone who's in the know, instead of assuming things
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 7:02:07 AM EDT


Something about her choice of clothing for her interview.....


That is the BEST picture of her... she's not that hot.

On a more abstract note, I'm sooooo tired of the idiotic Michigan media tripping all over themselves to find a "Michigan connection" to ANYTHING happening in the world. Murderer somewhere else in the country that drove through Michigan on vacation once when he was a kid? Guaran-frickin-teed they'll have a microphone in front of the guy at the bait store in the boonies talking about how nice the kid was or how they thought he was a little different...

Thats Graholms doing...We have a 100% complete broke state, worst economy in the union and the highest level of unemployment in the union....We need the attention and they will do anything to get it.

Ann Arbor is not Michigan..It is a communist state by itself.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 7:05:43 AM EDT

ok, I just IM'd back and forth with her boss.

I mentioned the "traitor" sentiment that I read here.

His quote:

"she hates these fuckers"

also, WRT to her statement from this morning:

"She said they ddin't harm her. Tha's all she's said so far -- she also was speaking, i might add, before she was in US custody."

"She was in the Iraqi Islamic Party offices in one of the worst parts of baghdad"

"they taped that TV thing before they called the Americans"

"she didn't even know if adnan our driver had survived (he had) until an hour ago."

"Told her mom " I never ever ever want to go  back to Iraq.'"

I have an "advance copy" of the CS Monitor article, but it's embargoed. There's nothing new in it anyway.

Then I stand corrected. I thought he'd been killed in front of her.
My mistake.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 7:12:17 AM EDT


ok, I just IM'd back and forth with her boss.

I mentioned the "traitor" sentiment that I read here.

His quote:

"she hates these fuckers"

also, WRT to her statement from this morning:

"She said they ddin't harm her. Tha's all she's said so far -- she also was speaking, i might add, before she was in US custody."

"She was in the Iraqi Islamic Party offices in one of the worst parts of baghdad"

"they taped that TV thing before they called the Americans"

"she didn't even know if adnan our driver had survived (he had) until an hour ago."

"Told her mom " I never ever ever want to go  back to Iraq.'"

I have an "advance copy" of the CS Monitor article, but it's embargoed. There's nothing new in it anyway.

Then I stand corrected. I thought he'd been killed in front of her.
My mistake.

I think it was her interpreter that was killed....
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 7:26:30 AM EDT

ok, I just IM'd back and forth with her boss.

I mentioned the "traitor" sentiment that I read here.

His quote:

"she hates these fuckers"

also, WRT to her statement from this morning:

"She said they ddin't harm her. Tha's all she's said so far -- she also was speaking, i might add, before she was in US custody."

"She was in the Iraqi Islamic Party offices in one of the worst parts of baghdad"

"they taped that TV thing before they called the Americans"

"she didn't even know if adnan our driver had survived (he had) until an hour ago."

"Told her mom " I never ever ever want to go  back to Iraq.'"

I have an "advance copy" of the CS Monitor article, but it's embargoed. There's nothing new in it anyway.

Link Posted: 3/30/2006 8:23:52 AM EDT
Here's my buddy's story:

Journalist Jill Carroll freed after 82 days in captivity

By Dan Murphy

CAIRO – Journalist Jill Carroll was released unharmed and into the custody of a Sunni Arab political party in Baghdad on Thursday, ending 82 days of captivity marked by an almost unprecedented global outpouring of support and calls for her release.    
At about 12:20 p.m. local time, she was dropped by her captors in Baghdad's Amariyah neighborhood at the office of the Iraqi Islamic Party (IIP). About an hour later (5:45 a.m. EST), Ms. Carroll called her twin sister, Katie, to deliver the joyful news. Calls to her parents, Jim and Mary Beth, soon followed.

"She called me because she remembered my number. I was dreaming that this would be the way I'd find out - that she'd call me in the middle of the night like this,'' Katie said. "She sounded great. I just want to thank everyone who's prayed and given us support through this time, and we're obviously looking forward to some private time with Jill."

