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Link Posted: 9/25/2004 8:53:42 PM EDT

<Comment Deleted>

you deleted your own comment w/o an edit?
Link Posted: 9/25/2004 9:12:18 PM EDT

so far as im concerned (and this is completely and totally my opinion and my opinion only) i hate tattoos and i would never have one nor would i like my wife to have one

HOWEVER, the ONE situation where i COULD see myself getting a tattoo is for military service.  if the army would let me join (and if they would 1st cav would be my destination) i would certainly get one, no questions asked from a rabidly anti-tattoo guy

You need to take the Rdnec out of your log in name . What kind of non white trashy comment is that?
Link Posted: 9/25/2004 9:24:28 PM EDT
It is a cool design and seems to have been applied with reasonable skill. It is a bit large for MY taste, but considering the subject matter and the medium, it just about has to be a large tat.  If you are so inclined, please post pics of the finished work.
Link Posted: 9/25/2004 10:13:40 PM EDT
It's a start.

Link Posted: 9/25/2004 10:18:14 PM EDT
It looks good so far.

My wife has a few.

Anybody know how many she has to have to be considered a slut?
Link Posted: 9/25/2004 10:22:15 PM EDT

It looks good so far.

My wife has a few.

Anybody know how many she has to have to be considered a slut?

Easy, anyone that has a tattoo and says "no" to these losers are sluts.

That's why these guys don't like tattoos.

Link Posted: 9/25/2004 10:25:35 PM EDT
Eh, it's cute... But, Mrs. E6, ask yourself this: Will you want that to be there when you're 65? Will you want some wrinkled what-was 6 inch fairy with a baby shrivelled up to 4 inches?

I'm not mocking you, it's just the facts of life. I've met a few sailors that got tats back in the the war, and they looked awesome then! They had skulls, crossbones, very good art... And they show you the tats now, near 65 years later, and they look like some drunken retarded monkey did it with Bic-Pens.

Link Posted: 9/25/2004 10:38:38 PM EDT
I never understood tattoos at that location. Do women do it to give their lover something to look at while he bangs them doggy style? If the guy needs something to keep his attention while he bangs his woman, something is wrong.
Link Posted: 9/25/2004 10:42:55 PM EDT

I never understood tattoos at that location. Do women do it to give their lover something to look at while he bangs them doggy style? If the guy needs something to keep his attention while he bangs his woman, something is wrong.

Perhaps it's like a compass? Like "INSERT HERE"?
Link Posted: 9/25/2004 11:26:43 PM EDT
I think tats on women are sexy, especially in that spot! That looks like a really well done job, the lines are consistant and your skin isn't too irritated. The fill in will be a bit more work - I have about 18 hours in on my half sleeve. But when it's done, you have something you can be proud of and show off well.

You closed minded fucks who come off about a woman becaue of ink need to realize this is 2004, not 1970. The world changes, you old people.

Link Posted: 9/25/2004 11:36:38 PM EDT
And in 10 years when tats are out of style, those who were forward looking enough to recognize it for the trend it is will laugh at those poor bastards who are now permanently marked "old school." And unlike trendy hair, it's not so easy to get rid of a tattoo.
Link Posted: 9/25/2004 11:41:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 1:09:05 AM EDT

Eh, it's cute... But, Mrs. E6, ask yourself this: Will you want that to be there when you're 65? Will you want some wrinkled what-was 6 inch fairy with a baby shrivelled up to 4 inches?

I'm not mocking you, it's just the facts of life. I've met a few sailors that got tats back in the the war, and they looked awesome then! They had skulls, crossbones, very good art... And they show you the tats now, near 65 years later, and they look like some drunken retarded monkey did it with Bic-Pens.

I would hope that at 65 she wouldn't be showing off a tattoo that's just above her bottom, Besides, at 65 most of us are going to have other things to worry about than how a tat looks.

i'm willing to bet that those sailors that got tats in the war can look at those now faded tattoos and be transported back 40+ years and tell you who, what , where, and when.

