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Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:23:18 AM EDT



What 4 or 5 states do you expect Kerry to win?

Kerry will take France, Germany, Iran, N Korea and maybe Syria.

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:24:59 AM EDT
We must be careful not to get too confident.

EVERY Republican must get out to vote.  You cannot sit home and feel like this election is in the bag.  It is NOT.

Get out and vote and take someone with you!!
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:36:46 AM EDT
I've seen the polls start to shift.  I don't rely on polls, but it's still nice to see Bush ahead.  I look for the Kerry camp to self destruct about early October.  If the Swift Vets come through with what they've been hinting about, it will be the final head shot to the wounded Kerry campaign.  It's sort of unique when you consider that despite all the media's efforts, the truth has come out mainly because of the net.  I think future campaign managers will concentrate heavily on  the internet.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 2:01:58 PM EDT

I've seen the polls start to shift.  I don't rely on polls, but it's still nice to see Bush ahead.  I look for the Kerry camp to self destruct about early October.  If the Swift Vets come through with what they've been hinting about, it will be the final head shot to the wounded Kerry campaign...

Demographics matter more than the polls.  People are not voting for Bush & Kerry, they are voting for ideals and political theories.  The vote tally wont be much different if Kerry is the candidate or if a a monkey that calls itself a Democrat is running. Those who support the democrats will always vote democrate. Elections are determined by population shifts more than the candidates themselves.

the biggest idicators of the 2004 election results are the 2000 election results, the census and the resulting change to the electoral votes.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 2:30:03 PM EDT

So label me as you will.

Here you go...

<Personal attack removed.>

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 2:31:31 PM EDT

Based upon the 2000 election results,

I checked my watch...it's 2004.

I am thinking Maryland, Vermont, Mass,WI and maybe California

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 2:43:11 PM EDT




45 DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS  and maybe cali

I hope like hell your right.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 2:44:46 PM EDT
You Libertarians still holding onto your "principles" crack me up. Since when did LIFE AND LIBERTY get removed from the code of ideals that you live by? You can vote for someone who is doing what he thinks is the best way to protect the freedoms that you enjoy America. Or you can vote for someone who never did give a damn about America or its freedoms. Or you can vote for some OTHER GUY who will play NO role in this election. Hell... you can vote for Zippy The Clown for all I care. But don't pretend that America will be better off come election night because you threw away your vote. The world has changed as of late. Right now, national security is THE issue that matters most. For without that, the economy, the environment, and your precious principles don't mean SH#T. The simple question on this ballot should be, "of these two men, whom do you trust our national security with more?" Pretty black and white to me. And why I think that Dubbya will win. If he does not, then God help us all. I will sadly shake my head in defeat and double the speed of my preparations for the coming collapse...
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 2:50:03 PM EDT

Has anyone studied the massive fraud that Diebold has committed with it's electronic voting machine?  blackboxvoting.org

Hmmmmmm, I can't make up my mind:

Skull and bones Cousin #1


Skull and bones Cousin #2

This thing is a WWF JOKE!!

You mean your post or your crackpot conspiracy theory?  Either way, you're right, it's a joke that you believe that crap.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 2:51:23 PM EDT
I got that feeling just in the last few days and its building

lets just hope W doesn't crap his pants tonite (RNC speech)
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 2:54:53 PM EDT

arkansas is a battleground state. we need every vote! don't throw yours away!

Don't take this the wrong way, but that is absolutely the worst thing you can say to a third-party voter.  I'm in a swing state and I'm probably voting for Bush at this point, but every time I hear that, it raises my hackles.

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 2:58:04 PM EDT


Based upon the 2000 election results,

I checked my watch...it's 2004.

I am thinking Maryland, Vermont, Mass,WI and maybe California


You expect Bush to carry New York, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey?

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 3:01:50 PM EDT



Based upon the 2000 election results,

I checked my watch...it's 2004.

I am thinking Maryland, Vermont, Mass,WI and maybe California


You expect Bush to carry New York, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey?

