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Link Posted: 4/8/2002 12:06:12 AM EDT
DOH, now I cant get to [url]www.stanley2002.org[/url]
Link Posted: 4/8/2002 5:29:48 AM EDT
Armed or unarmed, it's a good idea. Use the liberals tactics against them whenever possible. Fight fire with fire.
Link Posted: 4/8/2002 6:17:43 AM EDT
I must say I am very saddened.  Someone finally comes up with a way to tell the government to back the hell off, and what do we hear from about 90 percent of the people in here?

Don't do it, we'll get in trouble, don't do it, they might hurt us, let's carry fake weapons so they can't do anything to us.

What hypocracy.  We talk all damn day long about how our bad government does this and that, and that we have the RIGHT.  We do not have the right unless we take it, use it, and fight to keep it or reclaim it.  Think of it like voting, if you don't do anything about it you have no reason to b!tch about it.  Same applies here.  If you're too afraid to reclaim your rights then sit down and shut-up.  Do we have no cajones?  Our forefathers would not be sickened by what our government has done, they expected that.  They would be sickened that we let it happen and by the fact that we STILL WILL NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT BECAUSE WE APPARENTLY DON'T HAVE THE BALLS.

You afraid to come because you think there won't be a million people there?  You're right there won't.  We don't need a damn million people.  We could however, get a hundred thousand or more, easily out of the 70 or more million American gun owners and that is MORE than enough.

If you can't go because of taking care of you're family etc., don't go.  That's unfortunate but certainly understandable.  If you're not going because you don't want to get in trouble or face the consequences that can come from PAYING for our freedom (freedom ain't free you know) then you have no business talking about our freedom at all.

Pathetic.  Our forefathers are rolling in their graves and it's not about our government.  It's about us.

For those of you in the other ten percent, I relay my utmost respect to you.  That's what real Americans are like.  Just do what you say you will when the time comes.  Let everyone know you mean it.

Link Posted: 4/8/2002 6:43:50 AM EDT
mike is a [:K]
Link Posted: 4/8/2002 5:21:31 PM EDT
No, actually if I was a troll, I would be trying to illicit some response, probably by poking and prodding for it with subtle or perhaps not so subtle questions.  Otherwise I would be a worthless troll.  I don't care if anyone responds or not, it wasn't the point of my post.

I am telling you how I feel.

Link Posted: 4/9/2002 1:56:08 PM EDT
go mdepolis, i couldn't agree more.

the time to stand is at hand. how many will stand with me?
Link Posted: 4/9/2002 2:43:16 PM EDT
Going to Washington is expensive.  If you figure gas to drive or a plane ticket, add-in a few nights in a motel and time off of work, you're up to an amount that is more expensive than most families can afford.  For the soccer mommies, they had someone else paying the bills and no jobs to be away from.  Instead, wouldn't our money (what we can afford) be better spent by sending it to the GOA or NRA?  The corrupt politicians might be able to ignore "peons on the lawn," but they will never ignore money.  It's against their greedy nature.

Of course, my opinion is tainted, because while I was too young to remember the Bonus Army, I remember hearing about it for years afterwards.  The politicians claimed that it was directed by communists.  Yeah right, a bunch of US soldiers followed the lead of the communists?  If the politicians would say something like that about WWI vets (men who fought for our country in the worst of conditions), how much worse do you think they would say about us?  Also, I don't see that the DC police would peacefully tolerate a challenge to their authority from a group of people that believed in private gun ownership.  I just don't want to see good men trampled by DC police horses, beaten with night sticks, and/or choking on tear gas.z
Link Posted: 4/9/2002 2:59:32 PM EDT
the price of freedom is not free. and i belive the pols have been doing a great job of ignoring the money in the nra and goa for years.

this is an in-yore-face demand for redress of grievences. the feds can ignore a few paid lobbyests, but it would be very dificult to ignore 1 million armed (and/or pissed) peons.

but thanks for reminding me about the CS gas, i will be sure to pack my m-17a2.

i plan on camping out there untill either our demands are met or TSHTF. this is my final line in the sand.
Link Posted: 4/9/2002 3:22:43 PM EDT
I'm with you survivalist,
Sure it costs money to go but you know we are not leaving tomorrow either.  We have some time to save up some cash for this.