People don't like tattooos, fine don't get one. I don't use tobacco. I find smoking and chewing to be one of the most disgusting habits people can have, but guess what? I won't sit here and condemn people who choose to do it.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 1:22:48 AM EDT
People get tatoos for themselves, not for what everyone else thinks about them.  They have a habit of getting only what they want and like and generally don't give a shit about what everyone else thinks.  The fact that they're permanent is all the better for them, it's theirs forever.  Tatoos are a personal choice, you know, like hair cuts, neck ties, tee shirt colors, shoes, etc.  

If the OP's wife likes it then that's all there is to it.  

(IMO 99% of people that don't have tats are afraid of them.  That's why they rely on that tired old "what happens when your old" shit.)
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 2:27:21 AM EDT
Why did she get a tatoo of a baby eating zombie?  

Nothing wrong with a (one) (single) (and no others) tatoo.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 4:45:32 AM EDT
Man, some of you guys are rough. I wouldn't blame Mrs. E 6 if she never shared anything again.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 4:47:31 AM EDT

Man, some of you guys are rough. I wouldn't blame Mrs. E 6 if she never shared anything again.

No shit.


Link Posted: 9/26/2004 5:04:48 AM EDT
I like it, cool tattoo and good looking work.

I do question the wisdom of posting this topic though....
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 5:10:03 AM EDT
Is that a bat baby?
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 5:11:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 5:30:35 AM EDT
ya know what would be cool... if some people realizd there were TWO T's in tattoo. Sorry but once or twice i let it go but, damn three pages of it.

Link Posted: 9/26/2004 6:55:04 AM EDT

ya know what would be cool... if some people realizd there were TWO T's in tattoo. Sorry but once or twice i let it go but, damn three pages of it.


I thought it didnt look right, but for some reason I dediced not to use spellchecker

echo(the corrected) 6
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 7:00:56 AM EDT

I never understood tattoos at that location. Do women do it to give their lover something to look at while he bangs them doggy style? If the guy needs something to keep his attention while he bangs his woman, something is wrong.

Mat, I cant speak for everyone that has ink in that spot. I can say in regards to Mrs.E6 that she chose that area so that if she wanted to show it off, she could. If she wanted to hide it, it was easy.

As for giving me something to look at, if that was her goal, I think she would of chosen a design without a child in it. I dont know about you, but infant faries do nothing for my libido

Link Posted: 9/26/2004 7:06:59 AM EDT
Heeeeeyy! A tattoo!

So Mrs. echo6, when are you getting your nipples pierced? That seems like a logical next step, and we'll want to see pics of the finished product(s).  

My wife has a tattoo. I don't care much for it myself, but otherwise I don't care. It's a little purple rose on the outside of her ankle. I don't see it much, because the only time I'm that close to her ankles is when her legs are over my shoulders. At that point I've got other things on my mind.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 7:14:22 AM EDT


...there was just some loose hair on my shirt for some reason and it had stuck to the lotion.


Sounds like you guys are having a wild time over there!  

"It put the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."

Seriously, why ask about this now?  What's done is done.  Learn to enjoy it!

BTW, I want to know Cav-Vet's description too!  I have an idea, but  would appreciate if it anybody care to IM me with it.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 7:21:54 AM EDT

People get tatoos for themselves, not for what everyone else thinks about them.  

Bzzzt!! Wrong answer!  

If you really believe that, then I'm sure you think that women wear spiked high heels because "They are soooooooo comfortable!  Really!"

It has nothing to do with other people.  

Link Posted: 9/26/2004 10:24:18 AM EDT

I would hope that at 65 she wouldn't be showing off a tattoo that's just above her bottom, Besides, at 65 most of us are going to have other things to worry about than how a tat looks.

The location doesn't matter, the fact is you'll have this wrinkled AND UGLY reminder from 40 years ago saying, "HEY, I WAS ONCE BEAUTIFUL AND YOUNG."