Of this list of states, Maine and Wisconsin are the only ones I expect Bush has a chance in.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 3:12:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 3:20:14 PM EDT

Bush will win by a slimmer margin than 2000.
Expect outrage and hysteria from the democrats and liberals here and all over the world.
kerry will demand recounts in all 50 states, and he will get them.
Expect lawsuit after lawsuit and a court injunction from the SCROTUS to temporarily suspend the the election and Inauguration.
kofi annan will chime in as well.
Expect nationwide riots and disturbances in the "disenfranchised inner cities".
National Guard will be called out.
The democrats and the media will go all out for the Impeachment of Bush.
duers will be frothing at the mouth.
Republicans will start to sweat bullets.
We will be biting our nails off to the bone.
It will make 2000 look like a lovetap.

Just in case you are right . . . we should aquire XM193 by the case and several Beta-Cs each. And plenty of batteries for the weapon lights.

Don't sweat or bite nails--aim above the frothing mouth. Front sight--focus-squeeze. Repeat as needed.

And don't forget to have fun.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 3:33:59 PM EDT

You Libertarians still holding onto your "principles" crack me up. Since when did LIFE AND LIBERTY get removed from the code of ideals that you live by? You can vote for someone who is doing what he thinks is the best way to protect the freedoms that you enjoy America.

Exactly.  Which is what I will be most likely be doing by voting libertarian.  I dont see the GOP as a champion of liberty and rights.  Not since Goldwater died, anyway...
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 3:36:12 PM EDT


Umm, lets do some math, shall we?  

Candidate R has 10 votes.
Candidate D has 10 votes.

If Mike votes for candidate L, how many votes will candidates R and D have?  

And before you go and say that I am taking away a vote from Candidate R if he has 8 votes and candidate D has 9 votes, I say to you that candidate R has not fully earned my vote, therefore it is his fault that he does not get my vote.

You see, the only vote that matters is the one that decides the election. So, in your 10/10 "math problem", voter # 21 has the chance to make the decision one way or another. Yet you think there is something good about voting for someone else who hasn't recieved any other vote.

So what do they do after the tie? Well, the 10 R guys and the 10 D guys can go to war, or they can hold another vote and attempt to sway voters to their side. Maybe one side or the other will swing the necessary votes. In the meantime, the guy who voted L threw away his chance of determining the election, just because in his childishness he couldn't accept that neither viable candidate met his ideals.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:00:41 PM EDT


In the meantime, the guy who voted L threw away his chance of determining the election, just because in his childishness he couldn't accept that neither viable candidate met his ideals.

So you are suggesting I stay at home then?  I dont throw away my vote by wasting it on an inferior candidate, and if I dont believe there is a decent candidate, then I dont vote for one.  Fortunately, there is someone who meets my needs in a presidential candidate.

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." ~~ Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:06:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:10:50 PM EDT

So you are suggesting I stay at home then?  I dont throw away my vote by wasting it on an inferior candidate, and if I dont believe there is a decent candidate, then I dont vote for one.  Fortunately, there is someone who meets my needs in a presidential candidate.

What I'm suggesting is that your solution to the tie situation you described is out-and-out stupid. You had a chance to make a difference, but didn't because your "ideals" got in the way.

If the vote was 5 to 15, it wouldn't matter how you voted. But 10 to 10 allows voter # 21 to break the tie: and decide the election. The smart thing is to vote for the guy who is the better choice, even if you think someone else (who has no chance of winning) is actually the better candidate.

If you live in a state that is almost certain to swing R or D, it probably doesn't matter who you vote for. You can "make a statement" or stay home and save the gas. But if you are in a "battleground state", you should vote for the guy who matches your opinion closest who has a chance of winning. And forgo making the "statement".

edited to add: any vote that doesn't decide the election is "thrown away" (except perhaps as a statement). Consequently, in the November presidental election, any vote not for either Bush or Kerry is a throw away by definition.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:11:30 PM EDT


"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." ~~ Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)

Either Bush or SKerry is GOING to be POTUS, barring the untimely death of the winner.  Casting your vote for ANYONE else is "refusing to participate."  Dying on principle is still dying.  This is not a difficult concept.  Methinks you are not here as a sincere member.  Not a problem--but you are pissing up a rope in what I think your true motives are.  hr

Sincere member of what?  ARFCOM?  Sure I am.  I am not here as a sincere member of the GOP though.  Well, maybe locally, because my US Rep and Senate candidate have alot of "Goldwater" in them.