I’m all in favor of bring Assault style weapons too, we need to show them that these weapons mean as much to us as our deer rifles or skeet shotguns.

I’m sure I can get a few of my friends to car pull with me, we were planning on doing a road trip sometime in the near future anyways [:)]

Just start saving up $5 or $10 here and there and before you know it you’ll have a few hundred just waiting for your road trip.  I’m probably one of the lowest paid guys here so I know it hurts but we need to do this.
- Sulaco

I wish I had a pre-ban M4 with a 14.5”barrel and a 30 round mag, anyone want to loan me one?[:D]

Link Posted: 4/9/2002 3:29:39 PM EDT
hmmmm i can loan you my gov't model colt.

but thats nothing like the M4
Link Posted: 5/4/2002 1:13:42 PM EDT

you asked for it you got it..
Link Posted: 5/4/2002 10:54:23 PM EDT
Wow, Stanley has giant brass/titanium alloy cahones.  Not sure if the armed part is a good idea, but it sure sounds interesting.
Link Posted: 5/4/2002 11:58:41 PM EDT
If this does happen, there will no doubtedly be agent provocateurs in the crowd most likely from SPLC/ADL. Right, Mark?
Link Posted: 5/5/2002 3:51:48 AM EDT

you asked for it you got it..
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I was thinking of Chicago, but this is better yet.

Anyone in the state of Washingon organizing a charter bus, let me know. I'm unemployed right now, but can definitely come up with money to pitch in for a bus.

I'm wondering about passing through states that may not allow us to transport firearms without "going to an organized shooting event, etc." Hmm... I sure would hate breaking laws, to go to an event to break laws ;)

Also, is there a plan to meet up in Virginia or somewhere first? There seems to be some merit to having small groups broken up before they organize, but if the group organized first, then went into D.C., it may work better.
Link Posted: 5/5/2002 6:14:34 AM EDT

you asked for it you got it..
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I was thinking of Chicago, but this is better yet.

Anyone in the state of Washingon organizing a charter bus, let me know. I'm unemployed right now, but can definitely come up with money to pitch in for a bus.

I'm wondering about passing through states that may not allow us to transport firearms without "going to an organized shooting event, etc." Hmm... I sure would hate breaking laws, to go to an event to break laws ;)

Also, is there a plan to meet up in Virginia or somewhere first? There seems to be some merit to having small groups broken up before they organize, but if the group organized first, then went into D.C., it may work better.
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If this happens it will be an organized shooting event. Like Imbroglio says, there will probably be a few ATF (or some other anti-gun group) in the crowd who will pop off a few shots to get the ball rolling. Then gun owners will become terrorists under the "patriot" act and we can all be disappeared.

Link Posted: 5/5/2002 6:56:39 AM EDT

If this happens it will be an organized shooting event. Like Imbroglio says, there will probably be a few ATF (or some other anti-gun group) in the crowd who will pop off a few shots to get the ball rolling. Then gun owners will become terrorists under the "patriot" act and we can all be disappeared.

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Maybe then the armchair politicians would see the real threat to our rights and do something...          nah, they are too comfortable.
Link Posted: 5/5/2002 7:26:06 AM EDT
That's a hell of an idea. How would you stop 1 million gun-wielding protesters? Could you even find one million people who have the stones to strap on some steel and march on the capitol?