Depressing if you ask me.

i'm willing to bet that those sailors that got tats in the war can look at those now faded tattoos and be transported back 40+ years and tell you who, what , where, and when.

LOL... Of those sailors I've met, I'm willing to bet all would say they don't need some fucking ink to remind them of something they'll never forget.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 10:27:22 AM EDT


People get tatoos for themselves, not for what everyone else thinks about them.  

Bzzzt!! Wrong answer!  


Agreed. I'm willing to say that more than half of the people that have tattoos get them for some reason they do not hold. Afterall, if you get a tattoo of "I [Heart] Mom," is that really for yourself? No, it's an expression of love FOR YOUR MOTHER. It is not, however, an expression of love for your mother for yourself - that makes no sense.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 10:37:02 AM EDT
Permanently marring your body for the sake of a fad: DUH?????

Tattoos on women:
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 11:12:38 AM EDT
Graffiti on the temple.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 12:17:39 PM EDT
I found this earlier.......................enjoy

Flesh Wounds

Tattoos And Triple-Digit IQs Don't Mix.
By Tom Danehy

IF RIP VAN Winkle were to awaken today from a 20-year slumber, he would probably make these observations:

1. The Bible had a typo. It should have read, "The geek shall inherit the Earth."

2. The feminist movement spawned some surprising results, including:

· an unexpected backlash among women;

· Title IX;

· an odd juxtaposition wherein women now get tattoos and men wear earrings.

Oh sure, there's that equal pay for equal work thing, but that's hardly fodder for a column. Hey, speaking of which, remember when the argument against that was that men play best-of-five sets while women only play best-of-three? Well, try to find me a sports fan today who watches men's tennis. Gay men don't even watch men's tennis!

This is definitely one instance where the women have triumphed in the marketplace.

I'm talking about quietly efficient Lindsey Davenport, Scary Mary Pierce, the Williams sisters (without their crazy-ass dad, who apparently communicates daily with the folks on the planet Meldar), Martina Hingis, Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario and all the rest.

But we're not here today to discuss women's tennis. We're here to do something about that tattoo thing.

Taking extra care not to overstate my case here, I think I speak for all men living, dead, and those yet to be born when I say that in the matter of tattoos on women, I quote the immortal Martin Lawrence in saying: "That s--t don't look good."

(Actually, that may be a tad broad. There may be one or two guys wearing Harley-Davidson shirts stretched dangerously--and in vain--over their 68-inch guts and their nine strands of hair tied pathetically into a scraggly little ponytail who probably find tattooed women to be real mamas. But make no mistake about it--the number of guys who find tattooed women appealing is about equal to the number of natural teeth each one of these guys still has in his mouth.)

Let me be clear here. We're almost into the 21st century. Women can do whatever they want. But why they would want to get tattoos is anybody's guess. They don't look good. Ever. On anybody. Not the butterfly on the ankle. Not the birdie on the shoulder. Not the barbed wire on the bicep.

And yet, tattoos are popping up all over the place. It's like when we were all busy watching that Elián Gonzales thing, an epidemic of Stupid swept over the country.

If you listen really closely, you'll be able to hear some woman, somewhere, say that she didn't get a tattoo for others to see; she got it for herself. If you believe that, you can go stand in line with the two women (and Boy George) who said the same thing about makeup. Besides, if you're built like most women, you're not going to have a whole lot of opportunities to see a butterfly on your own ankle.

Furthermore, while the ugliness of today's tattoos is unquestioned, try to imagine the situation 20 years from now, about 19-and-a-half years after the fad dies away. On the original Bob Newhart Show, Bob's secretary, Carol, had to have surgery once. In her younger days, she had had a butterfly tattooed on her bottom. But then she lost 100 pounds, and what once had been a butterfly now looked like a raisin.

Experience teaches us that while Carol's weight-loss situation was funny, in real life the trend will be in the opposite direction. What was once a dainty butterfly on the ankle of a young girl will, in 20 years, be a bloated dragon spilling over the top of some helpless high-heeled shoe into which the woman is trying to cram that loaf of bread she calls a foot.