Ms. Carroll gave a short interview to Baghdad TV, which is owned by the IIP, before being picked up and transported to Baghdad's Green Zone by the American military. She said that for most of her ordeal she was kept what she described as a "cave" - a room with the window boarded up - and was kept cut off from the outside world. She said she'd been allowed to watch television and read a newspaper only once.

"I was treated well, but I don't know why I was kidnapped," Carroll told the Iraqi TV station. Her kidnappers had demanded the release of all Iraqi female prisoners in three videotaped statements made while she was captive. "They never hit me. They never even threatened to hit me."

Baghdad TV's story also carried a ceremony led by the IIP's secretary general, Tariq al-Hashimi, who handed Carroll gifts and praised her release. Mr. Hashimi is a rival for influence among Iraq's Sunni Arab minority of Adnan al-Dulaimi's, the politician Carroll had sought to interview on the morning of Jan. 7 when she was kidnapped and her translator Allan Enwiyah was murdered.

Leading IIP member Naser al-Ani said her appearance at their office, in a blue Islamic robe and a light green head scarf identical to the one she wore in a Feb. 28 video issued by her captors, was completely unexpected. He said guards at the office "thought she was a party member - dressed Islamically like that. They thought she worked in the Iraqi government's Women's Affairs department."

Mr. Ani said she was dropped off near the office, in a Sunni stronghold in Western Baghdad. In a press conference, Mr. Hashimi said she bore a letter from her captors that she gave to the guards. Carroll then called her family.

A measure of the extent to which she was cut off from the outside world was that she didn't know if her driver that day had escaped. News of his safety was a great relief to her, her father, Jim Carroll, says.

Dan has spoken with her....Her 'landlord' gave all of her stuff to Dan a month ago. It's all in the trunk of his car in NJ at the moment. (He's in Cairo right now, flying to Baghdad in a few hrs)
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 8:32:24 AM EDT
update: they (don't know exactly who "they" is) did a "hot debrief" 20 mins ago w/ her. They're giving her an hour to rest and then they'll continue if she's up to it.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 8:38:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 8:46:55 AM EDT


Let me be the first to say that we will find that she was a willing participant.
IMHO it was a scam.

I tend to agree with this.

+1  Collaberator all the way.....
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 9:35:16 AM EDT
I'm not going to pass judgement yet, but many things about her capture and release stink to high heaven.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 9:58:05 AM EDT
Glad she's safe, welcome back.   Kind of ignorant, I think, to pass judgement alleging she collaborated... where is the proof?  

Link Posted: 3/30/2006 12:13:59 PM EDT



Let me be the first to say that we will find that she was a willing participant.
IMHO it was a scam.

I tend to agree with this.

+1  Collaberator all the way.....

You guys are just plain dumb, condemning the woman with no evidence, I guess you missed the post by NoVaGator.....
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 12:16:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 12:16:55 PM EDT



Let me be the first to say that we will find that she was a willing participant.

IMHO it was a scam.

I tend to agree with this.

I would agree with that, so some extent...But her friend and translator was murdered.


Link Posted: 3/30/2006 12:21:10 PM EDT
I am basing my opinion that she is a shitbag liberal bitch based on what many other people had to say about her. The sheer number of islamic groups that stated she was on their side and was dedicated to showing the "occupation" for what it is, and how cruel the US is being to muslims pretty much does it for me.

Hell, I think most of the news media are traitors, and I wouldn't give a shit if any one of those scumbags gets killed....
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 12:27:18 PM EDT
Somewhat related....

I was asking Dan about his security precautions.

He pointed out that she was snatched by 8 guys with AKs, and there's no amount of reasonable firepower than one person can bring to bear that would make a difference in that situation.

He said that traveling with a single guard makes you a target. You need a phalanx to make any difference.

If he's going someplace particularly dangerous, he has an ex-SAS guy that "shadows" him - but doesn't provide direct protection. This same guy did his protection in East Timor and Bogota.

He won't meet with anyone for more than 20 mins, and will never meet a pre-determined location. He'll typically just show up unannounced and hope to catch the person he needs to speak with.