I think the unarmed march sounds like a better idea. Not quite the impact of the armed march, but I bet you will get 20 times as many protestors, and they will be less likely to be written off as nutcases.
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I have Two words U.S. ARMY! it has happend before.
Link Posted: 5/5/2002 3:41:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2002 4:54:26 PM EDT
I'll go. I, personally, would rather die than lose my freedom. Lets go july 4 2003 that way I have time to save. I've been talking about this for a while too. It's just about time to let them know what their role is.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 12:33:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 3:04:53 PM EDT
I signed up last month and will take few days to drive up. This march will only happen if there are one million votes by the 4th of July this year.
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 10:33:22 PM EDT
I have given a lot of thought, to how to convince the powers that be, that we the people will no longer put up with their unconstitutional laws and their constant attack on the Second Amendment, and I believe that an armed rally just may be the answer but not an armed rally in Washington DC.

There are major problems with the implementation of this March, namely where the march will be held. I feel that especially after 9/11 there is no way that the Government will permit any armed people to enter DC and have an armed rally. Since they will know the day the March will be held, they could even shut down the entire DC area and not permit anyone to enter. So I believe that it is for all practical purposes impossible to actually have a successful march on Washington, they will simply not permit it to happen and they have the regular Army and every resource of the government to make sure it will never happen.

Now there is a way to get our point across to the people who wish to take our rights from us, all that is necessary is to change the Armed March from DC to the Capitals of the individual states. By the way most if not all of the Congressmen and Senators will be in their home districts on the 4th of July. Think of it this way, it will be a lot easier to find a Million Patriotic Citizens to march on their State Capitals then to march on Washington and it just may wake up the rest of the people of each State. And we do not have to just march on the State Capitals, with enough people involved there could be armed rallies in front of every County Court House. If we demonstrate not in just one location but in many locations at the same time it will not only show our Federal Legislators our resolve but it will also show our state and local Legislators that we have the will to resist their unconstitutional Laws, Rules, and Regulations and this will be proven to them by our acts of Civil Disobedience and our open violation of these Illegal Laws. Lets put the fear of the people into these power hungry despots, and let them know that we still have the the spirit of resistance and we are willing to nourish the Tree of Liberty with our blood and their blood.

“And what country can preserve it’s liberties, if it’s rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms ... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” So let these armed rallies serve as a warning to those who would take away our basic God given Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and demonstrate to them that we still have that Spirit of Resistance that made and will keep our Great Nation Free.
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 10:34:23 PM EDT
If these State rallies actually happen I will be standing there with my rifle and ammo and full battle gear and I will be proudly carrying and flying the Bedford Flag the flag that was carried at the Battle of Concord April 19, 1775 by the Bedford Militia.

But I will not march on Washington. The purpose of this march is to serve as a warning to the ememies of freedom and hopefully avoid war, not to precipitate war.

My family fought in the First American Revolution and I will continue the tradition of Patriotism by openly standing up for my rights and supporting the Constitution and even fighting in the Second American Revolution if that is ever to become necessary.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die) The motto on the Bedford Flag, the flag that was carried by the Bedford Militia at the Battle of Concord, April 19, 1775
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 11:12:25 PM EDT
Sniper, good point with the state march...The whole million this, million that march is kinda old..The turnout would be bigger(at a state-wide march) and people everywhere could see first hand all of the loyal gun owners out there willing to stand up for our rights. This would idea would have more coverage and again impact more people.
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 11:31:15 PM EDT
I have no problem with the million gun march as long as it is kept civil, and people don't get all whacked out and take it too far.  There doesn't need to be any hostile confrontations, or anything that would support the opinion that gun owners are lunatics.

What I question is that website [URL]www.armedfemalesofamerica.com/archive.php?aid=374[/URL]

Abolishing the income tax...  hmmm.

I don't like paying taxes more than anyone else, but exactly why is the current income tax unconstitutional?

Right... the federal reserve system.... never mind that we could never have enough gold and silver to cover all of our currency.

Isn't this a little fanatical?