That's probably the least-bad scenario. What will today's tattoos on arms, backs, and (gulp!) abdomens look like in 20 years? And if you're still not convinced, I was standing in line at Walgreen's the other day when this aggressively unattractive young woman walked in wearing a halter top which afforded a view of multiple tattoos on her, shall we say, décolletage. Without expensive surgery, in 20 years, that's going to look like an avalanche.

That's where we're headed on this, anyway. This fad will pass and people will realize that tattoos are permanent. This isn't some bad makeup job you got talked into while walking through Dillard's. Gahan Wilson, who does savage cartoons for magazines, once had one of a lemonade stand where kids were selling lemonade for five cents. But then around the corner, those who had drunk the liquid were staggering up to another stand which had a sign that read, "Lemonade Antidote: $100.00."

Now we come to earrings on men. They, too, look stupid, but at least the guys can take them off and hope the ear grows back together. What bothers me is when I see small boys with earrings. That's just wrong.

Being Hispanic by marriage, I believe that little girls should have their ears pierced no later than four months so it won't hurt very much, and so they'll be able to wear nice earrings at their baptism. However, no boy should be made to wear an earring until he reaches an age where he can make an informed decision as to whether he wants to look like he's in Depeche Mode.

Finally, NO MORE RAT TAILS! They looked idiotic when they came out. They looked idiotic when the two-month fad came to an end several years ago. Nowadays, it's just child abuse. I saw some poor kid at the store the other day, 'bout a 6-year-old boy, with earrings in both ears and a rat tail falling out the back of his head. He's probably already got a crush on his cousin. He and his progeny are going to have to persevere for several generations just to move up to the status of white trash.

Or he could just say what the heck and date women with tattoos.

Link Posted: 9/26/2004 1:23:24 PM EDT
Duck tape will fix it and look better.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 5:56:04 PM EDT


I would hope that at 65 she wouldn't be showing off a tattoo that's just above her bottom, Besides, at 65 most of us are going to have other things to worry about than how a tat looks.

The location doesn't matter, the fact is you'll have this wrinkled AND UGLY reminder from 40 years ago saying, "HEY, I WAS ONCE BEAUTIFUL AND YOUNG."

Depressing if you ask me.

Yeah, because you have none of that with photographs.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 6:03:48 PM EDT


People get tatoos for themselves, not for what everyone else thinks about them.  

Bzzzt!! Wrong answer!  

If you really believe that, then I'm sure you think that women wear spiked high heels because "They are soooooooo comfortable!  Really!"

It has nothing to do with other people.  


Why did you get yours?
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 6:19:22 PM EDT

Permanently marring your body for the sake of a fad: DUH?????

Tattoos on women:

My wife didn't get hers for the sake of a fad. How do I know? Heh they weren't even popular when her's were done. She told me that she had wanted one since she was a young girl.

Narrow minded individuals "it's my way or it's wrong way" ""
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 6:24:26 PM EDT
I think it looks lovely.

Link Posted: 9/26/2004 6:34:24 PM EDT
I think it looks great!
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 6:34:46 PM EDT

Graffiti on the temple.

Nope, just courage "balls" enough to do what you want when you want, regardless of someone elses lame opinion. Don't you think that just maybe some of these individuals thought over the pros and cons and still decided to get their tattoos?

If you don't like tattoos, don't get one,  don't let your wife get one and don't look at them.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 6:36:28 PM EDT
Mrs. E6, Your new Ink looks great. What really counts is that you are happy with it. Do not pay attention to the Aholes around here. They have learned that they can act like bad asses on the internet without being held accountable.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 6:46:07 PM EDT

ya know what would be cool... if some people realizd there were TWO T's in tattoo. Sorry but once or twice i let it go but, damn three pages of it.


ya know what would be REALLY cool???...  If some people realized there were three T's in TaTToo.

Link Posted: 9/26/2004 7:05:15 PM EDT


Tattoos And Triple-Digit IQs Don't Mix.