You hit the nail on the head as far as pisssing up a rope though.  Encouraging tolerance for another's veiws is often met with harsh criticism, no matter where it happens.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:33:39 PM EDT
Awaiting response to my last post.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:36:17 PM EDT
My hope is to one day have the major political contention between Republicans and Libertarians instead of Democraps and Republicans. They only way to achieve that is to vote to get a 100% majority of Republicans. Then the Libertarians can split off and become a contender.

Voting Libertarian is a waste in today's political landscape. Instead, vote to change the landscape.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:37:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:43:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:46:59 PM EDT
Anyone else getting that Reagan-landslide feeling right now?

Uh no

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:47:46 PM EDT

What I'm suggesting is that your solution to the tie situation you described is out-and-out stupid. You had a chance to make a difference, but didn't because your "ideals" got in the way.

If the vote was 5 to 15, it wouldn't matter how you voted. But 10 to 10 allows voter # 21 to break the tie: and decide the election. The smart thing is to vote for the guy who is the better choice, even if you think someone else (who has no chance of winning) is actually the better candidate.

If you live in a state that is almost certain to swing R or D, it probably doesn't matter who you vote for. You can "make a statement" or stay home and save the gas. But if you are in a "battleground state", you should vote for the guy who matches your opinion closest who has a chance of winning. And forgo making the "statement".

edited to add: any vote that doesn't decide the election is "thrown away" (except perhaps as a statement). Consequently, in the November presidental election, any vote not for either Bush or Kerry is a throw away by definition.

Ok, a response.

Voting for someone is approving of their record, ideals, and motives.  If I could cast a vote as a percentage, or a 1-10 approval rating, it would go like this:


There are things that Bush has done that I dont and wont approve of.  And I cant give my support, at least not until Nov.2 when the shit is really headed towards the fan, for what he has done.  I am sorry, but when you give me a choice that is ONLY between 2 candidates that develop an equal case of instant-illiteracy when in proximity to the Constitution, I take a third choice and load magazines, or stock up on supplies, or something.  Because I cant do the lesser of 2 evils thing.

Come Nov. 2, I will see how close they are, and vote accordingly.  But if they arent within the margin of error in my state, then I WILL vote Badnarik.  Our liberties, gun rights, and over-reaching Orwellian nightmare (coming to a horizon near you) is just too important to throw away on someone whom I believe will make them worse.

And thanks, brasspile.  
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:48:22 PM EDT

Anyone else getting that Reagan-landslide feeling right now?

Uh no

Thanks for participating, though.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:51:26 PM EDT

Talk to the hand.  
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:53:00 PM EDT
hatrealize more people here shoot and own firearms -- than just the ole boys club here.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:01:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:02:53 PM EDT

Quoted:You guys need to realize more people here shoot and own firearms -- than just the ole boys club here.

If you own and enjoy firearms and still vote for Kerry ... then you're a dumbass.

Mist, yep, must be a German name.

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:02:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:09:20 PM EDT



That stuff gets old. You guys need to realize more people here shoot and own firearms -- than just the ole boys club here.

Actions have consequences.  When you do this:

Anyone else getting that Reagan-landslide feeling right now?

Uh no

. . . it is unbecoming to whine about the consequences.  You are, in effect, getting in the face of the various Bush supporters.  You are welcome here, as are all who choose to post within the liberal limits set by the Conduct Code.  If you poke a sleeping dog with a stick, expect to get bit--it's just the way of things.  If you have thin skin, then I'd suggest staying in the various firearm-related forums, which are, by their nature, technically-oriented and have zero tolerance for the rowdiness of GD.  Enjoy the site.  

Edited to add:  Also, when you say, "You guys need to realize . . . <snip>"  it means you are coming here and in your SECOND DAY are telling the guys how to post and behave in their long-time "home"??  You're serious??  Life doesn't work that way.  If they come to your home and spit on the floor and put their feet on the furniture, and you tell them to please not do that--expect them to say, "You need to realize some people do that--get over yourself."  Nice analogy, eh?

You nearly got it right BeeKeep -

Come into a man's home - shit on the floor, dont look surprised when you get a fist, instead of a scotch

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:17:06 PM EDT


more people here shoot and own firearms -- than just the ole boys club here.

Actions have consequences.  When you do this:

Anyone else getting that Reagan-landslide feeling right now?