Just a thought.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 8:46:19 PM EDT
I signed on, but there are less than 300 signatures so far according to his website.   Scroll down and look in the middle of the page to see the numbers.  Almost 30 people did sign up since i checked yesterday though.
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 7:37:02 AM EDT
No guns....empty holsters...makes a point and is not illegal
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 5:15:52 PM EDT
If you don't have the Cojones to enter DC...Why not just gather at the Virginia side of DC. Open Carry was legal in Virginia last time I checked. You'd still be highly visible. As for me, if they can get 1 million armed people together, I'd gladly enter DC armed to the teeth. If the ATF, et al. want war...They'll f'in get it.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 1:29:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 8:13:25 PM EDT
Notice how there are so far 4 pages of posts, and most of the ones you read say, " Sounds like a good idea, but probably won't happen." Too many people say that they would stand up for what they beleive, but when it comes to game time, "why play, we'd just lose anyway". If people aren't willing to fight with the chance of losing everything they know, in defense of their rights, then they should just send their guns to the Gov't, or sell them to people who would keep them at all cost.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 8:20:38 PM EDT
houston is a long way from D.C. and D.C. is a dangerous place.  but since i lost my job i may have to attend
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 8:29:19 PM EDT
As far as saying, "Financial backing, and joining the NRA are the only ways to keep our rights", the NRA helped whore out your rights a long time ago. It is the individual citizens responsability and duty as a free American to defend their rights and beleifs at ALL costs. For one person to fight alone is stupid. This is why you must have many like minded people fighting together for the same freedoms.  
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 11:14:43 PM EDT
cc48510,   frpcmanager,

There is a great deal of difference between not having the Family Jewels to do something and committing suicide. I have real big ones but I am not stupid I know the difference between jumping out of an aircraft with a parachute and jumping out of one without a parachute. And there is no way that I am going to attend an armed rally in Washington DC, since that is just plain stupid and moronic.  

Have either of you and any other people who think it is a good idea to March on DC taken the time to read my post on this subject, if not I suggest that you read it and read all of it.

I am not a coward and I will be in the front line of any armed  rally in front of my State House and I will be heavily armed and prepared to go in harms way for what I believe. But anyone who even considers going to that armed rally in DC is seriously in need of some professional help. In my previous post I tried not to be insulting but just the though that some of us who are supposed to be rational people actually believe that this march has a chance of success, is causing me to reconsider my opinion of some of my fellow gun owners.  

The only thing this march would accomplish if as stated you were to get together one million gun owners and assemble in Virginia and then gladly enter DC armed to the teeth would be War, but I guess that is what you want “if the ATF, et al want war ... They’ll f’in get it”. Personally I prefer to fight and die in my own area then DC and have a lot better chance of taking a lot of the enemy with me when I do die.

An armed rally in everyone's own state in front of their state house would send a lot better message to the enemy then attempting a rally in DC.  

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Link Posted: 7/29/2002 2:47:47 PM EDT

An armed rally in everyone's own state in front of their state house would send a lot better message to the enemy then attempting a rally in DC.  

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
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sounds like a compromise..

the time for compromise is over, compromise is what got us where we are today, no more compromises, now its all or nothing. if the patriot movement is going to die in this country, i want it to be in a public and grand scale. no more turning away from the whips with our tails between our legs. LIVE FREE OR DIE. those are yore choices.....

ps. please excuse my draging up an old post.
Link Posted: 7/29/2002 3:31:31 PM EDT
I don't like the state idea that much. In states like Florida and Georgia, there are few state gun laws and almost no chance of passing new ones. Who would bother?

On the other hand, states like California, Illinois(Chicago), and Maryland are in dire need of it.

As for national, we'd have to get a lot of protesters for it to be effective. 300 protesters would probably never make it to DC, but 1 Million would be unstoppable. But can it succeed if most people will only sign up if lots of others are also signed up?