That is incorrect.  I have 9 tattoos and have maxed out every IQ test I've ever taken.  I also have a bachelor's and master's degree.

what's your IQ again genius?
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 7:39:26 PM EDT

This site has more hypocrites on it then there are liberals in America

“Tattoos, Tit jobs, more then 1 piercing are all wrong!”

Shit for a minute I almost thought I had logged on to Assault web with all the negativity. She is a free woman that can do as she pleases and I hope she could care less about any of your opinions. I would say go get a life, but it is obvious that with 10000+ posts, most of you have none

For the record I have 3 tattoos (each bicep and between the shoulder blades and up the neck), 2 Associates and 1 Bachelor degree, plus I own my business, so it is not just white trash that have and like tattoos! Why did I get them, simply because they were something the tax man and the ex wife could not take away; I love them and have no regrets.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 7:48:12 PM EDT
Norman74 you big giant genius, I did not write that article. I only copied and
pasted for everyones reading enjoyment.
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 10:53:54 PM EDT



People get tatoos for themselves, not for what everyone else thinks about them.  

Bzzzt!! Wrong answer!  

If you really believe that, then I'm sure you think that women wear spiked high heels because "They are soooooooo comfortable!  Really!"

It has nothing to do with other people.  


Why did you get yours?

My tattoo or my high heels?  

Everybody who gets tattoos wants someone, somewhere to admire them. Everybody thinks that their tats are cool, and by extension, so are they.

For some, their pleasure comes when people admire them, even if it's just when the admirer "gets it", whatever "it" is.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.  
Link Posted: 9/26/2004 11:10:50 PM EDT
HOLY COW! Some of you people are real ASSES!  This man's wife shows off something personal to a supposed friendly community and you sonsabitches come up with that foul mouthed gutter comments?

If you were face to face Echo6 would pop you in the damn mouth.

Rude, childlike asses.

If you don't have anything nice to say then, kindly pissoff.

Link Posted: 9/27/2004 2:53:24 AM EDT


If you were face to face Echo6 would pop you in the damn mouth.

If they were face to face none of these internet punks would say half the shit that they type.
Link Posted: 9/27/2004 3:12:54 AM EDT


If you were face to face Echo6 would pop you in the damn mouth

If they were face to face none of these internet punks would say half the shit that they type.

So pathetically true!

Link Posted: 9/27/2004 3:18:09 AM EDT
Mrs E6...

It's your body, you do what you want. I can't talk against it because when I was 18, I got a stupid tattoo to cover my appendix scar. 16 yrs later, I wish I never would have gone down that road.

 If my wife wanted to get one, I would try to talk her out of it, due to my regret years later....I'm pretty sure she would feel the same when she is 50.

I know some of these posts have dealt a blow to your excitement, but that was to be expected here on ARFCOM.
That said, I will reserve final judgment until I see the colored version.

Stoney Point
Link Posted: 9/27/2004 5:43:41 AM EDT

HOLY COW! Some of you people are real ASSES!  This man's wife shows off something personal to a supposed friendly community and you sonsabitches come up with that foul mouthed gutter comments?

If you were face to face Echo6 would pop you in the damn mouth.

Rude, childlike asses.

If you don't have anything nice to say then, kindly pissoff.

But then again, I highly doubt Mr, or  Mrs. E6 would be showing these things to a whole bunch of starngers in the real world, either.

I can't imagine Mr. E6 bringing some guy over at the range, or the supermarket and asking him, "So, what do you think of the wife's new body art?"

Can you?

Link Posted: 9/27/2004 5:49:38 AM EDT

But then again, I highly doubt Mr, or  Mrs. E6 would be showing these things to a whole bunch of starngers in the real world, either.

I can't imagine Mr. E6 bringing some guy over at the range, or the supermarket and asking him, "So, what do you think of the wife's new body art?"

Can you?

I missed your point.  Are you somehow saying that there are circumstances that exist which would justify the outhouse remarks made in this thread?

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