Uh no

. . . it is unbecoming to whine about the consequences.  You are, in effect, getting in the face of the various Bush supporters.  You are welcome here, as are all who choose to post within the liberal limits set by the Conduct Code.  If you poke a sleeping dog with a stick, expect to get bit--it's just the way of things.  If you have thin skin, then I'd suggest staying in the various firearm-related forums, which are, by their nature, technically-oriented and have zero tolerance for the rowdiness of GD.  Enjoy the site.  henrealize
. . . <snip>"  it means you are coming here and in your SECOND DAY are telling the guys how to post and behave in their long-time "home"??  You're serious??  Life doesn't work that way.  If they come to your home and spit on the floor and put their feet on the furniture, and you tell them to please not do that--expect them to say, "You need to realize some people do that--get over yourself."  Nice analogy, eh?

This place isn't your HOME as I am here along with  others. It is the street in front of your home.

In the street  I can say what I want,  as long as I want,  as long as I do not break any laws - sounds like your code of rules.

Don't like what I say , ignore it. Others may enjoy the different thought.

Oh and when in the street, if I want to spit, I will.

May I ask you to get off you high horse.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:18:50 PM EDT




That stuff gets old. You guys need to realize more people here shoot and own firearms -- than just the ole boys club here.

Actions have consequences.  When you do this:

Anyone else getting that Reagan-landslide feeling right now?

Uh no

. . . it is unbecoming to whine about the consequences.  You are, in effect, getting in the face of the various Bush supporters.  You are welcome here, as are all who choose to post within the liberal limits set by the Conduct Code.  If you poke a sleeping dog with a stick, expect to get bit--it's just the way of things.  If you have thin skin, then I'd suggest staying in the various firearm-related forums, which are, by their nature, technically-oriented and have zero tolerance for the rowdiness of GD.  Enjoy the site.  

Edited to add:  Also, when you say, "You guys need to realize . . . <snip>"  it means you are coming here and in your SECOND DAY are telling the guys how to post and behave in their long-time "home"??  You're serious??  Life doesn't work that way.  If they come to your home and spit on the floor and put their feet on the furniture, and you tell them to please not do that--expect them to say, "You need to realize some people do that--get over yourself."  Nice analogy, eh?

This place isn't your HOME as I am here along with  others. It is the street in front of your home.

In the street  I can say what I want,  as long as I want,  as long as I do not break any laws - sounds like your code of rules.

Don't like what I say , ignore it. Others may enjoy the different thought.

Oh and when in the street, if I want to spit, I will.

May I ask you to get off you high horse.


Do you have a younger sister named rachel, by any chance? I've seen that I'll-act-how-I-please attitude somewhere before....
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:19:15 PM EDT

Originally Posted By This place isn't your HOME as I am here along with  others. It is the street in front of your home.

In the street  I can say what I want,  as long as I want,  as long as I do not break any laws - sounds like your code of rules.

Come shit on the sidewalk in front of my home, or start spouting profanity in front of the kids who live around here, and see how long your freedom lasts.

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:21:24 PM EDT

Lots of things will change between now and then......

Nice to see that some people have their feet firmly planted in reality.  The debates can only help Kerry at this point.  Bush needs to really pimp smack him and I don't see Bush's public speaking abilities anything anywhere near "pimp smack" quality.  

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:21:46 PM EDT
Maybe not the Reagan landslide, but what I saw Ahhnold do his speech, I started getting a confident winning feeling.  He has charisma, and can deliver some battleground states, should he choose to.  

No 3 purple hearts evac for Kerry this time: He is going down with his ship.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:22:42 PM EDT

Mist, yep, must be a German name.

Sounds french to me.

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:24:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:27:07 PM EDT


Originally Posted By This place isn't your HOME as I am here along with  others. It is the street in front of your home.

In the street  I can say what I want,  as long as I want,  as long as I do not break any laws - sounds like your code of rules.

Come shit on the sidewalk in front of my home, or start spouting profanity in front of the kids who live around here, and see how long your freedom lasts.

Profanity -- defecation ? Where ?

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:27:23 PM EDT
Dont forget after AWB is over, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Conyers, et al , are really going to be pissed!
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:30:01 PM EDT


This place isn't your HOME as I am here along with  others. It is the street in front of your home.