Link Posted: 7/29/2002 3:50:07 PM EDT
I bet if 1 million gun toter's showed up armed
I bet bush will respond! Like arresting you, then ban more guns because he will accuse all of us of trying to take his JOB away!!! but we have to do something because our right's are rittling away. I was hearing on MSNBC other morning about john ashcroft is to soft on gun control, he pointed "AR15" out i heard "AR15" this, too easy to Get an AR15 "AR15". screw those rosie lover's.  
Link Posted: 7/29/2002 5:59:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 3:33:23 PM EDT


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Errr- they DIDN'T have guns- that's kind of the point!

To borrow a phrase: "ain't goin' outlikethat!"
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:48:20 PM EDT
It's time... this seperates the gun-likers from the real men who are willing to stand up, fight, and die for our rights and those of our children and grand-children.

All i have to say is, my name is on that list. Yours should be too. Spread the word, don't be cowards.

[EDITED to add: This'll give them liberals the best excuse to ban those evil guns... "now look, they're 'assaulting' Washington! Of course, shortly before they piss their pants and run away]
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 4:50:03 PM EDT
It's time... this seperates the gun-likers from the real men who are willing to stand up, fight, and die for our rights and those of our children and grand-children.

All i have tosay is, my name is on that list. Yours should be too. Spread the word, don't be cowards.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 8:50:46 PM EDT
I think I will have to be there. As far as going [b]unarmed[/b], how about we [b]MARCH without shoes?[/b]

It is way past time for a us to standup and be recognized. People take people with guns serriosly.

How about a dress code (uniform), No camo, No all black? Khakys with polo shirt would make us look dignified w/ ARs slung across chest.

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Outstanding idea about the dressing like real folks and loosing the cammo/all black, etc.

Maybe even wear a suit.

So whose going to this thing????
I'm going...  if they have it.
I night wear a suit and carry an M1 Garand and ans an original 1911 45.....
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 9:53:09 PM EDT
Ever think this stanley for congress fella, might be a fed.

You know makeing threats is still a crime even if it is a threat to your lawmakers about there job.

But then again i could be wrong[;D]
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 9:56:05 PM EDT
It's time... this seperates the gun-likers from the real men who are willing to stand up, fight, and die for our rights and those of our children and grand-children.

All i have tosay is, my name is on that list. Yours should be too. Spread the word, don't be cowards.
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Don't you mean the real dead gun owners from the ALIVE gun owners.

But again i could be wrong.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 10:01:10 PM EDT
If you don't have the Cojones to enter DC...Why not just gather at the Virginia side of DC. Open Carry was legal in Virginia last time I checked. You'd still be highly visible. As for me, if they can get 1 million armed people together, I'd gladly enter DC armed to the teeth. If the ATF, et al. want war...They'll f'in get it.
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I do believe the FBI has canivore running on this site and other.

Maybe you should look for other means of communcating.

HINT the use of your tin foil and the sun.[}:D]
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 10:06:08 PM EDT
Y'ALL think CNN would cover this event.

note to self= if you go, FUCK the AR15or M16
drop by an armory and rent a deuce and a half with a 50 cal.[:D]
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 10:07:06 PM EDT
OK, i'm done playing.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 10:42:07 PM EDT
If one million armed individuals showed up in DC, it would be a question of when the shooting started, not if. The Panthers would show, the gangs would show, the militias would show. The ladies would show. The Pink Pistols would show, the anarchists, the RANGE COMMANDOS, etc, etc... Counter demonstrations would take place, people would dare the gun owners to shoot them (yes, they are that stupid).

There would not be an elected official within ten miles of DC on such a day, the Secret Service would drag them away kicking and screaming. The military would scatter mines, mine the bridges, dig trenches, and register artillery before we ever got there. We would be stalked by helicopter gunships and armor even as we arrived. They would probably attempt to stop it before it started.

The anarchists would start throwing fireworks into the crowds, shooting at cops and looting everything in sight. The cops would respond with riot control agents and gunfire. As soon as the teargas started to go off, so would the guns. Thousands, or even tens of thousands would be killed in minutes, scores would be settled. DC would burn.