Also said that 3000 (!) people died under "susupicious circumstances" in Baghdad in the last 30 days. Not IED, not know attacks, but "just found dead."
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 12:30:16 PM EDT

Let me be the first to say that we will find that she was a willing participant.

IMHO it was a scam.

Bingo.  I have said all along that she was in on it from the beginning and would not be killed.

And the bitch is no more American than Jane Fonda.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 12:32:26 PM EDT

That chick doesn't look the type that would set up her translator to be killed. I think she was an easy target that's all and somebody probably paid a ransom or else why would they give her up.

Doesn't look the type??????????  WTF is that?
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 12:33:03 PM EDT


It is neat to see how so many of us here are already in her head and know exactly what is going to happen/ what she is going to say.

I need to learn that trick.

Its called being a keyboard commando.

It's called being smart enough to recognize the obvious.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 12:34:05 PM EDT
Based on NoVa's post, I will withhold my judgement until later.  I still lean towards her being a collaborator, but will wait to see what she does or says.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 1:48:55 PM EDT

Glad she's safe, welcome back.   Kind of ignorant, I think, to pass judgement alleging she collaborated... where is the proof?  

Well, I have changed my mind 100%

I am not wishing death to her....But:

I am watching John Gibson now on Fox, he brings up a good point or two.

1.) She never once said anything BAD about the people who KILLED her translastor.
2.) She has yet to denounce what happened to her or others.
3.) She said she was well treated, never harmed or threatend.

John Gibson then asked which video is right? The one of her crying, pleading for her life? -or- The video of her today saying that her captives were not so bad?

Link Posted: 3/30/2006 2:20:10 PM EDT
Well, she should be in the custody and protection of US forces now.  If she wants to remove suspicion, time for her to speak up.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 2:25:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 2:30:52 PM EDT


Her 'captors' have just released a video statement by her that is VERY supportive of the Terrorists and very critical of the US and declaring the Terrorists will win in Iraq…

I'm trying hard to not jump to conclusions here.

If she made a video while in the custody of her captors, anything she says in that video is suspect since we don't know what pressures they may have applied.

What will be most telling is what she says now.  If she comes down on her captors like a ton of bricks, it will go a long way towards clearing up my suspicions.

If she doesn't come down on her captors, or only gives "gentle" criticism, she will make my solidly suspicious of her.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 3:44:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 3:59:27 PM EDT
I think we really have to wait to see what her reaction will be. I dont think she was in on it since they did kill her translator. But that does'nt mean she was not a sympathiser before AND afterwards. Uggh  on that first taped interview they gave her as a gift a Spiffed up Koran in it's own little case. "here is a gift from the people of Iraq". I would've fucking hurled!!
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 4:11:39 PM EDT

Glad she's safe, welcome back.   Kind of ignorant, I think, to pass judgement alleging she collaborated... where is the proof?  

She is either lying now, saying they never laid a hand on her, and treated her great, and never threatened her; those are her words, or she was lying when she hammed it up for the video that they let out showing her pleading for her life.    I saw both her interview today, and the video of her pleading for her life.

She is lying in one or both of them.   You decide.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 4:11:53 PM EDT
Yep, she MAY turn out to be a sympathizer, but we don’t know enough yet to determine that.  Time will tell.   If she does show support for her captors and spits in the face of the USA, things will get ugly for her very fast.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 4:14:02 PM EDT

Yep, she MAY turn out to be a sympathizer, but we don’t know enough yet to determine that.  Time will tell.   If she does show support for her captors and spits in the face of the USA, things will get ugly for her very fast.


See my post above.  She is lying now, or lied when the video of her pleading for her life came out.  Which is it?
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 4:16:37 PM EDT


Yep, she MAY turn out to be a sympathizer, but we don’t know enough yet to determine that.  Time will tell.   If she does show support for her captors and spits in the face of the USA, things will get ugly for her very fast.


See my post above.  She is lying now, or lied when the video of her pleading for her life came out.  Which is it?

