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Posted: 9/1/2004 7:34:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:36:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:40:56 PM EDT
Some states WILL swing left, but I think Bush will win.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:42:36 PM EDT
Not as big, but far better than 2000. More like 1989.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:43:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:45:54 PM EDT
I'm glad you said that.  I was feeling better about November, but I thought it was just my reaction to the convention.  It's good to know others feel the same way!!

Go W Go!
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:46:27 PM EDT
Feel like I do about the AWB.....I know Im gonna get my way, I just feel it....but until the check clears.....Im just window shopping.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:46:50 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:48:41 PM EDT
Lots of things will change between now and then......
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:50:50 PM EDT
Its never over till its over but this is better than we could have hoped for. Lots of the swing voters are coming over now.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:53:38 PM EDT

Lots of the swing voters are coming over now.

aka "convention bounce". 2 months is a long time.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:53:47 PM EDT
No, not really...We're just flying high because of tonight's speeches.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:57:54 PM EDT
Don't let up until they have called it and Al Gore delivers his concession speech.

WHOOPS! How insensitive of me!

I apologize to all bitter, disenfranchised DU lurkers!

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:58:34 PM EDT
... Not necessarily

... Too many haters in America
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:58:46 PM EDT
1. The economic news needs to get better.
2. The WoT/Iraq news needs to get better.
3. The Swiftees have to continue hammering home their message.
4. GW and Cheney need to bitchslap their opponents during the debates.

If we get any two of the above, we win. If we get any three, we win decisively. Four, and it's a "Ronald Reagan Landslide."

Conversely, if we only get one of the above, I think we lose.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:00:06 PM EDT
go balloons, go balloons, go, come on balloons, go balloons, go.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:09:58 PM EDT
Landslide ??

I don't think so . It's a 5% point game right now and there are still the debates to go .

You also have to consider that Kerry has now hired the guys that sold slick willy to the majority
for two terms !!
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:12:12 PM EDT
I am cautiously optimistic
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:12:39 PM EDT
On MSNBC After Hours  they are talking about the undecided voters tend to go for the incumbant. Ron Silver also is predicting a huge swing to Bush because they won't admit to polsters they will vote for Bush, but when they're in the booth they vote for Bush because they feel safer with Bush as president. Apparently there are several national polsters saying the same thing.

It just get better!!!!
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:14:59 PM EDT

Landslide ??

I don't think so . It's a 5% point game right now and there are still the debates to go .

You also have to consider that Kerry has now hired the guys that sold slick willy to the majority
for two terms !!

But fortunately for us, he's no "slick willy."  Clinton had more personality to work with.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:19:05 PM EDT
Extactly, Clinton I bet is a fun guy to have a beer with and chase some skirts.  Kerry is a stiff, arrogant politician.  No contest.

People are ashamed to admit they are going to vote for Bush.  Ron Silver hit it on the head.  Bush is going to pull in a lot of Jewish votes that normally go to the democrat.  
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:25:26 PM EDT



45 DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS  and maybe cali
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:26:44 PM EDT




45 DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS  and maybe cali

I heard you loud and clear the first time.

Remember those mountains?
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:27:50 PM EDT

On MSNBC After Hours  they are talking about the undecided voters tend to go for the incumbant. Ron Silver also is predicting a huge swing to Bush because they won't admit to polsters they will vote for Bush, but when they're in the booth they vote for Bush because they feel safer with Bush as president. Apparently there are several national polsters saying the same thing.

Even though Badnarik has had my vote locked for months now, I may waver in the booth and vote Bush.  But it will take a lot of convincing to make me give up my principles...
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:28:26 PM EDT
too early to get too giddy.  alot of work still to do!

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:28:48 PM EDT
A lot can happen in 60 days.  A battle is never over until the other side surrenders.  Until then, you fight as hard as you can possibly can.  Don't get cocky or over confiedent.

If Kerry is the loser (or remains a loser), expect the every state the Democrats lost in to be challenged, perhaps in the Supreme Court.  If they still end up losers, expect them to challenge the electoral college and try to change the Constitution.  (No kidding.)  If the electoral college is done away with, wouldn't it be nice to have a few large states determine your vote?
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:29:29 PM EDT


On MSNBC After Hours  they are talking about the undecided voters tend to go for the incumbant. Ron Silver also is predicting a huge swing to Bush because they won't admit to polsters they will vote for Bush, but when they're in the booth they vote for Bush because they feel safer with Bush as president. Apparently there are several national polsters saying the same thing.