Some of the military and some of the cops would side with the gun owners, so there would be tank and cannon fire to be dealt with. National Guard and Reserve units would become active and who knows what they would do.

Let's not be naive, gentlemen, if one million gun owners march on DC, there would be a new government or a civil war inside of 24 hours.
Link Posted: 10/3/2002 10:58:20 PM EDT
Wouldn't this brand spanking new 'Homeland Defense' organization love to show its value to the nation by gathering a list of gun owners who've signed a statement admitting to conspiracy and intent to commit a felony.

You don't have to actually show up to be arrested.  You've signed a document saying you're going to take a firearm illegally into DC.  It's a confession.

So I'm paranoid [:D].  But it sure would go a long way to weeding out the 'internal terrorist threat'.
Link Posted: 10/5/2002 3:36:05 AM EDT
WTF do you mean ilegally?  If I find that a "certain type" of firearm isn't permitted, I just find one that is?  

Surely you don;t mean that all guns are prohibited from DC?????  Well if they are and everybody laughs at me for not knowing that, I just found out what a FOID is just the other day.

See I'm from South Carolina and Alabama...I bet there isn't 100 people in these 2 states that could tell ya what a preban is.....I've never had anyone check either.

I must admit I did feel a little worried after posting that, but FUCK IT, we need to let em know we mean a litle business.

After second thoughts about being armed, I would say we should probably go it unarmed the first time.  But either way, whatever ya'll want to do, I'm game, butif byubba starts firing shots in the air, and shit we'll be in a world of shit.    

It doesn't really matter though,
There will never be a million of us that aren't too lazy to go.  It wouldn't be easy for me to pick up and spend the $$$$ to go, but this is fuckin important.  We may as well just ask England to accept our nation back as a colony, cause it aint workin...no one wants to be free.

There aren't but 750 on the list now.  How many of those are going to show.

Why the fuck do we suck so bad at geting attention to our cause???

After thinking about it, even being the greatest country I a aware of being in existance, we fuckin suck !(as a whole) Maybe we deserve the Govt we will eventually end up with.  Like I said we can't even get a million people to sigh a petition to Ashcroft asking him to support our rights...

A Repubic if you can keep it......
Don't think we're doing very well at keepin there Ben...

All I can really do right now is drink this cheap-ass beer, which statistically is more evil than any weapon on earth.  (well cept the A-bomb I guess)

After that display of:
the ultra-super-dupper-biggest 223 bullet, surely fired from an EVIL and unfortunately perfectly legal to own( OH WEEE MUST CHANGE THAT), AR15, which is going to be illegal before I can afford to buy one. And even on the "Fair and Balanced" news.....I don't know what the hell to do and surely don't know what the hell to beleive.

Hell I don't even know how true the story about Jihad Johhny at this point, or arabs they got in Buffalo, NY.

Lord I pray for your spirit to come upo us and give us some guidance.

Man I'm depressed......nbe at least I faxed my congressmen today...and gave to the duck hunters.....OH I mean National Rifle Association.

I'm joining the GOA this wekend, can anyone say if they are helping or have had any significant "victories"  Maybe we shoudl recruit for them a little more.

Link Posted: 10/5/2002 7:42:03 AM EDT
Ever think this stanley for congress fella, might be a fed.

You know makeing threats is still a crime even if it is a threat to your lawmakers about there job.

But then again i could be wrong[;D]
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so whats the fucking point of even having guns at all?

what if we get all gun laws repealed and go back to being able to mail order machine guns from the sears catalog?

what then? what good will it do us?

is the second amendment about going to the range and giggling as you spray the berm with machine gun fire, or is it about taking care of a government gone wrong?

would you be happy if all anti-gun laws were repealed by a law that also made the income tax 75% for anyone making over $30,000?

when are things bad enough that we can conclude that the system doesn't work anymore? not yet, but when? what's your line in the sand?
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