Link Posted: 3/30/2006 4:26:44 PM EDT
her story smells a little to me
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 4:33:02 PM EDT


Her 'captors' have just released a video statement by her that is VERY supportive of the Terrorists and very critical of the US and declaring the Terrorists will win in Iraq…

If you were in the company (unwillingly) of terrorists with AK's pointed at you I'd bet you'd do the same damn thing.... as a matter of fact I'm sure of it.  Just like US aviators who were the unlucky guest's in the Hanoy Hilton that spoke out against the us.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 4:34:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 5:05:16 PM EDT
Hey, didn't Condi or Laura Bush wear a head scarf, head wrap thing on a trip to the middle east? Doesn't GW wear a parka thing when in south? Doesn't some of the Fox News chickies wear them as well when reporting from the west bank?

Get over the towel on her head....It really doesn't mean what you all wish.

I dont think she is going to come out with pink hair, cursing and drinking a Budweiser anytime soon.

It is on her, she either comes clean or answer to someone else later.

Link Posted: 3/30/2006 6:58:54 PM EDT



Yep, she MAY turn out to be a sympathizer, but we don’t know enough yet to determine that.  Time will tell.   If she does show support for her captors and spits in the face of the USA, things will get ugly for her very fast.


See my post above.  She is lying now, or lied when the video of her pleading for her life came out.  Which is it?


Come on Mojo use your head,
Which is it?  Was she forced to make the tape at gunpoint?  Or did she do it willingly?   She stated today that she was not ever threatened with being killed.  Is she lying now?  Or  was she lying then?    She can't be telling the truth both times.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 7:07:16 PM EDT
Wow guys, great calling someone a libtard / commie without even reading any of her stories or seeing any of her work before.
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 7:18:14 PM EDT

Wow guys, great calling someone a libtard / commie without even reading any of her stories or seeing any of her work before.

Wow, how do you know who has or has not read her material?
Link Posted: 3/30/2006 7:29:17 PM EDT




Yep, she MAY turn out to be a sympathizer, but we don’t know enough yet to determine that.  Time will tell.   If she does show support for her captors and spits in the face of the USA, things will get ugly for her very fast.


See my post above.  She is lying now, or lied when the video of her pleading for her life came out.  Which is it?


Come on Mojo use your head,
Which is it?  Was she forced to make the tape at gunpoint?  Or did she do it willingly?   She stated today that she was not ever threatened with being killed.  Is she lying now?  Or  was she lying then?    She can't be telling the truth both times.

"Lying" is very a loaded word in the context of your comments.  Like I said, she may turn out to be a sympathizer, but I'll wait before making that leap of faith.   IMO, anything she said while a "captive" is questionable.   I doubt that anyone (including her) knows where she stands right now, and certainly no one on this forum does.  In a short time we will get a better picture of what happened to her and her current thoughts.    But, if you want to believe she willingly participated in the "ordeal", go ahead.    
Link Posted: 3/31/2006 12:01:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/31/2006 12:11:00 AM EDT
<---   Anger.

Just watched the whole thing, she sells out a lot more than is just transcribed here.
Link Posted: 3/31/2006 2:21:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/31/2006 2:40:43 AM EDT

Somewhat related....

I was asking Dan about his security precautions.

He pointed out that she was snatched by 8 guys with AKs, and there's no amount of reasonable firepower than one person can bring to bear that would make a difference in that situation.

I'm an orthodox Jewish American and Loud and Obnoxius to boot.  If I'm in IRaq (hopefully one day I will be - don't ask!) and 8 guys with AK's are headed my way with this intent, I'm using all my ammo except one bullet and making sure I don't become daniel pearl #2.

(that is, after I take pics of their AK mags and post cool slabside pics on the dark side of arfkom )

Link Posted: 3/31/2006 2:45:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/31/2006 2:53:51 AM EDT
NovaGator, what's your connection on this story? Good insights. Please keep us posted.
Link Posted: 3/31/2006 3:50:46 AM EDT

NovaGator, what's your connection on this story? Good insights. Please keep us posted.