Even though Badnarik has had my vote locked for months now, I may waver in the booth and vote Bush.  But it will take a lot of convincing to make me give up my principles...

arkansas is a battleground state. we need every vote! don't throw yours away!
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:33:13 PM EDT
Yes , yes I do! I think given the choice come Nov. 2nd most Americans will pleasantly
surprise us all

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:34:34 PM EDT
GO W, GO!!!
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:38:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:45:14 PM EDT
Zell miller kicks some serious ass.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:47:45 PM EDT
nope. Somthing bad will happen in october....

however, we will win.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:49:34 PM EDT



On MSNBC After Hours  they are talking about the undecided voters tend to go for the incumbant. Ron Silver also is predicting a huge swing to Bush because they won't admit to polsters they will vote for Bush, but when they're in the booth they vote for Bush because they feel safer with Bush as president. Apparently there are several national polsters saying the same thing.

Even though Badnarik has had my vote locked for months now, I may waver in the booth and vote Bush.  But it will take a lot of convincing to make me give up my principles...

arkansas is a battleground state. we need every vote! don't throw yours away!

I hadnt planned on throwing it away.  But in the end, I may just do that and vote for someone who hasn't earned my vote.  But that is where y'all convincing me to vote Bush comes in. he
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:12:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:14:54 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:16:10 PM EDT

Don't let up until they have called it and Al Gore delivers his concession speech.

WHOOPS! How insensitive of me!

I apologize to all bitter, disenfranchised DU lurkers!

Speaking of Gore, I wonder if Kerry will gain 50 pounds and grow a beard if he loses too.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:22:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:28:14 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:41:02 PM EDT
Landslide?  Hell no.  It's going to be tight, but I am sure W will win.  Incumbents win during wars with troops in the field, every time.  Abe Lincoln's re-election prospects were funereal, and yet he won.  He was treated at least as harshly as W is today, when the country was going through the worst crisis in its history, and Lincoln won.  So will Bush.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:52:51 PM EDT


On MSNBC After Hours  they are talking about the undecided voters tend to go for the incumbant. Ron Silver also is predicting a huge swing to Bush because they won't admit to polsters they will vote for Bush, but when they're in the booth they vote for Bush because they feel safer with Bush as president. Apparently there are several national polsters saying the same thing.

Even though Badnarik has had my vote locked for months now, I may waver in the booth and vote Bush.  But it will take a lot of convincing to make me give up my principles...

What good are your "principles" when they help a creature like Kerry get elected, an get you DISARMED / KILLED?
Which branch are you  - the Cranky Old Geezer branch? Or the Libertarian-Socialist Pot Smoking Anarchist Yout branch?
Losertarians crack me up.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 10:01:45 PM EDT



On MSNBC After Hours  they are talking about the undecided voters tend to go for the incumbant. Ron Silver also is predicting a huge swing to Bush because they won't admit to polsters they will vote for Bush, but when they're in the booth they vote for Bush because they feel safer with Bush as president. Apparently there are several national polsters saying the same thing.

Even though Badnarik has had my vote locked for months now, I may waver in the booth and vote Bush.  But it will take a lot of convincing to make me give up my principles...

What good are your "principles" when they help a creature like Kerry get elected, an get you DISARMED / KILLED?
Which branch are you  - the Cranky Old Geezer branch? Or the Libertarian-Socialist Pot Smoking Anarchist Yout branch?
Losertarians crack me up.

I'm registered Libertarian, and being so, I always vote to keep the Democrats out of power.  That means voting GOP.

I declare my ideals and politics on my voter card, but I check that at the ballot booth curtain.  It's just stupid to help Democrats when they dont stand for anything you do.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 11:01:47 PM EDT
Bush will win by a slimmer margin than 2000.
Expect outrage and hysteria from the democrats and liberals here and all over the world.
kerry will demand recounts in all 50 states, and he will get them.
Expect lawsuit after lawsuit and a court injunction from the SCROTUS to temporarily suspend the the election and Inauguration.
kofi annan will chime in as well.
Expect nationwide riots and disturbances in the "disenfranchised inner cities".
National Guard will be called out.
The democrats and the media will go all out for the Impeachment of Bush.
duers will be frothing at the mouth.
Republicans will start to sweat bullets.
We will be biting our nails off to the bone.
It will make 2000 look like a lovetap.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 11:03:19 PM EDT

Bush will win by a slimmer margin than 2000.
Expect outrage and hysteria from the democrats and liberals here and all over the world.
kerry will demand recounts in all 50 states, and he will get them.
Expect lawsuit after lawsuit and a court injunction from the SCROTUS to temporarily suspend the the election and Inauguration.
kofi annan will chime in as well.
Expect nationwide riots and disturbances in the "disenfranchised inner cities".
National Guard will be called out.
The democrats and the media will go all out for the Impeachment of Bush.
duers will be frothing at the mouth.
Republicans will start to sweat bullets.
We will be biting our nails off to the bone.
It will make 2000 look like a lovetap.