In the street  I can say what I want,  as long as I want,  as long as I do not break any laws - sounds like your code of rules.

Don't like what I say , ignore it. Others may enjoy the different thought.

Oh and when in the street, if I want to spit, I will.

May I ask you to get off you high horse.

This website is a privately owned "place."  Many here think of it as their "home" on the internet, largely due to its "family" atmosphere.  Our hosts (the Avila's) have a set of rules known as the Conduct Code.  It is located at the upper right of each page.  Everyone is free to post anything they choose--so long as it's within the loose rules of the CC.  Responses to whatever is posted is expected, as it's the nature of internet discussion boards.  Post away--but expect replies to the things you post.  You are not required to "fit in" or conform to whatever image you think you have found here.  Oh, I'm quite comfortable upon my "high horse" thank you, but please pardon me for trying to help you.  

It sounds more like your just one of the Bush boys, pushing him on this board. Sorry.
I haven't said a darn thing bad about him.
I just have talked a little in a mannar that does not fully support him, look at what I get ?
Do not attempt to conceal your true intent . Which is to pack up with the Bush crowd.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:30:33 PM EDT
I'm not that optimistic.  A win is a win is a win...  
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:31:38 PM EDT



Originally Posted By This place isn't your HOME as I am here along with  others. It is the street in front of your home.

In the street  I can say what I want,  as long as I want,  as long as I do not break any laws - sounds like your code of rules.

Come shit on the sidewalk in front of my home, or start spouting profanity in front of the kids who live around here, and see how long your freedom lasts.

Profanity -- defecation ? Where ?

Translation: There are things you could say while standing on the street in front of my house that, while legal, would result in several men either chasing you away, or illegally kicking the shit out of you.

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:32:55 PM EDT

If you are a gun owner, and democrat, be prepared to be ridiculed here, and be prepared to feel like an outcast.

We do NOT suffer fools here any more than we have to.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:35:10 PM EDT

Ok, a response.

Voting for someone is approving of their record, ideals, and motives.  

No it isn't. And everyone realizes it. That's why candidate go to their base in the primaries, and towards the center (and swing voters) in the general election. Basically, politicians try to strike a balance to collect the most votes from those who are reasonably likely to vote for them.

If I could cast a vote as a percentage, or a 1-10 approval rating, it would go like this:


You only get to cast one vote. Depending upon where you live, a vote for Bush might help out during recounts (like in Florida 2000), or it might not matter. A vote for Badnarik is just a statement.

There are things that Bush has done that I dont and wont approve of.  And I cant give my support, at least not until Nov.2 when the shit is really headed towards the fan, for what he has done.  I am sorry, but when you give me a choice that is ONLY between 2 candidates that develop an equal case of instant-illiteracy when in proximity to the Constitution, I take a third choice and load magazines, or stock up on supplies, or something.  Because I cant do the lesser of 2 evils thing.

Voting is just a way of selecting a president--it doesn't mean you agree with everything your candidate stands for. If there was a better way of selecting our government, I'd be all for it, but it is just about obtaining the best government possible.

Voting ain't about exercising a right, or speaking your mind, or any other such thing. That's why our government--with the electorial system, etc--was set up like it is. It isn't all that important that everyone's vote is equal. What matters is obtaining the best government possible. And frankly, at this point that means another four years of Bush . . .

I agree that the Constitution (that is, the BoRs, including the forgotten 10th Amendment) is basically ignored. A Kerry win will only make that worse. We have to work in the world of realpolitic, not the world as we wish it was . . .

Come Nov. 2, I will see how close they are, and vote accordingly.  But if they arent within the margin of error in my state, then I WILL vote Badnarik.  Our liberties, gun rights, and over-reaching Orwellian nightmare (coming to a horizon near you) is just too important to throw away on someone whom I believe will make them worse.

If your state is solid for either Bush or Kerry, for all practicle purposes it doesn't matter who you vote for. In that case, make whatever statement you wish . . .
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:36:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:39:42 PM EDT


If you are a gun owner, and democrat, be prepared to be ridiculed here, and be prepared to feel like an outcast.

We do NOT suffer fools here any more than we have to.

I see that different views are unwelcome here in GD. I will stay in the technical areas then. Thank you.
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