     I respectfully disagree. Jill's people seem to have mounted a PR campaign to mitigate the damage, but I have yet to see any of Novagators IM snippets or similar comments sourced anywhere else.
 It is now 24 hours after this story broke and there has been no repudiation of her articulation of terrorist talking points.
Link Posted: 3/31/2006 4:44:24 AM EDT

Jill Carroll Video here………

Note that even after her release, Carroll maintained that she had been treated well by her captors—so it would appear that this journalist for the Christian Science Monitor made these anti-American comments voluntarily.

thursday, march 30, 2006

The Mujahideen Interview Jill Carroll
UPDATE at 3/30/06 6:04:14 pm:

Here’s a full translation of the tape: Insurgents Justify Release of Jill Carroll in Web Tape.

Voice in tape: How did the Mujahedeen treat you?

Jill Carroll: They treated me very well. They treated me very well, like a guest. I was given very good food, kept very safe, treated very, very well.

Voice in tape: Did you think the American Army or the CIA would save you in any time?

Carroll: I thought maybe they might. Sometimes I thought that they might come, that they might find me. They might (sic) a way to know where I am and come get me. I did think maybe they might.

Voice: Why didn’t they save you?

Carroll: Well, I think the Mujahedeen are very smart and even with all the technology and all the people the American Army has here, they still are better at knowing how to live and work here and more clever, despite all the technology of the American Army, still more clever and better at being here than the American Army, still better at what they do.

Voice: Does this mean anything?

Carroll: I think it makes it very clear, it makes very clear that the Mujahedeen are the ones who will win in the end in this war, I think it makes very clear that even with thousands of troops and airplanes and tanks and guns that that doesn’t mean anything here on the ground in Iraq as it shows over time, maybe how many months over time or however (sic) months are left in the occupation that it’s pretty clear that the Mujahedeen are the ones that will have the victory left at the end of the day. It shows that no matter no matter what Americans try to say is happening here or try to do with all their weapons, they aren’t going to be able to stay here, they’re not going to be able to stop the Mujahedeen and that’s for sure.

Voice: What will you tell the American people?

Carroll: Well, first of all I want them to be able to understand, I want them to understand the Mujahedeen, truly. There are a lot of lies to come out of the American government, calling the Mujahedeen terrorists and other things and I think it’s important that American people hear from me the Mujahedeen are only trying to defend their country. This is only a jihad to stop an illegal and dangerous and deadly occupation so I think it’s important that people see the Mujahedeen are people that we’ve seen in our entire history resisting an occupation trying to fight a foreign force in their land, it’s their country and they have a right to fight for their own freedom so I want people to understand that it’s not people that like to kill, not people that like violence but people who love their country, people who want to see their country free from an occupation and also I want them to understand that the situation in Iraq in general, how difficult it is here, people don’t have electricity, people don’t have water, children don’t have safe streets to walk in, women and children are always in danger&People are killed left and right on the streets without any reason. People die everyday from the bombings and shootings of the army and all these things. So I think people need to understand in America how difficult life is here for the normal, average Iraqis. That everyday is a matter of survival, life and death for most Iraqis and thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of Iraqis have lost their lives here because of the occupation. I think Americans need to think about that and day to day how difficult life is here, how terrifying it is for most people to live here everyday because of the occupation.

Voice: Do you have a message for Mr. Bush?

Carroll: (Laughs)Yeah, he needs to stop this war. He knows this war is wrong. He knows that it was illegal from the very beginning. He knows that it was built on a mountain of lies and I think he needs to finally admit that to the American people and make the troops go home and he doesn’t care about his own people.


After this bunch of bullshit, I stand by my assesment of her being a no good shitbag liberal socialist anti-American traitorous fucking cunt bag.

Fuck her now I do wish death upon her. Her captors were never going to kill her, she is a FUCKING TERRORIST SYMPATHISER.

Fuck her, fuckin' bitch. POS.


Those who defend her defend a traitor....
Link Posted: 3/31/2006 4:44:47 AM EDT
I see a scroll on the bottom of MSNBC speaking of a ransom that was probably paid.

Fox News is reporting 3lb lemons in Greece, and CNN is worried about Barry Bonds.

I need a good news source.

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