Where the fuck did you come from??

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 11:07:45 PM EDT


On MSNBC After Hours  they are talking about the undecided voters tend to go for the incumbant. Ron Silver also is predicting a huge swing to Bush because they won't admit to polsters they will vote for Bush, but when they're in the booth they vote for Bush because they feel safer with Bush as president. Apparently there are several national polsters saying the same thing.

Even though Badnarik has had my vote locked for months now, I may waver in the booth and vote Bush.  But it will take a lot of convincing to make me give up my principles...

Ahhh, my son, you have taken the first small step! You have far to go still, but we will help you on your journey!
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 12:18:08 AM EDT



On MSNBC After Hours  they are talking about the undecided voters tend to go for the incumbant. Ron Silver also is predicting a huge swing to Bush because they won't admit to polsters they will vote for Bush, but when they're in the booth they vote for Bush because they feel safer with Bush as president. Apparently there are several national polsters saying the same thing.

Even though Badnarik has had my vote locked for months now, I may waver in the booth and vote Bush.  But it will take a lot of convincing to make me give up my principles...

What good are your "principles" when they help a creature like Kerry get elected, an get you DISARMED / KILLED?
Which branch are you  - the Cranky Old Geezer branch? Or the Libertarian-Socialist Pot Smoking Anarchist Yout branch?
Losertarians crack me up.

Umm, lets do some math, shall we?  

Candidate R has 10 votes.
Candidate D has 10 votes.

If Mike votes for candidate L, how many votes will candidates R and D have?  

And before you go and say that I am taking away a vote from Candidate R if he has 8 votes and candidate D has 9 votes, I say to you that candidate R has not fully earned my vote, therefore it is his fault that he does not get my vote.

And I am and odd mixture of both branches.  I want the government out of my pocket, out of my life, out of my social life, and to follow the fucking Constitution for once.  What do you mean by "cranky old geezer" anyway?  And I wouldnt go so far as to label myself an anarchist.  I fully believe in having a federal government.  I just want them to follow the rules.  The Constitution does not tell the .gov what it can do, it tells it what it CANT do.  I want the 10th Amendment to mean something.  I want to be able to use all 10 fingers when counting the Amemdnments that havent been gang raped by the .gov, instead of only one finger, representing the 3rd Amendment.  It has been relatively safe, so far.http://www.thehighroad.org/images/smilies/eek13.gif

So label me as you will.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 3:59:38 AM EDT
Has anyone studied the massive fraud that Diebold has committed with it's electronic voting machine?  blackboxvoting.org

Hmmmmmm, I can't make up my mind:

Skull and bones Cousin #1


Skull and bones Cousin #2

This thing is a WWF JOKE!!
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:04:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:05:43 AM EDT
The Repubs would have to REALLY gaff bad to lose the debates.

Kerry has the MOST liberal voting record in Congress.

He has sponsored NO major legislation in 20 years.

He was absent from his Senate Intelligence Subcommittee 75% of the time.

And he has flip flopped on every issue imaginable.

If the Repubs can't exploit THAT voting record, they DESERVE to lose.

After Zell Miller last nite YES I'm getting that landslide feeling.

Which means I may be free to lodge a protest vote.

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:19:41 AM EDT




45 DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS  and maybe cali

So would that be 45 + Cali, or 44 + Cali?

What 4 or 5 states do you expect Kerry to win?

Based upon the 2000 election results, current polling data, and demographics of the voting population of the individual states I expect Kerry to win; Cali, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, illinois, Michigan, Penn, the entire North East, and possibly Wisconsin and Ohio.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:21:14 AM EDT



Not yet, buddy! Not yet!

While I certainly am FAR more confident now about W's impending victory, I also feel more energized to make sure I get out and vote come hell, high water, or the Second Coming.

...well, maybe not the Second Coming!
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 4:22:26 AM EDT


What 4 or 5 states do you expect Kerry to win?

Kerry will take France, Germany, Iran, N Korea and maybe Syria.

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